Bronze Knight

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    MMs need buffing like tankers need more hit points.

    I mean, seriously, I read something like"

    and just start laughing. They're not "required" to in the least. Is some content nastier to MMs than to other classes? Sure. Just like Romans and Vanguard can chew through otherwise-tough melee classes, or Carnie psy damage is a nasty surprise, or Arachnos seeming to mostly shrug off control effects.

    Now, that isn't to say some *sets* can't use help - typically Ninjas. And even that's going to vary some by secondary and playstyle. Or, as Adeon says a couple posts up:
    This is just my opinion. Perhaps I should have use the word "need" rather than "required" still my point is that yes Ninja and Merc sets need help, but so dose the MM AT. When the devs have seen time and time again players optimizing time to reward ratio, and finding ways to speed through content, some buffs to MM to enable them to do the same would be nice. Look at the I24 buffs, the Devs were trying to lower the blasters downtime between spans by giving them +regen why is the down time between spawns an issue? Because people speed through the content. Again in my opinion.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post

    How can you say MMs are 'useless on iTrials' when you've only ever run the first two?
    Wat? I have run all the iTrials on sevrial different characters. My Bot/FF has done LAM, BAF, KEYS, UG, TPN, MOM, MAG.

    She is also ranged soft caped herself and has softcaped pets in addition to T4 in all incarnate ability's, yet when compared to my scraper/VEAT/Cor? shes useless. My scraper, VEAT, Cor can all solo their way through the LAM warehouse. I try to do that on my MM and I die, either due to the pets not being their or my low HP or not being in BG mode.

    Now BAF, UG, MOM, are ok for MM's. But the LAM, Keys, TPN, MAG all SUCK for MMs, in my opinion.

    Now I am going to be reinvesting in my Merc/Traps, I got a new build planed that softcaps him but not the pets and has decent support. Once I get it built I'm going to do a lot of trials with him, get him up to T4 in all the Incarnate goodies. I'm just going to know that no matter what I do I'll always be under-performing. It just burns me ya know?
  3. I'm mad.

    I logged in my Mercs/Traps MM last night lamenting the fact that he is useless now days. I retired him when the BAF/LAM came out because he just couldn't keep up. He wasn't soft caped and his low health meant he would die every other spawn. I just stopped playing him because I knew that no matter what I did he was useless in the new endgame. Every time I played him I just got so angry that one of my favorite characters was pointless in the Devs vision of the game. Why do you care about this?

    I asked when MM's would be getting a balance pass about 2/3 weeks ago on the Coffey Talk. Synapse said something like "I know this sounds like a copout but MM's are relatively "new" in the grand scheme of things." (@37min) At the time I was like ok I can live that that excuse for now. Well no longer. MM's are just as "new" as Dominators and Stalkers, both of which have had a balance pass that made them more competitive with the other AT's. Blasters are getting their balance pass in I24. AFAIK Controllers are fine as they are and even the Kelds are doing much better nowadays with the mez protection when shape shifting.
    In short, it's time to buff the MM's.

    I know people take issue with that because MMs are powerful with just SO's but what people don't realize is that even if you IO an MM to the gills the effect is nowhere near as profound as it is on a soft caped Scraper or perma-domination Dom. In my opinion to make an MM effective in the iTrials you have to soft cap yourself and the pets. Its pointless otherwise. If your pets are not softcaped then your secondary (whatever it is) may as well not even be their because you will spend all your time resummoning and rebuffing your pets.

    So playerbase in your opinion is there any other AT that needs help as much as MM's post I24?

    Can you say that after I24 there will be any power that is truly worse than serum?

    Do you think that the cottage rule should be thrown aside when you compare some of the older MM primary set powers with the new MM sets? Daemons/Beast Mastery as compared to Mercs/Robots?

    On a team what do you expect the mastermind to do? / What role do you expect him to fill on a team?

    Do you think the MM's role on a team changes depending on the content? (I.E. Does the MM do the same job on a paper mish team as he does in the iTrials?)

    Do you consider MM's to be tanks?

    Do you think it's fair that some MM's can slot the unique recharge intensive pet IO's and more easily soft cap their pets giving those sets an inherent advantage over sets that don't offer that?

    For that matter do you think it's fair that MM's are "required"(need) to slot 5/7 unique IO's in their primary powers just to bring them up to the point where they last long enough to do anything in the high level content?
  4. Dink about the chainsaw TW...

    Please tell me it's not pre-tinted? I mean I know it's going to be cool no matter what but the character I want to use it on has a white/blue color scheam and those colors don't mix well with pre-tinted options.
  5. The Aglets! THE AGLETS! Their coming to get me!

    Oh look at that a mission where group fly is useful. Is hell frozen over?
  6. Bronze Knight

    I24 Preview!

    Originally Posted by spazmeer View Post
    If Chuck Norris was a Paragon Studios developer, he could fix everything.

    Is it possible to roundhouse kick data?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I know Marauder has done bad things, and will continue doing bad things. I also don't dispute he's an animal. However, he strikes me kind of like Grunt from Mass Effect 2 - a wild, violent beast that CAN be controlled by someone strong enough to pull his leash.

    Can't see Marauder reading Hemingway...

    Alltho Maruader should read Soldiers Home after what happens in the Mag.
  8. IMO the solution to this is to simply move the timeline forward some.

