Blood Spectre

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    Oops. Archer.
    atta boy. Also Glee.
  2. 1. Pirates of Dark Water this anime buisness has gone far enough!

    2. Cowboy Bebop or has it?

    3. Dungeons & Dragons for showing me how to roll

    4. Afro Samurai I have HAD IT with these mother f*ing Martians Succesors on this mother f*ing draft!

    5. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 42 times, for no adequately described reason.

    6. Pushing Daisies I guess

    7. Archer I hope the Honeymooners die in a fire.

    8. Clerks the Animated Series why are we voting this way?
  3. I will watch as many of these as you guys feel like posting.
  4. Man, that was brutal. I got wtfpwned! Got to hope Archer can keep me in the running for another round!

    Or I can just POUT!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Teldon View Post
    Blame BBM if he had not of voted I would have been forced to do a tie breaker.
    How can you pick The Honeymooners? That show was terrible! Gah.

    You will rue this day sir!

    Go on!

    Start rueing!
  6. I really liked this. Glad I picked it up.
  7. Was I the only one expecting to see He-Man and company in a foot race?
  8. 1) The Oblongs is it dumb that I dont even know what Pushing Daisies was about?

    2) Better Off Ted My pick is awesome, and the Honeymooners condoned spousal abuse.

    3) Archer or you can just POUT

    4) Dead Like Me Police Squad is in every draft!

    5) Clerks the Animated Series Well that was easy.

    6) The Tick on principle

    7) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy because I'm a jerk. A complete kneebiter.

    8) Freaks and Geeks had to be one of them.
  9. Also, is Archer not animation for these purposes? I dont care, just curious.
  10. 1)Trigun one of the few anime series I like.

    2)Afro Samurai I dont get Zim. It's very hard not to get Sam Jackson being a badass though.

    3)Claymore Dont care for either, but had to pick one.

    4)Freakazoid because, duh

    5)Dungeons & Dragons I hate endorsing this crappy cartoon, but it is D&D and she is my first love, even if she did go through an ackward acne phase.

    6)Inhumanoids. I'm far too egocentric not to vote for myself.

    7)Spider-Man: The New Animated Series aka MTV's Spider-Man I have no idea what the other thing is. Also I dont care, it's against Spider Man

    8)Cowboy Bebop the other anime series I like.
  11. I'm not a dev apologist, but our devs are awesome, and I'm sorry for anyone who can't handle that.
  12. huh. rental....

    nah, I want to own it.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaderath View Post
    Thought it wasn't out until Tuesday?
    me too
  14. The second image is perfect, I would change nothing. It's money in the bank, IMO.

    The first, I think it's too busy. I'd pull two or three of the characters off of it.
  15. I dont hide because I wish to be found.
  16. sign me up for your newsletter.

    assuming that is is delivered less often than your posts.
  17. Blood Spectre

    Vanguard Sword

    I actually had to turn the difficulty down a notch to get through that arc on my Dark/Dark Tank. They're pretty brutal on melee characters.