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  1. Crap, that means I'll have to keep track of the misinformed assumptions you make of me, just so we're even....(lol)

    We'll start with this:

    I've never stated that I thought human form was a higher damage dealer than nova. Go ahead. Look up all my past posts. I have stated that I thought it dealt excellent damage, but not "TEH BEST EVAR."

    Therefore, I have nothing to "admit to being wrong," as you seem to think.

    "The One"
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    Numbers prove potential, Videos prove skill... oh, and do not go to Z'Ha'Dum.
    Holy crap, that's quote-worthy. I'm usin' it. :P

    "The One"
  3. AlienOne

    Orbiting Death.

    If you go back and re-read his post, he said "respectable" damage and not "awesome" damage. I believe there's a bit of a difference there, and besides that, when both you and Obsidian are basing all of your definitions of damage done with a Kheld on Nova form... I guess every other form and playstyle WOULD seem sub-par to you. I don't believe he was comparing OD to nova form, nor saying that it would out-do Nova, nor did he say it would out-tank dwarf. In actuality, he said OD was "respectable", and that it allowed him to "tank," not in a "taunt" sense, but in a "grab aggro" and "withstand the incoming damage" sense.

    I believe any tanker in the the tanker section of the forums would say that there is a lot more to tanking than using "taunt." So, while, yes, dwarf form has a taunt, that fact alone has really nothing to do with what he was saying in his post.

    "The One"
  4. AlienOne

    Warshade Newbie

    Now those latter responses were MUCH more helpful...

    Diran, I'm in the middle of putting together a "So, you want to play an all-Human form Warshade?" guide (with videos and everything), and I'll be posting that as soon as "humanly" (har, har) possible...

    "The One"
  5. AlienOne

    Orbiting Death.

    Wow, Obsidian attacking yet another person who prefers a different playstyle than he does...

    C'mon, man... Give some people a break! If they explicitly state "I really enjoy playing like this," then what's the real *need* to berate that person? I mean, really? Why?

    "The One"
  6. AlienOne

    Warshade Newbie

    These guys here are absolutely wrong in that "human form damage isn't that great." It is, and is very respectable. I wouldn't go as far as to say that "human form is the best", but saying that "it isn't that great" is a very naive and uninformed statement, and would cause me to wonder exactly how much experience one has at actually building and playing an all-human form. Not much, I gather, from that statement.

    In addition, he has already stated that he would prefer to play in human form. I would like to see some "numbers" from Obsidian on the most effective human-form build, since that is what is what he is asking for. Not beratement on his playstyle of choice.

    That isn't what I like to encourage. Sure, you can mention "It might be a little better for you if you pick dwarf", but you are offering that as the "only" solution to playing in all-human form. The best build for an "all-human" build is to NOT have a "all-human" build? What the F***, guys?

    Wrong, wrong, wrong, and more wrong.

    "The One"
  7. The problem here is, I am not "backed into a corner" as you seem to think. My argument has always (and will continue to be) that playing a certain way as a Kheld is a PLAYSTYLE choice. I have no interest in numbers. I advise people, not on "this will make you hit 10 points more per second", but on "this is probably how you'll have the most fun, due to what you have stated as your preferable playstyle." You advise people through numbers. I don't consider your way to be wrong. Neither should you consider my way to be wrong, primarily because (as I've also stated before) it's just a game. Not a life-or-death situation.

    Now, if we were both in an ambulance as paramedics trying to keep a person alive? In real life? Yeah, I'd go with numbers and statistics. But, this isn't real life. This is about having fun in a game.

    Heck, I'd even give the floor to you numbers-wise in the game, if this were a person who was trying to build a toon for "best performance in PvP", because there, numbers ARE king. I daresay that might be the background where you're coming from, which would explain your fixation with numbers in City of Heroes/Villains. However, when it comes to having fun while playing your character.... I don't think every single person playing the game needs to know "by the numbers" why they should build their character a certain way, and no other way. That's just dictating how someone "should" play their game, which I don't believe is right at all.

    Also, for someone who is concerned about accuracy, you certainly are innacurate about YOUR conclusions. How were you, by facts and numbers, able to draw the conclusion that I "dislike the results science and numbers provide?" I have never stated that I "dislike" the results. I've merely stated that I am a skeptic. And, skeptics are the sort of people that try to get the numbers people to "think outside the box" and "dream" a bit. If you think of life in terms of facts and figures all the time, I'd think one would become quite bored or insane... I know I would. I tend to be the more "creative" type. In fact, that may very well be the reasoning why I decided to go with a "human-only" build. Because I like to be a little more creative with getting something done, rather than maybe "the way it was intended."

    In addition, if we were to go off-topic again, I could go on ALL DAY about carbon dating and how it's only able to ACCURATELY read in thousands of years, and not millions. But, again, that's off topic.

