1243 -
Another trivial notice from patrolling The Hive - There is a Devouring Swarm spawn a bit south-east of Time Bandit badge (directly north from the fallen skyscraper), that doesn't seem to follow the reqular "along the hill-lines" -pattern.
Did a targetcustomnext -run around The Hive, and discovered the following three things (not really big, but for completeness sake, should be mentioned):
There are indeed 3 clickable doors in the Portal Corp area - one of the doors is half-way buried under soil. All of the doors give the standard "You cannot enter" -error message. They appear to be, in every possible way, very ordinary doors.
The 9 "doors" in the spires aren't interactable objects - if they have some function (they do look suspicious...), it isn't active. This means that it is unlikely they are the key to our dilemma.
There doesn't appear to be anything that could be interacted with in the forests either, but I was unable to get close enough to get a 100% confirmation to any other forest than the small patch north of Hami. -
Did a couple of runs around The Hive today, and I agree, the "walls" and swarms make a clear route to move in The Hive.
Anyone happen to remember the command that was used in City of Villains to find the bomb drop sites before they were fixed, it was /target_somethingorother (target next in-game object in sight, be it foe or object or whatever) - if there is some sort of an object that can be interacted with in the Portal Corp area, that could be used to locate it. -
Just posting this here so I won't forget it - has anyone tested Hamidon's reactions to Ambrosia? Just wondering if there is some special reason they remain in our inventory even after the Spire Trial is completed.
Just a quickie progress report:
Big groups of Abominations and 5 squids don't play well together, debt occurs.
Also observed a high mortality rate amongst us when trying to kill Ruin mages that are purple to me. -
I'll bring my Warshade along for the "oh my god it's a void, ruuuun!" -fest
Congratulations to Aldwych for finally dinging 50, becoming the third College of War-ite to get there in the last three weeks!
I started a Plant/mind dominator yesterday called "Redeeming Badger", surpirisingly for the purpose of doing a couple of Redeemed Badge runs. I'll be working on him during the next few days until he's ready to pvp and confuse and then organize a longbow hunt.
Coldest War will be there
Been there, killed with that - the defiance after you've survived an Assassin's Strike is awesome. The knockback punch (can't remember the name) is a safer choise, since it gives you some extra time to react after that, but BS is truly great way to get the stalker.
well i was in sirens call lastnight with a a great team of stalkers and a dominator but the one thing i noticed was the amount of people moaning about a stalkers tactics.
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I hope you didn't take anything I said like that - I was having the time of my life. With so many stalkers going round, it was really challenging to stay alive, thus every kill I got felt really so much better. My "hit and run" -comments on broadcast were about the way I was playing at that moment, trying to pick off your stragglers and run to safety (usually getting killed, but sometimes living)
A big group of any sort can feel unfair if the opposition isn't equal in numbers. 8 heroes in a team (with an empath and a couple of bubblers, for example) versus a duo of villains isn't exactly fun either. -
Hold down ctrl -key and click on a power. A green ring appears around it (you can't choose a toggle power or an interruptable power like snipe). This power will be automatically activated whenever possible (either when it's loaded or a valid target you've chosen is in range of it.
For example a defender could auto-activate the area effect heal, activating it whenever it is ready, or a blaster could auto-activate bonesmasher, so he hits his target with it when he is in range (right next to you) and the power is ready. -
Well, first of all, blaster, and especially a /eng blaster is far from useless in PvP. It is a question of reflexes. If you don't have any +perc power that allows you to see stalkers (like my ice/eng pvp blaster is), a good tip is to have a high-strength power (in /eng's case, Bonesmasher) on automatic execution (have the green ring around it) and when you get ASed, have the "target nearest enemy" (default ctrl+tab) handy. With luck, you blast off the stalker's mez protection effects and stun him, leaving him ready for further loving while you pop up a respite and pummel him to heavens above.
If this doesn't feel like the tactic for you, keep moving a lot, stay in water (stalkers cause water ripples like everything else) and listen closely - when you hear the sound of build-up, you should be running. Blasters are the fav prey of stalkers, since they are squishy and rarely have auras that prevent stalkers from attacking.
I have two blasters myself who both work in PvP quite well, first one is the mentioned ice/nrg who works well against everything else, but has problems with almost any stalkers, and the second is a ice/dev that has no problems with non-expert stalkers (so much +perc he can see a stalker from good distance away), but brutes and dominators cause him endless grief.
PvP is a bit of rock-paper-scissors. No matter what you do, there will be always something that can beat you. For blasters, that's usually a stalker. -
War, you are the person I've buffed, healed and rezzed most, tell me, how does it feel to get there finally?
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After 560 hours of continous powerleveling, I finally have the Tankbuster badge, and my only contact is the initial one from Atlas Park. I have also heard there are other missions besides Dreck, but have not confirmed this yet.
... or something.It's been damn much fun, thanks to everyone who I've met along the way so far, the people who have tolerated my "but I'm a tank" tactics in Taskforces and normal missions.
Now, when are you going to hurry up and level Gamma so that he and Gonzo can square up for a grudge match in the arena?
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Yikes. I have to play with my squid a bit first, it's way too much fun to pass. But Gamma will be leveled up at some point - I have to get in shape for Warburg eventually, right?
Two 50'S in the space of a week for CoW - Good luck with the Squid
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Crimson, Aldwych and Priesty are not far from 50 either, so the College is finally starting to have its graduates
Bilharzia: Plant/Thorn Dominator
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I knew it felt familiar somehow getting beaten up by you... -
Damn you for being faster on creating the thread
Grats -
Way to go man!
What are you going to call your squid? -
Dominators will be highly valued in Recluse's Victory... every hero wants to get confused so they can take down Statesman
I'll be there with my 3-hold blaster
And since that thread is so ancient, might as well post these here.
EVIL University / College of War base pictures. I'll upload some newer ones there today when I get the time. -
Merry XMas to everyone, lurkers and trolls and all other forum dwellers alike.
Unlike everyone claimed, downing 96 vines and a tree wasn't really that hard. A big thank-you to everyone who participated.
Yeah, thanks to everyone who participated in the never-ending farmage - got my Illusionist and Archmage -badges there, so I'm good and happy - one goal achieved