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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    See Announcements forum.

    Thanks Aggelakis
  2. I can't login this morning to Union, I've tried my both accounts. I would of liked some playtime before work.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Because we know that this is hitting mid EU Downtime, we're inviting everyone to hop on the VIP Beta (which is still online) and join us in Pocket D for some Costume Codes.

    And hey, while you're there maybe we can run some Sewer Trials or Underground .

    Thanks for your patience all, and we do sincerely apologize for this midday/midevening interruption.

    Thats not much help if you've got no characters on the VIP Beta.
  4. Doooooooooooooooooom (tm). No servers are up.

    They are all grey. Eek
  5. But thanks to the GM, "naming no names as I don't want him to get into trouble, you know who are" for his help with the stuck spawn of Sky Raiders in the respect trial yesterday on Union. He left quickly without the opportunity of me to say thank you.

    So this is a big thank you from me, you really rock.
  6. Charming_Rogue_EU

    Hi everybody!

    I don't remember you, but hi anyway.

    I'm one of those strange european types, whos invaded your forums and servers :P
  7. I am finding my first Dom in 63 months really squishy, I am playing on +0 x0 players finding him really dying alot. (I've played a few controllers and they don't die so much)

    Doms are even squisher than stalkers has anyone got any tips. Does this get any better.
    My Dom is a mind\pisonic assault btw.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
    Post the results of these two programs please.

    CoHHelper and Hijackthis

    And what exactly do you mean by warp in and out of sight? That could describe about a dozen different behaviors including some that are working as intended.
    Its usually happens after a enemy has run away, leaving a trailing of light. some thing like a speed of light. (warp trail if you can call it that.)
  9. I have a problem, not sure if its my graphics card\driver, when I am on missions enemys appear to warp in and out sight sometimes, no these aren't Skyraiders).

    My operating system is Windows 7 Premium, 64 Bit.
    My graphics card is a NVIDIA Geoforce GTX 470.

    I recently updated my drivers up to 270.61.
  10. Charming_Rogue_EU

    Server Downtimes

    So Golden Girl are you implying that the UK is the fifthy first state of America.

    If you are, i'd rather you didn't.
  11. Charming_Rogue_EU

    6 hours downtime

    Originally Posted by Ael Rhiana View Post
    Not by me. It's just a game. People get so entitlement and bitter over things like this. Stuff happens, that's life.

    At the rate this is going, NAers probably won't get to play terribly much today either. There are other things to do besides MMO's. Yes, I went there. =P
    Yes its only a game, but most europeans want to be treated equally as the same as people on the NA servers.
  12. Charming_Rogue_EU

    6 hours downtime

    If this happened to NA servers, I bet they would of been kept updated with full apologies and a double xp weekend.

    As most of us are europeans, we get nothing........
  13. Charming_Rogue_EU

    6 hours downtime

    Originally Posted by Bird View Post
    Now very bored and getting drunk on adult apple juice.
    I know this off topic, whats in adult apple juice, I can't find anything on the net, just recipes for fruit punch. :S
  14. Charming_Rogue_EU

    6 hours downtime

    Its now gone 9 pm in the evening, I guess we won't be playing tonight.

    I hope we get a double xp weekend for this.
  15. Charming_Rogue_EU

    What is Alpha?

    Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
    The Alpha Slot is the first " level " of the Incarnate tree which was released with Issue 19 Alpha Strike. You need to have a level 50 and have purchased the Going Rogue expansion and complete a relatively short mission tree in Ouroborous to unlock the slot. Then you need to craft the necessary items to put the enhancement in the Alpha Slot.

    The new TF's Apex and Tin Mage apply a -4 debuff to all characters without their Alpha slotted which would make it a lot more challenging.

    Zombie man has a good guide on Issue 19.
    Thanks for your help. and thanks for the link SinisterDirge.
  16. Charming_Rogue_EU

    What is Alpha?

    Topic and what Task Forces\Srike Forces is it need for? As I wanted to join a Tin Man TF with a level 50, but could't because I did not have Alpha.
  17. Chuck Greene in Dead Rising 2 is a pretty bad parent, he lets his daughter Katey stay with a stranger, Stacey Forstyhe, while he goes to look for other survivors and he also gives his daughter a tiger called Snowflake as a gift.
  18. Charming_Rogue_EU


    I can't find any Irn Bru on this site.
  19. If any of you remember the old compter game called Elite, might want to check this out.
    its a updated verison for the Pc, Mac and Linux.

    Featuring buyable ships, new equipment and mods.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    They've said they're working on updating the Euro one - I think it'll probably be done for GR.
    Really Golden Girl, I don't know how you are so optimistic, when most of have just about given up.
  21. Charming_Rogue_EU


    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    *Super Speed tackle hugs Stasis, throws her to the grass and rolls downhill whilst giggling madly*
    Her? I always thought that Statis was a bloke. :O

    Hi Stasis. Long time no see.

    (The community is great, but marketing and support well thats another story).
  22. Maybe some SG's teleporters are hard to find, because the bases are still set up for Raids

    Which have been discontinued and its too expensive, time consuming to change the base layout.
  23. Charming_Rogue_EU

    Evening all!

    Originally Posted by Kiken View Post
    The advent of animated tails in i17 is likely to increase the population of catgirls in Paragon City.
    Welcome back Coin.

    Btw, I thought that dual pistols had brought out more cat girls.
  24. I would like to the option to remove hastens aura, as it interferes with other powers animations.