599 -
Grats! Means you're done and badged now, yes?
Andra's filling our spots as I type. Going to grab some life-sustaining supplies for our run: drinks, music and temp flight packs for everyone. -
If your tf was postponed by any chance, I'm running one in about 3 hours. Waiting on a friend to get home. They refused to take their machine to work and play from the supply closet ( RL stealthmode ftw!) with extension cords like we suggested. Casual gamers.. <head on desk>.
Thank you for the event, Avatea.
P.S. Was personally amused at how many folks actually saw the flyer and met at the restaurant instead of somewhere more iconic like the Big Donut. It was chosen as an assembly area since Avatea last reported suspicious activity in Faultline and because it's a nice open area with good food and discoteca <3.
Man! I forgot to take screenies! -
Quote:Yay for monstersI tend to play the monster. The anti social, brooding, hostile and almost feral monster.
Because humans suck.
My witch is a monster in spirit. When she needs robin's eggs for a spell and can't find any, she'll pluck the soft blue eyeballs from a bratty kid because it's a reasonable substitute. It had gold specks.. close enough.
Realize it may seem harsh but I have plenty of sweet do-gooders. Just something different to do on occasion. -
Without realizing this until years later, nearly every single one of my characters is without a family, orphaned early on or much later. This is whether it was a genetic family, adopted or any peer structure.
Some of their stories are sad, some are light-hearted, some are just obscure footnotes.
- Annie and Silk were both seperated from their family at the same age in very different ways. Annie escaped from bungling childrens-organ harvesters in Mercy and chooses to stay alone in the Isles despite still having parents to call because of the wild adventures and strange people (Peter Pan syndrome). Silk's nomadic seafaring tribe was murdered by a group of marauding pirates and cannot return home (Penzance).
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/42089
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/34348
- Una and Aranita had no family but were forever seperated from their peers/siblings.
Una was written into a personal lore where there is a seperation in gender (personal identity and physical attributes) for angelic beings. Her brothers were the Watchers who "saw how beautiful the daughters of men were and took wives from among those that pleased them.(Genesis)" They assumed the identity of Olympian gods and forged a new religion. Una, my dragonian seraphim, was forever seperated from them in spirit when awakening beneath a carving on a cave in Carthage reading, "Bloody the borne who break with your brothers." A political trap laid by her brother who masqueraded as a god named Eros keeps her from any reunion from the few reformed Watchers all these years later.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/34267
As for Aranita Torralva, she seperated from her combat unit which was the closest she had to a family. Having been selected for the grafting operation to become a Tarantula, her would be Queen maimed Torralva in a rage that was part competitive jealousy and in part a show of dominenance to the younger recruits.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/41970
- Anthem and Vamp are mentally blocked from their families.
Anthem became delusional when her brother passed away. I'm pretty sure she has no concept of who her family is. She's forever locked in a tunnel-vision daydream of being a larger than life celebrity super-heroine.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/34344
Vamp is an amnesiac. Once a bright-eyed 'up and coming' investigative journalist, she now lives a life in Arachnos ranks - some of the very people she would investigate. She's ever grateful they took her while she struggles to remember who she once was.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/42066 (not sure why Cit is showing a blank page now)
- Alt never had a family. She's a self realized character creation in a video game.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/35403
- Exotica was the only entity found inside an extraterrestrial craft salvaged from deep beneath Rogue Isles seas. Twice orphaned if you consider how her radiation killed every person in the first town she was sent to for care by the pirate who found her.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/34268
In a way, Sunday Mourning's bio is a spin off idea of Ex. She's a sickly joyless girl who always happens to land in a new orphanage every week where people mysteriously die.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/42097
- Brunette's creator was murderd and siblings never made. Her creator crafted android armies. Not for the military but for mid to large sized corporations who needed waitstaff, caregivers, entertainers, etc. They'd meet the prototypes and commission a workforce. The blonde and redhead lines always went over well, selling like hotcakes. The brunette line was never ordered once. The prototype was bubbly, chatty, sweet faced and curious and just not quite what the buyers were looking for. I need to get around to writing her bio.
