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  1. AlienOne

    Kheld Videos

    Well, the problem with /demorecord is that it's bugged. For some reason, it doesn't like to show Kheldian shape-shifting back to human form from one of the other forms... That's my only problem with my non-UI footage... I have footage where I'm running around in dwarf form with super speed on, because the demorecord playback won't switch the dwarf form back to human...

    "The One"
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gaias_minions_EU View Post
    I'd disagree with you on this bit PD when on a team with 'trollers but you do need to understand the ATs inherrent and stay close enough to them to benifit.

    As for those thinking human form can outdamage nova - sadly not any longer as the inherrent now carries over to the forms
    That's, of course, making the assumption that you're on a team and not soloing.

    "The One"
  3. AlienOne

    Orbiting Death.

    If the Dev really wanted to fully implement the "you don't have to retoggle every time you're mezzed" change they were claiming, the offensive toggles would work the same way as the defensive ones--i.e., they would not de-toggle, but would instead suppress. Orbiting Death would no longer do damage while you're mezzed, and Inky Aspect would no longer stun while you were mezzed.

    "The One"
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lacrymosa View Post
    Ummm... Actually, that's me. Not you. (see sig below and compare names to the YouTube video). If you'd like, I can log onto him in-game and prove it.

    Originally Posted by Lacrymosa View Post, my friend. On IO's triform. No Quasar just for you. And yes I'm doing mine on a higher difficulty, Who kills faster?.
    I wasn't aware there was a higher difficulty setting than "invincible," which is what I was on.

    You might also want to take into consideration that I was in a custom AE mission I created that had ALL LTs with quite a variation of scrapper powers (fire, dark, dual blades, katana). Of course you could kill faster, because you had 1...maybe 2 Lts in a mob? And the mob conned YELLOW to you? LOL. And if you had a boss on invincible, I certainly didn't see one, because none of them in your video conned purple. In fact, now that I'm checking it again, I don't even seen any LTs conning RED, which means you actually WEREN'T on a higher difficulty setting.

    Completely incorrect information...

    Now, that said, I actually WOULD like to see PrincessDarkStar go in my mission and survive it using her particular WS playstyle. I'm being serious. I really would like to.

    "The One"
  5. AlienOne

    Orbiting Death.

    Originally Posted by gaias_minions_EU View Post
    Haven't checked lately but it was bugged so it didn't drop when you were mezzed - watching an AV drop to it after mezzing you can be amusing.
    This was something that was "fixed" recently... As it was explained to me, since it's an "offensive" toggle, and not a "defensive" one, that's why it drops when you are mezzed, and Inky Aspect doesn't. To me, it doesn't make sense to make a power that will dropped when you are mezzed on a toon that is so extremely succeptible to being mezzed. But, par for the course, I suppose...

    "The One"
  6. I tend to agree... I think it will be very minimal... I believe "Going Rogue" will have a more significant impact to the market than CO will ever have, IMO....

    "The One"
  7. AlienOne

    Kheld Videos

    Hey, since I plan on making more Kheld-related and general videos later on down the line in addition to the two videos that I'm already working on, I figured I should go ahead and start an "update" thread for it...

    Here's the latest info on the 2 I'm working on right now:

    I recorded the /demorecord files (without the UI) to video format via Fraps today... These videos are the most likely to be used for the Test Server Promo video, as I have more control over the video--meaning, I can resize, zoom in, letterbox it for a more cinematic feel, etc... On the UI version of the video, I don't have that luxury, because resizing it or letterboxing it would cut off much of the UI, making it look a bit weird... The UI video will most likely be used for the "All Kheld iTF Highlight Reel" music video, as most people watching it on YouTube will want to see stuff like that.

    Anyway, I figured I'd leave you with a screenshot showing "Stage 1" of the editing process... At the time I captured this, it was conforming the .AVI files from the non-UI video I had just imported...

    Yes, I have a triple-screen monitor setup. :P


    "The One"
  8. Well, if you go with tri-form on both, then you'll get a pretty similar experience, especially if you spend any significant amount of time in the nova or dwarf forms... There are differences here and there in those forms, but those are very slight.... However, if you plan on spending any significant amound of time in human form in either one or both of them, I'd say, yes, it will be a quite different experience....

    "The One"
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    I have to disagree with this, I teamed with a stone tank once who didn't take rooted and he kept getting knocked back, his style of play meant he didnt want to go as slow as rooted makes him, but he still had the option of getting that additional protection and I thought he was a fool for not, he just laughed it off and fair play to him.

