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  1. I'm reminded of 10 years ago on EQ when people were charging for buffs and ports to zones. Although a fair number of porters just said "Donations appreciated but not required".
  2. There are some things i don't like about this EULA. Most have already been mentioned. A couple of things i didn't realise about until others mentioned them. I agree that some work needs to be done with this EULA.
    On the other hand, I'd almost pay to see gold spammers and botters have legal actions taken against them. So i'm not going to quit just yet. I'm just going to see what becomes of all this and take actions if needed. Until then, i might as well have fun in the game.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
    "Taking the Red Line Express", or "Committing Sewercide" - intentionally getting yourself killed to utilize the medi-porter to hospital as a time-saving mode of transportation
    I call that one "The death express"
  4. Traps MM's don't have time bomb. Instead they have detonate, which blows up a pet or it tries to set a time bomb if it's human (thugs, mercs, ninja). This is almost as bad since you lose the pet, but them running into the front is better than you. I use Grant invisibility on one of my smaller bots, put him on "goto passive" (you can order just one pet with "petcom_name"), move him into the middle of the mob and hit the switch. Any survivors charge me and hit the trip mines. I suspect time bomb doesn't allow as much set up as detonate.

    And yes. Teleport Foe into your trip mine is very fun.
  5. I use trip mine all the time with my bots/traps MM. Solo and in teams. Just be careful when your in team due to the knockback.
  6. I type too slow. Sorry for stating what others said while i was typing
  7. This is an issue that they should really work on if they want returning players. I could understand and accept not being able to add anymore inventions, but those that were made and slotted before freedom or while VIP usually required much thought, time, and resources. Without them, many previously made characters will be unplayable unless you buy many non IO's, which will take even more INF, which may be scarce at premium.

    An alternative to respecing that someone suggested to me was having a non IO second (or third) build to use in those hard times when downgrading to premium. If or when you start up your subscription again, you'll still have those IO sets. Assuming you have another build free.
  8. It depends on who the writer is as well as the character. In the graphic novel "Future Imperfect", the Hulk when he was intelligent, faced his future evil self the Maestro. Maestro said that he survived WW3 by not being at ground zero of the nuclear blasts. The fallout only made him more powerful. At the end of the story, the Maestro was sent into the past next to the same bomb that created him (when he was Hulk) and was destroyed by it. He was at the time jacked up by anger enough to beat the Hulk nearly to death.
  9. They're also changing regen and the power pools. A respec seems needed and very likely.
  10. Beltor


    I'm also in a wheelchair IRL. Although i doubt i'd use it personally in game, i could see some entertaining concepts that would go well with it. Example. A tech genius using one with various weapons and devices for good or evil.
  11. If you can invite and use tells, ask if they want to join your team (send a tell) before sending the invite. You'll get better results than a blind invite (no tell) and fewer aggravated players.
  12. A trick i use on one of my MM's is having a keybind that uses my one attack and also commands my pets to attack my target. I only attack when i need to give orders so my end cost is minimal and i have more room on my tray for other things. The attack may seem redundant but the damage and knockback does help some and i don't fall asleep in battle.
  13. I don't know how useful this is, but i noticed that all the demons have resistances to all but energy, neg energy, and psionics. One tier2 demon also has an AOE buff that also buffs all but those 3 types. The DM AOE toggle Shadow Fall gives some stealth and 15% resistance to energy, neg energy, and Psionics, covering their weak spots.
  14. It seems to work as a macro. If you make a bind that activates the macro, it seems to work too. I've used this to make a bind that changes my costume with the evil laugh costume e-mote and also has all my zombies do the bowing e-mote. The only down side is that you have to use a tray slot. You can use a tray you don't use or see to do this if you have one. Although MM's do tend to use many slots and trays.
  15. Another way i did it was to make a macro that did it, put the macro on a tray slot i don't use or see, and have a keybind that activates that tray slot. put the macro in tray 9: slot 1. then "/bind i powexec_tray 1 9" without the quotes and "i" is whatever key you want it.