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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daknah View Post
    I count 29 thus far. I also only see 4 teams signed up still awaiting Artic's team for 5 and I guess the 6th fell through. 5x8=40 40-29=11 So things look good to start soon.

    I dun want to be debbie downer - but I thought the goal was 14 on each team? with 5 teams at core 6 people each you still need at least 40 sign ups for the draft.

    If you shoot for just 8 per team - you are more than likely not going to get 8v8s as not everyone can make sundays every week (ala fatez who says :don't pick me bro -

    I think you need to extend the draft time longer or people start shaking trees to get people to participate - maybe talk to the devs and see if we can get something on the loader like they did with test pvp league - cross post in other server forums to see if people are interested in server move to join. ..
  2. B_Witched

    Emp/Psi build

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

    basically you want the heal bonus and ranges in your heals -
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vexington View Post
    OH.. MY... GOD! Fates = Killer Shadow? HOLY ****!

    it's -Scott now, I think he is trying to ride the whole Steve wave with the name thing...
  4. What are your in-game Globals?: @darlington,@shydez
    What are your PvP characters?: emp/psi,ff/son,mind/emp..lots more.
    Which of these characters are on Freedom?: all of them
    Are you willing to respec into a better PvP build?: sure
    Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: you got it
    Do you have a mic and ventrillo?: yes
    What is your general day/time availability?: weeknights usually can be on/weekened all over the map
    Briefly describe your PvP experience: JAL,OS,Renegades,Ascension,Southern Comfort,kickballz..stuff
    List a few character names of PvP toons you play: Nomo Leste, Nota Tumor, Jimmay Bubbles, Deadly Wood, Ex Post Facto, Nuvia Ring, Shydez Healz, Shydez Crush, Virtue's Best Cat Gurl, Capt Poopy Pants, Tuna Helper,Phil Thejew and others...
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vexington View Post
    Caves may make the League more interesting and there was no reason *not* to play them. They can be annoying and disorienting, but the same effect's applied to each team so it all works out.

    Yay, Caves! Yes, I'm awesome. You're welcome.

    thugs/ff mms ftw!
  6. that and the fact they were created for rewards for pvping to...um encourage pvp?? io sets designed to have dual bonuses that don't malefactor down in lower zones....that you get as a reward for ...dundun dahhhh pvping.

    The reason they drop rate is hosed is because Lord Voldemort got mad people were io farming. Because that never happens with inf or purples....no never.

    I honestly believe they hired an intern who sits at a desk with a 20 sided die and rolls it every 5 minutes - if it comes up 17 three times in a row he pushes a button that gives a pvp io rec to a random player in one zone - then he goes back to editing Vex's posts and sending me warnings about mentioning other EM EM Ohs - then an hour later he starts rolling again...
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daknah View Post
    Yes they did. And did the storm do anything? No. Did the Thugs? Yes. Its not hard to get range on tech lab and its not hard to have to hit when you have fort and bu aim. Our MM team had MMs that did more debuff then a rad and more neg heal then a cold so yeah USEFUL.

    lol i am not arguing dex - but they did use freezing rain/snowstorm and lightning storm :P plus I think the -range was for the emp heals/buffs (which if I remember was a *****)..i remember them throwing that crap everywhere lol..
  8. I think the replay tie rules is to combat people bringing draw teams. While a valid strategy in a points situation - where you get x points for a tie - in a best two out of three - points awarded for winner of that - it makes it moot to try. Just my 2 pennies.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psoma View Post
    The idea in the Freedom D8/D6 league was to try and run effective "storm" teams again...because dUmb's Test team was known for running pretty good storm teams pre-i13. We didn't have a very good Jump team, and it didn't look like we'd improve it enough to really be competitive against U2BG or SMD.