- Nefer - assassinated, revived and bewitched by her own temple priests. Lives now, centuries later, centuries seperated from her family to travel on cargo ships in the Rogue Isles and extract revenge on those who trade in her former empire's antiquities.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/42077
- Phobia was a lesser diety. Her bio reads, "When Man lay waste the old temples with Disbelief and seated himself upon the throne of Progress, his ancient gods left quietly. Left humbly. And left behind their favourite daughter; the deity loved not best but held closest to the heart of stubborn mortals. Her name is Phobia."
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/41966
- Noa, Witchcraft, Starmada: forever seperated from their origin, their time or society altogether.
Noa was a protective entity. She'd create iceburgs to capture oil spills and human bodies bloated with bacteria after wars at sea to nudge back to foreign shores. One such trip left on Paragon's shores where she remains to this day to weak and misplaced to return home.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/34773
Witchcraft was just orphaned by circumstance. She is the thing every village and town accuse her of - Salem, New Orleans, the Congo. Not sure she minds. I think she truly enjoys killing a few townsfolks in every new lifetime before they discover and execute her.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/57420
Starmada is locked in a strange shifting universe - she lives in rips between time and dimensions always struggling between the past present and future overlapping in the same moment for her. Not sure she'd remember a family if she had one and most certainly cannot have one now. I only mention her because her circumstance is a complete seperation from society and the known world.
Bio: http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/41597
- Dakota's tribe murdered by rival casino owners in St. Martials. She was away at Paragon University.
- Posh's sister and entire dorm were murdered in a savage raid one evening by a drug cartel's local army. It was a message to all families in the area. They were a poor farming community who provided resources to a group of Catholic nuns there to educate their daughters in hopes they could improve the community locally or travel abroad and bring money back to their economy. -
Did you say discoteca?
[QUOTE=ROBOKiTTY;3204322]yup ^o^
Good work! <salutes> -
Hey.. isn't here someone who runs Mothership at 2 am these days? I could have sworn there was someone hitting the crazy hours for our friends in other time zones. Anyone know about this?
We were talking about it the other day. It's good that we have slightly different strategies.. ex: groups that use hold method on pylons versus ATT. The more creative the different groups running are, the better. Who knows if they'll throw a Master at us and we'll have to Frankenstein all of our individual and collective progress to get around no temps and no deaths.
If you have space, VirtueBadges09 is a very active global channel and another great way to advertise with immediate results.
Badging - good times. <salutes> -
@Blazing Tiger and @Xeaon (and his VG - officers) CoP seperately. Their methods for the Obelisks are different but both effective.
My group also runs CoP (we run our own and with others, host meetings and offer our bases and officers for others) my SG has: @Sandolphan, @Andra, @Dogma, @Kegan, @Nutek, @Dinah and myself all lead teams and contribute to pre-planning and post-trial strategy meetings as we work on eliminating more and more training wheels (our success so far has not been entirely temp power free but will be soon). I enjoy organizing these with them as a team building experience for us. We still use Skype so it's a lot of casual fun.
You write and promote guides, yes? If you are looking for help with guides or tutorials specifically on CoP, Blazing Tiger has posted one here in forums. Sandy will be writing a comprehensive tutorial once we accomplish the Storm AV (we're really solid/successful on the Red AV). Another team lead is interested in a video tutorial for others; we'll definitely post.
As for Hamidon, currently, I still see @Robokitty and @Photonstorm consistently leading them. There are quite a few others that step up when needed. They make it look effortless. Good stuff.
If your interest is also in folks who placed a great deal of time over the years for advice or potential teammates for any incoming endgame content, in addition to the globals above > @Andra led the first redside raids for over a year with @Operative Bane and is still available when needed. She does step in when no one is free. I can't say how much I appreciate the time she put in on raids villainside since they were less frequent than blueside raids. Sandy and @Nucess put alot of time into leading the first year blueside. I'm pretty sure Nucess still plays though less frequently if you are looking for folks to plan things with. There's a lot of people in my group who enjoy new challenges.
If you're looking for a little fun with those specialty raids that are seldom done but a great deal of fun contact Sandy or myself:
There hasn't been a Dropship Raid in some time. We enjoyed putting those together for the server when there were scheduled Rikti weeks and cross server Dropship Challenges. We're proud that we came out with great numbers each time. 3 nights w/ a little over 100 ships. @Kegan also helped on our only redside run. She's still a moderator in VirtueUnited (the server's unofficial/official publically run raid channel) and encourages folks with reminders and information on raid schedules.