    Start a new leveling timeline post Rikit war.

    Those few arks that still deal with the aftermath of the Rikit war move to Oro. Games (should) change and develop over time. We are in the middle of one such change right now. It is a good change. The game world is moving towards being dynamic rather than static. With the vanishing contact tech we can see our choices affect the game world.

    I am not saying that the story and character motivations and writing are the best. I know their are many that don't like some of the recent lore changes. But in the end moving the game world up 10 years or so and having all that content that we did become fact. That is a good thing.
  9. As a DP/Traps and AR/Devices player I just don't get you people that hate redraw to the point of not playing weapon sets. Hell I still want munitions mastery for Cors.
  10. Bronze Knight

    I24 Preview!

    Whats that thing on his back?

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dink View Post
    No they will not be I'm sorry, they were specifically made for the Pants category.

    That... sucks.

    Can we have some big boots in the pants category now? IDF, Enforcer, Large, Banded, Mecha? They should clip over the pants, right?

  12. Dink will the pants be in both the pants category and the tucked in catagory?
  13. Cool. Nice to finally see something for doms. It's also nice that its free for VIP's means I may even make a few characters with the sets.

    Still want my Gatling-gun assault/Grenade Launcher control sets tho.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    What about a Chainsaw pack? We could have high tech chainsaws chainsaw guns, bloody chainsaws, more bloody chainsaws, double and triple chainsaws, rusty chainsaws.....
    And a chainsaw katana and chainsaw nunchuks....
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
    I'm sorry, I still don't see how that couldn't be divided into several different pieces that fit together but are usable independently... and we have plenty of HUUUGE costume parts already.
    No we don't. What do we have that is "Huge"?

    Large Robotic Gloves
    Enforcer boots
    IDF Boots

    We need big armor. And now that we have BioArmor I'm hoping we get Mecha Armor at some point.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Yea, I can see me using it with my CHAAAINSAAWW.

    I'm currently gonna be replacing my namesake's Demon Axe (Still want a scythe!) with the Chainsaw, because there is nothing more badass than a grim reaper with a chainsaw.


    What about the Grim Reaper with THREE chainsaws?

    One in each hand and one in his teeth.
  17. I asked for the welders mask and... I GOTS TEH WELDERS MASK!


    Could we also have the welders mask in the detail 2 section? It could keep the Elemental Order mask company, it's lonely down there all alone. And I agree that hair should be ported to females. I would never use it myself but more options = good.

    P.S. I'm not saying the the Welders mask should just be in detail 2 but that it should be in BOTH Detail 1 and Detail 2 for maximum costuming possibility's.

    EDIT: There are a few other things that small edits could make for big improvements upon. Namely the tool belt.
    1. The hammer have another version of the belt with the hammer loop empty and one with a small crowbar.
    2. The road flares have a version of the belt where they are replaced with shotgun rounds. Either use the shot shells from the bandolier or just downsize your road flares a bit and add some loops around em.
    3. Another version of the belt with nothing but rope and canteens, would be perfect for the wasteland scouts. (Remember in the Book of Eli? Eli was looking for water for the first 1/2 of the movie; having 2 or 3 canteens on your belt is not a bad idea.)
  18. Read some of this thread but I would just like to say that I LIKE Arachnos as it is in the game lore right now.

    I think the Rogue Isles need a dictator and I thin that Arachnos is a necessary element to keep the riff raff at bay and to keep down the truly crazy stuff that tends to happen in the isles.

    In addition Arachnos is used in a lot of other villain content DFB, DIB are two recent examples. Also, and I know this is looked down upon on the forums, my VEAT is still a strong supporter of Arachnos even as a incarnate powered level 53 badass.
  19. Dink is their some particular reason that the female armored chest category doesn't have access to the Stealth chest detail?

    Are their clipping issues or is it just an over site?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    So... you want to swing a Rikti around and hit stuff?

    For Me: Works
  21. Ya know seeing as how we have a broom staff weapon already. I want to see a staff made out of rolls of quarters.

    Ya know these things, as a play on the word Quarterstaff....

    ...I think it would be funny.
  22. A few things here.

    1. Their is a Rularuu Shield.
    2. The Rikti Blaster is what we have in game now. The Rikti Rifle is the one that isn't awarded when it should be.
    3. Legacy Semi Auto is Thugs only and should be ported to DP.
    4. The Crey pistol from the Hero Accolade should also be ported to DP.
    5. The Sky Raiders Machete for BS, DB
  23. Diden't a forumite make a Rikti titan weapon a few weeks before it came out? Or was it a Vangurad version? Either way we need both.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dink View Post
    Got the ok, sent a bug to myself. I will do this when I wrap up Post Apoc.
    Shiny. Or rather not shiny as the case may be...
  25. I have something of a personal request to make. I've asked for stuff like this in the previous version of this thread. So I just wanted to bring this up again. And given all the talk recently about Gold/Sliver age costumes it strikes me that this is very sliver age in theme although that was not my intent. (Intent was Steampunk)

    Basically I want a WWI/WWII British military pack. Stuff like gas masks, Trench coats, Great coats, Storm coats, Brody helmets, Sam brown belts, 3D Bandoliers,(one we have now is... flat) bayonets, trench knives, Bren Guns.

    Lets just skip to the pictures of yours truly so as to not subject you to more of my babbling.

    I would like more stuff like this.