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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    You can only kill a thread resurrected by the thread necromancer if you stab it in the heart with the Sacred Sabre of Callis at the stroke of midnight on the second Tuesday of next week by the light of the pale harvest moon while reciting the Chant of Holy Transcendance in the Language of the Ancient Ones.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But that's during Brutal Bruiseday!
    No one sacrifices threads on Brutal Bruiseday. Sacrifices are reserved for a Stalker day.
  2. Fitting.
    As I, the Mad Phat Thread Killer is here as well.
  3. 29 years old.
    I have a suck job at DuPont Chemical as a IT Engineer (The work isn't bad, but the work atmosphere blows!). I have a POS house in Delaware with 2 Roommates (One male, One female), 2 cats (Spooky and Mr. Kitty, Both male), and 2 fish (Midas and Riley). And other than that, I have no life. The only things that prove I exist are the string of EXes that constantly either pine for me, or avoid me like the plague. I work, eat, sleep, game, rinse & repeat.

    The only pictures that have been taken of me in the past 10 years are my Company ID and my Drivers' License. And with luck, it will stay that way. I hate having my picture taken.

    Geez, I'm such a downer.
  4. Thanks for the feedback.

    The build I supplied was by no means my build, but a generic build meant to show how you can cover a lot of bases with the Power Set Combo. It was a simple sample. Not a tempate for someone to build against.

    My primary goal in the way I wrote it up, was to create a build with High Damage (Thus the Term Nuking) and High Buffs/Healing. And you are right on many points. That is why I marked many of the power comments as bittersweet or I am unsure of how I feel about some powers.

    I don't use Hasten because a Big Issue with me is Endurance Consumption. I would rather have a good steady attack chain that keeps Endurance in reserve in can I need to do something drastic to get the team out of trouble, than bunring through everything at a faster pace.
    But, then some people can't live without Hasten, and think it's the best thing since sliced bread. And I can see why.

    It is good to have a contrasting viewpoint.
  5. I created a Build Guide for Energy/Dark Corrupters. Just wanted to let you all know it's up there and ready for your approval/disapproval.

    The Ultimate Nuking & Support Corrupter: Energy/Dark

    Use it in Good Health!
  6. Disclaimer:
    Many of the following statements are from my own experiances and are my own opinions. Some are based on
    the math of the game, some are based on my perceptions. Please don't take anything as "gospel" here.
    This is simply a Guide, not a rulebook. Take my opinion and experiances, and learn from them, but
    don't follow them word for word, make your own choices. Maybe I'm wrong, Maybe not.
    Try your own experiances and see how this all stacks up for you. And also remember, Concept should
    come first. If you can't justify why your character would have Energy Blasts and Dark Powers, then
    you should try something else. It is my opinion you should select your Concept first, and Powers
    second. It makes for a more enjoyable character that way.
    Also.... Many of my Statistics come from CoH_CoV Character Builder.
    Thanks to Jay D. Teague for making such a great program, and allowing me to create my guide.
    Now, on with the Hoot-nanty!

    As many of you know, I'm a huge fan of Corrupters.
    And more so for this combanation. The Energy/Dark Miasma. It is quite this interesting pairing.
    It has it's downsides, like needing an enemy to pull from for Healing, and Rez-ing, and the fact that
    it is a VORACIOUS Endurance hog. But, with proper management the Endurance costs can be still
    usable without resting every 15 minutes.Also, keep in mind, this guide is made for PvE Characters. I
    can hold my own in PvP, but when going against custom built PvP Corrupters, Energy/Dark is not the
    greatest. The Dark Miasma's Tendancy to need to pull from another target makes it a little harder
    to use in PvP. But, if you can make a build and prove me wrong, I welcome it. I'd love to see what
    you can come up with.

    First, about Corrupters. Corrupters do 2 things well. Nuke and Buff/Heal. That is what they are
    made for. This Energy/Dark Powerset maximizes both of these roles. And ads in some Enemy De-Buffing
    to boot. Energy is one of the highest damage Offensive Blasts in the game. It deals fantastic Damage,
    The range is ok, and has a slew of differant attacks. However, the Energy Attacks don't have many
    de-buffy add-ins, like Ice and Radition do. So if you are looking to De-Buff as well as Damage, you'd
    do better with one of those 2 Offensive Powers. If you want Hard-Core Nuking, You've come to the right
    Dark Miasma is one of the most all encompassing Support Powers in the game. If you want to specialize
    in one area of Support like Healing or Buffing, Dark may not be for you. You might want to concentrate
    on Kinetics or Thermal. If you want to have a nice selection of tools in which to support yourself and
    your team, then Dark Miasma is for you.

