977 -
Quote:I can out perform or at least match up with all scrappers and most brutes. (I am not aoe heavy)
So.. busted.
You just need to know how to run the AT correctly. It really matters.
It could still be argued that it is the worst AT/Powerset in the game simply due to the necessity of having to learn how to play one "correctly".
I have a Warshade, it's L25 and the recent changes made it a blast to play. However it is hard to play because their is nothing else like it in the game. SOA's are simple. Fire/Kin cors are simple.
Kelds? You need at least 3-4 different binds and have a well slotted build to do much with em. -
Quote:Personally I'd have to say Trick Arrow, especially when you compare it to Traps which does almost everything Trick Arrow can do better.
Electric Blast needs something to make it as worthwhile as the other ranged sets too.
I call TA Trap Sticks.
Because that is what they are and their about 1/2 as good. -
Mostly looking to increase damage and survivability in iTrials.
In particular I seem to keep dieing when soloing groups in iTrials. I know the incarnate soft cap is closer to 60% and I usually pop two purples and a break free then I drop PGT, HOB, Judgment, BR, EC and then the boss's and EB's kill me...
So any other ways I can get more damage and defense out of this toon would be helpful.
Code:| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1591;723;1446;HEX;| |78DA6594594F135114C7EFB4534A4BA13B652B4B81D2525A20FA4E22B8A090344AF| |ADA3430B493349D665A823CFAE017D0077D01D4B891286AD4E84731EA5770797161| |1D4FE7FC611A99A4F9DDFEEF3DFF73CE9CDE2EDE9CF3EC5EBE352324EF6CB950ABE| |567355D5FABD635DDBDA42C972A5A592B6ED88510A19CBA4CAA5A18CC6995C12B8A| |5A5E578B4EDA889E46E4AF172A45652533B75628E7B36AADAE956B216BF7C2DAEA6| |A66492F546BFEF94A49D1954A3D73B2F06435AD9C59500A55B552749B5F6E541565| |A5DD5C5E528BA53A6D784F4EAD287AADA4560317ABEA7226ABAD2B7A7EB150AB2BF| |A46175534499FB84FE0311C6293302D0BDB16B8CD941F800F992D8F987BD269AC10| |3DAC8D911FCB862CBDC5F9774CCF7BF003B3E323739F02ECF0B1A7584B908FC3343| |28C24AD9DF074C2B3159EADF074C3D30DCF438A75A12F9744EE5159045A98710773| |5C664ED898693BB39392B5716E47DB679BE9D7F505FCCAEC094B262742A08F19A1D| |876F4D26EE7B347B4E5653F9B17713EC4F91097A21EFDA8D7FFD26E6A815D66E815| |F89AD9F9027CC38C51CE20FB4B41BCBF49F098F4307CC3BFB89EC1DFE01FF02F736| |80FDC671E506C04BD441A7E8D774575766316DD98450F66D18759F46116FD988541| |3EBDA8A1D7C9358FB4822EE6981B6C033D4C1BF516450DD1DB5C579A6A1880DFC00| |16A3E640E1F81C70DBAC4B0C11C11EC6727BF18BF2B118B48664F3269A398CF28E6| |13C77CE2988F209B0472269033899C49E44C1E33C70D1039FDE49F827F0A7E69F8A| |7912F486732F0CF3CE6F8C927E053E6F433F039B8C30C50EC147A9A1AC20CE4A6BB| |19656DA1A1E19C48B396954FEFAB90F09B99B7620D57E31E62FDCD4D67112F21FE7| |BB39660ED87A549528EFBEBB84A1C93C54F6BCF26DDE3FAFBEF80779953CDB51BF4| |D04DFD5F993EA39C3FA39C3BA36CFAAD6EB69AD6DB7EEBDFC67CAE05A91208A990B| |5FED4A4CF84ADF5FD267D2766ADFF01CA5501B8| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
Quote:So spawn specific mobs for specific power sets just so they can feel like they're bein' useful...that...I don't even know how to properly reply to that except that I died a little on the inside. KB isn't inherently bad, but what I will you what is horrible. Knock backs that are random, see gale and hurricane. They work a percentage of the time then when you want them to knock back they don't. That drives me crazy. PBaOE knock backs on a melee toon isn't fun. Some people like them I understand, but they drive me insane. While I know very specific positioning can fix said situations by takin' the time to hop around and get the enemies just right so I can knock them back and not have everyone get annoyed with me, buttttt 90% of the time if I spent all that time I'd be attacking only a handful of mobs as the rest would be dead by that point. Woo, I got to aoe 3 enemies.
