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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JJDrakken View Post

    9mm Calico Auto Pistol. This bad boy will mow your neighbors down, your lawn, that annoying person standing on your lawn, & milk guy sleeping with your neighbors wife in one fell spray.

    I posted this exact same pistol as a wish list item in another thread, so rather than cross post I will just whole-heartedly give this one a "seconded!"
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Enots View Post
    I was respecing some IO's from my ss/shield (War Diety) to my dm/shield (Darklocked)brute today. I think that if Dev's made it so that enhancements were not locked so IO's could be more easily be taken off of toons we would see a decrease in demand as well as an increase in supply.

    The reason I see this helping is I have a lot of semi-valuable (obliterations, crushing impact, numina's....) IO's on my SS/Shield the time and cost of respecing to get those IO's off of War Diety means that I will probably never get those off of him. It cost around 100 mil to buy a respec, I can only get ten IO's and I have used all my vet specs. I can still turn a profit by buying the respecs, but I hate spending 100 mil just to get semi-valuable IO's back. If I could more easily move those onto the market or onto another toon I would not need to rebuy them.

    I could see a problem arising with people taking highly valuable IO's and moving them around differn't toons, I believe that the time it would take to move these around would be a big enough hassle to keep people from doing it too often.

    Also this would not include changing the powers or slots, just the enhancements.

    Just would like to hear your comments and concerns, good or bad idea?
    A while back I posted a similar idea, only to keep it in check it was a craftable temp power like the bat, hammer, pistol, etc.

    This "widget tool" would allow you to remove ONE enhancer and place it into your 10 slot enhancer inventory.

    The fact that it is craftable via a recipe, plus the salvage it uses would make it self controlling as far as exploitation is concerned.
  3. I don't think there is a pistol that does what you asked about, that being, can spit out massive amounts of rounds rapidly. But there is an awesome looking pistol that actually CARRIES a massive amount of rounds in a unique way. It has a 50 or a 100 round helical magazine. If you could make sure this pistol is one of the various pistol skins we can select for the new Pistol set, that would be awesome.

  4. Group Fly *is* broken, in that it doesn't do what it's obviously intended to do, that being, allow a group to fly from point A to point B.
    If you use it as it was intended to be used, all of your team mates that are following you will drop out of the sky one by one until you are the only one left flying in your group fly. The same thing that happens to your mastermind's pets will happen to team mates following you under the power of group fly.

    Group Fly, like was said above, was created long before CoV, but that changes nothing regarding the fact that it didn't work properly back then either.

    You can get group fly to work, sort of, by using workarounds when on a team. Usually I only ever saw it used as an actual group travel power during a rare shard TF. The workaround during those times would be to have everyone set to follow ONE person on the team with the stipulation that it NOT be the person who is running group fly. The same workaround was stated by a poster above in regards to mastermind pets using the goto command, which is extremely clunky and not at all how this power "should" work.

    As for why this power has gone over 5 years without a fix? *shrug* Who knows. I sure don't.
  5. Quote:
    * Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Giant Monsters to flee from Mastermind pets
    50 years of destruction and millions of lives lost...
    And to think all Japan had to do was throw a couple of Ninjas at Godzilla.
  6. I didn't read this whole thread, so if the gist of my post was already covered, I'm sorry.

    First off, I agree that this mission is horrible. But it can easily be won, just not the "correct" way. Not to say you need to cheat or exploit, not at all. More like you need to do a not so obvious thing to win.

    The mission leads you to believe you need to protect generators, which while true, isn't the only objective. After my first failure on this mission the very first time I ran it, I realized that I could just skip the generators altogether.

    I make a beeline for Silver Mantis, defeat her, PRESTO BLAMO! I win the mission. Just like that.

    Then if I'm feeling frisky I can go and mess with some generators, but at this point since the mission is complete, it won't matter if you don't save a single generator.
  7. Forgot to mention something useful in my earlier post, back before I had my current computer I ran CoH on a Pentium 1.7 with only 512 ram and a decent if outdated Geforce 6600 AGP graphics card.

    My point is, while you might think the game wouldn't run at all, let alone acceptably, I did manage to make it run well enough, and how I did it was to use a freeware program called: "FreeRAM XP Pro". I havent needed to use that in about 2 years, and I no longer even have it installed. But, it might help some of you who are having the more severe memory issues, at least for the time being until the Devs can sort this leak out.

    EDIT: Found the link to it, it's a newer version than the one I used to use.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arbiter Kim View Post
    Can you guys please give me a specific instance of the memory leak issue? I've followed this for awhile, but I just can't seem to get it to occur. Certain zone? Were there a bunch of events going on in the zone? Nemesis plot?

    Thanks again guys!
    I submitted a bug report on this months ago.
    For me, I can 100% guarantee that the game client will crash as my memory climbs steadily til it hits critical mass at 99% memory usage then folds like a house of cards.
    All I have to do is edit my base for a while. It takes about an hour of base editing to crash me.

