1072 -
Quote:(from personal experience: I have a 2nd account that went Premium not too long ago).what about the toons am I cut down to 2 or do I still get access to all my toons?
You are indeed cut down to 2 slots + whatever slots you received as Veteran Rewards + whatever slots you bought from the market.
And these are "Global Slots", i.e. they are for ALL the servers, not per servers.
Exemple: you go Premium, and you get 5 Global Slots.
You can choose to have 2 toons on Virtue, 2 on Freedom, 1 on Protector... and that's it (or any other combination of server and slots, up to 5 max.).
You also lose access to any toon created/transferred to Exalted. -
It would be animated or done with CGI, but the voice part would be done by Michael Rosenbaum. -
Eat !
Oreilles de crisse (spelled as is on Wikipedia...) -
For the new readers, I assume, even if it is not signed, that this is one of Alexis Alexander's reports ? -
You could use these sites :
Edit: I don't use that kind of list, so I just googled "new comics this week" and picked the one that I had heard about (comiclist, previewsworld, comicvine)... -
Quote:Sorry, but I've got a physiotherapy session at 6:30 PM tonight, so I would not be home in time for a 7 PM start.No one wants to run a Statesman Task Force?
No one wants to win several fabulous prizes for showing up in the most heroic costume?
If I don't get at least a few signups by tomorrow night, I'm taking the night off! :P
Best of luck to y'all ! -
Some suggestions:
- Badges for repeating the WST:
Assistant (1511)
Complete one Weekly Strike Target after you have already completed one for the week.
Backup (1512)
Complete ten Weekly Strike Targets after you have already completed one for the week.
- Badges for Safeguard Missions, especially those for Side Missions.
PPD Deputy (353)
Save 20 PPD Officers during a Jail Break in Safeguard Missions. Only 3 Officers are available to be freed during each Jail Break Instance. So completing 7 of these Side Missions should unlock this Badge.
- Alignment mission badges that cannot be done solo:
Tested the Water (1162)
Help someone complete an Alignment mission that is different from your current alignment.
- "Condition" badges
Waiting (1255)
Be mezzed for 10 minutes.
Locked Out (1256)
Be mezzed for 30 minutes.
Trapped (1257)
Be mezzed for 60 minutes.
Imprisoned (1571)
1 hour of being held - you can be Held, Slept, Stunned, or Mezzed.
- Architect Badges
Among Friends (842)
Test an arc with a full team.
- Badges for repeating the WST:
Those rendered images are *quite* impressive ! Bravo !!!
I know I'm more than a bit late, but please sign me up for the Sutter TF !
Kreetch, 50 Invuln / SS, in full Navy regalia (.... well, almost - y'all see...) -
Quote:You mean like this one ?
I would love to have a Recipe Cookbook that could store our recipes.
But seriously, I would be in favor of some kind of recipe storage for SG bases, mostly for the same reasons (ex. movement of goods between Alts/SG members and the inconvenience of taking up WW slots for mere storage purposes) as expressed earlier, also because of the fact that some recipes (ex. temp powers and costume parts) cannot be crafted and stored like enhancements. -
Quote:From ParagonWiki :so how does that work the sale for 1 ... Do you get 1 or do you get the minimum bid for that Enhancement?
Just wondering..
If multiple players are selling an item for different amounts, the person with the lowest list price will sell first as long as a bid is higher than their list price. Thus, if a lot of people are listing an item for 100 inf, someone who lists the same item for 10,000 inf may never sell it even if people are paying 100,000 inf for it. Likewise, it's possible for someone who lists an item for 100 inf to sell it for 100,000 inf while someone else who lists the item for 10,000 inf only sells it for 10,000 inf.
Basically, the lowest offer usually gets the highest bid. -
I'm Canadian, and our Thanksgiving was October 10th, so I don't get November 25th off...
But I'll be rooting for y'all !
Quote:We will be running all four Shadow Shard TFs-the Dr. Quaterfield, the Sara Moore, the Justin Augustine, and the Faathim the Kind-in a row, back-to-back, with only very short breaks in between.
Quote:And no. This event does not come with brain bleach. Supply your own. :P -
First of all... Welcome Back !
Don't know much about VGs, but what you can do is to monitor the various Global channels that are available in-game:
Just a few that I know of:
- Protector Vigilance: Server events, team-ups, badges, monsters, and chat. Consider this channel PG13 and moderated.
- Protector Watch: Mainly used for rare spawning monsters, occasional task force.
