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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    I'm just amazed that people don't know how to use or seem to be unwilling to look up easy info on the internet.


    18:30-12:00 = 6:30 pm. Nope, I got it right.

    GMT = 5:30 pm, but I also posted GB time.

    And you're missing my point. I did look it up. I'm not so lazy that I wouldn't do that. Unfortunately the site I looked at didn't list GB separate from GMT so the time I got was out by an hour, luckily not in the wrong direction.

    And again, this would be a moot point if the mods who post these competitions running at specific times would list just the main ones as I mentioned. It's in their interests, after all.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Oh come on. Doing an internet search comes up with more time zone converters than anyone could possibly use.

    What next? Someone asking for Swatch .BEAT time?
    Funnily enough, I did use one of them, and it gave me the wrong time, it was an hour out, possibly due to summertime changes and all that malarky.

    I apologise to you personally if my post offended you in some way, but it would still be nice if the times for different zones could be put in the competition post originally, given that they have players from around the world. I'm not expecting a complete run down of every country, but putting PST, GMT and other relevant time zones will probably be enough for the majority of the forumites. They used to do it, but it's been a little lacking recently.

    After all, if Paragon want us to watch these things, it's in their interests to make it simple for people.
  3. I do wish that the times in different zones would be put in these announcements, I'm assuming that it's due to start 5.30pm UK time? As in about now?
  4. There is so much about all this that's wrong, I can't begin to express it all.

    I feel so conflicted for my feelings. As well as the obvious reaction to the senselessness and sheer cruelty of what this man did to the poor people at the cinema, it's also the impact it's had on so many others as well.

    I saw the film this morning, before I heard about what happened and I loved it, seriously loved it. I was on my way home, thinking about the film and actually working out what to post on these forums about the movie. I was actually excited to discuss another fantastic movie with like minded people.....and then I saw what had happened and felt instant guilt about it.......and then felt angry for being made to feel like that....and then feeling more guilt for feeling angry about feeling that way!

    It's not just the nastiness of what has happened, it's the way it's affected the simple enjoyments of the world and the things we love. Making people feeling guilty for just enjoying doing something normal. And I feel guilty for feeling like that, knowing that real, normal people have suffered FAR worse than I have

    Why do these nutcases have to do things to spoil the world in so many ways
  5. Nice!

    Now all it needs is a reference to Samuraiko Movie Productions
  6. Well, I freaking loved it!

    I see the film and the storyline as a kind of realistic Elseworlds tale, kind of a What If Batman was in the Real World. Makes a lot more sense that way. Also helps understand why this Batman could NEVER work in a Justice League movie.

    Also liked the way the hand off to Nightwing was done. And the Talia switch COMPLETELY caught me off guard, for which I should be feeling shame as a comic book fan, but meh, I like that I can still be caught out like that

    Bane's voice took some getting used to, was the odd line I didn't understand fully, so yeah, not perfect, but I loved the film nonetheless, especialy if you see it as a trilogy.

    Bravo, Mr Nolan, Bravo.

    Then I came home and read about the Colorado shooting. Damn. just.....damn
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    WOW, that's an epic fail right there.

    Different era, sadly. Nobody back then expected shows like this to last. They concentrated more on news and sport, for historical reasons.

    As said, occasionally an episode is found somewhere. TV stations from different countries find one buried in a box on an old reel for instance. Sometimes a fan finds one in a car boot sale!

    In fact a couple were found recently and are being restored. There's full details here on Wikipedia.

    Who knows.....there's always hope

    As for that Blu-Ray set.......daaaaaaayum!!
  8. Oh good gods, no. Why can't they get someone with some actual acting talent??
  9. If we're including the likes of Star Trek, then surely Q?
  10. Coin


    Doesn't hurt his chances for appearing in future sequels as well, if this one does well
  11. Hey Thor......watcha'doin?

    This looks AWESOME!!
  12. This looks like it could be epic in the amount of familiar characters in it we know

    I do like that fact they are looking at the rich history of it all as well, not just looking at the modern day stuff. Looking forward to this very much so!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
    Right. I got what you meant, apparently you missed what I was saying:

    If you want more that one code, make a second (or third or sixth) Twitter account. Retweet once from each.
    We shouldn't need to though. I was never stated that we could only get one code each. And I shouldn't have to jump through hoops creating multiple Twitter accounts for this, there's enough people complaining about using Twitter as it is, why force them to do the same?