    Let's take a look at the Energy Powers first.

    Power Bolt -
    End Cost: 5.2
    Activation Time: 2
    Recharge Time: 4
    Range: 80
    Damage Index: 2.2222 Energy + 0.5556 Smash
    Others: 30% chance of Knockback

    This is the first of the powers you recieve. It's a nice Beginning Power to be sure, but I normally
    like to start off the game by taking Power Blast first, then add on Bolt a little later. I like to
    have the extra damage early.

    Power Blast -
    End Cost: 8.528
    Activation Time: 1.67
    Recharge Time: 8
    Range: 80
    Damage Index: 2.7778 energy + 1.7778 Smash
    Others: 30% Chance of Knockback

    This is my Meat and Potatoes Power. It's a little higher cost on Endurance, and a little slower,
    but it has been my experiance the Power Blast seems to Knockback more oftern than the Bolt. This maybe
    due to the slightly higher damage or something, I don't know. Maybe I'm going crazy, and they are
    equal, but this is my perception of it. This is the first power I took, and I don't feel sorry for it.

    Energy Torrent -
    End Cost: 11.856
    Activation Time: 1.07
    Recharge Time: 12
    Range: 12 (40 Degree Cone)
    Damage Index: 1.8333 Energy + 0.8333 Smash
    Others: 40 Degree Cone Attack, 30% chance of Knockback

    This power I have mixed feelings about. The cone attack is nice, but that is high cost for endurance
    and the long recharge also shy-ed be away from it. I personally think Power Burst is a much better
    'bang of the buck' value. Even taking into account that Energy Torrent is a multiple target cone attack.
    If you are going to take it, you might want to hold off till a little later.

    Power Burst -
    End Cost: 10.4
    Activation Time: 2
    Recharge Time: 10
    Range: 20
    Damage Index: 3.1111 Energy + 2.1111 Smash
    Others: 60% Chance of Knockback

    I personally love this power. It's a great power to teach a lesson to those Freakshow who insist on
    getting too close to you. The Knockback is nice, and it probably the only power I like Knockback on,
    because it is a shorter range power. You can slot a few range enhancements in this, but don't ever
    expect it to get to the range of your Bolt and Blast. You'll also be tempted to put a Recharge in there
    But remember, you only have 6 Slots, choose them wisely.

    Sniper Blast -
    End Cost: 14.352
    Activation Time: 4
    Recharge Time: 12
    Range: 150
    Damage Index: 5.5556 Energy + 2.1111 Smash
    Others: 20% Bonus to Accuracy, 60% chance of Knockback

    One of the better sniper powers in CoV. A faster Activation than Fire's Blazing Bolt, and almost as much
    Damage, and availible at a much lower level. If you like Pulling, take this. If you are concentrating
    on Fast and High Damage, Skip it. You can't use this sucker in the heat of battle, unless you are sticking
    to the back. And what healer is needed in the back of the party?

    Aim -
    End Cost: 5.2
    Activation Time: 1.17
    Recharge Time: 90
    Duration: 10
    Others: 100% Bonus to Accuracy, 50% Bonus to Damage

    Like all the Aim Powers, it's useful, but runs out awfully quick. I use this for the battles when I'm
    the only healer, we are fighting +5 level Purple Enemies, and I need to Get my Heal to hit. Also, does
    some amazing things with Nova.

    Power Push -
    End Cost: 8.528
    Activation Time: 1.1
    Recharge Time: 8
    Range: 70
    Damage Index:0.5556 Energy + 0.5556 Smash
    Others: 40% Bonus to Accuracy, 100% chance of Knockback

    I'm not such a big fan of Knockback. I mean it has it's place, but the Meleers in the group quickly
    get mad at you if you are bouncing his target from one side of the room to the other. So I keep
    Knockback to a minimum. If you think like me, and are out to Nuke, not Knock, then skip this one.
    If you like playing pinball with enemies, then this works wonders, and has a pretty quick recharge
    to do so. Just don't expect to kill the enemy very quick doing that.