    Again, (I'm not sure how many times I can repeat myself until I'm blue in the face), I'm not "dodging facts", I'm saying that we will not agree, because we're on completely different playing fields. I'm on a "playstyle" playing field, and you're on a "numbers and facts" playing field. My playstyle affects your numbers, insomuch as they aren't "as good as you think they should be", and your numbers affects my playstyle in that you think I should be playing my game a different way. And, no, I will not ever let anyone tell me how to play my game. I don't care what facts, numbers, bribes or whatever someone throws my way. You can count on that.

    "The One"
  8. Hey, another one in the same boat... Unemployment SUX. I'm right there with 'ya both.

    "The One"
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    Actually I've been leaving mine on precisely for the same reason. Mine is green, it's been green ever since day one, and it has only steadily increased in spite of several griefing negative rep comments. It's kind of my own little private way of saying, "**** you, forum trolls, bring it on."

    However, threads like these are why I do consider turning it off. So many people out there are so worked up about something so silly, and this is like the tenth post I've seen by people who'd like to grief the system as a whole by begging for reputation, both positive and, yes, negative too.

    Is this going to be the new "When does Issue [whatever] come out?" theme, the thread that keeps being posted every week by yet somebody else? I'm sorry OP, I'm not meaning to come off as too harsh on you personally, I really don't hate you or anything. If I could, I'd spread the ire in this post among everyone who has so far posted a "Give me (posi|nega)tive reputation!" thread and everyone who has responded. Although I don't mind the reputation system, and I really don't care about the reputation griefing, I'm really starting to wish they'd turn it off simply because I'm tired of threads about it.
    No hard feelings, man. Actually, you're pretty much on to me. If you read my original post, that's exactly what my point was... There really ISN'T anything that's going to happen to anyone who has good or bad rep... It isn't going to affect you in r/l, so why get worked up about it? So, I decided to go the opposite direction to prove a point. If everyone's so concerned about getting positive rep, why don't I "get all excited" about negative rep? It's just a game, anyway...

    Remember the e-mails that got sent out "If you don't forward this, you'll die a horrible death tomorrow?" Or "If you forward this, you'll meet the love of your life next week?" It's all lies.

    You're not going to suddenly have good fortune because you're the "highest ranking" rep-o-meter person, and I'm not going to suddenly have a heart attack because my negative rep went "over 9,000." It's all BS.

    And that's my point. So, go ahead! Give me more negative rep, and please, while you're at it, include some "witty" comment along with it for my personal entertainment!

    It's certainly not going to cause "bad ju-ju" for me, so don't get all worked up about it, unless, of course, you're naturally superstitious, and you can't help it.

    "The One"
  10. AlienOne

    Kheld Videos

    Today I edited down the music from about 4 and a half min to 2 and a half min for the promo video, laid it down, and laid down all the "intro" logos, as well as a couple of shots... Decided that the titles will look better done animated in After Effects than doing generic ones in Premiere Pro... Still working on the "timing" feel of it, when and when not to use slow and fast motion, and where to place the titling for it...

    Overall, I think it will turn out to be exciting and "epic" feeling, and hopefully will interest the CoX community enough to see the event for themselves...

    "The One"
  11. AlienOne

    Warshade Toggles

    Originally Posted by Rainbow_Avenger View Post
    This is two issues:

    According to my calculation, all of the above works out to 8.37 seconds of power activation after each and every fight. If your friends play like my friends, they've cleared out the next mob while you're still retoggling.

    There's no single correct solution. It boils down to playstyle. If your intention is to fight mainly in Nova form you don't need to retoggle all that between fights. If you stick to Dark Extraction and Stygian, you'll cut down your casting time by almost half, to 4.37 seconds. Less really because you won't be summoning a pet after every fight.
    Rainbow Avenger is right on the money here... It's a playstyle thing... To me, it sounds like you're someone with a human-only fight style frame of mind who is also trying to use a bit of nova... If you're playing with a team as you mentioned, and you're using all those human form powers to open up, in most cases, if you got team help (and especially a fulcrum shift), the mob's already down. You don't even NEED nova at that point. I can record a video of the Battle Maiden map mapped for 8, and just me (as my human-only build) and a friend's fire/kin running it... By the time I've run through my human-only form attack chain (along with the f/k's attacks, SB, and FS), the mob is down in a matter of literally seconds... There's no need for me to switch to nova. And since I run 8 toggles (including Leadership), it would be more of a hindrance to switch to any other form at any other point, really... I would spend as long toggling back all those toggles as the f/k would need to completely take down a mob himself!

    So, instead, for my playstyle, I just stay in human, take down the mob, raise a pet, use stygian circle, and race to the next mob and my attack chain's already set.

