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  1. If you manage to make the requirements for the Brotherly Love badge and send a petition you should be awarded the badge. I just got the following email earlier today:

    We have reviewed our game logs of this incident and have been able to verify that an error occurred. As a result, we have granted your character the Brotherly Love badge.

    Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

    GM Leivon
    The City of Heroes Support Team
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by viper_kinji View Post
    Did someone say badge?
    Actually, he said badgers, but same thing

    Anyways, I'm locked & loaded and ready to go!
  3. Oooooooh! A buddy blaster in the form of Blast Buddy. Welcome aboard
  4. Not a bad first round. Got a couple on that run but not "News Flash".

  5. I'll be there too. I heard leagues with 14-16 members having better luck on MoRuns.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vega View Post

    It appears to be newer characters that are affected. I have characters that are fine, and some that are borked.

    Seemes to be the case on my end. I've logged in a couple of my older toons with no issues. Then I logged in Defender that's about 3 months old and he had the power tray issue.
  7. Congrats. Two months is pretty early, hope momma and baby are well.
  8. Count me in. Wow, those came out earlier than I had expected.

    I won't be able to log in until Wednesday night after class (10pm est). My work schedule, classes, family life (including preggo wife), have not been very CoH friendly. However, I have off Thurs-Sun with the exception of having class all day Friday. So I'll be in the Pocket D whenever I can.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Atomic_Saint View Post
    Generally by 10:00 PM I am into my sixth or seventh beer, and will lack the mental faculties required to organize such an event.

    I'm not 100% sure if I can make it because my brother, his wife, and my niece are up and I really want to get some time in w/ them as I will not see them at Christmas time.

    If I can make it, I'll bring Minute Hand (Beam/Time Corruptor).
  10. Count me in too, I'd love to help you out.

    Toon TBA. I can bring whatever the team needs to balance out.
  11. Caliburst

    UG Trial

    I won't even be able to log in until Wednesday night and even then I'll only have Wed night, Thursday night, and Friday evening available. School + new work schedule has me by the short 'n curlies this time around
  12. I'll bring something supporty. Sadly this will be my last Monday Night run, next week I start a new job and the hours on Monday will not mesh well with the Monday Night schedule (Unless I have the day off of course).
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
    I'm not sure if Caliburst was off his game or we were just bugging him.
    My ping was through the roof last night, so that was bugging me more than anything else. The constant rubberbanding on top of being on a stone tank was enough to make me want to punch a kitten.
  14. I'm in! I would prefer to run my Stone/Ice Melee Tank Ridgemaster , but I'm flexible consider the makeup of the rest of the team.
    See you tonight
  15. Had a great time. Wish this would happen more often.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    Side note: What kinda toon is Zwillinger bringing to the table here?
    On test last week he was on an Ill/Kin controller.
  17. My schedule is a bit up in the air Kotchie, but I know how to get a hold of you if I'm on
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Last Post View Post
    I lol'd at the thought that freedom-ites (??) might actually think that their server population were the ones doing the others server populations a favor by having high log in numbers...

    This is how stereotypes get reinforced...
    I lol'd at the fact that you took it it this way. Let us take a look at the whole picture shall we?
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    ...players on Freedom for tonight's server crush. Well done, Freedom heroes an' un-heroes. All the servers get a badge for your awesomeness.
    Camera man... ZOOM:

    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    ...players on Freedom for tonight's server crush.
    Credit is in fact given to where it is due. Don't be butt-hurt over the fact that YOUR server wasn't the one that was chosen to host the event. I'd like to see the number of "Freedom-ites (??)" that posted on YOUR server's forum complaining that that YOU got your Praetorian Surge event first.
  19. I can't sign up due to summer classes and the probability that I'll be working 3rd shift, but if I can get on, you know how to get in touch with me and vice versa.

    MB & Paragon - I'm saddened that you both are hanging up your capes (for now). You both are phenomenal players, not just in the sense of playing the game, but in the way you two conduct yourselves. Your senses of humor, non-elitist attitudes, and eagerness to help others, made my (and several others) experiences that much more enjoyable. It seemed like every time I made an accomplishment or earned a badge over the last year, one if not both of you were on the team.
    Enjoy your time away, you'll be missed. Salute!
  20. I would love to join you with my Rad/Psi Defender E. Coli on both Friday and Saturday night.
  21. Caliburst


    Should be on then
  22. Team Tabby (first run)

    Team Cap (second run)