    Explosive Blast -
    End Cost: 15.184
    Activation Time: 1.67
    Recharge Time: 16
    Range: 80
    Damage Index: 1.1111 Energy + 1.3889 Smash
    Others:50% chance of Knockback

    This is a nice rounding out to the Attack chain for Power Blast, Power Bolt, and Power Burst. It's not
    as high a Damage as one would think of a Level 26 Power, but it is worthy of Nuke status. Just becareful
    using it around Dominators. They hate it when you wake up thier targets with an AoE.

    Nova -
    End Cost: 20.8 Or All but 1%
    Activation Time: 3
    Recharge Time: 360
    AoE Radius: 25ft
    Damage Index: 2.7778 Smashing + 5.5556 Energy + 4.1667 Energy * 0-2
    Others: 40% Bonus to Accruacy, 80% chance of Knockback, It can hit a target upto 4 times. If you hit them
    you are guarenteed for at least 2 waves (one energy one smashing) with a 25% chance for 2 final hits.

    The wonderful world of Nova. As an energy/Dark, you have a balancing act to consider. If you want to use
    Nova at some point, you have to consider several variables. Will the group be able to go without healing
    for about 30-60 seconds? Are there people here who can pull the aggro off you once you Nova? Do you have
    and escape plan? It's great when you use it, but it takes some planning.

    OK, now on to the Dark Miasma Powers

    Twilight Grasp -
    End Cost: 7.8
    Activation Time: 2.37
    Recharge Time: 8
    Range: 80
    PBAoE Radius: 6-8ft (?)
    Others: 16.5% (base) of HP healed to Self and Team in AoE Radius, 10% To-Hit De-Buff to enemy

    This is your Healing power. Check out the lost cost. At least 30% lower Enduance Cost than any other
    Healing power Availible to Corrupters. The trade-off is you need and enemy to pull from to Heal. This
    means you need to slot Accuracy. Aslo, I do not agree that the Radius listed is correct. With my Healing
    it seem to be a much, MUCH wider area. At least 12 feet. But, that could be wrong as well. (But I don't
    think so.)

    Tar Patch -
    End Cost: 7.8
    Activation Time: 3.1
    Recharge Time: 90
    Range: 80
    AoE Radius: 20ft
    Duration: 30
    Others: -Speed, -Damage, -Resistance

    You may not see a whole lot of use to this power when you first get it, but trust me it gets to be
    very useful as you go along. Like grouping enemies together for a Nova. Or slowing down an ambush coming
    into the room. Or as part of an Escape tactic. It's very versitile once you get into it.

    Darkest Night -
    End Cost:0.47762
    Activation Time: 3.17
    Recharge Time: 10
    Range: 70
    AoE Radius: 25ft
    Duration: As long as you keep it up.
    Others: 28.125% (Base) DeBuff to Damage, 26.25% (Base) DeBuff to ToHit

    I personally don't use this power. Because whenever I put it on someone, they die within a few seconds
    anyway. And then I have to do it all over again. It tends to be a hassle. But the low Endurance Cost
    and Range does make it attractive. If you want to have more Enemy De-Buffs in your arsenal, then this
    is a good place to start. Just remember, this is a toggle and can be dropped like any other toggle if
    you get Held or Stunned or otherwise.

    Howling Twilight -
    End Cost: 26
    Activation Time: 3.17
    Recharge Time: 180
    Range: 20
    AoE Radius: 12ft
    Duration: 30
    Damage Index: 0.8333 Negative Energy
    Others: Rez Allies in AoE, Disorient Enemy, Slow Enemy, De-Buff Recharge of Enemy

    To me this is the Mother of All Rezes! Faster Activation than Mutation, Lower Cost
    than Power of the Phoenix, Even better range then Empathy's Resurrect. And the Best of all,
    It's the only MULTIPLE TARGET RESURRECT! It's an AoE. That means you can stack up the bodies,
    pull one enemy, activate Howling Twilight and *POP* you got an army raised from the dead!
    It's the only Rez in Coh or CoV with the power to rez multiple people at once. Many people
    who do not play Corrupters, Defenders, or Masterminds don't even know it's possible to Rez
    multiple people at once. Make sure you take Teleport Ally so you can get all the bodies in
    one Spot to Rez. This makes you really popular. Also, the De-Buff to the Enemy is quite nice.
    Since it is an Auto-Hit (meaning no chance of miss) I have been known to use this against
    Powerful Arch Villains/Heroes just for the De-Buffs. It's a great power. Learn it, Live it,
    Love it!