    The best playstyles (I've found in my experience) are the ones who stick to human-only, and the tri-form who just spends juuuust as long as he needs in human form (eclipse, sytgian, pet), and the rest of the time in the other forms... Staying in human for as long as you do, and then switching to nova for just 3 or 4 hits, before you change back to human and re-toggle doesn't seem to be as effective of a playstyle as it should be... You gotta plan for staying in nova for much longer than you do, or just sticking with human to keep your toggles up...

    "The One"
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    Alright, this line of thinking baffles me beyond words.

    In every single case where a scientific fact needs to be proven the researchers are never told "make me a video", they are told "show me the numbers".

    If X is greater than Y then it is greater than Y on paper and in the living world, it does not ever magicly change because somebody see's it. Ever.

    Ignoring the whole video can be doctored thing (not saying it is, was, or has been.) video proves nothing to anyone, it simply allows people to come to their own unscientific totaly biased and unprovable conclusions.

    The total illogic of the "if I see it then it's proof to me" thinking drives me nuts because it remains unprovable one way or another, and to ignore or dissreguard hard scientific proof set in provable numbers is akin to saying dolphins do not exist because you have never seen one personaly. Your wrong, everyone knows your wrong but because we can't drag you to see the dolphins, you get to remain set in your belief they dont exist.

    Seeing is not proof of anything that can be substantiated and numbers always prove more than unobjective unmeasurable eye-witness accounts.
    Ah, one of those science guys. Half of science is theory, not facts. Hate to disagree with you there. If someone tells me that "the world is millions of years old because I said so", or because of some sort of circular reasoning, I'm not going to be some sort of sheep that goes "baaaa...ok!" Sorry. I'm a skeptic.

    Besides that, because I actually WORK in video, and can TELL if a video has been doctored or not, since I actually WORK IN THE FIELD... I'd say I'd still trust that more. There are things all over the world which have defied mathematical equasions. And yet... It exists. Are you going to tell me that you don't believe there are pyramids, because you think it's mathematically impossible how they accomplished building them?

    But, now we're completely off subject.

    Again, as I said before, we'll have to agree to disagree. I'm one of those people who has been able to prove numbers wrong time and time again, by being the "skeptic." But, that's my point here... Warshades and Peacebringers (in my opinion) can't be broken down to some mathematical equation of "all WSs and PBs should be made like this or you're stupid and you'll die".... It's (again) a playstyle choice. And in MY definition of "effective", a human-form can be just as "effective" as a tri-former, no matter if you say one can deal 10 points of damage per second faster than the other.

    In actuality? It's just a game. In the end, I play for fun. I don't give a Sh** about numbers, because this isn't a job for me. It's a way to escape the real world for a bit and have fun.

    This will be my last post in this thread. I'm done with it. We will A.B.S.O.L.U.T.E.L.Y. N.O.T. change eachother's minds on this. We are very different people and think in very different ways. I can tolerate you and your way of thinking without being "required" to follow your way of thinking about the world--will you be willing to accept the fact that I'm different and tolerate that?

    "The One"
  13. I went to that link, followed the directions, logged on to the "full" administrator account, and got the same error on the install... In the picture, I included the amount of space on my main drive, the "administrator" highlighted, and the error messages...

    Don't worry about it... It's not worth it to me to spend more time over troubleshooting, as I have 2 CoH videos to edit down...

    "The One"
  14. Well, I tend to be able to tell much easier if a person is making up stuff if I see a video of who/what they're fighting against, and what exactly their playstyle is, than if someone is just throwing up some random numbers which I don't have memorized off the top of my head. I can see a video and tell for myself "Oh, they're fighting against all LTs..." Or, "Oh, they're on the 'rugged' difficulty setting" or "Ok, looks like that's mission/mob is mapped for 8"... A good example of this is that post where someone was acting like me and posting the videos... I could see (obviously) that it was me and not them in the video, and in the other video I could see exactly how hard the mobs they were fighting were, what their playstyle was, and how difficult it really was for them to take it down.

    If someone threw numbers at me? I'd say "Ok, whatever... Let me see you play your toon, and then we'll talk."

    By the way, how'd you do on the mission solo?

    "The One"
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PhiloticKnight View Post
    Install the VB5 runtime files. Using the Admin permissions. All versions of XP came with these pre-installed, but I suppose that the 64-bit Vista didn't. I BELIEVE that 32 bit apps should still run under a 64 bit environment with the correct runtimes installed, but your system would be the test of that hypothesis. Do this and then PLEASE tell me how it works out for you.

    This is what I got when I tried installing VB5 runtime... I think it may be because 64-bit doesn't have a file setup like \system32... Not sure, though...

    Not a HUGE deal to me... Just figured you should know... I don't believe it's a Vista thing, I think it may be just a 64-bit thing. And, yes, I was logged in as administrator (I'm the only account on the computer), and yes, I have full admin access to my files... Not sure why it would give me that error, really.

