Bullet Barrage

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
    That was my point.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Note: As a responsible adult, player, and forum poster, I would like to remind people that this thread does NOT condone the abuse of alcohol. Drink something else.

    Every time someone does one of the following, take a drink:
    1. Uses the term "slap in the face" with regard to the game itself or the devs
    2. Quotes their veteran status as supporting evidence of being right ("I've been playing since...")
      **Take a second drink if they use the number of veteran badges as proof of this, since the vet badge system is no longer really applicable
    3. Uses the term 'tankmage'
    4. Quotes a lengthy post in its entirety only to then say "signed", "QFT", "me too", LOL, etc., or responds with anything less than a complete sentence.
      **Take one drink per picture if all they're quoting is images
    5. Asserts that "the majority of players" or "the entire playerbase" agrees with their position
    6. Ends any single line post with an emoticon.
    7. Demands a response from the devs
      **Take a second drink if they demand compensation
      **Take a third drink if the total value of said compensation could actually be calculated as less than fifty cents
    8. Criticizes anything in the game while stating that they have in fact never done it
      **Take a second drink if they do that in the same post as the initial criticism
    9. Attempts to pigeonhole any Marvel, DC, or mainstream comic character as a COH archetype
      **Take a second drink if the attempt to pigeonhole is actually a complaint that we can't make said character
    10. Asks "is this character a copyright violation?" or "Is this offensive?"
    11. Insists that they are allowed freedom of speech on a privately owned forum
    12. Doesn't actually ragequit before posting about it
      **Take an additional drink each time they continue to post in said ragequit thread
      **Take an additional drink for each "can I have your stuff" post in said ragequit thread
      **Everyone in the thread drinks if a redname posts "can I have your stuff" in said ragequit thread
    13. Grouses about PvP
    14. Complains about a powerset or combo that is 'unplayable', 'unbalanced', 'overpowered,' 'underpowered', 'nerfed', or other indication that the devs can't do math when calculating powersets
      **Take a second drink when someone with mathematical ability proves the poster wrong
    15. Posts a doom thread right after the quarterly financial announcement from NCsoft
    16. Posts about how an issue loaded with content, QoL changes, and new powersets has "ruined the game"
    17. Posts only to state "FPARN"
    18. Invokes Hitler, fascism, elitism, etc.
    19. Posts "suggestions" (read: demands) in a section other than "Suggestions"
      **Drink a second time if someone subsequently posts a list with links to all other threads on the same topic
      **Drink a third time if any or all of the other threads were started by the same person
    20. Posts complaining that an event is deliberately being scheduled to inconvenience/exclude them
      **Take another drink for complaints that a contest excludes them despite legalities over which the mods have no control
    21. Asks for a name purge
      **Insists the reason for the purge is "there are no good names left"


  3. Yeah, I think I saw that somewhere on DA.
  4. Not in i24 specifically, but there is a Staff Weapons pack on the market on beta.

    EDIT: Ninjad.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Yes. This. So much of thisness.
    Maybe another option with the bottom half of the glove in a solid black, too?

    Also, would it be possible to get the Cyborg auras as permanent auras, I.E not combat only? By the way, could you please confirm for us if you're still monitoring this thread?
  6. Adding my voice to how awesome this show is.
  7. I don't know myself, but a new Doctor Who thread is an excuse for me to post the shirt I'll be getting next Thursday.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Android_5Point9 View Post
    Oooh, oooh, they should make, say, 2 different versions, and do a poll and let us pick which one we like better, and use that one!
    (In response to this being discussed in the poll thread)
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    There were some very good points brought up by those posting in this thread, and in sending me PM's, regarding the margin sizes shrinking. As such, I made a decision to change direction to something that wouldn't impact your reading pane size.


    They didn't decide to go all like "Lololol, trolololo, let's pick the one they didn't like as much!"
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
    Okay maybe somebody can help me out.

    I dolled up my 8 new Vindicators and have them ready for showing off, but I can't get the game to copy the image to the clipboard. I just get a blank black page every time.

    I'm running windows 7, if that helps.
    Open a window over the game, and then shrink it so that it doesn't cover the costume, then try putting it on your clipboard. At least, that's what works for me.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
    At least one of those guys in the "moon" shot was some kind of space pirate. Didn't I read a while back about an upcoming costume set with that theme?
    It's the Cosmic Corsair pack in Super Pack 2: Electric Boogaloo.

    It rhymes.

    I must keep zee capslock!
  12. I'm planning to spend most of my time on my level 20 KM/SR Scrapper, but if I get too sick of the character I might dust off my StJ/SR.

    I'll edit this post with a progress report later.
  13. Thanks for reminding me to get snacks.

    Can I add one?

    8: Slot your characters with generic IO's, because they won't go red and stop helping you.
  14. Bullet Barrage

    Lies! ...?

    I'm updating! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOH
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    I'm not going to lie. I don't like using it.

    I love using it.
    Gravity Falls for the win?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    Here's a preview of Book 3 of Avatar The Last Airbender - The Promise. From here it leads to The Search which sets up some background info for the Spirit World which Book 2 of Legend of Korra is supposed to tie into.
    Dang! I completely forgot about The Promise!
  17. On holographs and power effects, maybe it's a holographic message from a fully Incarnate-d version of yourself in the future?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
    It's about time. They should have greenlit the full run from the get-go. In any case, good to hear.
    I was a little late to hear this, the article was posted on Jul 11th. (But no body else on the forums announced, at least as far as a quick search shows.)
  19. For a total of 52 episodes. They've confirmed that it'll be split into books 3/4 since the article came out.


    EDIT: Found some concept art from book 2. I really like Korra's outfit, but not so much Mako's.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    other bits of inference: The "statue" is apparently located in a ruined city.
    Either Praertoria decides to erect a monument of your character on the ashes, Paragon builds a statue to honor you but the city it's in gets blown up shortly there after/this is a new version of the finale of Time and Time Again, or this is a further updated Tina/Unai mission (forgot which one had it) where you go to the ruins of an alternate earth where you became an overlord.
    It's in Galaxy City.
  21. Waitasecond...