97 -
Just added this patch note to PvP section:
Being defeated in a PvP zone will carry debt if any of the damage to you was caused by NPCs. The amount of debt is directly proportional to the amount of damage you took from NPCs vs. how much was done by opposing Player Characters. The more damage dealt to you by NPCs means more debt when you are defeated.
* This means that you can no longer escape debt by being defeated by a PC after taking massive damage from NPCs, nor will you be penalized with a massive amount of debt if you are defeated by an NPC after taking a huge amount of damage from a PC.
[/ QUOTE ]
wow....not like there were a bunch of folks running to pvp zones as is. I know for one, that I won't be going back.
Bad idea. -
Tried em out today.
I like em. Only mm set that I would activly take my attacks with (and now with bodyguard, will concider respec'n my other ones).
Thugs are SLOW. Sprint will outrun them. Kinda odd for young punks.
Found Poison works just think Drugs. -
Tried the settings, with fast writes off- was locking up at least once every game session.
With fast writes on-would pause sometimes, but no locks. -
Nothing like the taste of bonemeal and earwig honey. -
uh oh
Noticed the patch notes today...
Touch objectives in Holiday missions will no longer give a Prestige reward to characters in Supergroup mode.
no more easy prestige...
Glad I got some while I could... -
I'm just sick enough to give this a try.
<<written in purple cayon, cause it's more offical that way>>
mE aM dA CockAroach. mE am 4feets tALl and me Lik3s chIcken and Smashing Tings. m3 hAng'5 out on Guardian server and lik3s to meat n3w P30pl3s. IF you Not Squishie and LIk3s youR bUg's BIg send Tell to @Cockaroach. -
Sorry havn't had time to write more about Gorgona.
Gotta admit, hadn't checked on this in about 5 months and was just looking over my old posts, gotta say, thanks for the feedback!
Unfortunatly Gorgana has left for greener pastures, I will keep writting more, but this was kind of a bit too dark for me, was taking me to uncomfortable places and didnt' like what I was seeing.
Hopefuly more will be coming soon. -
Name: The Cockaroach aka Roach
Origin: Who thought that a simple Periplaneta Americana could be such trouble?
A simple American Cockroach, after feeding on potions and materials in the Circle of Thorns secret lairs in Kings Row wanders into the Circle of Power left over from a nights incantation. The raw power left over for that twisting of the forces of nature and physics changes the humble creature into something that has never existed before. Hundereds of times bigger, faster and with inteligence aproaching that of a small dog, the being that calls himself CockAroach now fights for the forces of right.
Do not be alarmed when the CockAroach does not call you by your name, he is not trying to be rude, he cannot read. If you do not like your Roach Name just introduce yourself, and hell be sure to call you what ever you like to be called, even if its "Go away you weird little bug man!" -
They realy shouldn't give a 4ft tall roach a box of cayons to play with...
Name: Roach's Supergroup of Other Heroes that Roach Likes and Asks
Membership: Currently about 12-14
Level Range: 6(work on that Roachie) to 33 (gratz! Freedom Rings!!)
Recruiting: Only if Roach (or one of the other Roaches) asks
Playtime: about 7pm central to 11pm central for most members others are on almost any time of day
Happy bunch of guys and gals who Cockaroach has asked to help him with his never-ending quest to smash evil, injustice and get into the chicken place on talos. -
Roach was grieving. Midnight's Skye, his little happy scrapper friend, had to leave Paragon. The sorrow he felt was the deepest pain he had ever felt. Nothing, not even the countless mobs that were currently pounding his hide could do anything to hurt him anymore. He was a broken bug. He no longer wished to hunt the criminals anymore, he wished to extinguish the power that he held, but he couldn't. He wandered back to the place of his creation, a lone rooftop in Kings Row and bellowed to the Heavens.
"WHY? Why.."
He calmed down.
In the urban spawl below another creature heard his bellows. She looked up and wondered what could be making such terriable noise this late? She walked her way to the rooftop and saw him. Four feet tall, black, covered with armor and scars, he was the most beautiful sight her multifacited eyes had ever seen. She walked over in her pleated skirt and big green pigtails.
