963 -
back in draft -
@spain, @spain.
@wahoo, @wahoo1
@lil manaj
@true dark lord -
just a head up but spains team is probably going the Black Guys route - spain had a fam emergency and won't be back till thur so will try to talk to the rest of his core tonight.
the pvp hold set is also very nice and not too omg 1 bill an io expensive. Some very nice pvp bonuses.
i dunno much about shield but for ss you want
range,ko blow, hurl, taunt - earth epic for the hold and immob
shield i am guessing u take
deflection,battle agility,true grit,active def, shield charge and one with sheild
pool powers
ss,sj,cj,hasten - natch
now - i dun see a self heal in def (tru grit?? appears to be a total hp boost?).
so you will probably want concealment pool for more def and an escape and leadership for tactics, manuvers and either assult for dmg or veng for a lotg slot. -
Quote:Hey now, our pug teams are dope as hell. We had a sick pug team to fight AJ today that with condro solo emping posted a shut out. So you best step off the pug... I think pug would win this league.
Also Saturday nights are my Vex impersonation nights where I go get sloshed to the point of being PF.
Do you do the full makeup and wig? -
Quote:what are your in-game globals?: @venatrix inferno
what are your pvp characters?: Psi/em, ill/emp, grav/ta, spines/wp
which of these characters are on freedom?: All
are you willing to respec into a better pvp build?: Yes, if attainable
are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: Sure...plme?
Do you have a mic and ventrillo?: Yes
briefly describe your pvp experience: Smd, southern comfort, kbs, zone
list a few character names of pvp toons you play: Psychotic venatrix, la'crimosa
what is your general day/time availability?: I have track, so my schedule is weird. Talk to me if you have any questions. Weekends anytime. Now: After 7:30pm est weekdays. Starting feb 2nd after 7:30pm est tues and thurs. After 9pm est mon, wed, fri. Starting march 7th after 11:35pm est on weekdays-things will be start to get sketchy, but i'll try to work something out. (i've been reliable for showing up in the past).
Oh and hi
venny!!! <3 -
epic nerd rage - sorry after making it very clear I was in the draft an pickable and Other's posts about not signing up under fake globals - i hear over vent from spain that silit was private white - was not in the mood.
i still love you vex.
roid rage. retract drama and statement. -
silit signed up under private white... or so I am told.
guess who picked him? -
So I am guessing the only team that new silit signed up with a different global was the one that picked him ?
glad it starts off drama free.
pls remove @darlington,@shydez - thought it was supposed to be fun not this bs... -
the fairest thing to do would get the teams below six - then assign them pick order, let them pick 1 each. Then everyone gets random order from that point on. That way the below 6 teams are adding a first pick but not cherry picking more than one before any other team has a fair chance and the teams with less than six (still after the first choice do dad) would still have a chance for a good pick order.
I would also say if you have not posted you are below 6 by now...sorry you got 6 or drop out. -
Quote:What are your in-game Globals?:@Infamous
What are your PvP characters?:blas - psi em, Def rad psi, a lil of everything else
Which of these characters are on Freedom?: all
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: sure
Do you have a mic and ventrillo?: ya
What is your general day/time availability?:Anytime any day after 6pm
Briefly describe your PvP experience: Velocity, TiTs, Ascension, Easy Breezy, Anti social
List a few character names of PvP toons you play:Infamous, Infamous evil
WB bro bro -
Quote:Or you can just look at the incoming damage and heals to see if it's safe to use it or not
Using phase means your emps have to come back to you and top you off. Which will either take away from buffs, or make the emp a little late on the next spike. Obviously phase is easier for the blaster to use, but it makes the emps have a harder time.
Ask your team which they'd prefer.
i prefer people not die so I can continue to each chips and pretend to buff. -
Quote:Thing is, though, that really only happened (happens?) at the beginning of a match. You hung back a bit, got some buffs tossed out, and maybe if one of your Blasters was feeling ambitious they'd try and run in and get a nuke off on the other team right away, hoping for a quick first kill. Once the match actually got under way there was no gathering for buffs - buffers needed to be able to be all over the place making sure their teammates stayed buffed all the while often becoming targets themselves.
The post-I14 buff period instituted before each match means there's not even an opportunity to get a quick kill off anymore, because each team has a full 30 seconds to make sure everyone's good to go.
Buff gathers used to be critical - pre ios - the ras on emps, the ams from rad and oh yeah VENG gathers...builds were a lot tighter - emps HAD to keep the cms and forts on blasters and crew - a rad ef meant death..
what is sad is it used to be - zoners graduated to arena - arena folks still enjoyed zones - because the mechanics were the same. No arena matches are TS on, HD on - and most people hate going to the zones - I know feeling like you are running through pig **** because you healed a teamate is super fun.
what i don't get - really don't get - if pvp is such an after thougth, not a huge revenue, or worth much time to anyone - why leave the crap in? It can't be that hard to go back to i12 - none of it is in pve..flip a switch, run a restore do something. We don't make you much money? fine. It messes it up for those of us left. And like Mebs said - if you did go back to i12 you would get more money from people coming back...it's a pretty solid business case. Remove crap - more money, leave crap less money....
and to posi's post. Umm how is it easy for the power designers when as stated before 99% of the population does not pvp so they do not deal with DR?? -
if you go in knowing you're going to die and get ganked once in a while - it's fun. I have taken my pve farming dom into rv - when there are 20 heroes camping the villian base and the only villian they can see is me (with 4 stalkers on team) - i know I am going to die but if I can hold one long enough for the stalkers to as - so much the better. teaming is more important than build - and like I said having fun. If you get mad about dying then it's either not going to be fun or you need a build that does not die much.
there will always be people who talk in bc about how they are pro and you suck (who oddly enough will not 1v1 with travel powers on..lol) but If you are not affected by what someone you never met says about you in a video game you will be just fine -
okay so I count 30 in the draft now - if artic posts and none of them are already signed up that would make 5 teams of 12 (6 core 6 picks a piece)..
So maybe continue this week to post and talk in arena or rv - see if we can get more sign ups..