1191 -
Isn't that supposed to be "for the greater good"?
Quote:Looking at your list, I'd suggest:I'm sorry for the lack of information i provided, here is some background info.
I have no opposition towards any toon or set in particular.
Here are my 50's
-Fire/Fire Blast
-Fire/Fire Tank
-KM/Invul Brute
-Fire/Kin Troller
-Spines/Elec Scrap
-Elec/Shield Scrap
-DM/Shield Brute
-Stone/SS Tank
-Elec/WP Brute
-DP/MM Blaster
-SS/Fire Brute
-TW/Fire Brute
Any Mastermind
Any Dominator
Any Corruptor
Any Stalker
More or less in that order.
Specific builds for each?..
Kin/Nin -
Actually, since I reflexively decline teleport prompts when their intent hasn't been clearly stated in advance, I've never been at risk for reflexively approving a kick vote. But incandescent teleport spam grief dingleberries are a whole different gripe.
Quote:Pretty well sums it up. In any case, decided I wasn't reading enough into it (contrary to the usual problem). Comments largely removed.I think he's under the impression that your OP, which is requesting people to log into Beta and give their opinions in the appropriate thread in Beta Forums, followed by your opinion of them, isn't enough for him. He seems to think it's a female-dog fest of epic proportions, though I'm not entirely sure where he's getting that from. He thinks you should have used more words to describe what's wrong and how to fix it (even though there's a thread for that in the Beta Forums).
Your subsequent posts were a little over the top, but the OP is what he seems to be hung up on, and I just can't see his version of it.
(Bloodspeaker: I understand that this is akin to putting words in your mouth, but do realize this is what you come across as, regardless of what you actually mean.)
Sorry for the excess touchiness. Too close to a long-standing peeve. -
Quote:And frankly, this is where it should have started.John, with all due respect I think you're knee-jerking a bit here.
In the end, we're all going to go on with our lives and nobody is going to shed tears if Emil Petrovic become Chernobog instead of Marrow Drinker. It's kinda hard to drink marrow in the first place and Chernobog is kind of a cool guy to be named after so really, it's not such a big deal.
The big deal is that the Powers That Be have been making a practice of being unfamiliar with their own product and of changing things whenever it suits them.
Case in point, about the Skulls - We all know that Skulls wear masks,right? When Atlas Park Mark 2 launched, Grym made it clear that whoever wrote his dialog thought that they wore face paint. It went live despite objections. Now, we have masks again and not just masks but masks that are going to become player costume elements.
Just yesterday, Matt made a post about how Marrowsnap was nothing special as a name, that HE created the name as a generic boss name and that any confusion on the matter of it being a specific boss name was most likely a confusion by the players based on lack of information (about which lack, don't get me started on Standard Lore Rant #3). It only took one following post to point out that the official studio website background information on the Petrovics says that they named themselves Marrow Snap and Marrow Drinker. Oops.
Matt would wave it off as a mistake, just a studio mistake that is being corrected/clarified. Regardless, it's not a single instance of such a mistake. It's a pattern that's been developing for years now.
The discontent and nit-pickiness if you care to classify it as such is a reaction to that. I don't ask that you change your opinion. I would ask that you look through the objections being raised here and on the beta forum and consider whether some of those objections (particularly about the Boris Badenov dialog) might be legitimate ones.
I will simply say what I've been saying - If the Skulls are being "clarified" to show that they've been an ethnic gang all along, then how is that making them more interesting and how is it improving the game? More to the point, what is being done to insure that continued gaffes about the story are dealt with appropriately, especially when the studio has publically stated an all-but-official policy that nobody should feel beholden to the established canon?
This is a RPG. The backstory is the foundation of the game, regardless of how many players could care less about it. Other game studios treat their backstory and in-game history as a strength. They build on it and feed it to the players as a benefit of learning the game. This studios throws their backstory away and publically makes statements about how their developers should be able to make whatever new thing they want without concern about whether it fits the established backstory, contradicts it, or outright erases it.