    Simple information for this at the start would have been a lot easier.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
    I don't know if you've noticed, but they've been kinda busy today. Give them a little time.

    Speaking of "multiple accounts," have I mentioned to anyone that I have multiple Twitter accounts? My personal one and a purpose-built one for a specific end. There's... there's actually nothing stopping anyone from making as many accounts as they have email addresses. Which are also free and easy to have more than one of.

    Just sayin'.
    I know they're busy, I understand that, but then I would question the wisdom of telling us to PM someone who's about to do a live video broadcast an hour later. Is there no one else in CS who can deal with this?

    And by multiple accoutns, I meant CoH accounts, I know players who ahve 3 or 4 accounts, can they not get them for those? Nowhere was it stated 1 per person. My wife's account is technically my second account.....does she not get one?
  15. Ok WTF????

    Just seen this after doing a retweet to try and get a new code after screwing up the US codes I got earlier on...

    FYI - if you got a code this morning, you won't be getting another right now. It's for the same item!
    I didn't know it was a US code this morning, used it by mistake and my wife's we gave to a US player before we found we could have changed it. Thought ok, fair enough, messed that up, we'll get another chance.

    Apparently not!

    No worries, we're doing the free advertising for CoH after all, why shouldn't we get the code! Oh noooo, can't have that!!

    I wouldn't mind, I PM'd as told to earlier, STILL not a response several hours later!!

    And what about people with more than one account? They can't get one??

    VERY UNHAPPY about this!!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Look at it this way...

    Now you have an extra code to give to one of your Yank friends .
    yeah, I did that, now I can't get a code for msyelf!! LOL

    Anyway, check your PM's, already sent you one
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Fine print?

    Yes, it means you have to take an extra step. But it is still free.
    I appreciate that, Snow Globe, but if they specify in advance, it would make life a lot easier.

    Or are they only going to send out US one and make the EU players jump through the hoops to get it changed? A lot of EU players already feel like we get worse treatment already (Not me, I hasten to add), this won't make things any better
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post

    If you get a code and are in the EU, send Zwillinger or Hit Streak a PM on the forums so we can verify & replace. These codes are NA only.
    Awwww crap!!

    My code was used by accident on an old US account I had, didn't realise until too late. I don't use that accoutn at all now, haven't in about 5 years, so that one is wasted.

    My wife got hers, also US, passed it on to a US player to use ad is probably redeemed now.

    Guess that means we lose out then.

    Next time, can whoever sends these tweets out, PLEASE make sure they specify what region it's for?!!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Have you thought about private messaging Hit Streak with the code you got and have it exchanged for a Euro code?
    It's not so much that I got a US code as I know it can be used, it's more that they didn't specifically state at any point it was for US accounts only. If they had, I wouldn't have wasted time retweeting it, or their time in sending me the wrong code. Gods only know they are going to be hectic enough with this

    A simple tweet before hand would have been enough, really.
  20. Welp, just as I my code......and it's a US one. So no use to me whatsoever.

    Might have been a good idea to let people know which region code we are looking at getting first??

    Why do we still have separate codes for things??
  21. The succesful run I was on that Kisana did was all on the ground. If I remember rightly, one of the rules was to stay on the ground.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Krelhar View Post
    I grudgingly have a Facebook account. I rarely log on, though I did for the /facepalm emote. I draw the line at Twitter. To put it simple, I refuse to acquire a Twitter accout.

    Your Twitter Thursday is unfortunate as I -love- collecting costume pieces, but even the lure of costume pieces cannot tempt me into a Twitter account. There aren't words with a deep enough meaning to convey my dislike for Twitter.

    Consider this my plug to have the items available via another means.
    You don't need a Twitter account. Just got to their page here and keep refreshing it!
  23. Snow Globe, I'm not going to debate the pro's and con's of this with you as you obviously feel WAY more passionate about it than I do.

    I was simply trying to point out that not EVERY single player hates this system and that's it's NOT completely unfair either. I like it, I'll give it a go, and if I don't get it, meh, I'll live, it's not the end of the world to me.
  24. Wow, so many negatives!

    Well, over the past year or two, since they started doing this on FB and Twitter I've managed to get at least 3 codes, so it's not completely impossible, you just need a bit of luck, and a 1 in 5000 chance is a hell of a lot better than things like the Lottery, and people pay money for that!!

    My only problem with it, get rid of the stupid US/EU codes and make them one, I hate seeing a code up and knowing I can't use it if I get it!