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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you found it somewhat useful. Another reason I left out the numbers was that I didn't want to stretch the page out past letter-sized paper.

    But what the heck, here's some new links... (not sure how to change the original post)

    - Link to the letter-sized (8.5"x11") PDF with no numbers
    - Link to the legal-sized (8.5"x14") PDF with numbers
    - Link to the ODS spreadsheet

    Hope that helps you out a bit more..


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Simply Awesome !!

    PDFs scale down nicely.
    I just printed it at 75% and it fit on 8 1/2 by 11 paper.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Please tell me villains are going to get more Strike forces in the level ranges they are missing in issue 10? If not this is more towards giving heroes more content than filling in any gaps villains have. I just hope this is just the first part of the issue 10 goodies.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm sorry, the "Dead-Horse Whine" Forum is thataway...

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    This is not a whine, this is a legit complaint, for villains we will have gaps in alot of level ranges where IOs simply wont be available, how fair is that if they keep things as they are?

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    Sure it's a legitimate complaint. It's just not the appropriate thread to kick that particular dead horse.

    If there were going to be additional villain only strike forces in issue 10 they would have definitely mentioned it.

    Since they have already mentioned that Issues 10&11 were going to be heavily tied to the storyline it is highly doubtfull that villains will receive extra attention.

    Now mind you, I'm not against it, I'm all for new villain TFs, but COH, unlike COV, has zones that were just ghost towns.
    Revamping the Ritki Crash site and then making it available to both sides is just going to please more, and I mean alot more, people than a villain only TF would.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    nice work.

    My feedback is something I just posted earlier today on the paragonwiki forums, which is, why have all the set bonuses listed and not have numbers next to them? If I want to compare what the sets offer and decide which I want to go for, that would be helpful.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree. Thank you for puting in the effort

    Not to look a gift horse in house, but the % numbers would be a huge help.
  4. Safeguards are easier, but really, shouldn't preventing a bank robbery be easier then entering enemy terrritory, evading their forces, and stealing their well guarded resources ?
  5. From what I've gathered researching the forums, the sweetspot for costume piece drops is levels 10-14. The least amount of rewards is availalble during that stretch but all the costume pieces are, so your likelyhood of getting a costume piece is greater. Not fantastically better, but better none the less. So staying in perma debt from 10-14 might be novel, but going to Grandville to die is just overkill/wastefull of time.

    I give the OP credit for taking time to make a video guide, however.
  6. I'm sorry but I just can't fathom why people are complaining that our new auction system will work like an actual auction does.

    It's not designed for you to transfer stuff between your alts.

    If you use it for such, your doing so at your own risk.
  7. Centinull

    Drops II

    Just give the pool B reward to everyone on the team.
    They do it already with badges.

    The 50s can exemp down and get them.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I have a problem.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Try giving him a human form disguise.

    A robot villain woudl have a hard time fitting in a human community. A fleshform disguise would allow him to travel with a minimum amuont of scrutiny.

    Or, he could just decide that since other villains wear capes, etc.. to intimidate the humans that it is only logical that it do so.

    Or, he just upgraded to new parts or repaired battle damage. Armored sections, bigger shoulder pads, different robotic limbs choices, etc...

    One of my bot charecters has the clunky 3 fingered hands and feet with a visored helmet with antenna and such for his first costume, a more evolved terminator endoskeleton for his second slot, and a human form disguise as his third.
  9. They should also be edited into a format easier to read.

    It's pretty obvious this was a cute and paste job.
  10. PaladinAwaken & LotusFloat are no longer valid emotes

    I couldn't get drum, drumlow, dice7, and (not suprisingly) Blank Filler to work either.

    Did you actually try that list or did you just copy and paste from another source ?
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Honestly, I liked your original versions better.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm in agreement.

    The original outfits look like something a woman would actually wear.
  12. I think he was kidding about the SS in under thirty.

    Note the winking emote
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Color Wheel - The triangles are good, but complimentary colors my shiny metal behind. Orange and Blue ? Only if your a Cobra Urban Viper or DeathStroke. Purple and Yellow ? Yeah just like..no wait.....yeah there pretty much isn't anyone in comics running around in purple and yellow.

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    and he looks like a j4ck4$$ doesn't he ?

    Der Wehrmacht
    Guardian Golem
  14. Centinull

    Full IO Sets

    I think IO's will help contribute to hysterical builds.

    I had the pleasure of playing with one particular woman all the way up to 47 before seeing her build. A Fire/Mace weilding tanker with each attack 3 slotted, with 1 each of Acc/Dmg/EndRed, 3 travel powers, and 3 slotted brawl. Although she had palyed the game at least a year, she was unaware that enhancement bonuses stack !!! Personally I can't wait to see what people like that will do with IO's
  15. Centinull

    Drops II

    The solution with the least effort on the devs part that solves the problem for 50s is to just award the Pool B drop to everyone on the team.

    It's already done that way for badges.
  16. Centinull

    Drops II

    I like this idea.

    Although you could help it along if you just left your toon in missions unattended, but it would limit farming to only the extremists
  17. /bind key bind_load_file C:\directory\file.txt

    You should only have to load the first one manually and all the others load while you use them.

    I put all my bind files in c:\binds so I can find them easily and won't have much to type. The Khaiba/Sandalphin binds are fantastic and they make MMing soo much easier. I can't imagine playing a MM without them now that I'm used to them.
  18. Not a dig at the OP, but I thought it was funny and relevant.

    I rolled up a toon on Freedom this week.
    ALL Robot parts
    ALL Gold and Silver
    Ugliest full helmet design I could think of with all the clunky robot parts with a female torso.
    Named her IRON MAIDEN

    Won TWO costume constest in the first 10 minutes of her career for a shiny 2.4 Million Influence.

    I broke EVERY design rule here and deliberately tried to make her ugly and functional looking instead of sleek/trendy/attractive.

    Beauty trully is in the eye of the beholder
  19. Calculating Influence and Infamy values for SHOEs and HOs is a waste of time. By time anyone is high enough level to earn HO's they have more influnce than they know what to do with.

    HO's trade for HO's, and the occasional sexual favor

    Sometimes people just give them away because they can't use.

    I'd laugh at anyone that offered me influence for a HO of a SHOE unless it was in the millions.
  20. Kheldians are not a dominating force in COH, I can't see them doing any harm in COV if they just ported them over.
  21. Centinull

    Drops II

    I take back the VR idea.

    I just occured to me that you just keep rolling new toons and milk them for recipes and delete and repeat.
  22. Centinull

    Drops II

    Now I finally have a reason to put an enhancement in Rest =)
  23. Centinull

    Drops II

    I don't see it as something for nothing.

    The whole intention of Pool B rewards is a reward us for a chunk of time played. What are Vet Rewards if not that ?

    Besides, I assume the rewards at 50 would be nice and the ones at lvl 1 would be pretty cheesy.
  24. Centinull

    Drops II

    I mean toss them to us in addition to earning them the regular way. That way all the level 50s who are crying they cant do the story arcs again would have a nice little assortment of them.