    Just because your style of play means you don't want to take advantage of a power doesn't mean you should be rewarded for it. Fair play to you for wanting to play in human form but no matter which way you cut it the mez protection is there for you to take and the devs should encourage us to use all the tools at our disposal.

    What if I didn't want to take any attacks? Could I reasonably ask for a 100dps damage aura?

    All this is aside from the fact that Khelds would be verging on overpowered if they had mez protection.

    Edit: Don't get me wrong I would love to have mz protection and it would make things so much easier, but I would also love rocket launchers on my squids shoulders and don't think the devs should actually give me them.
    I have to completely disagree with this, and add that it's very bad analogy. We ARE taking damage powers in human form, and we ARE taking SHIELDS in human form, and thus are actually trying to protect ourselves while preferring not to go through a shape-change shift every 5 seconds. Completely different.

    I don't hear anyone complaining about the mag 4 KB protection from certain enhancements.... In fact, I'd say it's one of the more popular enhancements to get in the game... Why? Because there are toons out there who don't like the idea of being "required" to *waste* 2 power choices on having to get Acrobatics on EVERY. SINGLE. TOON. they make. So, why not have some toons with Acrobatics, some toons (like scrappers and tanks and yes, dwarf form) that have "natural" protection, and some toons who prefer to buy the enhancement protection? That's the way the Devs set it up, and that's the way I think it should be done. More choices/ways to do things can only improve and expand the capabilities of the game.

    I'd go for that... If you don't opt for dwarf form (and you shouldn't HAVE to), then invest the money/merits in getting an enhancement that has, say, 4 mag protection against stuns.... Completely legitimate request. That way, if you don't want mez protection in human form because you're a "purist" or whatever, that's cool. But, if I want it, and want to "waste* the enhancement slot (in your opinion) by slotting a mez protection enhancement, then that's MY choice. We all play the game differently, and shouldn't be penalized for that. I believe the Devs would agree.

    "The One"
  10. SWEET! It's finally happening! You're all goin' DOWN! I'm winning!

    I'd like to thank the Academy, my parents, and everyone who has posted a negative comment in my reputation section. It's been great entertainment thus far.

    "The One"
  11. I'm very interested to see how this "auto exemplar" thing works. Would this mean you'd be auto-exemplared going into, say, Atlas Park? Would that mean that you couldn't use a travel power in Kings Row because you didn't pick it until lvl 19? I'm highly interested in that "fix for not having powers available while exemped down" fix you mentioned...

    "The One"
  12. AlienOne

    Orbiting Death.

    I kind of "have" to take it in human form, due to my power choice setup, although... I used to slot it way back when I just thought it was a "cool looking power," now I don't invest any slots in it at all, and just put one accuracy IO in it... I could pick the immob, but it'd have the same slotting (just one acc), so I figure it's better to do a tiny bit of damage on the whole mob (since I only do extremely large mobs when I play my human-only build) while you're hackin' away, than just do a tiny bit of damage on a single target.

    However, I don't like it at all, not because of the small damage ticks, but because it's my ONLY toggle to drop if I get mezzed (which is quite often, since I'm a Kheld). I wind up having to re-activate it a LOT.

    "The One"
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tarkenchi View Post
    This is pretty awesome. You guys really need to offer a lifetime subscription option.
    I'd certainly pay for it with both accounts.

    "The One"
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SkarmoryThePG View Post

    I'll never get to play Heck's second arc at this rate >.<

    Hey, how about maybe throwing that into the first veteran reward or something? "Congrats, we know you've been through this before. Have a boost next time."
    Just means all you'll have to do is turn your xp off for a little while. The rest of us will be extremely happy about this change...

    "The One"
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positron View Post
    As for low level characters missing out on accelerated leveling speeds, we are increasing the rewards they earn from level 1 to 20 (about 20% across the board) so that every player can get through the lower levels faster, not just those that know “the tricks”.

    (These changes are currently being tested in the Closed Beta for Issue 16, and may be changed/modified by the time they reach the Live servers)
    lvls 1-20 faster by 20%?

    Give it up for the Dev team, ladies and gentlemen...


