56 -
*sigh* took First Place and still no PM, no Email, nothing. . . .
My wife took second place in the evening contest, just waiting for the pics to be posted from that one ! Grats @The Barroness I love you hunny, also Grats to all the other winners in both contests, the costumes were amazing.
Uh oh, guess I was posting while bubba was too . . . . .
aww, dont feel bad, i usually hold a high kill count lol. this time, my count made me look like a total n00b. our whole team suffered a huge decrease in count. you guys did great, keep it up and youll be on top.
just plain OW! i swear it wasnt me! it was the other guy that spit in yer shoes! why you hit so hard?
GF guys, total domination. We expected a tough fight, but i guess we expected something a little less tough lol. Hell, when you guys switched toons we thought we had a fighting chance that time. Boy oh boy, I feel sorry for the next group the goes up against the Hardpunchers.
in any case, we had fun, our heads spun, and we called more targets than you can shake a stick at. good fight, good night. -
As our time draws nigh, we prepare for battle. We lace up our boots, and strap on our armor. We hone our blades, and load our clips, ever weary of what lies ahead. Some splash cold water on our faces, some meditate, some spend the dusk hours sparring. All the while each and every one is thinking, "What will be the outcome? What magnitude of a challenge are we about to face?".
Reguardless of queries, unease, and tensions, these champions will line up on the battlefield. Teeth clenched, weapons at the ready, an unwaivering stare is exchanged between the two forces. The outcome is inevitable, one of these small armies will stand tall, screaming a cry of exhausted victory.
This will be good, this will be fun. Players are gonna get punched hard, others smacked down with a hand covered in baby powder. But when all is said and done, at least we can say we had fun.
GL, HF. And in the words of the great Mills Lane.... "Keep it clean!". -
face it pal, you can come in here and bash our thread and tell us were nothing, but you still cannot join. So go kick rocks. you're not gonna get anywhere here.
Mastiffe: Sonic/Mental/Cold Blaster
Nikolaus von Barron: Claws/Willpower/Body Scrapper -
HOLY COW!! nice nice, very nice. xD ty so much both of you! that looks sooo sweet. i find it to be very nice that the both of you took part in this even though im not a regular face around the art forums. hell, im not even around the forums themselves anymore... heh, well i guess i should change that :P also, i do believe ill try and bust out with some old fashioned parchment and lead to play along with you guys.
ty again =D -
Why thank you very much!
Another year older, and I feel like I want to join a retirement center :P Welll maybe not something as drastic as that, but I still wouldn't mind being spoon-fed and a sponge bath every once in a while.
Thanks again guys =D -
1. Trinity Jaded and Caemgen
2. Hex Sign and Fenian Girl
*Edited due to use of global name rather than the character name*
Woops! -
lol, no really though.
I use Game Genie for all PvP matches. Statisically, you won't win.
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lmao.. dood...
game shark.. its the new age way -
I've been trying to reschedule our week 1 match all week, i'll be damned if we get all 6 people and then can't do it because a rep isn't on. This is supposed to be a fun league, but after 1 week we have 3-4 teams gone, and at least 6 instances of drama since it's inception.
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You cry a lot, and you're not even in the league so you're opinion is worthless, that's coming from what the other people are thinking.
And thank you, but we had one match, drama free so go troll elsewhere. Looks like you're the only one causing drama. oh well, welcome to the fan club.
[/ QUOTE ]
Kinda contradicting yourself eh?
anyhow, dont get all flustered because someone put you on the spot. take it as constructive critisism. no one else seems to stand up to you and your "ways", and when someone finally does you get taken aback. your not invincible, dont act like you are.
Reguardless if ennvee is in the league or not, she posted a suggestion where suggestions about the league are to be posted. outside opinions are just as valuable as ones from the participants. you never know what ideas may come across, and make total sense.
in my eyes, the matches should be regulated by reps. granted this is a casual affair, but there still needs to be an officiating body to verify the proceedings. im not saying that anyone would cheat, but i dont know everyone personally, so i cant make a secure judgement about character.
anyhow, in the words of the great Mills Lane...
"Let's get it on!!" -
I would like to do this. Sign me up
Jkwervo was nice enough to set us up a seperate forum for the pvp league, found here.... http://tinyurl.com/titanboard
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no you didnt -
It seems that every PvP thread on the Pinnacle forums begin with whatever event that is intened, and nd up being the biggest mud slingin' contest between presidential elections.
So, here I am giving everyone a place to put their trash.
I figure, as long as we keep it.. "clean", we will be able to keep this thread, and still talk smack.
This is intended to keep the other threads clutter-free, so lets try to make that happen. I know myself that if I had posted a serious thread, say for an event, I would definately want it to stay on subject.
I'll start.
*~O <-- the bomb... i rule.. u drool! -
was... that...
the leave Britney alone guy??!?!?!? -
I had fun.. =D
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i hear..."G D it, Barron's killing everyone"
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I finally made sumthin that works.. now if i could just fit flurry in somewhere.......... -
*Limps onto stage*