    After keeping around a few ideas, and for nostalgia's and curiosity's sake, Slax and Lib (and then Pixel, I believe) rolled Thugs/Storms (when carnie missions were still up) to see how effective those toons would be at disruption. We also ended up with Doyler on our team, who happened to have a storm corr, so we threw that in there. We put in a few blasters and a couple of emps, and it worked well enough for us to say we had a storm team that could win.

    I can't even remember if we used our Thugs/Pain MM line-up during that league-I think Slax (not sure who else) had one going before that league ended. We had a couple of other ideas at the time that we were going to try out on the new Test ladder, but that fell apart before it really got started again.

    TLDR: dUmb knew our "storm" line-up wasn't the ideal disruption line-up, but we worked with what we had gotten ready at the time.
    i meant the last test league Psoma - where you beat soco the first round of the matches using two thugs storms on lab map - it was a pretty effective use of thugs and storm - a billion targets - lag -res with the FR, - to hit with the hurricane..( i think u used two - I cannot remember if we went 6v6 or 8v8).
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daknah View Post
    Difference is we actually got benefit out of our secondary...

    I think they did too, didn't they run thugs/storms and pick lab map?
  11. Problem with that LM is if they use the line up submission - you won't have a way of running 8 veats unless you submit it hoping they are bringing 8 - and if they bring a jump team - you could be screwed.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PowerFlame View Post
    Steve's MM lineup

    I think Dumb ran that in the last test or something like it..
  13. always room for originality - people get picked becuase they are known (like u lady m) have pvp viable toons or are willing to spec into em. I don't think there are any hard fast rules on team make up..
  14. I dunno i just asked her if we could get a level cap raised on test and she said she didn't think it would be an issue but people were still out for the holidays and she could not give a final answer till next week
  15. Avatea has said that she is working on getting the test server capped raised - she should have an answer by next week - so you could move it to test so people would not have to worry about or transfer toons (if she says they will).
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vexington View Post
    Only 80% of people maybe willing to PvP in some form of a League won't do it on Test, even if it's working flawlessly without a broken copy tool or a server cap of 8.

    why r people afraid of test?? :P
  17. the only proc you need is one in health - miracle or numia - sell the others to fund your build

    HO/HA/AP 5 slot with panaceas (5 slots for HA) + 1 range in HO and AP

    4 slot RA with numinas 6 slot ab with 4num/2eff adapters

    go Soul Mastery for PB - take the pet to slot for HP + take the hold and 5 slot with pvp ios hold set for +range+hp+recharge, 4 slot the sheild for res + one res kb io

    take two ranged dmgs 3 slot each with apocs for +hp

    concealment - stealth,invis,ps
    5 slot stealth,invis,fort with 3 pvp io def,karma kb and lotg recharge each
    cj - travel ios kb, karma kb, lotg recharge

    ss - 3 celerity
    sj - two winters gift, 1 micro, 1 travel kb, micro in sprint, reg ios in hurdle and swift..

    the rest is up to you, you can go medicine to slot more +hp + heal - leadership for more +hp +recharge +kb, teleport for +kb and an escape out of web/entangling arrow -

    basically wut lib said - with accos you need to be 1550-1606 you need to be fast,jump high and not get kbed -
  18. So test could work and not require people to pay for server transfers and make sure everyone has ios - we just have to stagger matches - if there are 12 teams each match can happen per day (match1 mon - match2 tues..and so on) as long as no more than 4 other people are not on test...omg so easy.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SmokeSignal View Post
    Is $10 really that big of an issue? Even if we only get two 8 week leagues out of this that's 4 months of solid PvP without an lolpanelrule8343.34343.34 issue. I'm happy transferring a few toons off Champion for that.

    that is like 3 fourlocos....so yeah...BIG BIG DEAL MAN>
  20. I think everyone plays ot not a needed. Like Punki says if the flying ar kin shows up only for matches and refused to change his build guess what - he sits.
  21. Here look these over tell me if you likes them. if i spelt wrong lol i did it on a droid.