I dislike the idea of this set being unique, or requiring this set to change a power that I think has great potential into something more useful in my eyes. I'd really love the ability to scale the KB I'm doing to the currently max allotted for that power. But I realize that'd be way to much time investment when they'd much more prefer to put out something newer for people to look at and play with.
Long story short, it's a quick fix for people who dislike KB.
As I said in my earlyer posts KB is already useful. What I am proposing is to fix the player perception that it's bad. -
Quote:I kind of disagree with the idea of making mobs that you need to use KB to defeat, since it's approaching the problem from the wrong angle. It's essentially like the devs noticing that one powerset (or group of sets, as the case may be) is having problems, and deciding to solve it by adding a new enemy group that's specifically weak against that set. It still leaves the powerset sucking for the 99% of the game where that enemy group isn't present, and thus makes the set entirely situational. It doesn't solve the problem at all, and would probably just cause even more issues.
That is why I said these mobs should use the same mechanic that is used for cysts and quantams when a Keld is on the team. It makes things spawn in all missions. That way you never know when your going to need KB or not. It encourages the idea that some KB is always a good thing to have. -
Quote:Thats a non starter.....
if they are required mobs people will complain that they dont have KB, if they are optional, people will just avoid them because they are suboptimal...
The way I see them working is that alltho they are harder to kill without KB it can still be done.
Make mobs with watered down versions of Rise to the Challenge and Sunless Mire that work off of friendlys instead of enemies. Then gate these powers behind the combo system from dule blades to prevent them being used in the alpha. Then use the same system that is used to spawn Quntams and Cysts in missions for spawning the mobs.
Then you have mobs that are easier to kill when spread out that can spawn randomly in any mission. I'm not saying that they should be imposable to kill when their grouped up just hard.
This forces players to face these enemies randomly in the normal mission content. This effects the desired change in perception that all KB is bad, and encourages teams to take players with KB. -
Give me another 15 or so server transfers and I'll switch. Alltho I think Freedom is still going strong.
That said I am always in support of a server merge and single server games. -
Quote:The devs can't tackle a "kb problem" because there is no kb problem. The only kb problems I see are:
Players who have no clue how to use KB... easily remedied by teaching them.
Players who supposedly refuse to allow others who use KB... never ran into this but easily remedied by 1 starring and not teaming with them.
Neither of those things can be fixed by the devs....
You can't fix stupid.
You can. The KB problem is with player perception.
This can be fixed by making mobs that are faster to defeat when spread out than when they're bunched up. -
I feel that I should point out that my crab skipped all the pet powers and omega. I went for the shark PPP and got MOAR AOE.
5 AOE powers kicks ***. -
I have now run this on all 18 of my toons that are eligible to do it.
Casino Heist:
Fun. Its fun because it breaks from the normal mission content and has objectives that require you to think. The AV fights in the WH kinda throw me off because I don't get why they happen. All it says is that we were followed back to our hide out. Something should be done to spice these sections up.
Would love to see an iTrial version of this that has two teams split into groups with two players each on their own objectives.
Time Gladiator:
Is a fun beat em up smack em down. The ninja and monkey sections are the only bland part. Would rather see them spawn at all 4 gates and run into the middle (I.E. Gladiator chariot fight.)
IO set:
I don't like the pressadent that is being set by this IO prock that converts KB into KD it suggests that the Devs are unwilling to tackle the KB problem in a wider context, which is disappointing.
My totals if anyone cairs
End/Rec 1
Dam/End/Rec 8
KB->KD 3 (all locked at L50 slot able at 47)
Acc/Dam/End/Rec 1
Acc/Dam/End 4
Acc/Dam 1 -
Crabs are crazy good. Especially when IOed and incarnated.
Also if you take jump kick it looks like your brake dancing on your extra arms while beating people up. -
Yea right now Hybrid does basicaly nothing for MM's. Because as we all know The Dev's hate MM's.
Quote:This.This is already one set too many.
I wish this set didn't exist at all. If I'm EVER asked to have this set one any of my characters by someone who thinks knockback is the devil, I'm giving serious consideration to cancelling right then and there.
This is a mistake and will only cause more social friction in the game.
Also this.
Quote:Knockback is a tool, one that has been nerfed repeatedly in the last year or so. Every time it becomes useful in some way, it gets nerfed. You notice that lava doesn't do damage to anyone anymore? That's because knockback became useful, even somewhat powerful. Can't have that. So bye-bye verisimilitude, lava is now harmless.