    Shadow Fall -
    End Cost: 0.47762
    Activation Time: 2.03
    Recharge Time: 15
    PBAoE Radius: 40ft
    Others: Slows Self, 18.75% (Base) Resistance to Negative Energy, Energy, & Psionic to Self and
    Team in AoE Radius, 2.625% Melle & Ranged Defense Buff to Self and Team in AoE Radius.

    This is another bittersweet power. It's got a lot of upsides with the Defense and Resistance Buffs.
    And that Psionic Resistance is very hard to come by in this game, it is a nice power to use.
    But, yu have to keep in mind your teammates. Shadow Fall and Stealth do not stack. Stealth and Hide
    DO stack. Shadow Fall will override Stealth, and it is often not as effective if the Stalker has it
    slotted right. Also, Brutes don't have the Tanker's Bonus to hold Aggro, and this power reduces Aggro
    So if the brute is trying to keep the aggro from the group, this hinders that effort. Also, when doing
    Kidnapp/Rescue Missions, the victim will not follow anyone in Hide, Stealth, Invisable, or under the
    effect of Shadow Fall. So Don't rely too much on this power. Learn to use it responsably.

    Fearsome Stare -
    End Cost: 8.528
    Activation Time: 2.03
    Recharge Time: 40
    Range: 20 (70 Degree Cone)
    Duration: 20
    Others: 70 Degree Cone, Causes Fear in the Enemy

    This is a great power. It's a crowd control power if you use it right. Many a time it's helped me
    escape when I use the following chain 'Aim, Fearsome Stare, Nova'. The targets will cower in fear
    and will only attack you or your team when attack during the duration of the power. The very, wide
    cone makes this an easy power to use. And combine it with Aim and/or a couple Accuracy Inspirations.
    And you got a group who's not going anywhere for awhile.

    Pertifying Gaze -
    End Cost: 7.8
    Activation Time: 1.67
    Recharge Time: 16
    Range: 70
    Duration: 20
    Others: Hold Enemy

    Another nice power. But has some downsides. It misses alot. So Accuracy Enhancements are a must if
    you plan on using this against anything besides Minions. It's the only Hold we have. So Using it
    against the Big LT. or Boss is a smart move. The recharge time makes this rather attractive also.
    And the range puts you on the outskirts of Aggro range. So You can use this to Hold the Boss
    before going into battle. If you like Fearsome Stare, this one you like just a little less.

    Black Hole -
    End Cost: 13
    Activation Time: 1.03
    Recharge Time: 120
    Range: 50
    AoE Radius: 20ft
    Duration: 30
    Others: Intangible Enemy

    But this time you should have a nice assortment of 'escape' powers. So don't look to this Endurance
    Hog as another escape power. It is sometimes nice to use this to take a breather durring battle,
    if you and your team is getting beat up and worn down. But, it's only a short breather. 20 Seconds
    or so. Not enough to do a full Rest, but enough to pop a few Inspiration, or get a few powers
    recharged. I personally think it's not worth using up a slot at this high a level. Unless you have
    a specific need and plan for this power, Fearsome Stare should be able to give you everything this does at
    a lower cost and recharge.

    Dark Servant -
    End Cost: 26
    Activation Time: 3.17
    Recharge Time: 240
    Range: 60
    Duration: 1000
    Others: Various DeBuffs to Enemies, See Below.

