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  1. Atomic_Manz

    Need a coal

    lol crit, got blaze to 33 now! Cant wait for 50 baby! Gonna drop sum shiz like its hot!

    But damn, this market is messed up! IOs costing hundreds of mills lol gah gonna take someone a very long time to get setup on all slots.

    Ribos for 60mill+? I remember after every Hamidon raid I was buying them for 10mill each LOL I had every single slot on my char 50+ lol just to get one now....seems impossible!
  2. Atomic_Manz


    I put my vote!

    Gheorge Clooney!

    Not sure why, just feel it will be him next.

    close seond, Nicholas Cage ;(
  3. Self-promotion?

    Sheep love me, pretty much.....all farm animals love me!
    No man is more loved then me when I enter a farm.

    When I go to a petting zoo, the animails run and line up to get to meh!

    I am proud of this! I am da manz!

  4. Atomic_Manz

    Need a coal

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm curious what's wrong with RP'ers first of all. Not that I do that, but why would you care if that's what they want to do? (Though they primarily do it on Virtue....)

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Then again, some times when females role play in bed thats a totaly different story....and some times I encourge it

    "Hey babe...pretend your a sheep and go baaaaaaaaa" nvm that though.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ]


    I'm now officially scared of what your new SG will turn into.
    -watches as a new branch of Atlas Heroes opens entitled, Atlas Farm Animals....-

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL sometimes I just say [censored] to make a joke, I just think its.....very weired for someone to get that into a game, and expect me too! I did a TF about 2 years ago when I last played, I was booted because I refused to act like im the character in vent.....was like wtf!? lol

    And as far as SG goes, that was good lol nothing in reply to something already as funny as that got.

    then again!

    I could call it Atlas Sheepers, MOTD would be, Grab a sheep, its okay in some states!
  5. Atomic_Manz

    Need a coal

    LOL hope you did'nt get me wrong, I was not mad lol was just saying.

    Alot of times back then peeps would send me some nasty mail about why they got booted.....when inactive for 30 straight days LOL

    Ahh VG to VG, was gonna say CoH messed up big if it was SG to VG....that would make less sence then allowing Role players to actualy live!

    Then again, some times when females role play in bed thats a totaly different story....and some times I encourge it

    "Hey babe...pretend your a sheep and go baaaaaaaaa" nvm that though.
  6. Atomic_Manz

    Need a coal

    And red side is cool, you get MMs dammit! lol
  7. Atomic_Manz

    Need a coal

    You can coal with Vills now?
  8. Atomic_Manz

    Need a coal

    Hey now, in all fairness we did have a SG meeting where like 90% of SG members wanted a activity rule for the upcomming base raids ;(

    wtf does that mean, red side/blue side?

    I have heard that a few times and never thought to ask lol
  9. Atomic_Manz

    SG Issues

    Nah, those globals were mainly out of SG peeps, so thats not much of a help ;(
  10. Atomic_Manz

    SG Issues

    I just had no clue this game was overseas LOL

    Thats why I went WOW

    Ill look into the SG, i only made it a few days ago, not had a chance to do much though but opver the weekend I plan on it.
  11. Atomic_Manz

    SG Issues

    crap, this is a new account so I have no globals, and back in the day my globals were filled to max with mostly none sg memebrs anyways.

    Guess there goes that guild lol
  12. Atomic_Manz

    Need a coal

    Cool, thanks guys! I only ment old like SGs I may have been coaled with or SGs my previous guild mates may run or be in.
  13. Atomic_Manz

    SG Issues

    Okay, long story with 2 parts

    Firstly, I was here, I quit playing CoH! I went to Italy for about 2 years, up there I plaed World of Warcraft, [censored] the game aint that bad

    While there I was 2nd best Europe Arena team, in the 3rd best raiding guilds and just alla round had a blast.

    What choice did I have? CoH is not there lol

    Anyways here are the two issues.

    1) I gave leader ship of my old guild Atlas Heroes to a very....rude and prickish person. Aparently through contact with old SG mates from my website I made for us, one day I get a messed up msg! OMG DUDE! I logged in and the guild has been deleted! WTF!? They guy I gave leadership too for whate ver reason to this day refuses to give! Deleted it.....

    Okat thats the first issue, my question on this issues is this.

    Is it possible to get it back with its prestige intact? I doubt the hell outta it but cant hurt to ask and be sure.

    2) I gave my alt guild (I made Atlas Heroes, Atlas heroes second chapter and so on) the guild he was in control of on one of his many alts was inactive after a short time when I left. He said that one point he deleted his character not realizing that he was leading the SG! So its not been deleted as I still see it in AP when I do a SG search.

    But its leadership was passed to someone with no activity, because nothing is going on with that SG!

    Question for this problem, again LOL is there anyway to get it back to me? Since I did make it, it was a mistake that the leadership was passed and the persons account who made this mistake is still playing and willing to have it dropped back to him, so it can come back to me!

    Is there anything that can be done on either of these issues?

    Please help!
  14. Atomic_Manz

    Need a coal

    I have decided to restart my old SG Atlas Heroes, Atomic Manz already has control and would like to begin rebuilding, since Mr. Master destroyed it all. He is an [censored] btw ;{}

    Anyways, I was hoping I coudl get a guild to Coal me for a little bit, I wont lie, main need would be the Xporters, but after a few mill Prestige I could easily make a base to house my own.

    If there is an old guild out there thats willing to help me I would be in you debt

    If so let me know on the forums so I know who to contact tonight when I get home, I should be on around 6pm est tonight up until 10pm

    Also if anyone is running those neat AE missions with 10 bosses per mob ide love to help heal ya so you wont die ;{}

    Alpha R ran me thru, went from level 6 - 25 in less then 2 runs LOL
  15. Atomic_Manz

    SG Messages

    If you look at the World of Warcraft calander system its very approp for what ya want.