"Why you sad?" She asked.
"Go away. Me sad." he said without looking.
"Why? Why you sad?" She pressed.
"Me sad, cause me alone. No one like me. Call me bug. Try to squish. Me no like humans they bad. Even nice human go away and make me sad."
"Me not human. Me not go away." she insisted.
He looked up and saw her. Four feet tall. Black armor. Cute little dress that showed off her very feminine curves. Instant love.
In the insect world there are no politics, no dating, just courtship. Love is a new emotion, that the Roach just got hit with like a ton of bricks. Pure love.
"What your name?" She asked, multifacited eyes looking deeply into his own.
"Cockaroach, but you call me Roach, everyone does."
"He he, my name's Roachie, need a team?" -
What is your favorite color?
CockaRoach- Color...Roach like Orange, Bright shiney Orange, Tasty Orange. Orange feel good. Orange look good. Orange make Roach happy and wrap Roach in loving arms of orangeness. The more Orange the more Roach happy. Orange etc. etc. etc.
ZEROPLASMA- Crikey, I like blue, cause it shows my progress.
(my tank that I'm using to get to lvl 50) -
"Teleport sucks!" The cry goes out in broadcast. Yet again a poor 'lil new guy has taken the all powerful teleport without knowing how it works. This is for you.
/bind lshift+lclick powexec_name teleport
Want to send a tell to the person your recalling?
/bind numpad1 "tell $target, Hey you! I'm porting you too me!$$powexec_name recall friend"
Want to tell your team that your teleporting that minion right in the middle of the tea party?
/bind numpad2 "team Hey guys $target wants a crumpet$$powexec_name teleport foe"
Want to say somthing catchy and strange when you port?
/bind lshift+lclick "local Zonk!!$$powexec_name teleport"
Personaly I like teleport, it's fast and with the right binds it's easy. Sure fly is safe and slow, SJ is fast but can draw agro, and SS is good but limited (and from all the hasten cult members almost on everyone I see now) but teleport is FUN. Just land before you start talking please. -
Sharp, biting pain. Screams in the dark, heavy breath and powerful hands pawing at my bruised body. The Trolls were not kind with their female prisoners.
They started giving us the dyne so we wouldnt break like the other females had. The time lost all meaning as my body was violated over and over. I retreated into the depths of my own mind to mask my pain; I made lists of the names I heard. Grendel, Atta, Ogre, Caliban, and many others, I heard the names bellowed in the dark and inscribed the names into my mind. They will have their reckoning, in this life, or the next.
Sleep came between the pain and drugs. I awoke, hearing a different kind of scream, a bellow of pain from one of my captors. Shouts of warning and warcries followed, and the sound of weapons fire, and blades cleaving green skin.
A sharp beam of light pierced the blackness of the cavern. I could not see the source just that they were not using the torches that the Trolls fancied.
Heres one of the prisoners! Shouted an unfamilure voice.
Quick, break her bonds and give her a port patch! shouted another new voice.
Heroes. I had heard that their ranks were filling back up after the devistation of the Ritcki war. That they would come down to these caves after us spoke volumes, the city was being made safe again. I passed out and felt the comfort of the Medical Transport Beam take me from hell.
Hmm, no identification? No registration on the records? Odd. How are the blood tests coming? Yes? Yes? Well thats unfortunate. How about the genetic tests? Really? Ok.
Voices in the dark, talking about a dead person. -
Breaking News, Kings Row, Paragon City. Strange lights seen on the rooftops in Kings Row. For several nights now several witnesses have reported seeing odd glowing lights above the building in the Kings Row neighborhood known as the Gish. Local citizens are being warned not to travel alone, as there have also been several disappearances in the same neighborhood. Local police declined comment citing that an ongoing investigation was on the way
The summoning was almost done. A vessel for the power was chosen and the words of power were spoken. All that was needed now was time. Time, the one thing that all magic needs. The power flowed into the vessel and the ley lines were almost at their peak. The loss of ones soul cannot be rushed. For haste makes waste, and a soul is far too precious to waste.