    Your little Devil, Fluffy, Pet Cloud.... Whatever you call him/her/it, the Dark Servant is probably the
    2nd best reason for gettng Dark Miasma (the 1st being the Ressurect, Howling Twilight). The Powers that
    Dark Servant has are Twilight Grasp which functions indentical to your own, Petrifying Gaze also identical
    but a little less powerful, a Single Target Darkest Night, a lower powered version of Tenebrous Tentacles
    and unique power called Chill of the Night. That is an aura that is on all the time that does a little
    bit of Damage to enemies and seriously reduces thier Accuracy. It does all 5 things in a seeming random
    pattern. I am trying to learn a method to his madness, but as yet I haven't seen it. The way you Slot
    the Dark Servant goes a long way to his Role in your Team. First think to realize is, he's not an Attack
    Bot. Just get that out of your head right now. You can't Slot him with Damage so that should be your first
    clue he's not meant to be your thug. Whe I like to do is stock him up on Healing and To-Hit Debuffs. Like
    this, 1 Accuracy, 2 Healing, 2 ToHit DeBuffs, and 1 Endurance Reduction. This makes him a real annoyance
    to Enemy Mobs but seriously DeBuffing thier Accuracy, and a real help to the team with Healing. But, that
    is a 'Catch All' Slotting. If you want to concentrate, Slot accordingly. Or just leave him 'out of the box'
    with only one Slot. That's fine too. He works a-ok just like that, just not great.

    Slotting Powers is all based on how you want to play. The first guideline I have is Endurance reduction.
    Slot one Endurance Reduction in EVERY Power except Nova. Corrupters need alot of Endurance, even after you
    get Stamina, you still eat up alot of Endurance. One Slot of Endurance Reduction in every power, and a 3
    Slotted Stamina, and you should never run out of Endurance again (except after using Nova, there is no
    getting around that. Believe me, I've tried). On your Base Attack Powers (Power Bolt, Power Blast, Energy
    Torrent, and Power Burst) I recommend 1 End Reduction, then Alternating Damage and Accuracy Starting with
    Damage on Power Bolt, Accuracy on Power Blast, Damage on Energy Torrent, and Accuracy on Power Burst. This
    will give you 3 Slotted of either Damage or Accuracy and 2 slotted of the other, Depending on which you
    started with. It's a nice Nuking set. For the higher powers, go with 1 Enducance Reduction, and whatever
    you think is best. But keep this in mind. Blasters have an inheriant bonus to Accuracy. Corrupters do not
    have this. We have Scourge. So, on average our base Accruacy to everything is Lower than a Blasters'. So
    (Much like Cowbell) you can't go wrong with more Accuracy (More Cowbell!). Nova is another story. Don't
    waste time or infmay trying to hold on to some Endurance after that blast. It's futile. So I recommend the
    following 3 Damage, 2 Recharge Reduction, and 1 Accuracy. That should nicely toast your foes.

    Slotting Dark Miasma is relatively Easy too. Slot 3 Healing in Twilight's Grasp, 1 Endurance Reduction,
    and 2 Accruacy. I don't recommend a whole lot of slots in Tar Patch, but if you go the whole-hog, go
    with 1 Endurance Reduction, 3 Slow Enhancements, and 2 Recharge Enhancements. If you aren't going for a full
    6 slots, just mix and match. The only good Enhancements for Darkest Night seem to be the ToHit Debuffs, and
    the Endurance Reductions. It already has a good Recharge and Range, Don't waste alot of Slots on it. If you
    use it, it's already got everything it needs. Howling Twilight, Endurance Reduction and Recharge Reduction.
    That's all you need. Get as many of either one as you like. Shadow Fall needs Defense Buffs. If you use it
    and ever team to Stalkers or others who have Stealth, you'll need to have the best Defense Buff as possible
    so you don't hinder them when you replace thier Stealth with your Shadow Fall. Fearsome Stare, Importantace
    is in the following order, Endurance Reduction, Fear Duration, and Accuracy. Petrifying Gaze need Accuracy
    to effect Lt. and Bosses consistantly. Maybe a Hold Duration also, as the higher level Enemies seem to shake
    it off faster.Black Hole need Endurance Reduction alot. 2 is the optimum number if you use Black Hole.
    Everything else is secondary concern. And Dark Servant, just read my notes above on how to slot him. I would
    just recommend staying away from Recharge Reductions and Immobilize Enhancements for Dark Servant. The Value
    of these enhancements is not as great as the others.

