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  1. I only got to play for a couple of hours on Thursday because I was out of town Fri-Mon but I got Secret Agent Ally (bots/dark MM) from 11-18 and Ally Fu (claws/ninj stalker) from 34-35.

    Also, thanks to the miracle of level pacts, Allysaurus (rad/fire blaster) went from 48-50 and AllyBot (elec/elec Dom) went from 35-39.

    Not too terrible considering I was across the country without internet access for most of the weekend.
  2. It looks like it will be a few weeks before I can make it to another Matinee but I just wanted to pop in and say excellent title choice!!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    How about a "double" double XP weekend two weekends in a row for people that were inconvenienced.
    This would be awesome.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ArwenDarkblade View Post
    I was actually happy for the change because Phantom should be home by then, and he was looking forward to 2XPW.
    Arwen, thank you so much for giving me a reason to be really happy that DXP was postponed. I feel much better now knowing how much Phantom will enjoy being home for that.

    On a side note, I was thinking and I realized that the 2 characters that Darkbridger will most likely dedicate most of his DXP time to are pacted to 2 of my characters so I'll at least get that much benefit.
  5. Double XP weekend postponed

    I am less than happy about this since Aug 11-14 is the one and only weekend that I have to fly across the country to visit family. I have terrible luck...
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    Because you know, that's why they moved it. The bit about an issue with the DXP system is a lie, of course.

    Obviously, we need to make sure this never happens again to such fine folk.

    Therefore, I vote NCSoft/Paragon Studios remove the DXP system, and never have a DXP event ever again.
    I have no issue with it being moved, I am just saying it should be moved a bit farther out to allow people to plan accordingly.

    Oh and thanks for the snark, that's always soooo constructive on forums.
  7. Wow this is just awesome for people who planned ahead and took time off work for dxp weekend.

    It's even more awesome for people like me who have non-changeable travel plans for the weekend you re-scheduled it to.

    Thanks for nothing.
  8. I'll be there with my 46 rad/fire blaster Allysaurus and Darkbridger will be there with his 46 ice/cold controller Cold Timer.
  9. I will bring something for Eden and something else for Ice Mistral.

    Darkbridger will do the same.
  10. Actually, go ahead and move me to the alt list. I'm not so sure I can make it after all.
  11. Bridger says he will also bring something this week.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    This issue should now be resolved.

    If you're still experiencing problems, please be sure to contact support.
    This issue is NOT fixed. I purchased mine and received e-mail confirmation that it was applied about 30 hours ago. I still can't access the costume options in game.

    Support has of course been contacted and maybe if I'm really lucky they'll answer me by Tuesday or so.
  13. If there's still room I'd like to bring my 50 sonic/dark corr Cyrrena.
  14. Thanks for the update.

    I do hope that some discussion about the MoLambda badge requirements will also begin with the Incarnate Rewards post. I know that issue got overshadowed in the thread stemming from the first post by Baronyx but it's still a very important issue to many of us that needs to be addressed.
  15. Allyriah

    MoLambda baby

    The current claim is that our league used a pac grenade at some point.

    Hmm... I don't know about you guys but I think at least ONE of us would have noticed the giant "Marauder has been pacified!" text flashing in our face and promptly tried to beat the crap out of the guilty party responsible for dropping the grenade. Even if we didn't notice the glaring text message, we should have seen it get a lot easier to damage him for a little while (which it absolutely didn't). After seeing one of these things, we would have stopped wasting our time trying to get the badges and used the rest of the temp powers to guarantee at least an easy completion.

    I mean really... do they think we're that stupid??

    Also, I watched the containers every time we were fighting anywhere near one and I never saw one go below half health. However, I have officially given up on CS at this point. If I want to be talked to like a child, I'll call my dad thanks.
  16. Allyriah

    MoLambda baby

    I pushed the issue a little further after they recommended that I read the post by Baronyx. After a couple more condescending replies, they were finally convinced of my ability to read beyond a 1st grade level and they finally agreed to check the logs and see what happened. All the feedback I got after that was "Your team failed the requirements." No elaboration was offered so I guess the case is closed. If we really failed then fine...I just don't appreciate how I was treated throughout the week-long conversation it took to find that out.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
    Second, I don't like the fact that we have 3 different badges for beating Marauder without using any temps. When I believed that there was a badge for doing it once without using one kind of temps, again without another, and then a third time without either, I thought that was interesting and challenging. I think 3 times without using either is annoying and repetitive. Getting all 10 of one kind of temp power in 5 minutes really isn't that hard when you have both teams in one area, so I don't see that as much of a challenge.
    I could not agree more wholeheartedly with this point. This is exactly how I feel.
  18. Allyriah

    MoLambda baby

    Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
    The Dev's have coughed up a furba... er have spoken.
    Such convenient timing... it was very nice of them to point out that it's almost the weekend so we shouldn't expect answers to our perfectly logical questions anytime soon.