The local group of hooded wizards circled a lone female subject. She was suspended in air by powers that glowed green and menacing. The heros information was right. The Circle of Thorns was once again kidnapping the local citizens and using them in their weird arcane rituals. The hero checked his scanner, only 4 targets, should be easy, the threat indicator is registering them only as threat level 5. The hero was cleared for level 14 threats so he took aim on the lead wizard
Moments away. Just moments. The vessel was almost ready to take the power of the Behemoth. Soon the unstoppable would walk in the Row of Kings all that was needed was the vessel to accept the power being installed in it, all that was needed was a bit more time, but that time would never come.
The hero sprung, firing round after round of iron bullets into the vulnerable mages. They attempted to flee, they attempted to fight back, but neither quickness of foot nor spell were enough to stop the flow of poisonous iron from entering their bodies. All four of the wizards were fell within seconds. The hero picked up the focus of the nights activity and rushed her to the local hospital. Unseen by the hero, and unnoticed by the wizards, a hitchhiker, a simple American Cockroach was on that rooftop.
A simpler creature would be hard to find in this world. This particular roach was living in the caves in Galaxy City, where this group of wizards had their lair. Its life was longer then most, due to the things it ate, spell ingredients, mystic tomes, and weird potions. It was resting in the dark robes of one of the wizards, when they decided to make their move into Kings Row and escaped the robes during the ceremony. The center of the circle was pulsing with energy, not that the roach could see it, but it sensed it. It wandered into the middle of the now uncontrolled mystical forces and was transformed.
Food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, wait, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, wait, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, wait, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, huh?
Surging power, arcane spells, and the catalyst. The infusion of power took the roach by surprise, his exoskeleton ripped open with surges of power and twisting muscles. Spouting from ½ inch tall to 4 feet, was painful. Feeling his brain increase in size a thousand time over was also a feeling that he did not want to repeat. The very fact that he could now think was totally alien to him. Naked and alone on the rooftop of the building, he looked around. It was now night, but his vision cut through the darkness likes an arc light. His instincts took over and he did what he knew. He ran. Unfortunately, he did not realize that at his present size and speed how quickly the distances closed. Running at top speed he cleared the edge of the building and keep going. Falling was not new to him either, a short plummet from a short height, but this was 9 stories up, and he weighed quiet a bit more. The impact shook him. He pause and looked up, realizing that the fall should have killed him, but he was fine. He then hid in an alley and took a moment to look himself over in a nearby puddle. He was still very insect like, the eyes, the hood, no mistaking him for anything else, but he was something else. Looking down at his body, he noticed that he now only had 4 appendages instead of his usual six. His antenna had shrunk to be tiny nubs, almost unnoticeable on his head. He was larger then any other roach he had ever seen.
Breaking News. Kings Row, Paragon City. People have started reporting the appearance of what they are calling a Roach-man. He just rushed up and helped me! A bunch of Skulls were trying to take my purse and this little black blur came up and stomped them flat, before I could thank him he ran off. Says Carla Jenkins of the Gish. Police are looking into leads but not sure what to make of the new arrival.
If hes a hero, great, this city can always use more, but from what Ive heard hes not carrying an I.D. Even with the best intentions we cant have vigilantes stalking unregulated in the streets
Paragon City officials were unavailable for comment on wither or not the Roach-man was a registered hero or not
Looking for something little girl? the Skull was not worried. His buddies at his back, the gun tucked into his belt and the lead pipe in his hand gave him a false sense of confidence only boosted by the Superdyne flowing in his veins. He looked at the short female and knew the odds were with him, and his six fellow gang-bangers. She wasnt carrying anything that looked like a weapon, and even though her manner of dress said hero, he was sure that him and his buddies could take care of one little hero who wondered this deep into Skulls territories.
I dont want to hurt you. She said, the words falling on deaf ears.
Yea, but we dont feel the same sweatheart. The Skull raised the pipe, ready to reign down punishment on the little heroes head.