    "The One"
  16. LoL, I WISH we were that lucky... No, there were definitely deaths... Although, we didn't have near the amount of deaths you see admitted to on the all-Kheld iTF video you can find on YouTube now.... I think they admitted to 135 deaths and over 3 hours on that one... We probably had around 40 to 50 deaths all together in the 2nd run--more in the first (probably around 75). Time on the first one was I think 3 hours, 9 minutes, but I didn't have my screenshot set up right, and it took the screenshot without my UI... Got it right the 2nd time around though!

    Update and facts on the video:

    1. There is close to 10 hours worth of video footage all together (I recorded with UI using the latest registered version of Fraps, and without UI using /demorecord), totalling around 475GBs of video for both TFs run today.
    2. All video is now imported and "conformed" into Premiere Pro CS3
    3. I will be editing the video in a 720p HD format.
    4. 2 Videos will be made--one promo video for the Test Server event, and one highlighting the 2nd TF we ran (for posting on YouTube).
    5. Premiere Pro CS3 will be used for editing, After Effects CS3 and Photoshop CS3 will be used for special effects and titling. I might use either Soundbooth CS3 or Audition 1.5 for sound editing, depending on what I have to do.

    That's all for now...

    Hey, LordXenite, a couple of those people have already confirmed they're highly interested in the test server event, so we definitely got more coming!

    "The One"
  17. I love Thongsnapper's sig. That's hilarious.

    "The One"
  18. Did a second all-Kheldian iTF today for more footage to work with for the promo... Here's the "completion" screenshot. I "won" it with a self-destruct sequence...

    Managed to shave an hour off the time too!

    "The One"
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    You're lying about what I said. That's fraud and you're just as bad as Bernard Madoff.

    ... see how stupid rhetorical exaggeration looks when someone else does it?
    And you're assuming I was talking about you.

    You see how stupid assumptions make a person look?

    "The One"
  20. @AlienOne

    1. AlienOne Lv50 Peacebringer
    2. VestigeOne Lv50 Warshade (I'll probably be on this one)
    3. Worst Warshade Ever Lv50 Warshade

    "The One"
  21. Just did an all-Kheld iTF tonight with the sole intention of getting video footage to edit into a promo.... 5 Warshades, 3 Peacebringers... 1 quit during the first mission, 2 quit after facing Rom during the last mission... That left 3 Warshades and 2 Peacebringers.

    Time to give up, right?


    Task force Completed. Mission accomplished. I got the video.

    Promo video coming soon.

    "The One"
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JDouble_NA View Post
    I Io'd my main brute out about a year ago with 3 purple sets and a bunch of 7.5% LotG and other uniques. It took a little over a billion inf, which was all I had combined on all my charcters, but I pooled my funds together and made it happen. It was worth it.

    Fast forward to today. I'm all excited about Brutes getting claws and have decided a Claws/WP brute is going to be my second build worth IOing out. So I wander over to the BM to start pre-purchasing the expensive uniques and purples to stash away in my base while I wait for issue 16 to arrive. To my surprise I see that not only can I no longer IO out my brute with a billion inf...I can't even buy a full purplr set with a billion inf!

    So seriously Devs, do you want purple sets to be THAT rare that they cost over a billion inf? It would seem this ridiculous inflation is either do to a.) all people do is farm AE which equals no purples, b.) folks are just buying inf from those dirtbag .com sites, or c.) a little of both.

    I don't have an answer, but this [censored] is ridiculous. You put things into the game and then create a situation where only folks that farm AE 24/7, or purchase infamy from an offsite .com can afford to buy them.....which motivates people to farm even more and buy more infamy from offsite .coms. Please do something.....
    I think you have some EXCELLENT points here, some of which I've made myself recently... However, good luck trying to get people around here be sympathetic to you. Their solution is to turn a blind eye to the problem and bid 10 influence for a purple, and maybe someday, somehow someone will accidentally post a purple for the wrong price, and then you'll get it for cheap! Of course, you may have to wait until the game is no longer available to play for this to happen, but that's a chance you're going to have to take!

    I'm beginning to believe those aforementioned people are the ones making the huge profits and doing all the flipping. If that's the case, then of COURSE they don't want a solution for the problem!

    "The One"
  23. I'm in. I've got 2 WSs and a PB I can bring to this, but if I'm allowed personal preference, I'll stick with my WS...

    I'll see what I can do video-wise to promote it (I might need more details on everything happening event-wise)... I can't promise anything as of yet, because I'm not sure what kind of time I'll have to do it, but I'll certainly try...

    "The One"