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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by B_L_Angel View Post
    I will agree that there were problems with blasters. You can't really argue with them being abandoned. You also can't deny the fact that they were still the number 3 most popular toon in the game. So who do you appeal to ? The people that dropped blasters to play other things that they liked or the people that really enjoyed their blasters ?
    You appeal to sanity. There's an XP curve that is based on average performance. Critter XP has been rebalanced around that metric at least twice since release. You note that every archetype generates an average reward earning rate very roughly around the same rate, the same rate that your reward system is balanced around. Every archetype except one. So you fix it. Period, end of story.

    There's no need to justify fixing something your own design rules say is broken. The justification that's required is for explicitly *not* fixing something your own design rules say is broken, and when it comes to the fundamental metric of player reward earning rate, that justification has an extremely high hurdle.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alpha Wolf View Post
    Yay! Alpha Wolf is level 50. Thank you everyone for helping me out.

    My Justice secret identity is Diamond Dragoon.

  3. Humor, it is a difficult concept. It is not logical.
  4. All I can say about what I'm doing next is that it involves a lot of beer.

    If I had a dollar for every time I heard that, all I can say about what I would be doing next is that it would involve a lot of beer.
  5. I too recall being assisted by GM_Lloyd on a couple of occasions. Strange how that name sticks out more than others. I need to double check when I get home, but I wonder if he helped me with that very first mission where all the blinkies were in the center of the Earth.
  6. Arcanaville

    please read.

    The human body has about two bucks of chemical elements, but they get rented out at many dollars an hour. That is such a scam.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
    Iiiiinteresting... you know, Doctor Leo is currently on Triumph to help with a Really Hard Way attempt. I'm pretty sure he'd like to meet this "nun" of yours.
    Now that will be a Magi run worth recording.
  8. Arcanaville

    My SaveCOH Video

    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    What I thought would take like, oh, four days, turned into 3 weeks.
    Isn't that always the way.

    Awesome work, by the way. Now its just a matter of mapping textures and adding animation rigs and scripting physics and ...

    Wait. That's how three weeks turns into two years.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    It takes about 50 lines of code to play a character in this game.
    I'd like to see those fifty lines of code.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    Again, I'm not aware of any authoritative answer as to what it was, but this is what came out of the rumor mill:
    I can confirm at least some of that information independently and I'm pretty certain I know how Unsub's source is, so that information can be considered at least generally authentic.

    I do know there were several false starts within Paragon to make a successor game in some form, and I know the secret project was not a successor to CoH. I know about the CoH2 thing but I think that didn't get far, but it did exist.

    As to the rest, I believe its always been true that the most likely reason for NCSoft shutting down CoH was actually that they were shutting down Paragon and CoH was a collateral casualty. That they had changed their minds about the viability of Paragon Studios' other projects is one very good possibility as to why they would be compelled to do that.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    I have macro programs that get peak performance from my characters in this game. I can't say that for eve. I know people that used to have more complex bots for AE farming. I am pretty sure it wouldn't have been too hard to have bots that ran tfs. I am pretty sure that writing decent bots to handle combat in eve would be an order magnitude harder.

    The only thing here that is a block to peak performance is access to IOs. Heck our hardest challenge in the game now, the really hard way badge is more about team composition and access to high end inspirations than anything else.

    Although now that I think about it, maybe I could dig up that Russian Chatbot from a few years back that was swindling people might be just right for EvE
    I'm not exactly sure if you're agreeing with me or not at this point, but as peak performance was not relevant to the original point, the ability to create bots to achieve peak performance, whatever that's defined to be, would be twice removed from the original point, which was about whether developers target the average capabilities of their intended playerbases or not.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hendrake View Post
    If you're looking to get an OpenGL dump of your base, you need to be in build mode and get relative close-ups of each room/area. I found that going into an 'above' viewpoint and pausing over each room seems to work the best. the openGL dumps only what it sees, but in basebuild mode, it will 'see' everything that is in the field of view, as in build mode, everything in the field of view gets sent to opengl for rendering.

    hope that makes sense.
    If you capture just one second of demorecord, you can use the F2-enabled free camera to fly around your base and see any room from any angle.

    See this proof of concept:

    You don't even need to pause the demoplayback because it loops continuously by default. You could take your time, position the camera exactly where you want, and then OGLE-capture your base or use whatever OpenGL cap tool you prefer. Its this free flight camera combined with the fact that demorecords encapsulate the entire geometry of your base in an encoded block at the start of the demorecord that makes this possible: its what is being referred to in the OP of this thread.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KnightOwl View Post
    I thought Neil DeGrasse Tyson's book, 'The Pluto Files', did a pretty decent job of looking at the issue of Pluto's status from about as many pertinent and variegated positions as one might reasonably expect.
    Did it cover why Pluto is allowed to be naked, but Goofy has to wear clothes?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucretia_MacEvil View Post
    I find it fitting that the Kuiper belt object whose discovery sparked this debate was named "Eris" after the Greek goddess of strife.
    Could be worse. The IAU could lock out all the astronomers and replacement astronomers could declare Venus to be a distant moon of Neptune.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Why do I get the feeling that you're not a member of the original natives of this land?
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    1/16th actually.
    I always suspected.

    I think it was the stubby arms that gave it away.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    Edit: It just occurred to me that the one MMO that has been able to have not just a stable but actively growing audience is EVE online and there is no way you can say the average player gets anywhere near peak performance from their units.
    That's irrelevant to the point. No one said anything about the average player achieving peak performance. That doesn't even happen here. The subject was, as even you put it, "designing to the statistical performance of the target audience." Every game, Eve Online included, does that. In fact, Eve Online does that to a higher degree than City of Heroes ever did; they have far stronger design tools to do it with. From the very beginning they were extremely cognizant of what their players were doing across the spectrum of players and they very closely monitor what the playerbase does. In fact, their exploit detection systems are explicitly designed around recognizing what their playerbase is generally doing and looking for anomalous behavior.

