
Assistant Community Manager
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  1. Our European office is also still in charge of the digital distribution, not just the retail part of it.
  2. This is only the digital version, we did not get a boxed version in Europe. We still have an office based in England, they'll be looking after the distribution for Going Rogue.

    Craggy: only the price in Euro is displayed on the NCsoft store for the time being but it is £9.99.
  3. Reviews for the City of Heroes® Architect Edition are pouring in and they say:

    “…tools like the mission architect could, in fact, revolutionize the way MMOs are developed in the future, giving players the wheel when it comes to new content.”

    “…NCsoft has done an amazing job of making the creation process as much fun for the creator as it is for the person playing their creations.”

    We’ve now made this incredible new product available in the NCsoft® Store to download onto your PC or Mac for only £9.99/14,99€.

    City of Heroes® Architect Edition contains City of Heroes® and City of Villains®, including the innovative Mission Architect, and your choice between two exclusive in-game item packs! Don’t forget, the Cyborg Pack and the Magic Pack can also be purchased separately for only £5.99/8,99€.

    If you don’t already have theArchitect Edition, what are you waiting for? Get your copy and start creating today!
  4. I'm sorry all, we are not able to answer questions about the Going Rogue expansion at this time but rest assured that we will as soon as we can. It is generating a nice buzz though and I can't say I'm not enjoying this facet of the boards. At least I can be a little bit more like myself rather than the despotic hammer-wielder you've had to endure as of late
  5. Players can post arcs they think should be considered for Dev’s Choice in this thread.

    Please note, you cannot promote your own arc and you can’t disagree with anyone else’s suggestion.

    Additionally, you may suggest several arcs in your post as long as you provide all necessary details to allow us to find them easily.
  6. Catching you trying to pull info out of our Producer's mouth huh!
  7. Ça ne reste que des suggestions mais au moins elles auront été faites.
  8. I do and I try and include amany as I can catch into my weekly Player Suggestions reports!
  9. How does a hero fall into darkness? How can a villain be redeemed?

    There’s only one way to find out…

    Announcing City of Heroes Going Rogue™, the new City of Heroes® expansion!

    As you walk the line between good and evil, explore the twisted parallel earth known as Praetoria. Encounter alternate versions of familiar foes...and trusted allies.

    Get ready for new enemies, new zones, and a whole new way of looking at your character! Check out the ‘Going Rogue’ press release and read the FAQ (here for Villains). Then get ready to cross the line.

    Be sure to visit the all-new Going Rogue website and view the new trailer!
  10. <center><img src=http://www.cityofheroes.com/GR_news_promo.jpg></center>

    City of Heroes Going Rogue Announcement

    FAQ – May 12, 2009

    Q: When will City of Heroes Going Rogue launch?

    A: When it’s ready. We are not announcing the date at this time.

    Q: Do I have to own City of Heroes or City of Villains to be able to play the Going Rogue expansion?

    A: Yes.

    Q: Do I have to change sides in order to play the expansion?

    A: No.

    Q: If you change over to the opposite alignment, can you change back?

    A: Yes.

    Q: Can you tell us anything else about the game zones, features, systems, etc.?

    A: Not at this time. We will announce more details about this product later this year.

    Q: Will there be a preorder for City of Heroes Going Rogue?

    A: Yes. It will be announced later this year.

    Q: Will there be more free updates/Issues between now and the launch of Going Rogue?

    A: Yes, in fact we recently announced Issue 15 Anniversary, launching early this summer.

    Q: Will there be a beta test for Going Rogue?

    A: Yes, we plan to have an open beta for the product
  11. Please note that the English European Trial form is down, I've created a new thread in the Announcement section and will update it once the Trial form has become available again!

    Please note that there is indeed a difference between US and European Trial codes, both sets have territory restrictions placed upon them.

    And thank you to Eight_Ball for pointing it out, the French and German Trial forms are still there, if you can read either language.
  12. Oh believe me, we want new boards as badly as you do but announcing anything at this point would not be a very wise decision. Personally, I don't want to say anything about new boards if I don't have them already working internally and us being able to add, remove, rename forum sections or even turn them upside down without them going all mushy on us and crashing.
  13. Avatea

    Has Avatea left?

    I'm still here but I had to take a day off on Friday. I was thinking of posting a message on the boards but it seems to encourage certain types of behaviour when people know for sure that there isn't anybody moderating around :P
  14. I'm sorry all, we wanted to wait a bit for players to familiarise themselves with the Mission Architect and then the whole MA exploit issue exploded.

    Now that things are on track for the Mission Architect to be improved, the "Dev’s Choice: For Your Consideration" section should be added soon, next week if we can have the big changes sorted by the middle of next week.

    Edited to avoid confusion.
  15. I have obviously left some people to forget their manners for too long. I am locking this thread as a result.

    If you wish to continue discussing Positron's announcement, please do so on this thread.

    Please do however bear in mind that being angry does not provide an excuse to be abusive on our boards, whatever the circumstances.
  16. While NCsoft is indeed the parent company of our Studio, I would appreciate if you could take that discussion somewhere else. At this point, this has nothing to do with City of Heroes. Thank you!
  17. A majority of players have indeed been requesting measures to be taken against farming since Beta. Measures can now be taken.

    It's taken a while to get to the bottom of this but please, does it have this poisonous on these boards?

    I understand that many are conjecturing wildly after what Positron said but, had we decided to react more lightly than this, there would have been just as much ruckus.

    We haven't specified the exact extent of the measures we are taking against exploits (not farming) and those who have benefited from it, so let's not over-react.
  18. There is no need to deny that farming, or more accurately the consequences of farming, is an issue right now. It shouldn't be one for much longer though but we need to iron out a few things before we can make our stance public.
  19. The site is now back up, apologies for the inconvenience.
  20. [/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
    Will it involve ethical visits from ethical men with ethical baseball bats to the unethical homes of unethical farmers?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Most certainly..erm I mean of course not! We don't do that..I do have a whip at hand though!
  21. I just wanted to let you know that we are not being oblivious of the fact that farming is an issue. Our GMs have been actioning reports and will continue to do so but more will be done to ensure a more "ethical" use of the Mission Architect.
  22. Ich hatte eigentlich einen Schnupfen aber ich habe den Urlaub trotzdem genossen ...(Danke für die Korrektur! :S).

    Und hallo ihr alle
  23. Hi all,

    We would like to clarify a few things about Trial accounts. This should provide answers to most questions you may have.

    Players using Trial Accounts are subject to the following restrictions:
    • They can be invited to teams that are using the Mission Architect Missions but they will not be able to access Mission Architect terminals to create, rate or start any published Mission Architect Missions;
    • They cannot level past level 14;
    • They may earn Influence/Infamy but only up to 50 000;
    • They may be invited into a team but cannot join Super-Groups;
    • They may communicate with other players but cannot email other players and may only speak in the Local (/local), Help (/hc) or Team (/team) channels.
    Trial Accounts will have those restrictions active until they are upgraded with either:
    • an online serial code purchased from the online NCsoft store,
    • an NCsoft Game Card (purchased from a participating retailer) or
    • a serial code from a City of Heroes / Villains boxed retail product.
  24. Also locking while I finally catch up with the boards!