Bronze Knight

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  1. Ok so I have this idea for a Robot/FF MM and I want my minions to be called MHPB - 001-3 (it stands for Meta Human Peace Bringer if you were wondering) for my first set of pets.

    However I want them to go up in number every time they die and get call back (as if i had a factory making them and they weren't the same one that just died) so for example MHPB - 001 MHPB - 002 and MHPB - 003 all die I resummoned them I would like for them be now be called MHPB - 004, MHPB - 005 and MHPB - 006 is this kind of thing possible with out breaking the EULA?

    And there's a few problems right off the bat...

    Them being them not dieing but me zoning this "kills" your pets with out them actually dieing in battle and i would like to have this "death" not counted for the total number.

    As well as the times when only one or two of them die some would be resummoned (and thus renamed) before the others possibly throwing off the whole sequence.

    Also pet names are caped at 10 (or is it 12?) letters so once they hit 999 it would have to go back to 001 or with my Repair Bots MHPBRB - 01 hit 99 and start over. (No idea what to call the Assault bot yet)

    Seeing as I know nothing about binds I was just wondering if those people more versed in this sort of thing could tell me if this is even remotely possible.
  2. I have a Energy/Them and its a lot of fun to play the KB has as of yet not been a problem for me in fact it makes soloing easy and most teams don't mind the KB so long as your not doing farming but over all its a great set and Energy torrent, Explosive blast, Nova, Self Destruct is FUN!
  3. The only toon i have that (i regulary play) shows a lot of skin is

    Neutronic Avenger

    And i tryed to make her look angry shes out for revenge after all but the clothing dose look paitned on for most of the older stuff.
  4. Wile your at it can we put emblems on sleeves with skin? or at least some of the emblems? see i got this toon here

    Neutronic Avenger

    Right now she looks like this I want this but with the Rad emblem. Minor yes but this game is all about your toon.

    While on the subject of minor problems the FACT that Crab spiders still have no neck is an issue



  5. An interesting post OP I must say its a fascinating idea.

    QUESTION: Does your own general playstyle seem to reflect how you react in other social situations (not necessarily choir, but other similar kinds of groups)?



    In RL I try my Best to stay unnoticed and quite and generally stay away from people as much as possible.

    In game I all to often finde my self leading a team of 8 for 3-4 hours strate.

    But then agen I don't get out much IRL.... And I don't have a Job right now kinda dragging my feet on this joining the military thing. I'm starting to realize that its not as much fun as it looks.
  6. Yo I would like to join in as well I can bring ether my 37 EB/Thermal coruptor or my 50 merk/traps if at all possible I would like to bring the corrupter Hopefully I'll be able to finish this one I crahsed during the posi TF last night and coden't get back on
  7. It's unorthadox It's unpopular but energy/thermal is so much fun for me. The attacks are good lots of AOE it can solo fine and is reasonably good on teams to boot!
  8. OP play a Corruptor.

    Thats one of the best things about COV with a Corruptor you can heal AND deal damage AT THE SAME TIME! which when COV came out was unheard of
  9. Right on but i may be a Katana/SR scraper insted Renlane isent as mutch fun as i thought she would be.
  10. I would like to join in on the fun i just made Renlane Magicbane but i should be level 10 by the start time shes a Energy blast/energy maniplution blaster if i cant make it i will send you a tell ingame.

    NM i see your full
  11. How about this then what if you slotted for max KB (3 KB IO's in all powers) instead of trying to force them into a wall or corner instead try to move them as far away as possible so that they have to run back to you to fight admittedly this would work best with melee only groups but the idea would be to maximize the amount of time they spend moving around and not fighting you. this assumes you have a group with 3/4's of a brain. that wont go rushing into the next spawn wile wateing for them to run back.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Best pets in a vaccum

    Bots, followed by Necro. Ninjas, Thugs and Mercenaries suffocate right off, and the zombies get dried out and kind of brittle after a while.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That would depend on how the bots computers are cooled if there air cooled they would freeze up just as fast.

    Joking aside is there NOTHING that merks do best? Are they rely that sub par to the rest of the MM sets?
  13. I hope so also i don't slot anything till 25 execp what ever i find then at 25 i make IO's and then leave things as they are till 50 when a make another round of IO's also for WM/SD for my attacks at around 25 is 2end 2 acc 2 recharge good? or 2 end 2 recharge 1 acc 1 dam better?

    And you avatar is giving me a headacke
  14. Ok I'm 18 on my WM/SD and all I want to know is if by L25 with IO's and stamina will sovle this thing where i run out of end after fighting 5 blue/w mobs?
  15. Haden't thought of that trying it now.

