880 -
As of today, (Weds 5.27) the RO website will be down while we move to a new webhost. The site will return by the end of the week at the latest.
I'm still rolling through them, the Epics list is the longest and of course takes a longer amount of time to go through them all.
Why RO hates J-Force
They stole our pie and called us healzors!
Also, an RO member met J-man in real life...we hear he's still scratching his eyes out
Now gimmie mah billionz, fool.
Fin 2 -
I specifically said "healzorz" ta make RO mad
[/ QUOTE ]
/e puts "sb plz" in a macro.
[/ QUOTE ]
So mad rite nao!
I'll sign up for this and use one of my Def/Cons.
12pm or 3pm works for me, I'm in PST land.
Global: @Alty
...Still mad -
The most famous bein' the J-Man v RO debt run where they cheated.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh stop it now...you know we won fair and square.
Happy Anniversary!
If we had any healorz in RO we might do this, but we don't, so we can't and we won't. -
Arranged in alphabetical order for fairness and ease of use:
<ul type="square">[*]Altoholic_Monkey -- Indies (1 mission) | Sequels (2-3 missions) | Epics (4-5 missions)[*]Bayani[*]Beach_Lifeguard[*]Bubbawheat (QPQ)[*]Burning_Brawler (QPQ)[*]DeviousMe (QPQ)[*]Dominemisis (QPQ)[*]Dragonslay[*]Frozen_Northman (QPQ)[*]HolyEvilAoD[*]Lazarus (QPQ)[*]LaserJesus[*]Misho (QPQ) | Non QPQ[*]Peacemoon (QPQ)[*]Policewoman (QPQ)[*]Rapulis[*]ridiculous_girl (QPQ)[*]SteelSky[*]Sooner (QPQ)[*]Stomphoof (QPQ)[*]Talen_Lee[*]Venture[/list]
EU reviewers
<ul type="square">[*]Col.Blitzkrieger[*]Leese[*]Master_Zaprobo (In character)[/list]
Review sites
<ul type="square">[*]City of Guides - Mission Architect[*]CoH Mission Review[*]Mission Architect Advanced Search Site[/list]
Note: QPQ = quid pro quo: Play and rate/give feedback to the reviewer first in order to get a review on your arc, some are more lenient on this than others. Also, tends to have a shorter queue.
Also, some non-QPQ have more than one reviewer with some not accepting new submissions, check the most recent page for up-to-date information.
[/ QUOTE ]
Updated the list. -
Well mine are semi-private...
I created six MAs that link together to form a Task Force. These missions were made for my RO mates. The storyline and custom characters will only be known by those in RO. While they are published and can be found by anyone, the average AE player will probably find them difficult.
If they offer more more MA slots, I plan to create more customize missions for the specific SGs I lead. I'd like to have ones that maybe test out recruits playstyles, just to check out the newbies.
Unfortunately, I used up all my MA slots on each account to make up the Task Force -
Arranged in alphabetical order for fairness and ease of use:
<ul type="square">[*]Altoholic_Monkey -- Indies (1 mission) | Sequels (2-3 missions) | Epics (4-5 missions)[*]Bayani[*]Beach_Lifeguard[*]Bubbawheat (QPQ)[*]Burning_Brawler (QPQ)[*]DeviousMe (QPQ)[*]Dominemisis (QPQ)[*]Dragonslay[*]Frozen_Northman (QPQ)[*]HolyEvilAoD[*]Lazarus (QPQ)[*]LaserJesus[*]Misho (QPQ)[*]Peacemoon (QPQ)[*]Policewoman (QPQ)[*]Rapulis[*]ridiculous_girl (QPQ)[*]Sooner (QPQ)[*]Stomphoof (QPQ)[*]Talen_Lee[*]Venture[/list]
EU reviewers
<ul type="square">[*]Col.Blitzkrieger[*]Leese[*]Master_Zaprobo (In character)[/list]
Review sites
<ul type="square">[*]City of Guides - Mission Architect[*]CoH Mission Review[*]Mission Architect Advanced Search Site[/list]
Note: QPQ = quid pro quo: Play and rate/give feedback to the reviewer first in order to get a review on your arc, some are more lenient on this than others. Also, tends to have a shorter queue.
Also, some non-QPQ have more than one reviewer with some not accepting new submissions, check the most recent page for up-to-date information.
[/ QUOTE ]
Added myself and did some formatting. -
Could you folks please make another thread...I'd rather not have to fish through pages of reviews to get to the submissions.