And now this abomination of an IO appears. If I had the Inf, I'd buy every single one that came on the market and destroy it. The fewer of these that exists, the better. It unbalances several powers that were dependent on their knockback to be allowed to be that much more awesome, like Tornado and several AoE attacks.
But the worst part is, if this IO becomes even slightly common, it becomes a "requirement". Not officially, of course, but as you said, why not slot it in Crane Kick (except for losing the awesome "Kick badguy off high building" finishing move)? It's the "optimal" strategy. And that is terrible. Especially if it becomes a widespread idea. There's already too much unjustified stigma against knockback, this will not help that, at all. It will only make that problem worse. Much worse.
What we need is MORE knockback. Useful knockback, though, none of this "chance to" stuff. And stuff to knock enemies into, other than the Scrapper. We need knockback, a standout feature of CoH, to be awesome. The ability to affect Archvillains would be a nice place to start. Knockback is the only status in the game where a mag 10,000 protection exists. Why is that? It's not like there's anything dangerous left to knock anything into. That's nerfed already.
Frankly, I'm sorely disappointed that this IO even made it out of concept stage. It's such a bad idea, it should have been rejected outright. So many balance issues coming up...
And the worst possible thing? That this means that knockback will never get looked at properly, and turned into what it could have been. Knockback is a superheroic staple. It should have been front and center from the start.
The solution to the knockback "problem" is not to be able to switch knnockback off, it's to make knockback useful and desirable in several situations. -
Quote:This.It's a shame this isn't posted on the YouTube site that is listed at the end of the trailer.
The video on gametrailers was poor quality and I wasn't impressed with the GT logo being stamped in various places during playback.
But it was a good trailer. (Or was it a good caravan?)
Well, we all know that Steampunk Space Pirate Robot/Cyborg Monkey Nazi Space Whaler women run around nekkid.
On a totally unrelated related note are we ever going to get more technology based options for monstrous feet?
EDIT: This is win. -
So the community says its a Steampunk Space Pirate Robot/Cyborg Monkey Nazi Space Whalers set...
Coconut monkey any one? I would love to have a Coconut monkey hat/shoulder detail.
TBH I'm more interested in what this set has for females... -
No gifts here.
But many thanks for all your work on COH/V! -
And, yes, I get that opening up City of Heroes to finer-grained customization might open up quite a few balance concerns, but I personally like being locked into the "package" of my Archetype, yet allowed full reign in how I play to that AT's strengths and shore up its weaknesses. Moreover, I wish it were easier to play to my POWERSETS' strength. Under the current system, more recharge and more hit points for melee folk are almost trivial to get since that's what the "cheap 50" Uncommon sets have. Anything else, though, and I have to improvise.
Sam this is why we have Enhancement Diversification. COH tried what your asking for, and what did everyone do? Stack 6 slots of damage.
COH is set up so that the over application of one thing can make up for the deficit of something else. This is true for builds, its true for teams, and its true for powersets. I get what you saying about other games allowing you to build how you want, to pick and chose what bonus you get. But the way COH works it would be too easy to make your self overpowered.
Realise that if we had this it would look something like
3x Acc/Dam 2x Dam/rech 1x dam/end in every damaging power with set bonus looking like +damge + acc +to hit +rechage +recovery....
In order to even think about this sort of system you would have to rework the way damage is dealt and received. And if you wanted to do somthing out of the box like make a ranged scrapper people will laugh at you for not min maxing what your powerset can do best.
I guess I'm a bit confused on what you mean by more divirsty in builds. As things are now we can do almost everything and still be somewhat effective. It sounds to me like you just don't want to put in the time in Mids to find that build that can do what you want and then pay for it in game... -
Quote:I can - quite easily
And by the looks of it, so did the vast majorty of the TV watching the movie going public
Firefly flopped, Serenity bombed, Dollhouse was dead on arrival - Whedon needed Marvel to rescue him from his own vanity projects - and once he had better material to work with, and less freedom to indulge his stupidity, he finally produced a good quality piece of work.
Oh we're going to need the special level of hell for this one. -
Right so Whatismyip.com says I'm in maryland which is close (I'm in VA) but I still can't login to the forums from home.
I've played the Tech support game and at the end they said they would look in it and update me with any information they get. I'm not going to hold my breath....
Any one have any other ideas on what I can do to fix this?