    Freedom League -

    Rules are as follows -
    • Initial league teams will be announced here in this thread as follows
    @global -Captain
    @global -alternate

    each player can list more than one global to include all their accounts(if they have multiple accounts)

    Inital teams will not have more than 6 pre picked memebers - all other members will be picked from a draft.

    In a separate post each player who wishes to participate in the draft must sign up as follows (global and pvp viable toons) ex.

    List - psi/em blaster
    ill/emp controller
    em/wp stalker

    there will be no consideration as to what team you want to be on so please do not list "i will only play for X" if that is the case either get on a pre picked roster or don't sign up.

    Sign up for teams and drafts will end at XX/XX/XXXX. All draft sign ups after xx/xx/xxxx will be considered for future draft pics to compensate for player loss.

    Each team captain will pick from a draft date TDB. Pick order will be determined by 2 factors. Team with 4 pre picks will get first pick in random order, then all teams will get picks following a random order from then on.
    (for example if there are three teams with 4 - they will pick first, based on a random order, then all teams will be given a random order so potentially some of the teams with 4 could pick twice before a team of 6).

    Teams must pick until they have 14, there is no refusing players left in draft. Once all teams have 14 the draft will end. Players not picked will remain on the list for subsequnet drafts.


    • Map Selection and Illegal Maps: All rounds will be set to Random map selection. The Monkey Cage, Office, and Cave maps are not permitted in any round; reset if you get them.
    • Only small inspirations and temp powers bought from the Arena Store are allowed. No Base Buffs or special inspirations (i.e. Presents and SoWs) are permitted.
    • Barcode-type names will not be permitted. Player names shall be easily distinguishable.
    • If 4 or more players from the same team disconnect from a round, that team forfeits the round.
    • No Ouroboros portals will be permitted during the match.
    NO TIES - results of 0-0 will be refought.

    Team entries are posted here - teams must have at least 4 members and no more than 6. Each team must name one player as a captain and one as an alternate. If a team plays with a global not listed on thier roster, they forfeit all matches and the other team wins two matches.
    All petitions for rule violoations and changes to rules will be voted by captains. Captains will get a voice in petitioning for changes.

    The league will be self running. Matches will be best 2 out of 3. Teams will get 1 point for winning 2 matches. There will be no ties. All ties will be refought. Sudden Death is lol.

    Banned Powers:
    whatever is still broken.

    AT limits - none.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Galactor View Post
    A Psi blaster - Musculature, the mini-damage spikes will spike even higher.
    A Grav Troller - Nerve, for the +ACC and +Hold.
    A SS Tank - Spiritual, the +recharge will bring up Rage faster.
    A Therm Corr - Spiritual or Muscular (end mod bonus on Heat Exhaustion).
    A Poison MM - Musculature for the damage bonuses and debuff bonuses.

    But don't listen to me, I don't know anything, I've only been playing for almost six years. Wait until Psyrene posts, since she knows everything.
    I guess you don't know anything - psy is a dude.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    yay! <3

    Now Jimmay should make a team


    Exotic Dancing takes up to much of my time these days I mean who can resist http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/da...on/photo/55182
    all grinding up in your face?
  24. everyone knows I invented all mm teams, infact any good teams in coh were invented by me....this is tru because I own the Freaks base now which was owned by Ajax who invented pvp and therefore I own all those inventions..

    In conclusion I would like to say suck it to all the fat, bad people who may be watching...

    PS did you know it is against the EULA to compare COH to any other MMO?? Like even if you said "I can ride a LLAMA in X but not in SEE OH EECH" it would get mod smacked? True story..
  25. You should get mod smacked...it is against the EULA to compare COH to ANY OTHER MMO - even if you don't mention the MMO name (which you did) - it is against the EULA to compare COH to any other MMO...

    that being said - free server transfers will probably happen in Jan...move to freedom if you like to pvp, move to virtue if you like to rp...or stay @ champ if you like the peeps -