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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Huh? Cag's subscription lapsing isn't my fault. I said I was available last night, but by the time I got home we had a timezone conflict.
    Nobody said it was your fault sir It appears to be mine and my lack of funds, well not appears.. it is my fault.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    There may be legal issues with the actual Cag though

    Wait, he won't be VIP soon anyway! Those dirty preems have no rightS!!
    Your right, continue in these foot steps and I will be filing a law suit.

    Good day

    EDIT: Fear not people I should be VIP by the time THB is ready
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    You may as well be his sycophantic whipping boy or his b***h and then gone on to deform Reppu's character unnecessarily.
    And I got your PM THB , I replied I just hope we can do this in time as my VIP runs out within this very day.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CBeet View Post

    Nor is it Pretty enough.

    Problem solved.
  5. This thread could go on forever, each set has it's own perks, so stacking them 8 times would be immense not matter what set IMHO. Coming to a final conclusion, unless thorough testing was done, its nigh impossible.
  6. I think it works 1 of two ways. You can 'call someone out' and they can decline as they cannot back up their smack talk, or they simply decline as they have better things to do.
    Whilst I agree with Reppu on a majority of things, there were a few too many personal insults in there.
    I genuinely must of missed it, At what point did Reppu lie, Plainguy?
  7. You online THB? Lets get this rolling pst me in game Dont plan to be on for too long so hopefully you see this before I log..
  8. Well your always welcome to send one my way Being non-VIP sucks eheh
  9. Considering the fact that you have 16 years of time cards, that is a substantial amout of $ to the owners of NCsoft.
  10. I would suggest gaining more inf prior to slotting.
    If you only have 300m then you would more than likely expect a lot more than what you will actually get, assuming you haven't built purp'd out toons etc.
  11. Cave farms, at least the two I use, have 99max boss mobs.
    The only ones that have the possibility of dead ends are the patrol ones, eg 511104. As they are often continuously moving. Red's Cave Farm there are no dead ends as they are all stationary.
  12. I must ask, why recall friend?
    Edit: Also I can see that particular build having slight end issues, I would probably go cardiac.
    But only so much you can do on your particular budget.
  13. As someone has mentioned, there is not a particular order that it necessarily needed to be taken, as they are all new trials.
    But technically we all speak from experience as it was not too long ago we were all new to them. My opinion would be start from the lower trials and remember to state to the leader that you are new to incarnates, and require further instruction.

    My opinion if it necessarily came down to which trials to do in which order would be ; Slam, BAF, Keyes, TPN, DD, and then UG.(If UG). If you would like a run through trial by trial I am happy to do so via here or > @Cagney. <.
    Start off with the smaller trial Slam, and work your way up. A majority of people, for example only recruit +1 or +2 for DD as it is higher level enemies ( I speak for Freedom only ), but the rest, except UG I thoroughly enjoy.

    One thing i would suggest though, don't stick to pure BAF's (for example(a lot of people stick to the only trial(s) they know)), try them all, a lot. The emps and astrals from all help in speeding up the 'leveling' of incarnate abilities.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Sorry, I honestly didn't even mean to be sarcastic or insulting with that. I should have scrolled down and found your name, I was just double-fisting conversations so I got distracted and rushed through the post. I sincerely apologize for insulting you.
    All I sought . Thank you
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    I gave a general time frame. I never said it was exactly 2 hours to the dot. The point is that even if my figure is off, I maintain that I am as fast as the average high end farmer. I'm racing what's his name tomorrow night, so we'll have that discussion tomorrow. At least I'm sure that his character is real. Reppu has probably confused their spreadsheets with an actual character that exists in game.
    I am sorry but it would of only of taken a moment to scroll down and find out 'whats his name's' name. That would be me, your have dictated to Reppu that you basically do not tolerate insults, and I see your point. But you sir, have just insulted me.
  16. Cag


    Animations would be rather long I can imagine, like staff.
  17. Tomorrow is fine for me, UK where I am so bare notice to the time zones. Let me know.
  18. At no point did I even give the slightest mention that I am using a build for 'the build of all builds' I was simply scrutinizing your claims to your farm speed. Please add me and we can 'race' tonight, I am happy to do so. Anyone who wants to join to be an impartial judge are more than welcome to do so. @Cagney. <
  19. So 'around 2 hours' is now 2.5 hours. So your definition of 'around' is 30minutes. Your statements are outrageous, let alone stupid. I farm a cave in 35 minutes, 4.5 caves to 50. Do the math, and you aren't touching 35 minutes on a blaster. Your confidence severely outweighs your ego, not to mention your lack of actual proof. Your clearly making an obvious fool out of yourself via this thread, so bravo.
  20. Well its 4.5 caves to 50, lets call it 2b, 2 hours or money back?
    Count me in.
  21. It seems I am not the one who is deluded, do me a 2 hour 1-50 name your price. 'around two hours' or my inf back. Up for it ? Feel free to add @Cagney. and we can arrange.
  22. Quote:
    -Farm as fast or faster than any other high end farming build. Power-level farming included, 1-50 in around the 2 hour mark.
    I lol'd
  23. Yes it supplied me with a link to DL it So how do I do it with the program? Cos I want the coh badges etc on the main screen.
  24. woot finally working. had to change the game region, and done it on firefox.