It is reasonable for people who care about the story to respond to that state of affairs. I support anyone who is fine with the changes to express their opinions and to BE fine with them. The game will go on regardless and few of us will quit in disgust over it. However, in return I ask that the opinions of the dissatisfied people be respected as well. Customers are customers and the studio needs to know about that dissatisfaction, especially in the rare case where it's not just the "usual suspects" complaining but a measurable percentage of normally quiet individuals.
Whether that's the case here or not remains to be seen. The final form of the whole thing remains to be seen. The studio has already said that they're dealing with the dialog. We'll see how they address any of the other suggestions/complaints or if they are comfortable with their design and choose to leave it as is. That's their perogative, too.
We all know that. There is constructive dialog happening here, not just ******** and kvetching. We should all do our part to keep it that way. -
Very saddened. Like so many others, I didn't really know Lucas on a personal basis, but I've been on quite a few TFs and raids with him, and have shared a lot of channel and side banter with him about... anything at all, really.
My heartfelt condolences to his family and friends. He will be deeply missed. -
Quote:Heh, did similar on a Mo'Cuda, where in the last room everyone else piled onto Reichsman while I blocked the door alone (as alone as an MM ever gets, anyway) against the "endless ambush". Good times.I pick up OG when I can, as was mentioned for a Traps mastermind it is AMAZING. OG, poison traps and the lockdown proc in poison traps. I can't think of more ways to lock down a full group of minions on 4/8 setting. Heck it works well on Incarnate stuff. I stand in front of incoming mobs during Baf AV fights so they get stunned as I attack the AVs.
Works great on MMs. Pets don't care about stunned mobs, and tend to pile onto the unstunned bosses+ anyway. And the damage is trivial compared to a) self healing and b) the damage not being dealt by the mobs in their stunned state.
OG is really a "right/wrong tool for the job" affair, like so many other powers in the game. -
*shrugs* They weren't exactly required to poll the entire playerbase for costume ideas, and "design by committee" NEVER ends well, anyway. As such, any input here is simply personal opinion regarding what looks good, bad or indifferent on ANY costume in the game. It's fine that people don't like Penny's look. I don't much, myself. But did we really, honestly need a thread about it? Yes, yes... feel free to skip the usual "but I'm entitled to an opinion" excuse. Not every personal opinion requires public expression.
About #$*@#% time. I've made the point regarding "double flight" (i.e. people will learn from the mistake) numerous times. And since it's obviously possible to "lock out" some powers based on other power choices (dual blades vs shield defense, for example), it's not impossible to "lock out" other versions of flight after choosing one. How easy the coding might be is a matter of pointless speculation.
Quote:You forgot to throw the winkie after that.This is an all out attack aganist the cottage rule and I personally feel violated as a 6 year vet. For LITERALLY years I've been perfecting my build to minimize debt incurred via defeats. It's not just the time I've sunk into my toons but the hundreds of influence I've burned collecting the needed recipes, salvage etc. to put them together. I will fight these unfair and frankly game ruining changes tooth and nail.
333 actually. Can possibly be done on a single Snaptooth run if you're set as a high enough group. Don't recall how many ambushes actually spawn.
Wondering what would happen if I have two of the recipe on a Rogue or Vigilante, and summon him in Sharkhead and Talos in succession...
Quote:That wasn't a couple of years ago. That was earlier this year. I was one of those thundering.Because that's what the players want. A couple years ago, at one of the Player Summits, Positron asked the group about non-unique naming. He set it up in an "All for/all opposed" manner. For the "All for" side, there was a smattering of support. For the "All opposed", the response was thundering.
Also, regarding "active accounts", that criteria isn't as simple as it was before Freedom. If I don't play for a month or more, but I still pay the subscription, my account is obviously active. But if I decide to go premium, while still playing every day... yes, my account is still active. I have characters with (imo) awesome names that I haven't played for a year or more. I should not stand to lose those characters in the event that I decide to go premium. Ever. Regardless of what level they are, or any other criteria you choose to throw at it. And frankly, this is as true of completely free, never-paid-a-freaking-dime accounts as it is of any others. Because that player might choose to actually pay money to the game, and would be far less likely to do so if their favorite character name got stolen.
And yes, stolen is in fact a deliberate choice of wording.
In closing, get over it. The answer is no. It has been no for several years at this point. It's going to remain no for the forseeable future. -