1112 -
I can understand CO and DCUO and MHO and even TSW. But...why the heck are you pushing a fantasy MMO in a room full of super hero MMO fans?
Does it have comic book super heroes?
Does it have demi-gods teaming up with robot ninjas teaming up with catgirls and spandex-wearin' science accidents and sorcerers and space pirates and super-geniuses in power armor?
Sounds lame, bro. Pass. The publisher has nothing to do with it in this case, honestly. -
Your friendly posts will be missed. What matters is that you're exiting on a good note, with much dignity and respect; and on your own terms. Nothing wrong with that.
I guess it's true what they say. All good things come to an end. But, you know, I hope you'll be willing to stand up, dust off, and risk it all over again. There are other worlds out there and if exploring them makes you happy, I hope you'll keep exploring--and yes, investing.
I speak from experience. If I had sworn off MMOs after my first sorrowful sunset, I'd never have gotten to experience this game and all of my friends on Virtue for the past three years.
Here's to tomorrow, and to the Next Big Thing. -
Oh dear I found another one.
Not responsible for sprayed beverages on keyboards or monitors. -
Quote:Good point. And maybe the ONLY point that REALLY matters to your average CoX player (man I hate that acronymI can't make characters that I really like over there, so it doesn't matter if they can get a place to hang their cape.
). I'll admit, reading the stuff in the OP's link made the super hero fan in me salivate a little bit over DCUO for the first time ever (well, since those first gameplay videos I saw, it's a nice-looking game). This, of course, has something to do with CoX going away in a few more weeks, I'm sure. But even so, DCUO couldn't make a keeper out of me if I didn't feel like their costume editor was up to par.
You know, if I could send a big message to the next generation of super hero MMOs, it would be this: being a next generation game ought to mean you're outdoing the previous generation. CO has a LOT of CoX players who went over there over the years and never came back. You don't hear that as much about DCUO. It sounds like DCUO could probably snag more of the old guard if they gave their costume editor a lot more love.
I'm a super hero fan and comic book reader and I'm sure I'll try it out sometime. Just not while City of Heroes is still playable. -
Quote:Actually I think it says something that a handful of people have managed to get under the skin of someone who's universally known for their good nature and humor and patience around here. The same few people keep starting the same fires. This thread is a perfect example. Any OP that dares bring up NCSoft's poor handling of Paragon Studios and City of Heroes gets the same squad of deflectors coming in to change the subject to Plan Z and emulators. I wonder why?True value of this reply? Likely zero... but maybe it'll make me feel better.
All I have to do is ask myself--why are they posting the same things this often? Some, though not all, of these people were barely around the forums before the closure announcement. They barely (or never) came around and didn't feel a desire to participate until the awful news struck. THIS was the moment when some of these people began participating--but it was for anything but commiseration. Think about that for a moment. Let it sink in. What sort of person would spend their time like that?
The answer is, I've got no clue. I'm not actually interested in finding out. Not someone I'd want to be trapped in an elevator with. Soon it won't matter anyway, and our time here is too thin and too valuable.
Admittedly, in this thread I was relieved when Tony and Codewalker and a couple others stepped in to contest a few outstanding claims. Some of what has been said here is what I set out to achieve with my nuked thread. Thanks, guys, for coming in and doing what I was denied the opportunity to do: respond to largely inaccurate and exaggerated claims.
I'm off to go play the game. You know, that thing at the center of all of this? It's still there--but not for long. -
Somehow I'm reminded of Samuel L. Jackson's "What do you mean, YOU people?"
"Players will be able to find a spot in the real world where the entrance to their lair will be. Want a sewer lair? Great! Head out into the city and find a manhole cover to call your very own."
You know, I'd never had a thread nuked before a few weeks ago. I had a thread with some sound advice and ideas based on experience. The thread got nuked. I took it as a hint.
I've mailed things to NCSoft, I've written open letters all over the Internet, I've attended rallies. NCSoft said "No." And yet, I'm just as proud of the fight to #SaveCoH as I'd be if we'd won. Why? Because heroes don't fight battles only when its a foregone conclusion that they'll win. I'm proud of the fighting spirit that many of us turned out to have in us. You all know who you are. I bet some of you surprised yourselves--and NCSoft.
I'm going to enjoy these final days of City of Heroes by playing the game. Not saving it from NCSoft. Not avenging it. No more calling NCSoft doodooheads. Just teaming up with friends, and saving Paragon City and Primal Earth from groups like the Fifth Column, Crey, and the Circle of Thorns.
But I will say this, and it's all I'll say on the matter, here or anywhere else while the game is still breathing. You can't know if you'll get something in the mail from legal. You can only know how you'll react to it. Phrases like, "We'll cross that bridge if and when we come to it" are an invitation to legal. Meditate on things for a while and you'll see why. If a publisher's legal department believes a cease and desist will send your emulator team scattering, you'll be giving them no reason not to send one. A cease and desist is just a form letter and postage is cheap.