    Yep your right If you open mutable updaters (20-25 +) they attempt to connect independently this is a certified workaround.
  16. So i have this prolblem where the Updater takes 5-6 HOURS to connect to ...What? what is it connecting to here the update sever?

    In any case any one know of a way to work around this? (other than not closing the game which I have been doing)

    I have all the ports open on my router and am running it as an administrator on Vista it has access through the fire wall and aint vireis spy wear ad wear blockers are all letting it through so any one know how to fix this?

    The only thing I can think of is that my Satellite Internet's latency is just that bad and it keeps timing out but once im in game i only have about 1/2 a sek power lag . (Most of the time)
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    There are 2 things I'd like to see. One for Energy Blast, and one for knockback in general.

    1) Lower all KB in energy blast to knockdown levels. Then modify Power Push so that for 10 seconds after its used, your KB capacity for all powers is greatly increased.

    2) For knockback in general: change it so that a target who falls from a great height while suffering from knockback (the game must know they are being kb'ed because there is a specific animation that plays) take double or triple damage when they hit the ground. I would LOVE this so much it makes me giddy to think about. If you think this is too cheesy, call the damage they suffer "stun damage," and have it heal back 20 seconds after so that people can't just stand at the top of a building and keep knocking things off in complete safety. If this is done, damage from falling should probably also take into account Smashing resistance (it might already, but I haven't noticed it).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    1. HELL NO please if we get a change to KD Power Push should just stay KB its allready a quick recharge uility power theres no need to change it t o a buff.

    2. I dont relly see any point to this change shure it would be fun but its not relly usefull besides i think the point of the game is to kill them your self

    3. Out of whats been sugeted so far I think the sloting for KB or KD is the best option.
  18. [ QUOTE ]

    The point is that it wouldn't fix the problem. I mean, what's the argument you're making? Let's make the set only irritate your team only say, 33% of the time, rather than 75% of the time?

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    Well..... yes

    It would help at least.........
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    I've been involved with another game for about 8 years. It is pretty RP intensive, which is aided by a very dynamic world that does change over time depending on what happens. (Although not always, the status quo is rather prevalent as well.) Most people are on the side of good. Plenty aren't. However, few of the 'bad' guys often come across as too believable. They haven't quite figured out how to mesh themselves with a dynamic, living world in an organic way.

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    Sounds like EVE Online...
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    The more random the proc is, the harder the set will be to use in a reasonable way.

    If you add a chance for knockup/down, energy blasters still have to plan around the chance for knockback, because knockback will still happen sometimes.

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    Did you not read my post?

    [ QUOTE ]
    you just plan on a KB happening and then when its U or D you can be "pleasantly surprised"

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    So yes you would have to still plan on KB but the point is that it would not be as vital to do all the time and it would also make the set more team friendly and easier for new players to pick up and not tick every body off.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    So make it even HARDER to predict where your power is going to send the target than it currently is?

    How would that help? In my opinion, energy blast's knockback component should be switched to a chance to stun component or a -dmg component. Being blasted with energy would seem to stun your system enough to disorient you and also wear you down so that you're dealing less damage.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Um no its simple really you just plan on a KB happening and then when its U or D you can be "pleasantly surprised" also I suggested it as a way of keeping the set unique the energy melee sets already cause disorient. I think the only reason this hasn't been changed yet is because the devs want the Energy Blast set to be different from the other sets the B,U,D idea is a way of doing that wile keeping it more "team friendly"
  22. I just had an idea! How about all the EB powers that have KB... nm I think they all do. Any way in stead of KB have a chance to eather KB KD or KU and if the KB procks then it rolls again to see if it is B U or D? With the exception of Power Push it should do only KB. AOE powers like Energy Torrent, Explosive Blast and, Nova should roll for each fow they hit and roll again for weather its B, U,or D.
  23. Ok so it really is just the KB. Well what I do is use hover and if its possible move between the spawn were on and the next one. Then hit Explosive Blast/Energy Torrent this usually works out rather well. Any one have slotting suggestions for me? EB/Them just sets in general not a step by step guide.
  24. I mean searsy its such a BLAST to play.....

    Bad jokes aside I know the KB some people don't like but the damage seams to be equal to the other corr sets and Nova is a great nuke so is KB peoples only beef? Im siting at 35 on my Powerblast/therm and its tones of fun on and off teams. hell i may make another when I get riv up to 50 (for me the game "ends" at 50)