ROACH SMASH DEADFACE!! came a cry from above. As all six Skulls looked up, the little female hero flexed her arms down and six razor sharp claws slid from their housings. Like a coiled spring she struck and in a flurry of torn flesh and leather, the nearest Skull went down, She then turned to the remaining thugs to see them all occupied by the newcomer. He was about half their height, and the thugs were pounding away at him without mercy. He was standing there taking all the punishment that they could dish out, and now it was his turn. The first punch made the thug double over. Couldnt tell if it was the punch alone or the Skulls jaw hitting the pavement that knocked him out, but he was done. The next Skull pulled a baseball bat out and broke it over the small black hood that the Roach was wearing. Roach turned, grabbed the thug and threw him down the block, didnt know if he was aiming or if it was luck, but the thug landed right inside a dumpster. The fourth Skull leveled his shotgun, took aim and fired. The blast knocked the Roach flat on his back. For a moment, she thought he was dead. Few people could survive a point-blank shotgun blast. Then the Roach jumped to his feet, brushed some dirt off looked right at the Skull with the shotgun and bellowed while thumping his chest ROACH SMASH!! -
Midnight's Skye is my wife's character; yea she's going to be figuring in quite a bit in The Cockaroach's future...
Breaking News, Kings Row, Paragon City. Strange lights seen on the rooftops in Kings Row. For several nights now several witnesses have reported seeing odd glowing lights above the building in the Kings Row neighborhood known as the Gish. Local citizens are being warned not to travel alone, as there have also been several disappearances in the same neighborhood. Local police declined comment citing that an ongoing investigation was on the way
The summoning was almost done. A vessel for the power was chosen and the words of power were spoken. All that was needed now was time. Time, the one thing that all magic needs. The power flowed into the vessel and the ley lines were almost at their peak. The loss of ones soul cannot be rushed. For haste makes waste, and a soul is far too precious to waste.
The local group of hooded wizards circled a lone female subject. She was suspended in air by powers that glowed green and menacing. The heros information was right. The Circle of Thorns was once again kidnapping the local citizens and using them in their weird arcane rituals. The hero checked his scanner, only 4 targets, should be easy, the threat indicator is registering them only as threat level 5. The hero was cleared for level 14 threats so he took aim on the lead wizard
Moments away. Just moments. The vessel was almost ready to take the power of the Behemoth. Soon the unstoppable would walk in the Row of Kings all that was needed was the vessel to accept the power being installed in it, all that was needed was a bit more time, but that time would never come.
The hero sprung, firing round after round of iron bullets into the vulnerable mages. They attempted to flee, they attempted to fight back, but neither quickness of foot nor spell were enough to stop the flow of poisonous iron from entering their bodies. All four of the wizards were fell within seconds. The hero picked up the focus of the nights activity and rushed her to the local hospital. Unseen by the hero, and unnoticed by the wizards, a hitchhiker, a simple American Cockroach was on that rooftop.
A simpler creature would be hard to find in this world. This particular roach was living in the caves in Galaxy City, where this group of wizards had their lair. Its life was longer then most, due to the things it ate, spell ingredients, mystic tomes, and weird potions. It was resting in the dark robes of one of the wizards, when they decided to make their move into Kings Row and escaped the robes during the ceremony. The center of the circle was pulsing with energy, not that the roach could see it, but it sensed it. It wandered into the middle of the now uncontrolled mystical forces and was transformed.
Food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, wait, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, wait, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, wait, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, food, huh?
Surging power, arcane spells, and the catalyst. The infusion of power took the roach by surprise, his exoskeleton ripped open with surges of power and twisting muscles. Spouting from ½ inch tall to 4 feet, was painful. Feeling his brain increase in size a thousand time over was also a feeling that he did not want to repeat. The very fact that he could now think was totally alien to him. Naked and alone on the rooftop of the building, he looked around. It was now night, but his vision cut through the darkness likes an arc light. His instincts took over and he did what he knew. He ran. Unfortunately, he did not realize that at his present size and speed how quickly the distances closed. Running at top speed he cleared the edge of the building and keep going. Falling was not new to him either, a short plummet from a short height, but this was 9 stories up, and he weighed quiet a bit more. The impact shook him. He pause and looked up, realizing that the fall should have killed him, but he was fine. He then hid in an alley and took a moment to look himself over in a nearby puddle. He was still very insect like, the eyes, the hood, no mistaking him for anything else, but he was something else. Looking down at his body, he noticed that he now only had 4 appendages instead of his usual six. His antenna had shrunk to be tiny nubs, almost unnoticeable on his head. He was larger then any other roach he had ever seen.