But--and please heed this warning, Tony--there's a difference between openly holding your ground and spitting in the publisher's direction while saying "bring it." If you're not willing to hold your ground, you might as well not even begin; holding your ground in this case meaning contingency plans for dissemination of your code into the wild in the event of a worst-case scenario. This should always be about the longevity of the emulator, and fans playing the game for years into the future, and not necessarily the longevity of your team's investment in it. Right?
Most importantly, have some class and respect. You ought to never forget that NCSoft made this all possible. The moment you allow your community members to bash NCSoft anywhere near the vicinity of your emulator is the moment when you'll deserve a cease and desist as far as I'm concerned. -
(call me?) -
Quote:Necessity: the mother of invention and the birthplace of tomorrow.What? With the things that companies have done to P2P websites and networks these days? It'll be the latter, and it will be extremely... well, I let's just say, I wouldn't want to be the people who coded the emulator.
I like how even a good, clean conversation about how NCSoft are doodooheads gets derailed by arguments about how #SaveCoH is desperate and how emulators are illegal.
Give it up, folks. Because there's one thing you can't change, there's one fact here that you can't avoid, there's one mountain that you can't sweep under your rug of distraction and subterfuge.
NCSoft are doodooheads. -
...And that led me to this. "Batman Maybe".
Yes. It's what you're thinking.
P.S. Thanks again for that Might of the Tanker set. -
Quote:If I may interject, here, I'd like to gather everyone's attention for a short speech.Of course, all of this is really besides the Captain's topic.
Other than that he is not alone and many will not forget and NCSoft are, indeed, clearly "doodooheads".
/emote clears his throat and taps the microphone.
"And there came a day, a day unlike any other, when Paragon's mightiest heroes and heroines and robots, ninjas, pirates, cowboys, catgirls, Japanese schoolgirls, rogue demons, aliens, fairies, leprechauns, sentient appliances, shape-shifting dragons, talking animals, uplifts, transapients, cyborgs, special agents, police officers, firemen, doctors, and one talking seagull found themselves united against a common threat: NCSoft. On that day, the Justice Avengers were born—to fight the foe no single super hero could withstand! Through the years, it turned out, they couldn't withstand NCSoft altogether, either! Their roster has prospered, changing many times, but their glory has never been denied! Heed the call, then—for now, NCSoft are doodooheads!"
Quote:Hmm, i didn't think my reply was arguing with you...maybe i didn't word it properly. It was sort of a lead in to describing the impact of disgruntled players of past games on the industry/companies today.), he wasn't leaving to go fight NCSoft. He was leaving NCSoft behind, period. The impact has already been made, dude. It's a crater the size of Paragon City, the Rogue Isles, Praetoria, and the entire multiverse contained within all those instanced story arcs, both official and within thousands of worlds inside Architect Entertainment. I fought it until I realized NCSoft can't be beat. They are a destroyer of universes. The perfect coming storm. All we can do is walk away, take our characters and stories someplace safe from NCSoft, and ask our friends to consider coming with us wherever we go next.
Quote:As for painting you as someone on a vengeful mission against NCSoft, well i think statements from you like the following does that to some extent. -
Quote:This is completely the opposite of what I described--an expectation that NCSoft will never be sorry for any of this.Well not sure if expecting a business who's view is one of looking out for their overall company's interests and to be sorry for it, is all that realistic.
Quote:And using the situation anecdotally in future conversations may not be as damaging as you might expect once the fervor fades away.
I stopped there. I didn't read the rest of your post, because you're not having the same conversation. If you want to set up arguments to then reply to, you don't need me here for that.
You're painting me as someone who's planning to make them sorry, somehow. Did you read the pretend conversation in the OP between my character and NCSoft? Does it end with Cap scheming for vengeance and blood? Or does it end with Cap simply hanging up on NCSoft? I'm taking my money and memories, friendships and dignity...and with a slow, sad shake of his head, Captain-Electric will soon have to fly away to live his life, doing what he does (fighting crime). NCSoft can't take the super hero out of Captain.
After the noise dies, after the gaming press spotlight fades away from #SaveCOH, there will still be Captain-Electric, out there somewhere, fighting crime. And he'll never forget Paragon City. I'll never retcon it out of his life and history. There's not much I can do to this cosmic threat of NCSoft in Cap's life except for part ways, but that doesn't mean I can't call them doodooheads.
You can argue with me all you want about how it's not going to achieve anything big. I'm still calling them doodooheads. And I'm going to tell friends why I think they're doodooheads. And I'm pretty sure some gaming media will continue to pass it around, too. Thank you very much, and good day to you, sir. -
Everyone understands the gist of the article, but some people seem to be missing the point of my OP. See, I don't think NCSoft will ever be sorry for what they've done to City of Heroes and Paragon Studios. THAT'S THE PUNCHLINE. It was a punch in the gut when it really hit me and then I really had to accept it. My post represents all you can do: make fun of them for being doodooheads.
All we can do now is live our lives, and maybe allow some of our characters to do so, too. I have a feeling Captain-Electric won't stop fighting injustice just because NCSoft ate their alignment token. Just doesn't seem like him. Or me. That means never forgetting what happened here between August 31 and November 30, 2012. As we live our lives, gamers talk to each other.
