16 -
We would need a good and clear defenition from the devs but to give the said borderline examples.
Not exploit: kill communication officers. They were able to defend themselves and were valued "higher" because of them spawning portals and conscripts that gave NO exp or inf. It was UNBALANCED though and needed to be fixed. But, lets not get into balance. A lot of enemies have [censored] reward:risk ratio (because their debuffs are nasty etc). (thorns vs freaks is one example).
What is borderline exploit is melee only enemies that you can hover above and kill without getting hit. It is borderline because it is the everyday problem for any melee class in pvp and part of the game but the AI can't cope with it and thus is an exploit when used against computer controlled critters. -
I wanted the super booster, but havn't managed to get that far. I can sometimes login, sometimes view the store, sometimes even select the booster pack but it never gets the whole way through and I have tried repeatedly for 6 hours now, no change.
Also asked SGmate if he could try and it was stuck for him (so change computer, change ISP and even changed to crapsplorer browser to make sure) -
It will improve when you get the upgrade powers that give your mercs more abilities to use. Low level only have a few attacks and they spend most of their time idling around, waiting for cooldowns.
AT higher levels it will look better since your soulders will fire more and also draw different weapons for grenades, flashbangs, rocket launchers and whatnot. -
It would feel elitistic to inspect everyone before grouping with them to make sure they have at least a few badges from a non-trival mission or taskforce...
That is good to hear, Ghostraptor! Some updates on when we can use our bases again would be nice (gmotd urge us to not touch anything and I don't want our base to get corrupt again)
Option to have an animated tail instead of cape/trenchcoat might allow us to have both belt and tail! (but would prevent use of wings I guess.. gah..)
Remove auto sidekicking. If you are lvl 5 and want to fight Nemesis you need a mentor/boss to assist you or they will rearrange your face. All the "broken" farm missions level you to 50 and let you fight lvl 54 gimped minions for ludicrous amounts of xp. It would solve the excessive farming if you actually need a team and somone to sidekick you rather than like it is now.
Right now, a character with proper AoE can just have 3 people afk on follow and they come back as lvl 20 before the mission is done. (true story, I did this yesterday and we hated it!) -
It is impossible to find good missions already, making it possible for people to spam MA with even more non-thought through content is anything but desired, really!
Disable autocast of it before you zone. If autocast powers refresh during loading they will fire but without effect but still get cooldown. (applies to more than just active defence, hasten for example) -
One might add that it is a bit awkward that you can't log out to character selection even after requesting this feature since i11 when I started playing.
I want to switch characters and I fail to see why I have to relogin and select server every time when all I want is just log back to character selection! -
One fix for mouse is to run with -compatiblecursors 1 when you start the game.
Can probably use search function to find info on compatiblecursors option but I use this as startup line for EU city of heroes with multithread support (if you have dualcore or better) and removing the cursor problem.
as "Target" in your shortcut (make another one, you still want to lauch the updater to get patches etc)
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
\Path\to\Coh\CityOfHeroes.exe -project EUCoh -renderthread 1 -compatiblecursors 1
</pre><hr /> -
Update, in our case we have now recived a refund of prestige for the rooms/items lost but we were also told that we could wait with building until friday patch that should permanently resolve the issue with bases getting corrupt.
I now sit on a pile of prestige waiting for the green signal to start building again. -
Update April 14, got the support ticket updated and the alternatives offered are (fast and simple) prestige refund and the more time consuming alternative is rollback and then reapplying what was gained since rollbacks (in badges and prestige i suppose).
I replied that in our case (small SG base) we could survive with prestige refund but for larger SG bases I guess that is not an option.
I will update on how fast/well the prestige refund alternative works once it is done. -
Update monday, still no reply or change in situation. Easter holidays might be delaying factor but it is getting really annoying to not be able to shuffle enhancements around or use teleporters.
I noticed this yesterday in a Mayhem mission aswell. And, with quadcore, 4gb ram, etc. it shouldn't happen.
It came with Issue 14. We have a quite small base so it is not affected by the 12k items "corrupting" base.
The problem "Map failed to start" came first and persisted until after the maintenance on Saturday. We tried with 4 different players in the SG but none could enter the base.
After maintenance we can enter a base, but it is not our base. Instead we just get into a tiny entrance room with no items at all in it.
The design is lost but could be reproduced easily if we didn't loose all prestige in the process, additionally the contents of our storage modules might be gone too!
Petition sent but so far I have only seen the automated reply stating that "someone else might look at this later".
This post:
On the US forums report the same problem but I couln't find anything on this forum.