    It can seem on the surface that Eve Online is a completely lawless game where the devs control nothing and everything is within the control of the players, particularly the economy, but nothing could be further from the turth. The truth is behind the scenes, CCP exerts powerful control over the large scale macro-elements of the Eve economy and other game systems. Their balance criteria is far harsher than City of Heroes ever was, far more quantitative, and just as keyed to their overall player performance.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    I am sure the IAU is looking forward to hearing from you.
    The IAU doesn't even care what astronomers think; I have no illusions about them caring what I think.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    It is pragmatic, as it avoids tedious renaming should we wish to add Pluto to our list of legitimate planets again.
    The same thing's going to happen when the Sun eats Mercury.

    Also, Pluto is a planet. I'll consider Pluto not a planet when the IAU makes a definition for planets that isn't completely stupid. The IAU's explanation for redefining what a planet is was that it was scientifically important to make a definition that could be consistently applied. Then they made that definition only work within our Solar System: the definition for planet everywhere else in the universe is different. Pluto would be a planet by IAU definition if it was in a solar system exactly identical to ours ten light years away.

    The definition is also very hazily argued to include the Earth as a planet, even though it does not technically meet the neighborhood requirement, as the Earth does not "gravitationally dominate" the orbit of the Moon and is a satellite of the Earth only by the circular argument that the Earth is a planet in the first place. If the IAU cared about Science, it wouldn't care one way or the other if the Earth was defined to be a planet or not. It does, because it knows it can redefine Pluto's status but if it redefined Earth's status everyone would ignore them completely.

    Knowing that, and generalizing the sentiment scientifically, I ignore them completely.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    Solution: Denizens of Sol 3. Happy?
    That's very parochial, counting from the inside.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
    Good Point.... Has anyone mentioned this on the in-game channel?
    BaseBuildersInc. (with the period)

    I'd pop over and put a linky in the MOTD, but still enmeshed in accounting paperwork... did I mention that it's a freakin' nightmare? ugh.

    I'm not a member of any of the base building channels that might be out there: the only way I had to get the word out was to PM the few base builders I happen to know and post in this forum. I'm hoping other base builders pass the word out to any who might be interested by whatever means are available.

    Also, its possible to preserve friends' bases if you're coalitioned to them and can step into their base, but can't contact them for whatever reason. You just need one second of demorecord within the base to capture the base data.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    Well, I have no intention of dying, so.
    Everyone says that, until the Publisher decides to sunset you.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Teeto_K View Post
    Ah hell missed it. Checked the thread too. :< Redundancy ahoy!
    At this point, I think its still important to try to reach as many base builders as possible, especially those that may not be reading the forums. We have all the time in the world to view and experiment with bases, but if they aren't demorecord captured before the game shuts down, there's no way I'm aware of for a base builder to get that information unless someone else happened to have previously recorded it at some point.
  23. About the stream:

    1. Kind of.

    2. Are you sure?

    3. Clearly five.

    4. I would rather the other.

    5. No.

    6. Only in Detroit.

    Don't sweat it: it takes a lot of practice.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    You speak as if that is the only way to design the units in the game. This is the only type of game I have ever seen where people talk of designing to the statistical performance of the target audience. It's far easier to just design unit character/performance to be a level and let people achieve what they can with them.
    That's because there is less discussion about targeted performance for other game types, and because its primarily in MMOs where that design target can be effectively iterated. However, the principle forms the basis for basically all game design. Virtually no one designs games with an abstract target, and then doesn't care how many people can actually play it effectively.

    I would be surprised to find a professional game designer anywhere that doesn't believe in some variant of that basic design philosophy.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Teeto_K View Post
    So in light of recent demo record revelations, I decided to record some demos of my characters so I can get good action-screenshots of them for posterity. Salivating at the prospect of pausing and using free-camera to set up shots that I could never get during live gameplay, my patience ran out before the beta client finished downloading, and I discovered something interesting.

    Hitting F2 to get detached camera controls, seems to work in the live I23 client during demo playback.

    I haven't yet tried it out in the beta client, as it's still downloading even now, so maybe the functionality is superior there, but it works in the live client, and I thought it bore mentioning here in case there are base builders who weren't VIP at the cut-off date, and/or can't get on beta for some other nonsense reason like a 3GB hard drive or something.
    Yeah, Leandro mentioned above the camera works in the live client as well, but I will also mention for the record that you can record in any of the three clients and any of them will still play the record back with a caveat. Things that don't exist in that version of the client will obviously not playback correctly. So if you record I24 content that uses new maps in the beta client, that won't work right in the live client because it doesn't have those maps.

    But, for example, I had no problem playing this demo from 2004 back in the live client. Incidentally, the reason I was specifically looking at that demo was because of 1:20, where you can see some interesting flock behavior of the critter AI from back then.

    I notice glitches: since dragon's tail's animation was changed a while ago, playing back very old demos of my MA/SR with the current clients has the glitch that when she uses dragon's tail, nothing happens on screen. All the other attacks animate. But not only does this allow for saving bases, it also allows, with those glitches in mind, replaying very old things people might have demorecorded and forgotten about.

    Also, there are older versions of the client "floating around" that can be used to play older demos with better animation fidelity.

    But for emphasis: you DO NOT need to record with the beta client. You can record in the live client and still playback in the live, beta, or test clients. There is NO REASON to attempt to rebuild bases on Beta.