- Protector TFs: TFs, and some general mission teaming
- N P C: Started as a part of the Mentor Project and an adjunct to the offical Help channel.
- Jello Shooters: Primarily a chat channel. Sometimes you see mention for events, task forces and whatnot. Consider this channel R rated and non-moderated (our equivalent to a biker bar...)
Most of these can be found in this thread. - Protector Vigilance: Server events, team-ups, badges, monsters, and chat. Consider this channel PG13 and moderated.
Quote:Courtesy of Babelfish:Ist das nicht ein deutsche Sprache?
Ja das ist ein deutsche Sprache.
Ist das nicht ein Archivist?
Ja das ist ein Archivist.
Archivist - deutche Sprache
Oh du schoene.. Oh du schoene..
Oh du schoene deutsche Sprache!
Ist das nicht ein Schneiderzeichen?
Ja das ist ein Schneiderzeichen.
Ist das nicht ein Frau. Freiheit?
Ja das ist ein Frau. Freiheit.
Frau. Freiheit - Schneiderzeichen - Archivist - deutche Sprache
Oh du schoene.. Oh du schoene..
Oh du schoene deutsche Sprache!
Quote:Isn't that German language?
That is German language.
Isn't that a archivesist?
That is a archivesist.
Archivesist - deutche language
Oh you beautiful.. Oh you beautiful..
Oh you beautiful German language!
Isn't that a cutter character?
That is a cutter character.
That is not woman. Freedom?
That is woman. Freedom.
Woman. Freedom - cutter character - archivesist - deutche language
Oh you beautiful.. Oh you beautiful..
Oh you beautiful German language!
Thanks, Ardrea, I'll get in touch with CS. -
1) I am now gainfully employed! I work for a rodent in Florida.
In any case, welcome back ! -
I recently used 2 of my VIP Server Transfers to do a bit of sightseeing and change the name of one of my characters.
The plan was to make a character with an identical name on a server I don't usually play with, transfer my character there thus forcing a name change, and re-transfer my character to its original server.
On a whim, I chose Zukunft (the German language server). I transferred the character, got to change the name, and logged on for a few minutes (sightseeing, I said earlier).
When I transferred the character back to Protector, the name I had chosen on Zukunft was already in use (as I suspected). My second choice was taken as well, but it took my third choice (Mr. Archivist).
I logged in to that character yesterday, and noticed that the flavor text and system messages are a mixture of German and English
I don't speak German (since I speak French, I should have transferred to Vigilance).
I'm in Canada, so prior to the server lists merge I only had access to the NA servers, and my client was the NA client (with the NA Launcher, does that make any difference now ?).
All the following screenshots were taken on Protector server:
Should I /bug this, or is it Working As Intended ?
I know I could simply re-roll the character (level 10, with DfB it's not even a couple of hours' work).
Or I could try to redo the same steps with either another English server or on Vigilance.
But before re-rolling or burning thru another couple of free transfers I wanted to ask if anyone had a better idea.
P.S. If using 2 transfers to do a name change is against the EULA or any other Rules of Conduct, I sincerely apologize and swear to never ever ever do it again...
P.P.S. By the way, when Freedom launched, I *did* buy a Rename token - 800 PPs - for another one of my character... -
Quote:Unfortunately, I have an appointment at 6 PM EST on Tuesday, so I may not be home by 7.No one out there has a level 45+ toon they want to dress in fancy duds and kill Rikti with? :P If no one signs up, I'll pull folks from my global friends list and the global channels, but I'd really like to know what kind of trouble we're getting into in advance!
IF (and I said IF) I'm home before 7, I'll drop by with Kreetch (lvl50 Inv/SS Tank) to see if you need additional members. I'll even work on my hoity-toity costume in the meantime (another excuse to play with the costume creator... wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !)
Sign me up as well, Kyo...
Kreetch, lvl 50 Tank (Invuln / SS) -
Just a different opinion.
I really don't care about purple recipes, and set bonuses, and all that jazz.
My main character (level 50 Invuln / SS Tank) only uses IOs:
- Is he at the softcap for damage/defense/etc ? Guess not (have no idea what that is and I don't care).
- Can he hold his own in a fight ? Oh yeah.
- Do I have fun playing him ? OH YEAH.
If you are willing and able to chase after purple IOs, that's fine by me, to each his own - to me, it's how you play, not what you play with that matters.
And if some jerkweed doesn't want me to join his TF just 'cause I'm not IO'd to the gills, well /gignore and he can take a long walk off a short pier for all I care...