808 -
A thought occurred to me...when doing an ouroboros arc with "No travel powers", will the port-to-mission be considered a travel power? Probably should, but it would have made those runs a lot faster.
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I think it disables all vet rewards and purchased powers. -
I don't understand why you're making it even easier to travel to a mission. At least considering giving it a very long recharge timer.
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Um... you enjoy spending a lot of time traveling to missions?
[/ QUOTE ]You think anywhere but the shard takes a long time?
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*Independence Port.
*Nerva Archipelago. -
Isn't OS X based on Linux?
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Um, no.
OS X is based on FreeBSD UNIX (with a completely unique GUI). Linux was another version of UNIX.
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Gotcha. My mistake. -
Isn't OS X based on Linux?
Curse you devs. Now I have no reason to NOT get a Macbook Pro now. I have been using CoH as an excuse for years.
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City of heroes is the only reason I have XP installed on mine. -
What I don't like is the Zombies are relatively difficult to defeat, yet give next-to-no XP. That really makes me not want to even bother with the Zombies. They need to have their XP increased.
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Do they give debt, though? I haven't noticed. -
Well, I mean, couldn't they retain some value by only being available as a treat two weeks out of the year? LOL
How do you receive "treats at a faster rate?" It might just be my own experience, but I rarely get treats this year... it's easily 80% trick, 20% treat, but maybe that's just my luck. It's not uncommon for me to knock 5 times in a row and have all 5 be tricks.
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I believe Lighthouse is referring to the fact that you can now knock on a door every 10 seconds this year, instead of every 60 seconds, and a door is no longer unusable for 30 seconds after somebody else has clicked on it. The chances to get a trick or a treat are the same, but the frequency in which you can click on doors is drastically increased.
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Yes, that's what I meant. Thanks for clarifying that point, Dixileta.
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would it be possible for Zone alerts to let us know exactly which instance has an event? (like Grandville2) This would also help the arachnos flier, which is hard enough to find as it is, and is spelled wrong on the zone alert.
Why don't you folks just download the video? No buffering at all when it is on your computer.
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Kind of hard to download something from a site that is blocked by your companies' web filter.
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Or won't work at all on the iPhone. :P -
I am surprised over and over at how much people complain. This is suppose to be a mini-game to play while ur logged out. Not somethin u have to do as fast as possible, its extra stuff. Why does everyone want everythin instantly? I hear people complain about how that ruined other games becuase of people wantin everythin now now. Calm down it suppose to take time to get rewards, why dont u just complain it takes a year to get the 12 month badge and how bout the devs make it only 6 months while ur all at it. I think this is a sweet thing to add that gives us somethin in which we used to get nothin, not playin.
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It may surprise you, but people with a lot of badges were not given them all in a single day. We earned every single one of them. Some were easy, some took a while, some were a real challenge, such as the Arachnos Flier on villain side (although it is practically given to heroes...:P) and some took many many months. I think we are qualified to give an opinion on what seems like a reasonable amount of time to earn a reward. After all, what else are these message boards for, if not input?
It seems to me that they want day jobs to be given out for 30 days of inactivity. That is on the scale of the more epic badges, such as immortal or the fourth or fifth healing badge. Then you must earn another one for an accolade that rewards you with a minor temp power. I feel that maybe half of that time would be more commensurate to the time that needs to be put in. -
Congrats on killing badging for me. I am still working on the pillbox badges now i have to log out to earn those for a year, how is my badge toon supposed to get played?
Consider the possibility that you actually aren't supposed to have every badge in the game on one character.
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Bite your tongue, man. lol -
i remember seeing some where that the day job badges were linked to costumes
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Day job badges are NOT linked to costumes.
The day job related costumes are free, unlocked at the start, content in Issue 13.
And the 30 days is what we are initially going with. The values may change in beta.
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Are you sure you didn't put on another extra zero by mistake?
If you are level 50, do you get double Infamy instead of xp?
5. No more powers that detoggle a foe in PvP.
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There goes my entire PvP strategy. Guess it's time to be another clone and roll a fire/energy.
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Or...you could, you know, wait to hear the other changes. Maybe most ats will be perfectly viable in pvp after this. -
So take Taunt, it has been rumored to include -range in the future...
3) Web Grenade is the power that is being replaced in Weapon Mastery.
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This is makes it even harder for scrappers to force melee combat. Why would you want to nerf scrappers in this regard? One of the few means scrappers have to hit from range and slow/immobilize an opponent. This is a terrible choice. I'd love to hear your full thought process behind this move.
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I don't think Castle said that, though.
Caltrops going away? Is that the thinking here?
