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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rigel_Kent View Post

    P.S. It takes a mag 4 hold to one-shot hold through Acro. Just a few of those out there, and they're usually melee only, Council Galaxy Archon melee hold (some haxxed overpowered version of Gravity Well) for instance.
    Are you sure on this? Did it get changed? Red Tomax is showing mag 2 protection from Acro. City of Data could be outdated or inaccurate on this.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Liquid827 View Post
    Fine if that's not for you. Play the Emp your way. That's why we have options. Most PUGS don't know the difference anyway. Just don't expect to stay on my team long when I invite you for your ALL you Emp abilities and you're not producing results.
    Killing stuff is an empath's ability. If you're playing as a defender, that is.

    I recruit Tanks to be meat shields. I recruit Blasters to kill. Trollers better be holding/debuffing/buffing (they're the smartest players btw) everything. And if I see a man go down on my team while your Emp is attacking, don't cry when you get the boot.
    To quote Yoda, "and that is why you fail." You're playing some other game. Seriously, if a player with my well slotted Fort on them, and active Reg Aura, (and CM if a blaster or def/troller), manages to die, they really had it coming (they do have a whole tray of insps.) A second point, a char dying in this game is really "no biggie". If you are booting players for "letting a man go down", you need to seriously get over your drama addiction.

    Are my standards high? Yes.
    I wouldn't say "high". I would say silly.

    Is this the RIGHT way to play? No...but there is no right or wrong. But if you want that toon can Emp better than yours can. What did you expect with your build?
    And my toon can DEFEND better than yours (in PvE) because I can do 99% of what you do defensively AND throw out not insubstantial team DPS and enemy -rech with my Psi AoEs. Teams go faster when defenders play both powersets they have access to.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Liquid827 View Post
    I happen to have a Pure Emp. It's one of the most sought after Emps on my server.
    ; p
    That's like saying you're the best butt-wiper in the nursing home. (caveat: This is regarding PvE play. In PvP of course, such forsaking of offensive output actually serves a tactical purpose.)
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlackBellatrix View Post
    I am one of the many who feels that teams looking for 'healers' are somewhat ignorant about game mechanics and, especially after level 12, a pure healer is something that is not as useful as most other type of defenders.

    Now, we often hear a lot of anecdotal evidence on these boards about the healers being praised for their selfless act of having one attack, the medicine pool, leadership and Empathy heals to the detriment of their own character's soloability.

    So, my proposal is that a few of us embark on the quest to be pure healers for a bit and track the actualy responses we get and how our play sessions go. Let's play to the best of our ability within the basic healing framework.

    As far as allowable powers, I'm thinking we can all be Emp/Archery or Emp/Psi and we will take ALL of our heals and resurrect powers. We will get medicine. I'm thinking Clear Mind is fine but I'm still undecided on Fortitude, as I think we run the risk of losing our True Healer status. Leadership and Teleport are fair game.

    What say ye? Are you up to the challenge of being a h34l0r?
    If I wanted to uplift the cognitively challenged, I would have become a special ed teacher.
  5. Chazzmatazz


    Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
    Pick up Shiver. It should seriously help.
    Shiver is the bread and the butter of /ice
  6. Chazzmatazz

    Is it wrong?

    Originally Posted by StormyDarkness View Post
    In my experiences with my endurance heavy Dark/Mace tanker, who has the hole of KB,...
    You know you can get a reasonably inexpensive -KB IO to fix that hole right?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Orehrepus View Post
    So, I have made a couplehealers and haven't realy stuck with them because I feel like it's a bit repetitive, but it just donged on me, THATS WHAT HEALERS ARE SUPPOSE TO DO IS JUST HEAL! So I am curious if I play another Defender, what is a fun secondary to use?
    To reiterate: Don't be a healer. A healer is 1/3 of a defender.

    And to answer your question. Each of the secondaries has certain tricks that can synergize with the various primaries. Sonic blast will add the most team damage and has terrific soling tools in Screech and Siren's Song. Rad, Ice, Dark and Archery are excellent AoE sets. Dark is particularly synergistic with acc debuffing or defense based sets.
  8. Chazzmatazz

    Who to IO?

