Bronze Knight

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  1. A Youtube link would be grand mate.
  2. A minor update to Captain Den'Rath's Steampunk outfit.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
    And on day people will say that there were rumors that the scientists thought that the first particle collision done by the LHC would create a black hole that would tear apart the solar system or create a strangelet that destroyed the universe...

    And those of us that were alive at the time will people are ignorant, please shut up.

    ps... I'm not calling galadiman ignorant... I'm saying we in the future will call people saying similar things to what was said in the past are ignorant...
    Its a good idea to keep an eye on these things.
  4. *Sudden random joke referencing as many internet memes as possible accompanied by a random pic slapped into a demotivational poster.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bright View Post
    That's a lot of facepalm. O_O

    It's really bad when you can name ALL of those references/anime.

    P.S. No I can't name them all.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    I'll pick the choice that leads to a Hero Merit.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    This kind of predicament is why I don't write my characters with secret identities and many "normal" friends. Most of my characters are either loners, or have associates who are as dangerous as they are.


    Almost all of my characters either traveled here from another dimension and thus have no interest anybody in this dimension or are robots.

    In my opinion anyone engaging in Heroic activities should know that having nonpowered friends places them in great danger simply by caring for them. The true hero sacrifices his right to have emotions for others in order to benefit others.
  8. A nod to the great master of humor.*

    Dry comment on the continued excellence of Steelclaw posts.*
  9. Cross posting for the more art/color conscious critics that live in this jungle that you people call a "forum".

    Presenting Valkyries Executor a girl that hails from a heavily Nordic influenced steampunk world. Encased in steam powered armor that allows her to swing the mighty legacy broadsword(now a lodestone blade with the incarnate gravimetric interface) and defend herself with a massive tower shield. And steam jump jets for quick movement across the battlefield.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Overlord View Post
    Ah, finally, I am able to share my revised character!

    Maddie Luckless, my crazy scrapping Irishwoman!
    Wow. Simple, Elegant, and Bold.

    Well Done!
  11. Female monstrous hands do not have access to the new steam punk gloves.

    I'm assumeing that its just an oversight but I'm calling it a bug.
  12. This is great as always Steelclaw. It is also in all prolbilty true.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Freitag View Post


    Disclaimer: I don't actually know if it was over 9,000 or not.

    Ok its a silly red name post but it's still a red name post.

    That means I'm entitled to a complete over analyzing of its contents.

    Let's put down some numbers here. Let's assume that the game currently has 15,000 active subscribers that works out to 225,000 USD per month Assuming they did sell roughly 9000 steam punk boosters On the first day they made an extra $90,000. So for this month it's almost like they had an another 6000 subscribers.

    Assuming NCSoft gets about half that. It begs the question "How is that extra $40,000 is being used to improve City of Heros?"
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    So... "Time" is a bug, and so is "restraints imposed by Time and the rest of Reality" since both limit (through limiting the art team's time) our ability to create costumes?

    ... Yes bend my logic till it breaks.

    P.S Time is a bug fix it devs.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Not being colored the way you want it is not a *fix* of a bug.

    Also, it's a list of what they done so far. Did you think they recolored the backpack and Zwillinger inadvertently left that off the list? Otherwise, you're just asking for something which was already asked for and the question should have been, "Some of us have asked for the backpack to be recolored; is that on their list of things to do?"

    You say it's not a bug. That is true relative to the way the term "bug" is being used in this instance. However I am taking a broader perspective of the term "bug" in this case by applying it to things that limit our ability to create costumes.

    On this we shall simply have to agree to disagree.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Reread what that is a list of.

    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    I went and pestered El Topo and Cheryl for a list of things that we can confirmed as fixed internally specific to the Steampunk Pack.
    Last I checked the Beaten Brass Backpack was part of the Steampunk pack.
  17. No fix of color tint for the Backpack?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post

    He's saying he wanted armored steampunk style boots in the booster (to go with the rest of the original Steampunk armor set, I assume), not that he was unwilling to pay for it.

    Edit: Oops, he did say free stuff. That said, I agree that boots completing a set that's been around since launch isn't an unreasonable request.

    Yes and Yes. I would be willing to pay for them but I do feel that the sets age means that they should be free.
  19. Naw they can't release data like that because then people would say that they made X amount of USD on pay for costume bits and then they would demand a few free costume bits.

    NC Soft has olympic size swimming pools of money to swim in. They can't be arsed to give us FREE stuff.


    Not that I'm BITTER about that or any thing.
  20. The cool new animation for the steam jump pack Removes both weapons and shields which looks rather silly when leaping into combat and having Your weapons suddenly reappear when landing.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post

    Darn it the targeting drone is included in that.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    Nice! I especially like the effective combination of head details.
  23. Unnecessary post was unnecessary.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I think they made a mistake not giving that pack as another option for the back costume slot, myself. And I "steam jets" is one of the cooler ideas I've heard in a while

    For sure.

  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Now that's a very impressive look. I HATE the (old) Steampunk pieces because they're horrendously low-res textures, but you make some seriously good use of them. Also, that is one chunky female character. Very nice job hiding the body shape. The only way I could tell is I know that hat hair is only available to women. I'd have been clueless otherwise

    Well the story is that shes wearing steam powered armor that grants her increased strength, so she is able use the legacy broadsword and the massive riot shield effectively in combat. It also (in my head at least) had steam powered jets that allowed entire teams of females equipped with such armor to jump out of zeppelins attack others zeppelins in midair. The idea being that they were females who had lost their husbands,and sons to war and wanted revenge, hence they were called Valkyries.

    So the steam jump pack is perfect for her. Now we just need a version of the steam backpack that adds the steam jump pack "canisters" the side. Maybe they could do that for an alternate super jump animation.