    Pool Powers are pretty much up to you. However you want to Play. The only thinks that are MANDATORY are Stamina
    (and that means Health and either Swift/Hurdle is as well), Teleport Ally (to stack up the people who need rez.
    Without Teleport Ally, Howling Twilight becomes a headache), some sort of Defense Buff Power such as Combat
    Jumping, or Stealth. (I personally use Stealth for defense, because of the extra hiding, but then my characters
    also didn't use Super Jump. If you are planning on going for Super Jump as your Travel Power then I would use
    Combat Jumping as your Defense power.) As the Healer You are going to need to get into Melee Range to heal the
    guys and gals on the front lines. You'll need some defense to stay alive. You'll also want to slot your Combat
    Jumping or Stealth with 3 Defense Buffs Enhancements as soon as possible.

    And that's pretty much it.
    For those who like the CoH/CoV character Builder Posts, I have a sample build below that might help you guide
    your build a bit better.

    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
    Name: Test For Guide
    Level: 41
    Archetype: Corruptor
    Primary: Energy Blast
    Secondary: Dark Miasma
    01) --> Power Blast
    1. End Reduction(1)
    2. Damage(3)
    3. Accuracy(5)
    4. Damage(11)
    5. Accuracy(15)
    6. Damage(25)
    01) --> Twilight Grasp
    1. End Reduction(1)
    2. Healing(3)
    3. Accuracy(7)
    4. Healing(15)
    5. Accuracy(19)
    6. Healing(19)
    02) --> Tar Patch
    1. End Reduction(2)
    04) --> Power Bolt
    1. End Reduction(4)
    2. Damage(5)
    3. Accuracy(9)
    4. Damage(13)
    5. Accuracy(17)
    6. Damage(23)
    06) --> Power Burst
    1. End Reduction(6)
    2. Accuracy(7)
    3. Damage(9)
    4. Accuracy(13)
    5. Damage(17)
    6. Accuracy(23)
    08) --> Swift
    1. Run Speed(8)
    10) --> Howling Twilight
    1. End Reduction(10)
    2. Recharge Reduction(11)
    12) --> Combat Jumping
    1. End Reduction(12)
    2. Defense Buff(25)
    3. Defense Buff(27)
    4. Defense Buff(36)
    14) --> Super Jump
    1. End Reduction(14)
    16) --> Health
    1. Healing(16)
    2. Healing(29)
    3. Healing(31)
    18) --> Aim
    1. End Reduction(18)
    20) --> Stamina
    1. Endurance Modification(20)
    2. Endurance Modification(21)
    3. Endurance Modification(21)
    22) --> Recall Friend
    1. End Reduction(22)
    24) --> Fearsome Stare
    1. End Reduction(24)
    2. Accuracy(33)
    3. Fear Duration(34)
    4. Accuracy(36)
    26) --> Explosive Blast
    1. End Reduction(26)
    2. Accuracy(27)
    3. Damage(29)
    4. Accuracy(31)
    5. Damage(33)
    6. Accuracy(34)
    28) --> Petrifying Gaze
    1. End Reduction(28)
    2. Accuracy(31)
    3. Accuracy(40)
    30) --> Maneuvers
    1. End Reduction(30)
    2. Defense Buff(36)
    3. Defense Buff(37)
    32) --> Nova
    1. Damage(32)
    2. Recharge Reduction(33)
    3. Damage(34)
    4. Recharge Reduction(37)
    5. Damage(37)
    6. Recharge Reduction(39)
    35) --> Black Hole
    1. End Reduction(35)
    2. Accuracy(39)
    38) --> Dark Servant
    1. End Reduction(38)
    2. Healing(39)
    3. Accuracy(40)
    4. Healing(40)
    01) --> Sprint
    1. Run Speed(1)
    01) --> Brawl
    1. Damage(1)
    01) --> Scourge
    1. Empty Enhancement(1)
    02) --> Rest
    1. Recharge Reduction(2)
  7. I am Lyrr from the Planet Omicron Persei XIII!
  8. [ QUOTE ]

    I'm just messing with ya fly. But to be the official "best" PvP'er in the game, you have to take a Ice/Axe Tanker and make it uber in PvP.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey! I just made an Ice/Axe Tank.

    Is there something wrong with them?
    Besides that I suck at PvP?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    He's quite simply one of the most skilled PvPers in the game, bar none.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh yeah?
    I'm one of the worst PvPers in the game, bar none!
    So HA!

    Wait... That sounded differantly in my head.
  10. Black Magic Willow killed Combustite in Sunday Night's Fight Club.
    Felt Good too.