    Originally Posted by North_Woods View Post
    I have yet to completely IO a character and I think its about time I invest my influence into something rather than just let it sit stagnant in my characters wallets. The problem is I can't decide who is going to benefit most from a good IO build.

    I always team, never solo, and I like to run just about anything, from farms, to regular missions, to tfs. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can accomplish on a few different characters with a good IO set? Which build is going to bring the most to the table after IOs?

    The builds I was considering investing in were
    storm/dark/power defender
    fire/elec/elec blaster
    spines/fire scrapper
    I think the scrapper will show the greatest performance improvement from a baseline SO build (or frankenslot IO build) with IO sets. I would hop to the scrapper boards to get some specific build advice, but depending on whether you are looking to use Purple sets it could be pretty pricey (like 2.5-5Bil pricey) for a high-end build. That said, it is the top AoE scrapper build out there.

    The blaster could be enhanced rather dramatically as well, with softcap ranged defense likely achievable, if you work for it. That can allow you to be particularly reckless in big team play, with a vast reduction in the usual consequences such shenanigans bring.

    As for the Stormer, I can't really say. Outside of IO'ing with QoL IOs like the -KB, +toHit, and +rec procs, I think you're less likely to make a quantum leap. A high-recharge build could facilitate more frequent LS and Tornados and make TT and NF basically a seamless AoE chain. That would be pretty fun, of course.

    But my choice would be the scrapper.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beelzy View Post
    Finally, there is the problem that people need to know how to play with you rather than the other way around. I have teamed with ill/storms, and because I know what they are doing, I can handle it, but I've met a lot of players who just don't get it.
    There's nothing special about Ill/Storm that makes it the team centerpiece, requiring team adaptivity instead of the other way around.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lunar_Darkness View Post
    I 3-slot all my rezzes eventually and recommend it to everybody (not right away; I'd suggest to the OP not taking resurrection at 6 and definitely not slotting it at 7 since those early slots are important elsewhere and TOs won't help the recharge much at all).

    If a team starts having trouble (needing you to use the rez once), it's probably going to be rough going (needing you to use the rez again in short order). And even a powerful team can be surprisingly brittle if just one or two key members go down.
    FWIW, I don't find this to be the case at all. I find that by keeping the team well-buffed (Fort on 4ish teammates and regen aura and AB active whenever recharged) they tend to be quite resilliant to the loss of one or two overambitious teammates. I find the slots much more needed for things that keep the team upright (or the baddies at diminished effectiveness). More than one slot for rez tends to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Also most folks have wakies. This and the insp-combining ability makes taking rez at all justifiably optional.
  11. Adding my voice to the "Add recharge to Fort" choir (in addition to the defense). Fort is your single best team-protecting power and is the cornerstone of the Empathy set and deserves to be cast at maximum frequency. It should be kept on a minimum of 3 characters at all times. Those three slots could come from Recovery aura, which gets no tangible benefit from the end mods you've slotted in them.
  12. Something to look into as a small tweak for WP surviveability is the Dark Watcher's Despair -rech proc in Rise to the Challenge. While the effect is subtle, it does have a tendency to smooth out damage coming in, especially after diving into the center of a large group. The periodic proc-ing takes damage and spreads it out (as well as reducing the actual amount of damage coming in). This smoothing out effect allows for greater player reactivity (and thus survivability, via insps or the Tier 9.
  13. 50s(and active)

    Rad/Son (37)
    Emp/Son (18)
    Kin/Dark (33)
    Dark/Ice (18)

    Deleted or shelved indefinitely-
    Emp/Psi (11)
    Rad/Elec (36)
    Kin/Elec (28)
    TA/Son (17)
    Cold/Son (11)
    Storm/Rad (25)
    Storm/Dark (11)
    FF/Dark (15)
  14. Chazzmatazz

    New To Game

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hello, I am new to City Of Heroes/Villans & need some info please, I tend to favor the PVP aspect of MMO's & was wondering if there is a specific server that is better for PVP?

    Also I would like to know a really good build for a blaster to maxamize damage, so I can kill as fast as I can.

