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  1. Chisoku

    New Skirt? huh?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Yup the banded skirt, the very same that Soul wears. :/ I think it happened to all the skirt patterns. Like every pattern got rotated 90 degrees. Here's a screenie of it.

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    Oh god, that is awesome.

    Plain skirts aren't affected by this, are they?
  2. Show me ya moves!

    FALCON... PUNCH!!!

    (Couldn't resist. )
  3. This weeks entry: Voltaic Striker

    Engineered as a super soldier, Voltaic Striker is a well-armed cyborg woman, who also was given power to generate electricity.

    (If I could replace that right arm with a cannon, that would've been sweet. )
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    Whoooah! 1stith entry!

    Kabuki Korematsu, the Mystic Warrior!

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    Hee I was going to do a katana toon too! I even started working on one last night but couldn't get it to look right. I guess I'll try something different now! (And hey, get out of my brain, you! )

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    Muahahahaa... Presicely why I entered early. Didn't want anybody stealing my idea!
  5. Well, while you're judging, I think it'd be best if you started another immediately! The critique is good and great, and seeing what's best is also great and good, but can't we get started on our next designs while that's going on?
  6. Choice two I think is the best. It might not 'match' but it definitely is the most normal looking of the bunch.

    The first one is a bit... Well, bare. Third one looks a bit wonky at the neckline and lower body, Four doesn't really go well with the formal dress, and the last one with fishnet bottoms isn't much of a difference. That 2nd one, however, looks the best out of all of them, as the whole thing fits together as a 'formal' outfit.
  7. I would've participated, buuut... I really had nothing concept-wise for the pallette. vv
  8. Yee haw!

    About that chain; It's supposed to be a sort of substitute for an oxygen tank. Except less bulky. Yeah; a super modern oxygen tank around the neck that LOOKS like chains.
  9. Holy crap, quite a few of those in the 2nd gallery actually made it into the game.
  10. PCorp

    Welp, here's Prince Corpus; Corpus directly translates from Latin into either "collection" or "body", but does sounds similar to Corpse, which would make more sense.

    Anyway, he's a 16th century French Prince. He was a decent guy, but had ties with the wrong kinds of people, and as a result, found himself the victim of a vengeful curse; he would be doomed to never succumb to true death, and would painfully continue to age, grow, and suffer as time took its toll on his form. As he aged, his servants began to pass away and his estate fell into disrepair.

    He had to do something, and with no other choice, turned to necromancy. Studying the art of the dark magic for many days and nights, he eventually learned how to absorb the life force from others around him to rejuvenate his body to an extent. He would use his newfound power to revive servants for him, and eventually drive the very spirits themselves to do his bidding.

    So he lived on in France, and eventually came to be known as Prince Corpus, as his art of necromancy was no secret by now. He was forced to flee his homeland, however, when the French Revolution came by and saw the death of thousands of aristocrats by the Guillotine. Prince Corpus fled to America, and waited in silence... Researching what he needs to perform the ritual to break the curse upon him and bring about his final death.
  11. And here's my entry: Azure Barracuda

    A mutant with a knack for scuba diving, he uses a cross of his sharp claws and swift, water-like movement to combat the enemies!
  12. [ QUOTE ]

    only slightly female >.>...

    Sonic rocks... the only problem is I don't know what his powers would be other than super-speed

    Not SS, no weapons, maybe super-reflexes, definently not fire, nor ice, Probably not gravity, nor anything mind related... He's really only super-speed...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I ended up making her a Spines/SR Scrapper. I mean, she IS a hedgehog after all.

    And no, I do not intend on actually playing the character out.
  13. Chisoku


    My only guess on how to do it really is rapidly tap the forward key, as opposed to holding it down. It doesn't look like walking on your end, but I think it might on other peoples' screens.
  14. I actually have a sort of crusader character myself: Demon's Redemption.

    Out of the ones you supplied, I think I'm leaning toward 1 or 4. 2 and 3 are nice costumes, but I think they'd look just plain silly with an assault rifle.

    However, I think you should really fuse the modern dress with a touch of the traditional crusader spirit. Perhaps wearing a bit of chain armor below his coat? Maybe bearing the Templar cross? It could be anything. Regardless, I'll be back shortly with my personal suggestion for an outfit.

    Welp, here's what I returned: Yep.

    It's got a similar whitish uniform that your 1st costume had (It was originally blue), and of course has small bits of armor thrown in, including some pauldrons, a shirt of mail, and some greaves. Also included a small cross badge, and yes, his face is still covered.
  15. Chisoku

    CoH Calender

    Yay! I semi-demi made it in!
  16. Actually, the 4th one is invisible.

  17. Considering that this creator wasn't really suited for Henshin type heroes, I think Chisoku turned out reasonably well, despite his notable lack of helmet. After about 6 tries at making something that resembled it, I kinda gave up and went with nothin.
  18. Pretty nice. Similar to Heromachine, but definitely more stylized. And less buying stuff.
  19. Chisoku

    CoH Calender

    Hey. Think you could do Chisoku for June, perhaps?

    If you're feeling extra adventurous, you can try drawing him without his helmet on. Though, he has a Different Hairstyle than the one in the above reference shots.