Breaking News. Kings Row, Paragon City. People have started reporting the appearance of what they are calling a Roach-man. He just rushed up and helped me! A bunch of Skulls were trying to take my purse and this little black blur came up and stomped them flat, before I could thank him he ran off. Says Carla Jenkins of the Gish. Police are looking into leads but not sure what to make of the new arrival.
Looking for something little girl? the Skull was not worried. His buddies at his back, the gun tucked into his belt and the lead pipe in his hand gave him a false sense of confidence only boosted by the Superdyne flowing in his veins. He looked at the short female and knew the odds were with him, and his six fellow gang-bangers. She wasnt carrying anything that looked like a weapon, and even though her manner of dress said hero, he was sure that him and his buddies could take care of one little hero who wondered this deep into Skulls territories.
I dont want to hurt you. She said, the words falling on deaf ears.
Yea, but we dont feel the same sweatheart. The Skull raised the pipe, ready to reign down punishment on the little heroes head.
ROACH SMASH DEADFACE!! came a cry from above. As all six Skulls looked up, the little female hero flexed her arms down and six razor sharp claws slid from their housings. Like a coiled spring she struck and in a flurry of torn flesh and leather, the nearest Skull went down, She then turned to the remaining thugs to see them all occupied by the newcomer. He was about half their height, and the thugs were pounding away at him without mercy. He was standing there taking all the punishment that they could dish out, and now it was his turn. The first punch made the thug double over. Couldnt tell if it was the punch alone or the Skulls jaw hitting the pavement that knocked him out, but he was done. The next Skull pulled a baseball bat out and broke it over the small black hood that the Roach was wearing. Roach turned, grabbed the thug and threw him down the block, didnt know if he was aiming or if it was luck, but the thug landed right inside a dumpster. The fourth Skull leveled his shotgun, took aim and fired. The blast knocked the Roach flat on his back. For a moment, she thought he was dead. Few people could survive a point-blank shotgun blast. Then the Roach jumped to his feet, brushed some dirt off looked right at the Skull with the shotgun and bellowed while thumping his chest ROACH SMASH!! -
"Accualy" The "I will call him George" is a reference from "Of Mice and Men" by Steinbeck. The Bugs Bunny cartoon referenced that.
Roach went trick or treating with Midnight's Skye. Dark out. Real dark. Roach wanted to ring doorbell, but Midnight's Skye did not let him. Midnight's Skye got candy. Roach hold out bag. Roach got rock. Roach picked up rock and rock spoke to Roach. Roach named rock Rocky the Rocky Rock and will hold and love forever and ever. Thank you BrownArmorSuitedMan.
It used to be so easy. Loved the job, loved the kids, loved my staff. Number one show for our time bracket. All the kids who couldnt watch from the audience tuned into The Zonkerific Clown-Around. I was on top of the world. For 27 minutes a day, I could let these kids forget the pain, forget the invasion, forget their troubles and just enjoy being a kid. Wasnt easy. The suits wanted to have the latest corporate toy commercial disguised as childrens programming in our slot. The kids though. The kids wrote in and demanded that Zonko stay on, in our slot! Man that made me feel like I was making a difference. Everything was going great.
Then one day before the show started, we had a visitor.
Oh thats just Zonktastic. I said. Another suit, wanting to make changes. Well lets just see what the Zonk is going on here. I said to my partner Zonka. This guy was different though. I felt a sense of menace and just plain bad vibes coming off this guy like stink off a garbage truck. Bill my manager turned to me and said, This is the guy sir, Zonko the Clown. Hell play ball.
Depends on what your pitching William. Was my reply. He HATES that, being called William, makes him feel like a little kid, so I did it every time I had the chance.
Zonko, this is Don Corleonea, He has a simple little request for us, he wants his nephew to sit in the Zonko Chair.