    I always enjoy how they refuse to admit they're wrong whenever the player base calls them out on a mistake... *poof* the rules change and we're all the wrong ones.

    Anyway, this particular trick on their part may be the beginning of the end of my 7 years as a paying customer. I just don't have the energy to be so frustrated over stuff like this anymore. It does no good since debating valid points with support is similar to arguing with a brick wall.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Baryonyx View Post
    There have been a few questions about the Well-Stocked, Antacid and Lambda Looter badges and how they are acquired. The hints for these particular badges don't go far enough in explaining the details. There’s additional confusion due to a bug where one of the badges is improperly awarding the other two. Both of these issues will be rectified soon, but until then here's a quick guide on how these badges are intended to work so you can be prepared when the bug is fixed:
    • If your league is working on the Antacid or Well-Stocked badges, the objectives are:
      • The league gathers all 10 of one type of power without acquiring any of the other. The league can enter the other area, but cannot actually destroy any of the power-granting targets there.
      • After the Sabotage phase, the league does not use any of the gathered powers.
      • Also, during the final battle, the league does not make use of the Shipments to acquire any powers.
      • More succinctly: the league gathers all the powers in one area only within 5 minutes and then completes the event without using any of the gathered powers.
    • If your league is working on the Lambda Looter Badge, the objectives are:
      • The league gathers all powers during the Sabotage phase (all 10 Acids and all 10 Grenades).
      • After the Sabotage phase, the league does not use any of the gathered powers.
      • Also, during the final battle, the league does not make use of the Shipments to acquire any powers.
      • More succinctly: the league gathers all the powers in one area within 15 minutes and then completes the event without using any of the gathered powers.
    [LIST][*]If the league gathers one of both powers, the intention is that your league can only attempt the Lambda Looter badge. The Antacid and Well-Stocked badges are actually the harder pair of the three, since both have the same basic requirements of Lambda Looter, but also feature an additional time pressure of gathering 10 powers in one area within 5 minutes.
    If this is the case, can someone please provide an explanation as to why multiple teams are posting evidence all over the badge forums that they received ALL badges in one run together?

    Also, if this is "working as intended" I think it is very poor design to require the same no-temp epic battle with Marauder in 3 separate runs just to get Antacid, Lambda Looter, and Well-Stocked. With BAF it is possible to receive the Mo with 1 run so why wouldn't Lambda function in the same manner?

    FWIW, my league collected 10 of each, gave them to one person and verified the count, and collected no shipments, and we STILL didn't even receive Lambda Looter so obviously there are still bugs with the system either way.
  20. Allyriah

    MoLambda baby

    Red, I definitely appreciate your efforts to post this detail here for us but my argument remains the same on this. We fulfilled the requirements exactly as they were stated in the game. In my opinion, listing extra detail in support article #eleventy billion (that most of the population didn't read) wouldn't really reinforce their position adequately enough to make me accept that decision. So...let's just hope they're taking the time to honestly evaluate our issue here.
  21. Allyriah

    MoLambda baby

    Originally Posted by ArwenDarkblade View Post
    I'm not trying to shoot the messenger here, and I sincerely appreciate you looking into this Red, but that is making me less than happy.

    The in game text for the three badges we should have been awarded are as follows:

    Antacid states - Complete the Lambda Sector Incarnate Trial having acquired 10 Molecular Acids but using none of them.

    Lambda Looter states - Complete the Lambda Sector Incarnate Trial having acquired 10 Pacification Grenades but using none of them.

    Well-Stocked states - Complete the Lambda Sector Incarnate Trial having acquired 10 Pacification Grenades and 10 Molecular Acids but using none of them.

    Neither Antacid nor Lambda Looter say anything about not getting the other. There is no indication in game that these can not all be done at the same time. We followed the prompts exactly and didn't get any of these badges.

    If Antacid and Lambda Looter are mutually exclusive, the prompts need to state such. And in the meantime, the badges and rewards that come with them (Astral Merits and rare drops) need to be awarded for those who did it as written and got nothing.
    I know that I personally will fight on this one pretty hard if they tell me that there are invisible requirements for Antacid and Lambda Looter that we didn't meet. I'm sorry, but if it's nowhere in the text, they can't say after the fact that was the "intended" requirement so I hope your friend was wrong Red.

    Our league did EXACTLY what the text on each badge states therefore we all deserve our hard-earned badges as well as the missing drops and merits.
  22. Allyriah

    Hack II

    Stage 1 - "Inherent Fitness" Consolation Prize