pool powers and yes I should know the answer.




Embarrasing question really.
Can I mix pool powers?
I`ve taken all of mine from the flight pool so far, because i thought that once you pick a pool power you were stuck with that choice. Can I take also from, say health pool or any mix i choose?. I`m embarrased to say I`m level 21 and I completely missed this.
Have i missed out on anything?
Signed truly humble



From what I understand you can select from up to 4 different power pools. I might be wrong on that though. I know for certain that you can have different powers from the power pool I'm just not sure of the cap.



You can take different power pools. You still have to follow the rules of the power pool, such as, you have to have hover or air superiority before you can get flight, you have to have swift or hurdle before you can get health, that sort of thing. But otherwise, you can have up to 4 pools. I have a toon with flight, stamina, and superspeed.




Rise From the Grave!!






You can get yor first pool power at level 6, you can select either of the first 2 powers in the pool you selected.

After that you can choose to take the other power in that pool or the first 2 powers from any other pool with a maximum of 4 different power pools on a character.

At level 14+ you may take the 3rd power in a pool if you have one of the first 2 powers already.

At level 20+ you may select the 4th power in a pool if you have any 2 of the first 3 powers already.



Rise From the Grave!!

[/ QUOTE ]wha........??



Rise From the Grave!!

[/ QUOTE ]wha........??

[/ QUOTE ]
He necroposted. The original question was from August '04.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Yeah, this thing is ancient.