Damnit to hell! I was planning on getting that to go with burn on my Spines/fire.
Oh well.
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SDragon for precedent!
What logic is going into changing Hero Epics?
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You mean how like a power like Power Boost was so overwhelmingly unbalanced that if you had to chance to take it, you would, and then no other APP was ever taken for that AT?
We knew at least this one was coming.
There's going to be changes and no amount of screaming will stop it. If you playtest it and post results with recommendations, you may have the opportunity to shape those changes. If you preemptively scream NIMBY, they'll just tune you out.
And you can bet big money they'll give at least one freespec with this. They passed out freespec for far lesser changes.
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I don't even KNOW what AT gets power boost in their epic (I think it's contollers?) - because epics were NOT the issue- the issue was that Patrons SUCK compared to the Epics. So they are going to force changes on to heroes who might not want them or just don't want the changes at all instead of just giving the god damn epics to villians??
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A: You're over reacting.
B: The implication is that villains will be getting FA, or something FA like as well.
C: Nothing has changed yet.
D: Villain Epics were too weak, Hero Epics were too powerful, bringing one to the other is not the answer.
E: Some powers weren't taken enough, in both Epics and Patrons, they're fixing both those.
F: All of the above.
Pick one, please. You're not being constructive, and if you want your voice heard. Yelling won't help.
If I were you, I would post a lot. Just post quietly, more politely. You can be polite and still forceful, still get your way. Reason is the argument that they want, and they listen too. There's more then enough president set for it.
As it stands, we know one tiny reference to something that MAY happen in the future. Some day.
Calm down, please
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The thought that Brutes may get Focused Accuracy makes me giggle with delight.
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Indeed! -
It's not even that Patrons suck so much as it's that there is no neutral powers that can be used by any character. If your character doesn't want to shoot electricity, puke chum on people, fart ghost sharks, or use an arachnos mace....your SoL.
How bout' an Elite Malta Gunslinger patron with dual pistol powers? Vangaurd Patron? Rularru patron? Carnie Patron? How about opening up a bit? or just give villains a choice between Patron powers or the same EPPs heroes get.
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Ok, how about NO PATRONS AT ALL, because looking up to someone is more of a HERO thing, and villains are usually out for themselves? -
It's not even that Patrons suck so much
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Yes, it is. :P -
Yeah because I'm sure castle totally said nerf.
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To start, we rebalanced the Patron powers and the Epic powers that villains and heroes get so they're more in line with each other. We looked at what players were picking more often and changed some powers completely and pruned some powers.
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No Matt said "pruned" = Euphemism in it's purest form...
And he used the infamous phrase "more in line with" which is also a common way to say "nerfed the stuffing out of".
or roughly - "we changed stuff and we already KNOW y'all aren't gonna like it - but that's just tough luck sucker!"
And the infamous "We made some changes for er... uhm... Game Balance - Next question, (*whisper* quickly, please?!)"
All joking aside - it was said elsewhere that Power Balancing changes wouldn't affect PvE at all.
So, I'm guessing they aren't going to "Axe" any powers completely - or if they really do add or remove some powers they'll consider that something other than a "PvP Power Balance change" per se. IDK, we'll find out soon enough I suppose.
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Dude, Patron Powers suck, and that's all there is to it. "Bringing them inline with each other" can mean many things, not just what you are assuming. -
Yeah because I'm sure castle totally said nerf.
What I'd like some clarity on is a statement by Castle where he says the powers will be just like they were in PVE, and in PVP enabled zones they will have a nerfed performance.
My question is if a given power that only buffs me gets a PVP nerf, does that mean when I go to a PVP Zone for PVE reasons (Shivans, Nukes, RV prestige hunting) that my powers are similarly nerfed?
This might be a serious issue with some folks who love their APPs.
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Either way, improvement for villains in pvp.
This sounds ominous:
To start, we rebalanced the Patron powers and the Epic powers that villains and heroes get so they're more in line with each other. We looked at what players were picking more often and changed some powers completely and pruned some powers.
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Patron buff or Epic nerf?
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Wake me up when you have a get your "ppd hardsuit" on contest. See, I purposefully did not go for the cheap vulgar joke. :P
Step 4:
Once the software is installed go the home screen on your Iphone and open the app. There will be a button called "Connect" in the top right corner, click it and enter the IP Address shown in the bottom left hand corner of your desktop's screen where the "TightVNC" Icon should be in your toolbar. Mouse over the Icon and enter the IP address that pops up, into the phone. Then enter the password and select the "connect" button in the top right.
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This is as far as I got. I get "Error Cannot connect to host".
Same for my brother.