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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ryu_planeswalker View Post
    I have mixed feelings about this..Sure Pixar! looks like your generic "tomgirl princess defys all the old ways and becomes a hero" thing that has been done to death.
    There's a reason those kind of movies keep getting made, though, and it's because if you can put a good spin on it, it's really easy to make it awesome. This has Pixar working on it, so they deserve the benefit of the doubt.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
    We get it, we get it, you don't like the show and it makes you miserable.

    Why don't you just do what any normal man would do in such a scenario and marry it?

    Anyway, I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks that whatever they put into that completely unnecessary show to talk about the show would be put to better use on the actual series.
  3. Idea: Cancel The Talking Dead and put whatever production money from that into The Walking Dead.
  4. CaptainFoamerang

    Comic Book Men

    I actually know a girl who works at a comic book store. >.>
  5. Again, disagreed. There's been plenty of shows that have delivered moments of that magnitude regardless of being produced for basic television. It's not that The Walking Dead is limited by anything inherent. It's being limited by the talent involved, or lack thereof.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Eh, most people here are pretty quick to make the blanket implication that "the comic did it this way so that necessarily means what the TV show did was bad". Again I think each of of them have their own strengths and weaknesses.

    I suppose I just have a hard time glossing the strengths of the TV show by saying the comic was "better" the same way that I'm not willing to gloss over the shortcomings of the comic by labeling the TV show as "bad". Frankly for me I've had moments where I've either been reading the comic or watching the TV show and said to myself "why am I wasting my time with this book/show?" But somehow they both keep doing different things that keep me interested in both. *shrugs*
    As with Kirkman's other indie series, Invincible, The Walking Dead didn't pull me in until after the first 12 issues. What hooked me in both cases was the willingness to take risks in the storytelling. Once the "holy ****" moments started they just kept coming. I don't think we're seeing the same approach with the show; if anything, it seems more like they're playing a game of "let's run out the clock." The missteps are perhaps less forgivable because, as you said, good television series can effectively communicate the same things the comic did, and its nature as an adaption affords the creative forces the opportunity to tweak things for the better.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    I was trying to make the point that a good TV show in general CAN do this.
    The debatable point here is whether the Walking Dead TV show in particular is actually living up to that potential.

    For the record I can easily see and accept the failures and missteps of the TV show. I'm just not willing to automatically proclaim that the comic was sheer quintessential perfection by comparison - it had plenty of its own problems.
    How is it debatable?

    And no one's saying the comic is perfect by comparison, just better.
  8. I disagree that a TV show can't make the rounds by giving characters the equivalent of a panel or two per episode to keep the characterization plates spinning. Lost did it, and its cast was bigger and the story, characters, and relationships were more complex.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    They've already shown through the previews that the farm gets invaded by walkers. That right there would be enough motivation to get outta there and find some place a lot more secure (like say a prison perhaps? ). I say that because barb wire fences are not nearly as much of a deterrent, nor tend to be sturdy enough, to hold off things that feel no pain.
    Was that in the preview that was shown during Comic Book Men? If so, I don't recall that snippet, but it could just be a fake-out, since previews for earlier episodes included the survivors making a big deal about zombie intruders when it was just Daryl and a couple of strays.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    I won't debate the "lack of fire" opinion because I think that kind of thing just boils down to an individual viewer's opinion. But what if this new group (two members of which Rick just killed) provide enough of a threat to motivate -everyone- to leave the farm?
    I don't see how anyone familiar with both the comic and the show could argue that the characters in the show aren't neutered in various ways, but if you're referring to the suggestion I made a few posts ago, then yes I'd prefer they left the farm. Part of the problem with the show, however, is the writers don't seem to know how to keep most of the characters relevant, hence the ham-fisted Lori car crash. And leaving the farm would bring to light the irrelevancy of the show's most popular addition, Daryl, since he's the resident redneck hunter/tracker and the prison is fully stocked. Unless they want to have them wander around Georgia for a few episodes, which I wouldn't put past them, or unless they basically want to have Daryl take Tyrese's place, which, considering they have another black guy just collecting dust, would seem like a waste.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Suspicious_Pkg View Post
    I do find it interesting that Herschel's first statement to Rick and his group upon their arrival at the farm was that there were not enough resources to support Rick's group, which then led to talk by Shane and others to take the farm from Herschel by force.

    Ironic that this is exactly what took place with the two men in the bar and Rick was forced to shoot them to prevent.
    Unfortunately, the show's taken a bit of the fire away from most of the characters, so, with Hershel going into self-pity mode and coming around to Rick and Shane's line of thinking, it takes away from Hershel's motivation to make them leave and the incentive for Rick's group to allow themselves to be kicked off the farm.
  12. If they're using the comic as a basic skeleton while putting their own spin on certain elements, I can see the scouts as being part of the Governor's group. They may have said the base was overrun to dissuade visitors because they're using it for supplies/shelter. Also, an attack by some of the Governor's people on the farm could be what drives them to leave and discover the prison.

    I'm wondering why in the world Rick, Hershel, and Glenn stuck around the bar, since in the previews you can see it was nighttime or at least dusk when they're having to hide and fend off the scouts' buddies.
  13. I was really hoping this episode would end with them finding the prison, but it continues to travel at a snail's pace. Hopefully they retrieve Lori or she makes her way back to the farm by the end of the next episode so it doesn't end with Rick and company getting back and realizing Lori's missing.
  14. Her bustline might be preserved. It could just be Perez's style understating it.
  15. I'll just add it to the list of New 52 costumes I don't like.
  16. Really don't like the costume. Feels like a step back. And give Lizard his ******* snout!
  17. No matter how tall he is, I have a feeling Whedon is going to come up with some awesome feats of strength for him in this movie.
  18. CaptainFoamerang


    Just got back from it. I liked it. I'm glad that movies like this can get made. Unfortunately, the folks in charge of marketing hurt the story by giving away too much in the trailers and TV spots.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gobbledygook View Post
    Bleedingcoolnews has a good idea of who it is.
    Doubtful. I really think they would save that kind of story for a Thor movie. After all, it happened in Thor's comic.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
    As a aside.. for some reason I do NOT like the "modern" Cap suit.. something about it just seems off..
    Agreed. The texture seems wrong, the design narrows his shoulders, and the helmet doesn't look right. Fortunately, it looks like he'll ditch the mask at some point during a fight.
  21. CaptainFoamerang

    New Dredd images

    The helmet looks too big.
  22. I dunno about toned down. I just think that they're going for a more natural build, which entails relaxed muscles vs working, pumped-up muscles in action.

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RosaQuartz View Post
    I would imagine that Annihilus would be wrapped up in the Fantastic Four license, which would make him a Fox property.

    I like the thought though.
    Just trying to think about who has a ready-made army and who Loki would be able to find after drifting through the universe like that.
  24. The armor could be something to keep Frost Giants at subzero temperatures while on Earth. Just something I thought when my sister guessed at their identity. But then again you never saw the Frost Giants using fighter craft and laser guns against the Asgardians and you'd think they'd use that sort of technology while at war. So I think those are out.

    And I recently read somewhere that one of the folks making the movie said it's absolutely not the Skrulls. And he also said he wasn't looking to do the Kree-Skrull War with this movie, which possibly rules out the Kree as well.

    The armor has a chitin-like quality, which makes me think insectoid, so, maybe Annihilus?
  25. I think the Avengers Hulk does a good job of balancing the detail. Ang Lee's version looked a bit too cartoonish and the Incredible version was somewhat unpolished and too shiny at times. Also, I'm glad Hulk is regaining his super-leap.