We also put together the blueside Hamidon nuke. 9 minutes from launch at saferock to completion. It was a riot.
I could be wrong but I'm nearly positive @Robokitty had a successful redside Hamidon nuke raid as well. RK?
As for Mothership Raids, just about everyone has run these. My hats off to Haile for consistently running them. I'm pretty sure Arkyeon also ran raids and promotes raid attendance - especially with so many new and returning folks, I appreciate that. One of the reasons Virtue runs as many raids and taken place aside Freedom for population. It's friendly and active for all playstyles. I remember seeing a post on [server name omitted] once where a guy posted, "Must Virtue beat us on everything?" No but we're a good server for anyone looking for regular ongoing raids, unique raids and usual organizers who consistently hit the new content the second it comes out. -
Save me a spot at the lil kids Thanksgiving Day table! Not planning on growing up until I make the 1K Club.
Una - SR scrapper - 947
Exotica - Rad corruptor - 909 -
You're in good company.
I rarely use Pocket D for transportation (usually the O portal or our bases) so it wasn't until this year (yes, this year!) that I realized what folks meant by "blue side" "red side". I only knew the two sides by floorplan/facillities - one side has the Monkey Club, etc. It didn't even DAWN on me that there was a soft neon hue of pink and blue across all the walls! <head on desk> -
All those temp powers we save over time and never actually use. It's fun to break them all out on a tray and mix up your game with things with great animations. I've played my scrapper for hundreds of hours. Maybe thousands.... I know her powers.. so it's great to throw out a jar of bees or snowbeast or even a fire extenguisher which does no damage but is just silly fun when you blast an AV in the face.
Both? Neither? In a way?
I like crazy chase scenes. The suspense! Sure our guy gets away but oh it's soooo cool when he does so in style! -
Yay, I'm not alone.
Your post made me think about what I did get around to this weekend besides laundry and pet emergencies. Mostly badges, tf/sf's, and CoP.
Saturday, my co-leader Andra and I decided we wanted TF Commander on our newly switched villains. So we ran every taskforce with our sg as they logged in and out from different playschedules:
09-11-2010 10:22:03 Congratulations! You earned the Big Spider badge.
09-11-2010 10:51:53 Congratulations! You earned the Heard the Call badge.
09-11-2010 11:37:43 Congratulations! You earned the Rule of Three badge.
09-11-2010 12:15:21 Congratulations! You earned the Dam Hero badge.
09-11-2010 15:11:46 Congratulations! You earned the Clockstopper badge.
09-11-2010 15:21:07 Congratulations! You earned the Synapse's Cohort badge.
09-11-2010 15:21:08 Congratulations! You earned the Abomination badge.
09-11-2010 17:41:13 Congratulations! You earned the Sister Psyche's Comrade badge
09-11-2010 19:31:43 Congratulations! You earned the Citadel's Assistant badge.
09-11-2010 21:42:24 Congratulations! You earned the Manticore's Associate badge.
09-11-2010 23:22:18 Congratulations! You earned the Numina's Compatriot badge.
Sunday was our scheduled CoP blueside and a few assorted badges:
09-12-2010 00:10:41 Congratulations! You earned the Transcendent badge.
09-12-2010 16:29:13 Congratulations! You earned the Tipped Off badge.
Yay us! This one was smooth and meant a lot to me. > 09-12-2010 18:20:46 Congratulations! You earned the Pain Killer badge.
09-12-2010 18:29:20 You received Heart of a Storm Elemental.
09-12-2010 18:29:20 You received 6 units of Reward Merit.
09-12-2010 18:29:20 Congratulations! You earned the Power Liberator badge.
09-12-2010 21:27:23 Congratulations! You earned the Column Breaker badge.
Monday was a Master run to finish out our main badgers who had switched:
09-13-2010 13:58:09 Congratulations! You earned the Rescuer badge.
09-13-2010 15:24:07 Congratulations! You earned the Transmogrified badge.
09-13-2010 21:37:21 Congratulations! You earned the Master of the 5th Column Task Force badge.