Whoa, the Chair?!? The Zonko chair is for little crippled kids and orphans of the invasion. It is probably the one time that they will be the center of attention and is able to forget their problems. It was the one thing that made the show special. Once a week we would comb through the piles of letters and chose a special kid to become the Ringmaster of the Clown-Around and they would have a chance to declare the theme for the day, the acts that they wanted to see, and get a savings bond from the sponsors.
Ok, what is wrong with the little dude, Bill? I asked.
Nothing, hes fine.
Ok Where are his parents? I asked knowing the answer.
They are fine too. He just wants to lead the Clown-Around Zonk, so dont goof this up. The Don is willing to fork over a lot of cash for his nephew, and its just this one time.
I was boiling on the inside. The one good thing in my whole life was being corrupted on the inside like a maggot chewing its way out of an apple. Sure the money was good. Some things in life are more important than money. Payola has a way of starting small and soon building up to being the norm. I had to stop this right now. Zonk the consequences. Calling up Zonka, I explained the situation, and what I needed. Sure losing the Clown-Around would be a blow. Corrupting the Clown-Around would be worse.
I called Bill and let him know that I could give him an answer in a week. That to finalize the deal I needed to meet the Don face to face. When you are committed to a task, surprising things can happen in a week. Tapping into the transformer was easy, Zonka, provided excellent diagrams for the power systems. Getting the wires into the dressing room without arousing suspicion was easy too, lot of wires just on the ground in the studio. Rigging the wires to my buzzer was a cinch. Those community college electronics classes finally paid off. So when Bill brought the Don in, and we worked out the deal I was ready. We shook hands to finalize the deal, and the contact points in the buzzer completed the circuit from the high voltage power lines through the cables into and out of the Don. He fried like a piece of bacon, the lights dimmed and I laughed and laughed. As he was cooking I knew I just signed not only my resignation from the Clown-Around, but probably my Death Certificate as well. The Family doesnt take kindly to cooked Dons. -
From what I understand you can select from up to 4 different power pools. I might be wrong on that though. I know for certain that you can have different powers from the power pool I'm just not sure of the cap.
(lights fade up Harris looks over to camera man then points down, camera lowers to show small man(?) in chair with multifacited eyes, hard chitin plates and a large C on his chest.)
Harris: First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to appear on the program.
Roach happy to be on program. Roach thank funny talking man for asking Roach to talk today.
Harris: Could you tell the viewers at home a little bit about how and why you became a hero.
From what Roach remember, Roach was just a Roach. Was happy being Roach. Roach lived in Funny Robed Glowing Eye man place, and ate Funny Robed Glowing Eye Man magic things. Roach had been Eating things like that for years. Suddenly Roach was no longer small. Was huge!! Roaches brain was suddenly aware of what Roach was. Roach was now a Hero. Roach knew that Funny Robed Glowing Eye Men would not like Roach. So Roach ran away.
Harris: What would you say is the greatest reward for being a hero?
Free Food. Roach can walk into any Eating Place and the owners give Roach food so Roach will leave fast.
Harris: Have you ever found there is any drawback to being a hero?
Roach long for the simplier times that Roach had, but is happy to meet new people.
What is going through your mind when you are in a dangerous situation that could lead to civilian casualties? That must be a scary situation.
Roach not understand question. Funny talking man use too many big words.
Harris: How do you feel about people that use their powers for crime like the outcast or the super villains we starting to see around the city?
Roach Will Smash bad men. That What Roach does.
What do you think is going through these criminals minds when they commit these acts?
When Roach find them, Roach's Fist.
How do you feel about the various anti hero and anti mutant groups that believe heroes course more problems then they solve? Given the amount of work heroes do for the city this must be quite upsetting.
Roach remember time when just walking down street, saw Deadface Badmen taking purse from uniformed PolicePerson. If uniformed PolicePerson can't protect themselves from Deadface Badmen, then what hope do regular People have without Heroes like Roach?
and finally, have you ever worked along side the Statesman? What is he like?
Roach never see Statesman. Roach think he tall.
I would like to thank you for coming on the show and on behalf of the citizens of Paragon city thank you for keeping the streets safe
Roach say, If you Badman..and you see Roach...You better run...Cause when Roach catch you...ROACH SMASH!!!