Patrick's List of Emotes
PaladinAwaken & LotusFloat are no longer valid emotes
I couldn't get drum, drumlow, dice7, and (not suprisingly) Blank Filler to work either.
Did you actually try that list or did you just copy and paste from another source ?
..... those all work for me
These two "Patricks' Guide To Emotes" threads fail at life.
These two "Patricks' Guide To Emotes" threads fail at life.
[/ QUOTE ]
Try to actually WRITE something other than copy/paste-ing lists.
(It's a novel concept, I know)
Back after 18 months away!
Dice7 is unlocked by completing the Hess TF in Striga.
Where can one find a better list of emotes then? I'd really like a complete one that lists everything technically possible (because this one is obviously incomplete, right? )
You could try Mantid's animated emotes page:
Mantid's Animated Emote Guide
BEAUTIFUL page!! Thank you Telepath Been looking for an updated emote page of that quality for some time now!!!
Dice7 is unlocked by completing the Hess TF in Striga.
[/ QUOTE ]
/ac get_emotes
works for me.
BEAUTIFUL page!! Thank you Telepath Been looking for an updated emote page of that quality for some time now!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
You're welcome...
And you, Mantid
BEAUTIFUL page!! Thank you Telepath Been looking for an updated emote page of that quality for some time now!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
You're welcome, Redeemer733. (sorry for the delay in the reply, but had to get to bed and then to work).
Anyways, it is a highly-valued piece of work. Which is why I suggested it.
And thank you Mantid for making it!
Edited: for clarity
I just tried 2 of those emotes...never even SEEN them used before...but now they're bound to some of my numpad keys Kudos!
Couldn't get Drum or Drumlow to work.
My Guide to the Hero-side Venomous badge
(622 Badges on my badge-guy)
number of lvl 50's: 24
number in the 40's: 3
"WaveEmoteText", "Wave"
"HiEmoteText", "Hi"
"BigWaveEmoteText", "BigWave"
"OverHereEmoteText", "OverHere"
"SitEmoteText", "Sit"
"WhistleEmoteText", "Whistle"
"AttackEmoteText", "Attack"
"RaiseHandEmoteText", "RaiseHand"
"StopEmoteText", "Stop"
"ThumbsupEmoteText", "Thumbsup"
"DontAttackEmoteText", "DontAttack"
"YesEmoteText", "Yes"
"NoEmoteText", "No"
"CrossArmsEmoteText", "CrossArms"
"AkimboEmoteText", "Akimbo"
"WingsEmoteText", "Wings"
"RockEmoteText", "Rock"
"PaperEmoteText", "Paper"
"ScissorsEmoteText", "Scissors"
"RollDiceEmoteText", "RollDice"
"DiceEmoteText", "Dice"
"FlipCoinEmoteText", "FlipCoin"
"CoinTossEmoteText", "CoinToss"
"CoinEmoteText", "Coin"
"LaughEmoteText", "Laugh"
"FlexEmoteText", "Flex"
"FlexAEmoteText", "FlexA"
"FlexBEmoteText", "FlexB"
"FlexCEmoteText", "FlexC"
"Flex1EmoteText", "Flex1"
"Flex2EmoteText", "Flex2"
"Flex3EmoteText", "Flex3"
"AngryEmoteText", "Angry"
"WhatEmoteText", "What"
"HuhEmoteText", "Huh"
"ShrugEmoteText", "Shrug"
"SaluteEmoteText", "Salute"
"PointEmoteText", "Point"
"LectureEmoteText", "Lecture"
"DisagreeEmoteText", "Disagree"
"ExplainEmoteText", "Explain"
"JumpingJacksEmoteText", "JumpingJacks"
"MartialArtsEmoteText", "MartialArts"
"KataEmoteText", "Kata"
"BeatChestEmoteText", "BeatChest"
"TarzanEmoteText", "Tarzan"
"RoarEmoteText", "Roar"
"BurpEmoteText", "Burp"
"TauntEmoteText", "Taunt"
"TauntAEmoteText", "TauntA"
"TauntBEmoteText", "TauntB"
"Taunt1EmoteText", "Taunt1"
"Taunt2EmoteText", "Taunt2"
"AFKEmoteText", "AFK"
"NewspaperEmoteText", "Newspaper"
"LotusEmoteText", "Lotus"
"YogaEmoteText", "Yoga"
"PraiseEmoteText", "Praise"
"CheerEmoteText", "Cheer"
"RootingEmoteText", "Rooting"
"WaveFistEmoteText", "WaveFist"
"ClapEmoteText", "Clap"
"ThanksEmoteText", "Thanks"
"ThankYouEmoteText", "ThankYou"
"BowEmoteText", "Bow"
"SorryEmoteText", "Sorry"
"KneelEmoteText", "Kneel"
"MilitarySaluteEmoteText", "MilitarySalute"
"AtEaseEmoteText", "AtEase"
"NodEmoteText", "Nod"
"WelcomeEmoteText", "Welcome"