Thank you. -
I think I am going to try and play through all of these arcs myself as well, at least the ones that give me XP. Just to level my night widow. I might even post some of my own opinions in this thread as well, but only after I let Alt have his say.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh just call me Alty and I'm not a him.
Because of the number of arcs submitted, I going to post a separate review report thread for all the different arcs. Once I get through 10 of each type.
I'd prefer to leave this thread for submissions only. Eventually my list will clear and I'll take submissions again. It'll be much easier if I don't have to go through pages of reviews and comments just to find the submissions. I hope you understand.
Remember that I'm still taking submission for:
[b]The Independents : 1 Mission Only Arc Reviews
The Sequels : 2-3 Missions Only Arc Reviews -
Damn, Altoholic, if you manage to play through all those, it's safe to say you have a hell lot of free time!
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, it doesn't take that long to solo through arcs, unless there's a defeat all. I usually do the arc reviews later in the evening after I'm done with my RO duties. Naturally I can do the single and 2-3 mission arcs faster than the Epics but I don't anticipate it all taking me that long.
What does slow me down a bit is copying over some of the mission text and dialog for the proofreading portion of my reviews. But usually within the first few mission I can tell if an arc is going to be free of errors...I still read everything though and by everything I mean EVERYTHING. Even that line you can barely see when clicking on a glowie.
Yes I do have some extra time on my hands for a couple of months between school sessions. -
In case authors were wondering where they arc was placed on m review list. Here's the list of EPIC arcs I'll be reviewing. Once I'm done with this batch, I'll start accepting more submissions.
- ID: 84105 Duality
- ID: 53951 The Sleeping Star
- ID: 101681 Through Rose-Tinted Glasses
- ID: 12669 How to Survive a Robot Uprising
- ID: 12647 Tales of cimerora, volume 1 : of feathers and fur...
- ID: 111352 Title is Fallen Angel: Crossing Over
- ID: 2180 Bricked Electronics
- ID: 5073 The Bravuran Jobs
- ID: 91897 The Oblivion Lens
- ID: 1356 This Is War, Part I - the Revenge of Hro'Dtohz
- ID: 2922 Hunthing the Dark Dragon
- ID: 4572 Blargrimmar Wants You!
- ID: 2622 A Tangle in Time
- ID 64609 Eclipse Over Paragon
- ID: 58812 Something Comes to Yarmouth
- ID: 1233 welcome to donut world
- ID: 36492 "The Saga of Uuralur."
- ID: 33969 The Darkman Cometh (pt.1)
- ID: 3416 Blitzkrieg
- ID: 4431 Soldiers of Fortune
- ID: 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant
- ID: 4643 Blowback
- ID: 62807 Rock & Revenge
- ID: 33034 The Descender
- ID: 87912 The Dead and the Damned
- ID: 48942 Too Drunk To Be Alcoholic
- ID: 29659 Revenge is a Dish Best Served From My Cold Dead Fingers
- ID: 70210 Is it Live or is it Memory-X
- ID: 71797 The Gorgon Maneuver
- ID: 31975 Fire and Ice: Naughty and Nice
- ID: 15447 - Blood, Sweat, Toil and Tears
- ID: 15976 - Glory Days
- ID: 103878 Gamble for Oakes
- ID: 16376 The Aegis Affair
- ID: 5909 Amazon-Avatars
- ID: 6143 Escalation
- ID: 1579 The Council's Long Con
- ID: 113294 The Siphon
- ID: 77311 The Ballad of Murky Thecat
- ID: 75386 The Knights of Rularuu
- ID: 1033 (NO TITLE)
- ID: 1484 That Which Defines Humanity
- ID: 113886 The Marcovici 7
Dear EPIC creators
According to notes, I have 43 Epic arcs in my review queue.
I am going to halt acceptance of EPIC arcs for now, until I get through this first batch.
My other two review threads are still accepting submissions, if you have shorter arcs. I can get through the Independents and Sequels faster than the Epics.
Thank you all for allowing me to review your works!
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks for trying to find the time to play all of those and review them Altoholic.
[/ QUOTE ]
Happy to help!
It shouldn't take me eons to run through the queue but I didn't want the line to get too long and have people waiting around weeks for reviews. -
Dear EPIC creators
According to notes, I have 43 Epic arcs in my review queue.
I am going to halt acceptance of EPIC arcs for now, until I get through this first batch.