Some pretend scenario involving mainstream media wouldn't ever happen, or even be required, so warning us how bad it would work out for us doesn't merit the debate it's gotten on these forums. Gamers read gaming media and public relations traction and reporting via those outlets are all we ever needed. World of Warcraft's millions-strong player base could make the mainstream press work for them. The rest of us are up the creek. It's not a conversation that's ever been worth having.
Gaming media have been stonewalled from the starting line. Even the most forgiving gamers don't take that sort of thing very well, and will pass the knowledge of this event, and of NCSoft's handling of it, on to their friends for many years to come. Gamers who write for the gaming media will use NCSoft's handling of this situation anecdotally for years. Flow charts and related arguments are immaterial. The real conversation has always been about the way this went down. -
Before anyone asks. -
Quote:Oh, that Tunnel Rat...what a true hero!Sorry, I was just too busy carrying orphans across flooded rivers the day of the filming.
*Has a large statue built of Tunnel Rat and salutes it*
*Sends Black Pebble an angry letter for wasting time on his film while orphans were in danger* -
"The Save City of Heroes Campaign Reveals NCsoft’s Firewall of Silence"
I know other gaming sites like Massively have seemingly already given up the effort to scale NCSoft's Mercy Island fortress-like wall of silence; but they certainly tried.
But, as we say down here in reality, "Your silence speaks in volumes." Let's see what my wallet has to say about th-- Oh, hang on a sec. I'm getting a call.
It's NCSoft!
What's that, you say, NCSoft? Calling just to say you don't care? That you're bigtime now? That you don't need my wallet?
/emote pauses, restrains his anger, and maintains his composure over the phone.
Well, okay. Fair enough.
Wait, what's that?
No, no, no-- that doesn't mean you've just reverse psychology'd me into opening my wallet, NCSoft. It just means we're mutually parting ways.
Wait, what? No, no, no. I won't tell my friends all about your other games.
/emote looks down at his super hero costume and then rolls his eyes at the telephone.
I'll tell them all about City of Heroes. And then I'll tell them all about YOU. Good luck with your realignment of focus, wherever that focus is. Good bye, NCSoft. *Hangs up*
/emote exits the phone booth, and flies out into Paragon City, to solve a few more crimes, to apprehend a few more super villains, to stop a few more wicked plots and schemes... -
Just so you know... I have never once before heard or seen what this craze was until this.
Oh, I keep seeing links and being sent things about it, but I never clicked on them... but... for you guys... I watched it. I'm sure I was spared by not looking at the others and have rightfully only experienced it through the Paragon Team and never need see another attempt.
Thank you!!
You say that now, but you haven't seen Castle shake his boo-tay gangnam style! -
Quote:And that is why ultimately I don't wind up black balling the various publishers...
The fact is, we're people. We're customers. We're gamers. Some of us handle these things on a case-by-case basis, and sometimes that basis is built on how fracking pissed off we are. I'm not the sort of person who turns off the spigot for every little offense--on the contrary, I'm extremely forgiving and forgetful, and a publisher has to be really monumentally evil, heartless, and greedy in order to push me over that edge. NCSoft is the second publisher to push me over that edge after decades of gaming. YMMV.
I wish those studios under NCSoft all the best luck--they'll likely need it--but even if I had any desire to play those games (No super heroes? No thank you), I could not in good conscience support them, knowing where the money is funneling off to.
Good luck and have fun with NCSoft's games. No hard feelings from me to any of their customers--some of their customers are good friends of mine, and some of them are probably former devs of ours. But don't pretend to know what's best for me. I'm boycotting NCSoft because it's what my conscience demands of me. This isn't some big movement or campaign. Boycotts are made by individuals, for individual reasons. I have no illusions about our ability (or lack thereof) to make a dent as a group of individuals. But thanks to my boycott, I'll be sleeping better at night.
That's good enough for me. -
There's a thread where you can post your out of city contact info if you want.
Someone at Titan should create a thread like that and sticky it. -
Quote:Cyberpunk is best played while listening to 80s/early 90s punk and industrial. And the whole Vision Thing album by Sisters of Mercy over and over.Is it just me or does the concept art look like it was made in 1987? With Ron Perlman in the back of the one.
Oh and speaking of the 80s, I can't frackin believe I forgot to mention the first-ever pen-and-paper RPG I really got into when I was a kid. TSR's Star Frontiers!!! I was probably like 12 when I first played that. Played the heck out of it! It was so awesome, I was even able to get a few of my "cool at school" non-nerdy friends to play a few times and they had a good time (though I wasn't able to persuade them to stop making fun of my nerdy friends).
Oh the nostalgia. I played a Dralasite. "Hooorb!"
Edit: I just looked at Wikipedia's page for Star Frontiers and there's a bunch of off-site links at the bottom of the article. Apparently a lot of people are still playing it and you can buy reprints or legally download the PDF rule books for free. There's even a site where people play games over the Internet.
Star Frontiers would make an excellent MMORPG. Anyway crap, derailing my own thread.