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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    So basically you're not going to tell us at all when Celestial is going away, you're just gonna let them sit until you pull the rug out from under us in a few months.

    They have already stated there will be advanced warning before Celestial sets are removed, and it will cycle back in eventually anyway.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Robotech_Master View Post
    That's nice. Where in the costume editor do I find these new costume parts?

    Before I came to work today, I bought all three new packs, then went to the tailor and couldn't find anything new in the Costume Sets menu.
    I can't find them under "sets" either, but you can find the individual pieces.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Because the meta-story needs a single reality
    DOES it?

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    That's for non-meta-story stuff - all the phasing events don't affect the meta-story at all - for example, siding with Cleopatra or Washington has zero effect on the meta-story, just like the Arachnos attack on Atlas Park - the content that follows both those phasing events isn't affected by them.
    Statesman's death will have a major impact on the meta-story, which would require two realities to follow on from it if it wasn't a game wide event - like when the Battalion arrives, there'd have to be content where Statesman wasn't around to fight them, and then the same content, only with him him still alive and leading the Freedom Phalanx.
    All meta-story changes happen to everyone, even if players don't take part in the events that lead to the changes.

    But then, what is the point of playing the arc anymore if it does NOT have any consequences? I mean, if Statesman is removed from the ground up already before a new character is even created, what difference does it make if they play that arc ever?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    It depends if it's going to be a "progressive" change or a "level zero" change - a progressive change is something like the Praetorian war, where the in-game situation changes as you progress through the levels - the event happens during your career in Paragon City - a level zero change is something like the return of the 5th Column, where the in-game situation changes for the entire game right from the start - it becomes an event that's happened at some point before you start your career in Paragon City.

    If Statesman's death is going to be a progressive change, then there's no need to rewrite the tutorial comic - but if it's a level zero change, then it'll need to be rewritten.
    Right. What I don't get is where you ever got the impression it might be a zero level change? Every time the devs mentioned the who will die arc, they said that it would allow us, the players, to change the very world by playing it. That sounds like a change that you actually trigger. I'm honestly confused by this.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Will the tutorial comic also get redrawn?
    I don't understand the question.
    He doesn't die until after you play the arc. The arc you need to be greater than level one to play. He's still alive during the tutorial.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
    And...after sitting at an accursed 1,299 for over 2 weeks, FINALLY got that last TPN badge and then Masters, and at 1,301 at last!
  8. CaptainMoodswing

    No 5 year badge?

    Yes, should have received 7 year veteran when Freedom launched. Didn't.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    I'm very sorry to hear it. I chatted with DC a bit back in the heal farm days, and have often wondered why I haven't been seeing him on badge runs.

    If he's up for a joke, tell him that I will collect all the badges in his memory, and regardless tell him that he's remembered fondly and that I have always appreciated his help badging in the past.
    Chad always takes my answers.

    I'm so very sorry to hear all this news. DC was one of the best players on Victory, and I owe so many of the badges to him. It just won't feel the same anymore.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post

    Basically, if you don't see Larry Hama's name on it, skip it. Find something with his name on it.
    While I agree, some of IDW's stuff is awesome, too. Notably, Snake Eyes: Declassified.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ArmlessDan View Post
    What the Hell was the point of the mystery and build up for so long to just spoil it yourselves? That was stupid. Way to ruin something that could have been an awesome bit of storytelling. I guess CoH really is all about grinding to the end and skipping all the content, now.
    Maybe the point isn't what you think it was. Did you even consider that?

    Knowing something in advance but only one detail with no context to it whatsoever means there can not be an awesome bit of storytelling still? How does that make sense?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    Wow, that's pretty stupid.
    It is what it is. But given this, why don't we...

    [SPOILER]...Go seek out as many different races as we possibly can, and recruit all of their WELLS so they can fight the Battalion simultaneously? It seems so darn obvious. Which means we probably won't do it.[/SPOILER]
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Hush_ View Post
    My question isn't recluse linked to statesman does that means recuse dies as well? Also isn't statesman immortal?
    Ok, well more spoilers in this response, I guess, but if you talk to Prometheus AFTER the TPN and MoM trials, he has some interesting things to say about what the well is.

    [SPOILERS]The Wells are actually living beings that can be enslaved or killed. Ours is a "he". And every different alien race has it's own "well". So, if the source of Statesman's power can be killed, it stands to reason he can, too.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
    So the hero-side Part 5 is pretty much auto-fail?
    Not unless the entire 3 mission arc is "Don't let Statesman Die", but I doubt it will be.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Innovator View Post
    I don't know about saving him. General Hawk was already in the first movie, played by Dennis Quaid.

    Well, I think he actually meant by that they will save his RETURN for the third movie. lol
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I think that this is a permanent change to the game world, not an optional one.
    But the question that he ACTUALLY asked, not the one you answered, ( ), is will this change be TRIGGERED by playing the story arc.

    The devs have said we have the opportunity to change our own world through these actions. So it's a valid question.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
    I'm really regretting clicking this thread. C'mon, guys. Spoilers! You didn't have to leak this for the January sig arc.
    I don't think it is really a "spoiler" if the "author" is the one doing it. In my opinion this reaction is coming from an ingrained fear of spoilers from today's audience.

    Knowing the future ahead of time is actually a well known writing technique. (J. Strazynski used this a lot in Babylon 5). You see or know about a glimpse of the future which raises all the questions of how you get there.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
    The I21.5 release had more bugs than I can recall in any single release over
    the history of the game.
    Don't exaggerate. You either have a short memory, or were not around for the issue 7 release.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Spoilers, Sadys.
    Not really, part 3 has been live for over a month...
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
    and who else is Malaise working with to attack the Freedom Phalanx?
    You mean Darrin Wade? Or someone else besides him?
  21. CaptainMoodswing

    Find my Mouse!

    Originally Posted by Vivace View Post
    Since I've never played in windowed do I switch it?
  22. Ugh. Wow. This pack is really not up to the level of quality that I'm used to. City HAS a dual pistol character named Twinshot. Don't think she'd appreciate this. lol

    The only piece I was even considering was that little garter, but you can only get it on those awful boots. WHY is that exactly? :/
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
    That's a different song, but...

    Haha, oops. Got them all mixed up.