1191 -
Quote:It helps to have hover/fly for this one, especially now that toggles remain on after a log out/in.There's a much easier way to get in although I haven't tested to see if it still works. There's a building on Monkey Island on PI whose door is partially covered by a mound of dirt. Log out near this door, then log back in. Upon logging in, your character will exit this door as all characters do if they logged out near a door, but you'll be stuck in the mound. Use /stuck to get unstuck, which will clip you underneath the map.
The only place I remember seeing this was in Warburg; it put you inside the rocket gantry, but I never found the correct access point. Would like to go there for the first and last time, if anyone knows how.
Doesn't sound encouraging. Will have to do some testing when I get home from work, but you seem to be unable to connect to the character server for some reason.
Had a TW brute waiting for Rad Armor, now never to be.
Gonna miss you folks. I know that, after several years of lobbying, I'd finally (rather vocally) despaired of ever seeing anything new for base building, but I still lurked here, hoping the rest of you die-hard torch-bearers would finally win out.
That's pretty trivial compared to my sense of despair now... -
Does it happen when you GET to the server selection screen, or when you actually select a server?
If the latter, does it act differently when you select a different server? -
Heh, I still fondly remember the all-MM teams and SFs I used to run with my main, back when he was still on Liberty.
Seems so long ago, now. -
I'll be honest. I had a feeling that Something Was Up™ for some time, now. Ever since my NCSoft account started prompting me to "migrate my Aion and Lineage II accounts". Really didn't expect it to be THIS bad...
*shrugs* I'd made the decision to never do any new business with NCSoft again some time ago. Even if they reversed their decision tomorrow, that position wouldn't change.
That being said, calling for a boycot is shallow. People will move on with their lives, friends will meet again elsewhere, players will play new games. I neither like nor agree with the decision or its delivery any more than anyone else, but it's done. Making it into a vindictive battle is a disservice to the memories I will take with me. -
A couple from today:
I charge into a group of Skulls with the Time's Juncture toggle on (a -run, among other debuffs). Instantly, one of them shouts "Don't run!"
Gee, ya think?..
And not so much dialog, but a funny (in context) emote, in a Stop the Bank Robbery mission (not safeguard), one of the Lost sitting on the floor just outside the vault, panhandling...
As our room mate said: "robbin' banks? ur doin' it rong..."
And from one of the wandering civilians in Port Oakes (iirc): "Is that costume a copyright violation?" -
Quote:I had a howling fit of laughter when a rescued civilian said this to a now-deleted toon of mine, 2 Po 4 Mo. He was a blaster with a techy-looking helmet, gauntlets, boots and utility belt... and underwear. Nothing else."Nice costume"
always makes me happy until I realize it is an NPC -
Oh, and...
tak an drk f teh pst iz 2 elijibl 2 red bcuz pstr iz to laz 2 tipe gud -
Quote:You know what? Thank you very much for coming up with a "simple and elegant plan" that is, in fact, simple and elegant. Generally speaking, when I see a post use that term (or similar), I have to fight the urge to put a sack over my head. Or mentally change it to "simple and elephant"... or something like that...Its a rather simple and elegant idea, we should have as a repeatable tier 9 rewards option to exchange out reward token for Paragon points, at first I was going to say 400 and every month but then I realized that would mean pretty much giving us $10 worth of points a month as apposed to $5. So I ws thinking it could be done one of 2 ways.
Either it is repeatable once every 3 months for 400pts
You can do it monthly for something like 150pts
what brought about this idea to be quite frank is today a new power set dropped at the usual cost, 800pts. How ever I am a bit short and am currently too broke to purchase 400pts. If such an option existed it would be nice to have.
Also I thought of the fact that some people who have reached tier 9 VIP have bought little or none of the costume pieces put in that category and may have all the costume pieces from the tarot game. This would be a great alternative for them as well. -
Personally, I've just been drinking in the forums. I'm thoroughly pixelated, now... *staggers off*
Heh, if we kept adding rules to accomodate every ridiculous forum poster foible, it would moebius loop back onto itself and vanish in a puff of strange particles.