"FancyBowEmoteText", "FancyBow"
"ElegantBowEmoteText", "ElegantBow"
"VictoryEmoteText", "Victory"
"ChampionEmoteText", "Champion"
"WinnerEmoteText", "Winner"
"TheWaveEmoteText", "TheWave"
"FrustratedEmoteText", "Frustrated"
"DratEmoteText", "Drat"
"GriefEmoteText", "Grief"
"YoureWelcomeEmoteText", "YoureWelcome"
"ShucksEmoteText", "Shucks"
"Score1EmoteText", "Score1"
"Score2EmoteText", "Score2"
"Score3EmoteText", "Score3"
"Score4EmoteText", "Score4"
"Score5EmoteText", "Score5"
"Score6EmoteText", "Score6"
"Score7EmoteText", "Score7"
"Score8EmoteText", "Score8"
"Score9EmoteText", "Score9"
"Score10EmoteText", "Score10"
"DropBoomboxEmoteText", "DropBoombox"
"BoomboxEmoteText", "Boombox"
"BBEmoteText", "BB"
"DanceEmoteText", "Dance"
"BBDanceEmoteText", "BBDance"
"BBTechnoidEmoteText", "BBTechnoid"
"BBRaverEmoteText", "BBRaver"
"BBMoveOnEmoteText", "BBMoveOn"
"BBQuickieEmoteText", "BBQuickie"
"BBYellowEmoteText", "BBYellow"
"BBElectroVibeEmoteText", "BBElectroVibe"
"BBLookerEmoteText", "BBLooker"
"BBAltitudeEmoteText", "BBAltitude"
"BBWindItUpEmoteText", "BBWindItUp"
"BBBeatEmoteText", "BBBeat"
"BBKickItEmoteText", "BBKickIt"
"BBCatchMeEmoteText", "BBCatchMe"
"BBShuffleEmoteText", "BBShuffle"
"BBJumpyEmoteText", "BBJumpy"
"BBDiscoFreakEmoteText", "BBDiscoFreak"
"BBMeatyEmoteText", "BBMeaty"
"BBInfoOverloadEmoteText", "BBInfoOverload"
"BBWahWahEmoteText", "BBWahWah"
"BBNotoriousEmoteText", "BBNotorious"
"BBDogWalkEmoteText", "BBDogWalk"
"BBPeaceEmoteText", "BBPeace"
"BBSpazEmoteText", "BBSpaz"
"BBHeavyDudeEmoteText", "BBHeavyDude"
"BBVenusEmoteText", "BBVenus"
"NoneEmoteText", "None"
"PaladinAwakenEmoteText", "PaladinAwaken"
"YataEmoteText", "Yata"
"YataYataEmoteText", "YataYata"
"LaughTooEmoteText", "LaughToo"
"Laugh2EmoteText", "Laugh2"
"BigLaughEmoteText", "BigLaugh"
"EvilLaughEmoteText", "EvilLaugh"
"ELaughEmoteText", "ELaugh"
"VillainLaughEmoteText", "VillainLaugh"
"VillainousLaughEmoteText", "VillainousLaugh"
"MuahahahaEmoteText", "Muahahaha"
"SlashEmoteText", "Slash"
"SlashThroatEmoteText", "SlashThroat"
"CurseYouEmoteText", "CurseYou"
"NooooEmoteText", "Noooo"
"SleepEmoteText", "Sleep"
"afkEmoteText", "afk"
"DustOffEmoteText", "DustOff"
"HmmmEmoteText", "Hmmm"
"PlottingEmoteText", "Plotting"
"ChickenEmoteText", "Chicken"
"TypingEmoteText", "Typing"
"TypeEmoteText", "Type"
"ScreenEmoteText", "Screen"
"TouchScreenEmoteText", "TouchScreen"
"BuzzOffEmoteText", "BuzzOff"
"GoAwayEmoteText", "GoAway"
"HandEmoteText", "Hand"
"TalkToHandEmoteText", "TalkToHand"
"DownEmoteText", "Down"
"BowdownEmoteText", "Bowdown"
"SlapEmoteText", "Slap"
"SmackEmoteText", "Smack"
"ThreatHandEmoteText", "ThreatHand"
"SmackYouEmoteText", "SmackYou"
"PanhandleEmoteText", "Panhandle"
"HandsupEmoteText", "Handsup"
"SurrenderEmoteText", "Surrender"
"LedgesitEmoteText", "Ledgesit"
"FlashlightEmoteText", "Flashlight"
"WallLeanEmoteText", "WallLean"
"AssumePositionWallEmoteText", "AssumePositionWall"
"PeerIn EmoteText", "PeerIn "
"ProtestEmoteText", "Protest"
"LaptopEmoteText", "Laptop"
"ResearchEmoteText", "Research"
"ResearchLowEmoteText", "ResearchLow"
"HoldTorchEmoteText", "HoldTorch"
"DrumDanceEmoteText", "DrumDance"
"FearEmoteText", "Fear"
"AfraidEmoteText", "Afraid"
"ScaredEmoteText", "Scared"
"CowerEmoteText", "Cower"
"BatSmashEmoteText", "BatSmash"
"BatSmashReactEmoteText", "BatSmashReact"
"SlapReactEmoteText", "SlapReact"
"FlipEmoteText", "Flip"
"BackflipEmoteText", "Backflip"
"SchemeEmoteText", "Scheme"
"PlotEmoteText", "Plot"
"KissItEmoteText", "KissIt"
"GetSomeEmoteText", "GetSome"
"BlankFillerEmoteText", "BlankFiller"
"AlaKazamEmoteText", "AlaKazam"
"AlaKazamReactEmoteText", "AlaKazamReact"
"CrackEmoteText", "Crack"
"KnuckleEmoteText", "Knuckle"
"KnucklesEmoteText", "Knuckles"
"DrumEmoteText", "Drum"
"DrumLowEmoteText", "DrumLow"
"FloatBooksEmoteText", "FloatBooks"
"LotusFloatEmoteText", "LotusFloat"
"Dice7EmoteText", "Dice7"