    Although the repeated Ring-Outs recieved from Essabella humbled me quite a bit.
  11. Global:

    Lady Fianna

    Black Magic Willow
    Gwen Rayden
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Big Bads'

    Supergroup based on Community. All mature players are welcome. The only people we've turned away were a handful of Pothead Broadcast Spammers. Other than that, we get along just fine.
    We have a Website, Forums, and will have Private Teamspeak Servers very soon. We also offer free Web & POP3 E-mail Address for any member who requests it! It's one awesome Domain name too, TrueEvil.Org.

    Come on over to our Forums and check us out.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Since it Won't let me Edit it, I just wanted to let you all know, our Private Teamspeak Server is up and Active. we now are recruiting for diligent players.

    Thanks for your time.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Would this be the same Trekain that produced the map guides for Earth and Beyond? If so then its damn nice to see another EnB player and you for that matter since you did so much for us in EnB!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    EEK! I've been recognized! Yeah, that was me...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow! I remember you!
    I was part of the Sidewinders' Guild on Earth and Beyond. I'm super glad to see other EnBers here, and damn glad to see you are still out there helping us out!
  14. [ QUOTE ]

    Sometimes you will want to create a binding that will require the use of information that you won't necessarily have at the moment. You may not have it because you don't know it, or because that information changes, or because that information will be different depending on which character you're playing (and you want a common set of key bindings for all your characters). City of Heroes currently supports six variables that you can use as placeholders, which will be substituted with the actual information when it is available.

    Five of the variables are placeholders for information about your own character:

    $name -- your character's name
    $origin -- your character's origin
    $archetype -- your character's archetype
    $level -- your character's level
    $battlecry -- your character's batlecry

    It is possible to supply this information yourself, but then the /bind command would be specific to that character only, and if you ever exported the key bindings and imported them into another character you would have redo those /binds. Besides, your level changes throughout the game.

    With these variables, it is possible to have a /bind command like this:

    /bind v "local Hello, I am $name, a level $level $origin $archetype. $battelcry"

    This bind would cause whichever character you were using at the time to fill in those variables with information specific to their individual builds. If we were to use my characters, for example:

    "Hello, I am Curveball, a level 10 magic defender. You have GOT to be kidding me!"

    The Judge
    "Hello, I am Judge, a level 11 mutant tanker. You are... guilty."

    "Hello, I am Stormhaven, a level 12 mutant defender. "

    Note that if the battlecry has its own punctuation (as both Curveball's and the Judge's do) it will be included in the battlecry string (which is why I did not include any in my bind.) Stormhaven, who has not battlecry, says nothing -- but there is still a trailing space between the period at the end of the first sentence and where the battlecry would start.

    The last variable is $target, which acts as a placeholder for the name of any OTHER character you are currently selecting -- what that character be another hero, a civilian, or a villian. This variable can be very useful when you want to identify whoever you've targeted.

    For example, you could create a /bind command that would call out a specific villian whenever your tanker uses taunt:

    /bind t "local C'mere, $target!$$powexec_name Taunt"

    If you had selected a Hellion Gunner and selected the t key, your character would say "C'mere, Hellion Gunner!" and activate the Taunt power.

    This can be used in benign ways as well. I recently teamed up with a character who used the teleport friend power, and had a key binding set up to inform group members when this was happening. I believe he used a key binding similiar to

    /bind t "group $target, prepare to be teleported to my location.$$powexec_name Recall Friend"

    This sent a message across the group channel letting everyone know that a character was about to teleported to the hero using the power, and then activated the Recall Friend power. If he had wanted the message to be more private, he could have done it this way:

    /bind t "tell $target, Prepare to be teleported to my location.$$powexec_name Recall Friend"

    In this example, the variable $target is actually part of the command -- remember, tell needs a character name (followed by a comma) in order to know who to send the message to.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  15. Big Bads'

    Supergroup based on Community. All mature players are welcome. The only people we've turned away were a handful of Pothead Broadcast Spammers. Other than that, we get along just fine.
    We have a Website, Forums, and will have Private Teamspeak Servers very soon. We also offer free Web & POP3 E-mail Address for any member who requests it! It's one awesome Domain name too, TrueEvil.Org.

    Come on over to our Forums and check us out.

  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Add me to the list missing Ghost Widow. I also got mine at a Gamestop brick & mortar.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Same goes for me.