    The memory leak is still present if I avoid the base and simply play the game. I.E. run missions and/or TFs. But the rate of the leak is minimal then for me, I generally need to log off long before the game crashes if I do this.

    I run Win XP, 2 gigs of ram, I watch my memory in real time using my G-15 keyboard with the CPU/Ram applet running.

    Another odd thing I notice, which I have no idea if it's related to the leak or not is when I close down the game, if the game hasn't been running for very long (under an hour) it gets to desktop fairly fast. But if the game has been running for a few hours it takes the game a really long time to close down and get to desktop.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stygian_Blade View Post
    Or you could be thinking of the really small bane spider backpack thing? They have tiny little legs like these guys:

    Either that or you might have just seen a really small Crab Spider like Ash said.

    Thank you very much, this is exactly what I had seen, but for whatever reason I didn't make a connection to Banes, figured since it looked exactly like the crab pack only with the legs compacted in, that it was a Crab pack. I appreciate the clarification.

    Black Marrow wrote:

    Or have zero depth perpecption. I think there's an IO for that...
    Was a simple question, was there really a need for the swipe?
  10. I have been scouring everywhere to find out where the alternate compact crab pack is located, or if it is unlocked somehow.

    I know I've seen folks with a compact crab pack, but all I can find on my VEAT on the test server is the standard and custom crab pack.

    I was going to use the alternate builds to have a Bane and a Crab, but if I cannot figure out how to get the smaller compact crab pack for my Bane, then I really don't want the Bane alternate build. It will look really wierd with huge dangling crab legs that he can't use.

    If anyone can give me some info about how to acquire the compact crab legs for my Bane alternate build that would be very much appreciated.
  11. Ashlocke

    New Forms?

    About the only thing we can hope for, especially because of the power customization coming, are new form *graphics*, but not powers themselves changing. So instead of only being able to take squid form, you might have a choice between squid, a vaguely humanoid energy form, and a lightform-esque ball of energy. with the same exact 4 energy blasts no matter which form you choose for that costume slot power choice.

    In fact, I *really* hope they allow us to choose between 2-3 different forms per shape change power we have, as I really loathe the squid form's looks, however I love the Dwarf form, so 1 out of 2 ain't bad.
  12. [ QUOTE ]

    Detail 1 (M,F,H)

    Welder Goggles
    Safety Goggles
    Modern Goggles
    Retro Goggles
    Maverick Goggles
    Death Goggles

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just where exactly is this piece I've highlighted?
    I've checked on Male and Female characters (doubtful it's only exclusive to Huge) and It doesn't exist.
    The only reflector is the one that's been in existence for a long time, so I doubt that's the one being referred to here.
  13. Instead of commenting about what I would put *in* the help menu, I'd rather suggest the menu *itself* get fixed. The fact that it's so darn tiny, and unlike most of the other UI windows it can't be enlarged for easier reading makes it really annoying to read anything that's larger than one sentence long.

    Something very cool just occured to me, although I don't know if it can be done, but I don't see why not.
    If you can add in commands to the MENU file in much the same way as you can in the quick chat MENU, then you can create /playernote popups to address the window size problem.

    Example: Click on a topic in the tiny MENU HELP window, which causes a nice large /playernote window to appear. Now you don't have to deal with trying to read info within that tiny help window.

    Customizing Quick Chat:
  14. Heya BaBs, you know that shnazzy fix you did to remove the dust and pebble trail from sprint when flying, how about you spread some of that love around to the other sprints.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    equally annoying? Stand in one spot, turn on an 'offensive' PBAoE aura power like Icicles or Hot Feet or Choking Cloud and then see how many emotes work for you. Completely kills wonderful setups for screenshots, such as my Fire/Rad Controller standing at the middle of her Hot Feet/Choking Cloud auras doing the 'jugglefire' emote while her Fire Imps dance around slapping a bunch of random mobs twisted up by the AoE hold and locked down with Fire Cages.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No reason that Icicles or Choking Cloud shouldn't work with emotes. I will need to make a small change to Hot Feet though...I've been trying to fix these 'offensive' toggles as I find them so that they don't put you into a permanent combat state while active.

    I'm actually a bit puzzled because most emotes should now work even while in combat mode. There should even be a number of emotes that work while in shield combat mode.

    Have you tried in Issue 15?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I dunno, but shields (as in the Shield power set) and emotes, especially Costume Change emotes = me being an unhappy camper.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    /e or /em Keep this

    /say Add this

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /say already exists.
  17. <QR>

    /emote jumps for joy
    /e jumps for joy
    /em jumps for joy

    /act ledgesit
    /a ledgesit
    /ac ledgesit

    This would be swell.
  18. Ashlocke

    Magic Origin

    I'll chime in with something that I've been pondering since maybe two weeks after I made my first character in CoH five years ago. I'm not a fan of having a single origin cover my entire character.