My other two review threads are still accepting submissions, if you have shorter arcs. I can get through the Independents and Sequels faster than the Epics.
Thank you all for allowing me to review your works! -
By 100 plays, I assume you mean 100 ratings.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes and clearly I should not post that early in the morning/late at night. I've edited my OP accordingly. -
Due to the enthusiastic responses, (awesome!) I'm going to post my completed reviews in a seperate review thread once I have enough of them done.
If the creators do not want their review posted pubically, please let me know after I send my review to you.
I will be sending short reviews via MA feedback and longer detailed reviews via PM. If you're an EURO player, I'll use the PM system only. -
Due to the enthusiastic responses, (awesome!) I'm going to post my completed reviews in a seperate review thread once I have enough of them done.
If the creators do not want their review posted pubically, please let me know after I send my review to you.
I will be sending short reviews via MA feedback and longer detailed reviews via PM. If you're an EURO player, I'll use the PM system only. -
I interpreted the conditions as the 2nd mission in an arc being the "sequel" to the 1st mission.... But if that's wrong, disregard:
[/ QUOTE ]
No they don't have to be sequels...I was just using that term to give the 2-3 mission arcs a name.
They DO NOT have to be a sequel to the first mission in the arc
All the responses are awesome...I got some work to do -
Use whatever you like to tell a great story...Robots, ninjas, pirates, cat girls. If the story is good it won't matter what cliches are used. The same basic stories have been told and retold countless times, that doesn't make them any less interesting. (there is a reason why the same plots hold true through the ages)
It's the telling of the tale that makes the difference. -
If you want to send private feedback, please use the PM system on these boards. These arcs are posted on my EU account and intercontinental feedback does not work ATM.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thank you for letting me know, I wasn't aware of that.
Also if any authors want to keep the feedback private, just request in your posts. I'm more than happy to deliver the feedback as you like. -
Congrats on being the first! I'll get right to it...I should have somehing for you later today. (I'm excited!)
Salutations Mission Architects!
Following in the footsteps of the greats like the Seven Samurai, Giant and Gone with the Wind, epic movies have sweeping landscapes, intriguing characters and captivating story lines that pull in the audience and take them on a memorable adventure.
I seek epic arcs that are 4-5 missions long and have less than 100 ratings.
The Epics should have strong characters, compelling storyline and pacing that holds through each mission until the end. Use of maps, custom characters and other MA tools should be connected to the storyline.
I will give feedback to the directors/writers/producers using the MA feedback system. A longer summary will be posted in this thread as well. Ill be running the missions primarily on my Illusion/Storm controller, but will change alts as the mission dictates. Typically Ill run on Difficulty Level 3 and will turn down if necessary.
Please list your Arc ID # and any other information you deem necessary.
Thank you for your time,
Also, if you have a shorter or medium length arc, please post in my other review threads:
The Independents (1 mission)
The Sequels (2-3 missions) -
Hi MA Producers,
It's nearly May and that means its time for those blockbuster films. Fast action sequels that promise to deliver the better thrills than the originals. I look forward to experiencing missions that are as exciting as a summer feature.
I would like to review mission arcs that are 2-3 missions long and have less than 100 ratings.
These sequels should have great pacing and plot to carry it through the next mission. Unlike many sequels, yours should be great from start to finish, no slacking off or failing to deliver in the end.
I will also give feedback to the directors/writers/producers using the MA feedback system. A longer summary will be posted in this thread as well. Ill be running the missions primarily on my Illusion/Storm controller, but will change alts as the mission dictates. Typically Ill run on Difficulty Level 3 and will turn down if necessary.
Please list your Arc ID # and any other information you deem necessary.
Thank you!
Alty M.
Also, if you have a shorter or longer arc, please post in my other review threads:
The Independents (1 Mission) & The Epics (4-5 Missions) -
Who cares that they're near-copies of existing card backs - the fact that they're clearly visible instead of blurry scrawls (/e protest, anyone?) is the cool part.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yay it's clear and I only have to look really closely to see the tiny detail =/
I think the animated fortune reading is much cooler, but to each their own. -
Isn't that just a modification of Bicycle Brand deck with the COH logos in place where the Bicycle logo would be?
When you visit that link above look at the site background, it shows the Bicycle logo. Which is a perfect fit for the COH/V logo (both are a circle). I don't know about that being cool as just a quick way to put an image there. Naturally its not the exact logo (who wants to get sued for that) but could be "inspired by".