    Any Info or other tips anybody could share would be greatly appreciated, thanks so much

    [/ QUOTE ]
    If you have a PvP focus, you picked the wrong game.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    I have an AR/Ice which I find alot of fun.

    Ice Patch lets me get more use out of Ignite. I use no melee attacks whatsoever so I use buckshot as my close range/melee attack.

    Ice has good amount of skippable stuffs, which will let you supplement your toon with power pools.

    with Chilblain, Build Up, Ice Patch, Shiver....your ice package can be most complete.

    [/ QUOTE ]AR/Ice is a powerhouse of AoE damage and debuffing and includes Build-Up. This last factor is not to be trivialized, as it often is by /dev players, who like to pretend damage from Trip Mine and Auto Cannon offset the lack of Build-up, but I tell you, in teams particularly, it doesn't.

    The main reason (some) people think of AR as underpowered is because they are used to watching AR/Devs on their teams. Full Auto, Flamethrower, M30 with Build-Up is about 50% more powerful than without it (assuming 100%ish damage slotting).

    Build-Up again comes in handy if you plan on taking the Munitions APP, where it boosts the effectiveness of LRM terrifically and allows it to be slotted with only dam/recharge (4 slots to hit ED caps in dam and rech) without fear of accuracy issues.

    The power and utility of Ice Patch and Shiver are also tremendous tools for an xx/Ice blaster.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm guessing you're new here.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    well probably:
    Reged: 07/15/09
    Posts: 17

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Good guess huh?
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    What I mean is that Defenders with debuffing powers benefit from their entire power set. That is, the debuffs are beneficial to the team, but ALSO to the solo Defender.

    Buffs, such as Force Fields, are no use to the Defender, only his team. I'm trying to come up with a proposal that will allow him to buff himself (whether it be bubbles, Clear Mind, O2, or what have you).

    [/ QUOTE ]It was already explained to you why that is a terrible idea in the other thread.
  18. I'm gonna throw in the end of Serenity, when River seals herself in the room with the invading Reavers.
  19. Chazzmatazz

    Cyborg or Magic?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Cyborg Pack

    Magic Pack

    Both are equally "effective; they just add cool costume parts and a flavor power. It's a matter of taste which you get.

    [/ QUOTE ]I think people really underestimate how potent many of the buffs from Mystic Fortune are. A good fortune can casually bump a decent scrapper to awesome levels. And the buff lasts 20 minutes! The "negative" fortunes are not particularly negative either.
  20. [ QUOTE ]

    34% Ac DeBuff is no laughing matter in TT.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Where is that # coming from? TT has base 9.375% ToHit Debuff, which enhances to about 14.8% ED cap. That's not shabby at all and Nightfall stacks easily with it, which seriously neuters the baddies.
  21. That's an auto-hit aura. I don't think the Envoy is on your "easy to solo AV" list.
  22. [ QUOTE ]

    The power that's shared with Blasters is Shiver. Our version is superior. It sinks Recharge and Slows enemies. The game describes it as a cone, but at 180 degrees it might almost be called "everything you can see." Slotting range in this power makes the AoE so huge that its uncontrollable, so be careful about overshooting. The way the math works out for -Recharge, Shiver + Arctic Air on a +4 enemy is exactly enough to maximize -Recharge instantly at a x4 reduction in recharge rate (e.g. a power that normally recharges in 5 seconds recharges in 20). The Controller power most closely related to Shiver is Earth/Quicksand in that both are AoE slows with sidebar debuffs that can't be enhanced and have no additional effects.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Quick note Tex. The blaster version of Shiver has a substantial advantage over the troller ver.. A 12 second recharge base (vs 30s for trollers). Yes, the slow scalars favor the troller on the first application (81.25% vs 65%), but the blaster (who is clearly forgoing some AoE damage by taking on the debuffer sidejob) can stack it rapidly, crushing even a boss-heavy spawn's danger factor.

    Not saying that Shiver is anything less than terrific for trollers. It's a vital tool, but for /Ice blasters, Shiver is the bread AND the butter.
  23. Was this supposed to be pushed live with I15. I can't seem to be able to buy it yet.