    Granted its in WOW not COH but still lol

    Base b-board would be a cool idea, someone could walk up and click to sign up for an event. I like this idea, would add more detail to a base IMO.

    But if it was to hard to work out, simple system like WOWs recent addon would work just as good, and would be able to check from anywhere.

    On there system you would have a diplay at the top right corner, here would show time above the mini map, you would click and your SGs (Guild) would have a real calander, you would click a day, add whats going on and whats needed, and be able to send out a mass invite to all in your guild.

    This would be simple to implment and I think would help alot of the chaos that I have seen in CoH.

    /sign the idea with a lil of my own ;{]
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Please increase the amount of handles allowed in the public global channels. Playing on Freedom, and the well known channels are all booked.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    While it sucks to have a cap, maybe another way to handle this.

    What is the Moderator of a made channel could access a menu for that chat channel, he would be able to see (much like a guild) Hero1, inactive 213 days!

    Well lets boot the [censored]! lol

    Make a tab where you click and it sorts people on the channel by longest inactive, be able to mass highlight and remove from the channel to free up space.
  17. Atomic_Manz

    SG Abilities

    Again, I was not saying if one toon is in your whole account is locked in one account.

    Okay, static SG spot!

    Lets say forb, your in my SG! When you joined you took SG spot number 36!

    36 is now something yours, no other account can touch 36 its bound to your char, and in a way, your account.

    Now, for the first time you login on a char not the one originaly invited to the guild, you would get some sort of prompt.

    "Your account has a spot open in SG Atlas Heroes, would you like to enter this char to the SG?

    Lets also say you have alts in 2 SGs or more, a drop down box would appear so each new char or those not logged into while in a SG would give you the option to choose which of the SGs to put this char in.

    Now, when he accepts my guild over the other (as he should his main Characters name is not there, now its this new chars, as he logs on with what toons are saved to my guild would show instead, and he would have a base for his prestige earnings and what not.

    This would not be a restricting but an addition!

    Now I dont have to tell a very active person when our roster is full "No i cant since we have no room for your alt" then now he goes some where else and earns prestige for that base and not his own, so on ect.

    This is a good request, it was beaten to death about 2years ago when I last played, since I find it has not been done yet I decided to open it up again.

    Now if you read the way I say it would work out, you nor anyone should have an issue with this idea in any way shape or form. Its not that big an issue.

    I knew the account accessing issues before, somewhere Cuppajo had posted in regardes to this, however I was also told it was a priority issue, with to many other issues thats bottom of the list.

    But other then the account access issues, thats known and you might be right, I just dont know lol never looked into it when someone else took over.

    If they can get in our accounts, they should get this done ASAP!
  18. Atomic_Manz

    SG Abilities

    Yes, this is how I did this in the old days, it sucked!

    When the alt SGs earn a few mill prestige that could have been on the main which made our base bigger faster for more options and abilities!

    No i dont mean every alt stuck to SG, i mean you can join with multiple alts (which ever you choose) and thats the toon that shows online when your own, once you logon to another alt in the SG roster it would take out the other alt and auto replace with the one thats now online.

    It is possible, if they can make a game in the first place ANYTHING is possible, I really dislike when someone says thats not possible, if your a programmer its possible with enough work!

    Yes its possible, just not probable since not enough people see it as an issure vs other current more important problems.

    I simply say change the system or unlim the cap to the guild roster, other games do it, so its not impossible.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Man, this thread is long! A lil about me huh? I'm a 24 year old mother of 4. I live in Texas with my hubby, the other WC you see on the boards lol. And I don't know how to add a link into a word so I am just going to post the actual link from photobucket.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh my....give me 5 minutes!!!

    So sexaei!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Damn, if you every come to FL ill give ya 4 more kids lol
  20. Atomic_Manz

    SG Abilities

    I know, I let them have a main in...thats all! Alts go in the sub-divisions.

    Point here is COH should make it account based not individual so this would be one less issue.
  21. Name: Greg Jones...who? GREG JONES!
    Occupation: Copier repair tech (dont ask me repair questions
    Born: Tampa, Florida!
    Ethnicity: Spanish/Italian
    Age: 27
    Killed anyone?: Yes, but it was all done in PVP zones!
    Been killed?: Yes, but it was all done in PVP zones!
    Want to kill someone?: Yes, but only in a PVP zone!
    Do you like PVP?: HELL NO! I HATE IT ;{}
  22. Which inspires me to make a true suggestion!


    Honestly! World of Warcraft has way more graphic intensity and on machine all graphics are turned up to max, in COH even on bare min I get sticky walking, where ill have walked 20 feet, then zapped back to my orig spot 20 feet ago!

    Whats that about? lol

    Quad core intel 4 processor
    4 gig ddr3 mem
    786 ddr 2 graph
    15k RPM Cheeta HD

    This stuff says I dont lag playing wow x 5 ;}
  23. Well your right of course, but at the same time poster should have also researched this topic!

    City of Heroes did use this Xpack as a leveling alternitive!

    Thats like comming in the suggestion room saying CoH should make atlas park more black then white, or Atlas him self should hold a box instead of a globe!

    Everything done so far is done for a reason, minus of course the glitches, massive lag and sound issues

    If they say its supposed to be a level alternitive, and its doing what they said it should.....then there would be no reason to change it.

    And I think thats all the other guy was trying to get across ;()

    But for him, I did read my post before I wrote it, so ball up ya fist! Tuck pinkey and thumb in ya palms and hold your 3 remaining middle fingures side by side and read between da lines ;{}