Tuesday kind of felt lazy:
09-14-2010 00:07:19 Congratulations! You earned the Frenzied badge.
09-14-2010 02:14:20 Congratulations! You earned the Agent of Chaos badge.
09-14-2010 21:31:58 Congratulations! You earned the Liberator badge.
09-14-2010 21:31:59 Congratulations! You earned the Boulder badge.
.. until I got to feeling worse ( a lil sick, achoo!) and hunched over a massive solo streak (Tues night/Wed AM) for Ouros arcs to finish mission badges while everyone slept safe from my cooties. When I don't feel well, my clock throws me off and I'll sleep days, stay up all night:
09-15-2010 00:22:01 Congratulations! You earned the Seaweed badge.
09-15-2010 00:29:13 Congratulations! You earned the Slag Reaper badge.
09-15-2010 00:29:18 Congratulations! You earned the Slag Pile badge.
09-15-2010 00:37:28 Congratulations! You earned the Agent of Discord badge.
09-15-2010 00:37:30 Congratulations! You earned the Arachnobot badge.
09-15-2010 00:49:35 Congratulations! You earned the Soul Taker badge.
09-15-2010 00:54:50 Congratulations! You earned the Bad Luck badge.
09-15-2010 01:39:55 Congratulations! You earned the Exterminator badge.
09-15-2010 01:50:03 Congratulations! You earned the Skip Tracer badge.
09-15-2010 01:57:59 Congratulations! You earned the Portal Hopper badge.
09-15-2010 02:04:32 Congratulations! You earned the Party Crasher badge.
09-15-2010 02:09:55 Congratulations! You earned the Mage Hunter badge.
09-15-2010 02:09:57 Congratulations! You earned the Sorcerer badge.
09-15-2010 03:50:42 Congratulations! You earned the Efficiency Expert badge
09-15-2010 03:57:45 Congratulations! You earned the Couch Potato badge.
09-15-2010 04:18:44 Congratulations! You earned the Bane of Ajax badge.
09-15-2010 04:26:36 Congratulations! You earned the Army of Me badge.
09-15-2010 04:50:45 Congratulations! You earned the Explosive Finale badge.
** massive time difference... apparently I was afk during this time***
09-15-2010 13:59:53 Congratulations! You earned the The Thief of Midnight badge. < which is a bit awesome ending on that note. Being sick stole my night.
Sorry my schedule lacks detail. All the suspense and intrigue happens in Skype calls or early morning hours wrangling my dogs about the neighborhood. The suburbs are an evil evil place. It's sometimes easier to spend quiet evenings indoors far from other people's roving child-gangs and gossipy old chicks.Holidays are coming up so I'll be on a new shop-plan dinner-game-shop-decorate-lick a thousand envelopes-game-decorate-shop schedule.
What makes a long day like Saturday work is preparing but not scheduling. So, say I want to run a few tf's. Rather than sign up bodies (emergencies happen and not everyone shows) or pre-list times, I'll give a 'roundabout' heads up. On the last mission of a tf, I'll call in our global and say "Last mission of Sister. As soon as this ends, I'm on a 45 minute break for laundry & lunch and I'll come back to start Manti." Folks who are on at the time have a better idea of whether they'll be free or not. That and Skype calls make it fun for us. Especially now with CoP. Easily, we can have 17 of the 24 on call and any prep work of team building, instructions, etc just is fun in itself. I'm a wierdo. At any rate, for all those other non casual players out there .. <salutes>. Nice to see how we all balance the number of things we do in a weekend or week. -
That's a manly man's cat you have there, Kant! Those beefy paws suggest he doesn't take **** from anybody. I approve! <salutes>
Hella cute. Looks like she's been kissing frosted flakes.
Awww.. baby kitties! I'm a sucker for kittens. Hope they're doing well. The little black one is precious.
.. I laughed a little at the image blur on your namesake's eyes in the first pic. Immediately thought, "Sometimes pick up groups traumatize me too!" -
PS. No dogs allowed. This is an evil cat society. I don't know how to feel about Dogma posting his kitties because he's clearly a dog person.
If you have a canary or a tuna fish sammitch for a pet, that's ok. Hero Prime's kitty will have something to lick.. look at. He'll have something to look at.