    In fact, I bet most characters have several origins that will better describe their powers and abilities as a whole. I would have loved to be able to pick an origin for *each* power category. Lets take Wolverine as an example since we all know who he is and what he can pretty much do. The current game limits him to selecting a single origin to describe all of his powers. I would much rather see something like: Regeneration power set = Mutant, Claws power set = Science, Fight Pool Set = Natural, Body Mastery Set = Natural, etc.

    It makes more sense because characters like Thor, could then be more accurately reflected in saying he is naturally a Norse God, thus has the natural abilities of longevity, toughness, strength that all Aesir have, but he also wields obviously "magical" artifacts such as Mjolnir, his gloves and belt, etc.

    It would be really nice to be able to have different origins as part of your character's makeup.

    Anyway, before I ramble on, thanks for reading.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    The old ones need some spicing up. Instead of leaping over massive amounts of area while remaining motionless, add some different movements. I mean lets face it these travels are getting pretty out dated, we need something fresh to drop our jaws. I highly doubt new ones will come anytime soon, but who knows I've been wrong before. I just hope it's something that can be made custom for each player, meaning a grappling hook that can be switched for different types...a small vehicle that can be selected...etc, etc.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    At the very least, can you please have the Super Speed effects attatched to the character's feet (much like how hasten is attatched to the character's hands) instead of to some invisible area 3 feet below the character. Flying around (and to some extent jumping) with this blob of light hanging 3 feet under you just looks really goofy.
  20. I'd like to see one thing and one thing only above all else.

    A good transition between rooms.

    It is a very jarring thing to look at a nicely done portion of the base, say tech style, then in the very next room which happens to be arcane, the connecting doorway does not transition from room to room very well.

    A door, or some other inventive means of easing transitions from room to room would be awesome.

    The only example I can think of off the top of my head is the office building mission map that transitions into a sewer map, then again transitions into a cave map, and yet again transitions into a rikti lair. None of it looks or feels "wrong" or jarring to the eye.

    Hell, even if you can't make it happen using just the doorway area because they technically can't be decorated with items, I would even prefer you add in a new kind of room called transition rooms, which it's sole purpose is to transition from one style into another style and sit in between two other rooms. I would gladly sacrifice plot space to use a room like this all over the place.

    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express my concerns, opinions, thoughts and ideas.
  21. Some quick thoughts and feedback about these changes:

    I like the new power trays...
    You didn't actually increase tray space. You only gave us the ability to see more trays at once.
    As odd as this might sound, what I needed was more tray spaces.

    Quick breakdown of one of my character's to illustrate what I mean.
    Peace Bringer (lv 50)
    trays 1-3 Standard powers
    tray 4 Nova
    tray 5 Dwarf
    trays 6-7 Vet icons
    Accolades scattered among trays 1-7
    That only leaves me with trays 8 and 9 to hold macros and temp powers.
    (Note: I also have a slew of keybinds for activation of powers that way as well)

    I do have a suggestion though, perhaps if more tray space isn't doable, how about making it so that you can activate powers directly from the "Powers" window list. Since currently you have to drag a power icon from the powers window into a tray before you can activate it (or manually type /powexecname power) which is even more of a hassle in the event I need to activate a rarely used power or temp power. Also, if you decide to go this route, please improve the powers window to allow for easier use of powers from it.


    Next I want to comment on the /playernote feature.
    I like that I can create a notefile on things other than players, like for example, creating a quick reference file for preatorian AVs defeated, and which are left yet to defeat.

    The problem here is that there is no way to see what files you have created without having a darn good memory, or breaking out a pencil and paper and writing down the names of every single playernote file you create, which I can see becoming quite tedious.

    Can you please add in a feature that pops up a window listing alphabetically the names of each note file you have?


    Other than these two sticking points for me, the issue is great as far as QoL improvements, obviously there are some bugs to iron out, but thats par for course with an issue release. (Hint: please fix the window opaque settings and transparancey bugs )
  22. No, ten thousand times no.
    But, being that it's already been posted as coming, I suppose it's now too late to object.
    But if it's not too late, then No. Ten thousand times no.
  23. I had been extremely psyched about Midnight Hour Issue, then about 60 seconds ago I read the info in your link there and...

    More Rikti huh...

    I love Rikti, but I don't love Rikti for breakfast, then Rikti for lunch, then some more Rikti for dinner...

    Enough with the Rikti already. Reminds me of the Smallville series where they toe-jam in kryptonite in. Every. Freakin. Episode.

    But yeah, to say something positive, I guess I am still looking forward to anything else NOT Rikti in issue 12.
  24. I'll be uncharacteristic and make a short post.

    How about getting a fix for the SG Mode costume color switcheroo.

    I play in SG mode ALWAYS, and every single time I switch to a different costume slot the colors are all messed up, it's gotten to the point that i just don't bother switching costumes anymore, I really want to, but it's aggravating to have to stop and enter the SG costume screen each time to set the colors right.

    This bug affects *all* of my characters.

    Please fix this. You will not know true sexiness until you do.