    However, I know that 32-bit apps DO run in a 64-bit environment, because most of my apps are 32-bit apps (City of Heroes is one! haha)... So, it most likely isn't your program... It may be another problem.

    "The One"
  16. Just look up @AlienOne in the MA... I believe the name of it is called "The Battle For Humanity"... Not a very good story, since I made it in a hurry and it was specifically so I could test the capabilities of my human-only form... If you want a better story, check out my other published one--the "CorpsOne" one... I invested a bunch more time into writing that one...

    Also, be forewarned! There is a seemingly endless amount of ambushes in my warshade test one! Every time you start attacking a group around one of those altars, ambushes start pouring in... It's easy to get overwhelmed. You might find on a tri-form that you wind up staying in dwarf form most of the time, as switching forms with that many enemies around you is pretty much suicide, unless you're just damn good.

    Also, don't forget to map it for 8 players!

    In addition, I think videos prove more than numbers do, because they show actual situational gameplay, which most of the time can't figure into "generalized" numbers. Most numbers people throw out don't factor the type of mob you're fighting against, whether you're solo or teamed, how many team members there are, whether or not you're solo mapped for 8 (which I do a lot of times), which difficulty setting you're on, or even if you're fighting in a normal mission, an AV mission, or an AE customized mission. Average general numbers for human/nova/dwarf form can say one thing, and the situation might dictate another, depending on what sort of enemies you encounter and what sort of reflexes/experience you may have, as well as the difficulty setting you're on.

    "The One"
  17. AlienOne

    Kheld Videos

    Awesome, thanks!!! I'm not sure if it'd be entirely worth it to go through the entire file and do that, since I have a set of 5 files that are around 25MB each in size (HUGE for a text file), but that's extremely helpful information to have, especially since I've been thinking about starting a video series on some of my toons, and that would help with stuff like that. Again, thanks!

    And, yeah, that's the way I was planning the videos.... The promo video advertising the event I was going to use no UI and make it "cinematic", and the all-Kheld iTF highlight reel/music video I was going to use the UI for "This really happened" purposes

    "The One"
  18. AlienOne

    Kheld Videos

    Didn't do a whole lot with it today... I downloaded high-rez images for NCSoft, Cryptic, City of Heroes/Villains, and Paragon Studios today, and worked with them a bit in Photoshop... I also imported my own "WatsonFilms" logo intro animation as well, and listened to the music a few times through to determine what I'm cutting and where...

    More to come tomorrow!

    "The One"
  19. Willowpaw, would you be so kind as to post a link to the build so I can open it up in my Mid's program, or at least post the data chunk for it? Thanks!

    "The One"
  20. I still see a gray border around my avatar. I actually see a little gray sliver underneath your avatar too, Luminara... :P

    "The One"
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    I appologize if this comes across as rude but this is the sort of post that I think makes WS players make poor build decisions.

    In squid form with just 4 people in the mire not the 10 your looking at and just repeatedly spamming 1 of the aoe squid blasts and ignoring all other powers I would be looking at 92 points of damage per 2 seconds. You don't even want to know what the numbers change to if I use both aoe's up the mire to the same 10 as yours and add in a fulcrum shift.

    The words rip tear and shred used to describe orbiting death is misleading in the extream.

    I am sorry if this came across poorly, and I do appreciate your including numbers in your post that could be compaired. I truely do think using numbers in posts like this will help new and inexperienced Kheldians make informed choices in their build.

    Wait... You're now trying to compare Orbiting Death with Squid blasts?

    You're better than that.

    "The One"
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon_Hawkwood View Post
    Of course as Laevateinn pointed out most people who say they want to avoid the market actually mean they want high end shinnies with no effort.
    Actually, that would be incorrect, because "no effort" would be to just straight up buy it at WWs. Buying at WWs takes almost no effort at all, considering you can make a TON of money on one boss AE run. I've had friends tell me that they made 25 million in a single boss run in AE on the carnie map. A few runs of that, and you can buy pretty much anything you want.

    Now, if you want to avoid the market all together and buy the "shiny" via merits, or just hope it happens to drop on you in a mission, that takes a HELL of a lot of gameplay, and that...takes effort.

    "The One"
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tradok View Post
    That's nice that they shaved a few seconds off a page load, but they keep removing/mucking up core features I use, and adding features I don't. I remember when their goal was a light bare bones browser that you added the features you wanted, but it's on the path to turning into netscape again.

    As soon as I find a nice light browser that supports something like noscript, I'll switch. Don't get me wrong, FF is a nice browser and I recommend it to others... it's just not what I want in a browser anymore.

    But I don't want this to be a threadjack, I just asked for a link from someone advertising another browser.
    Maxthon Browser

    You can't install the program "NoScript" into Maxthon, because that is a Firefox plugin extension. However, you can actually do exactly what NoScript does yourself by going into your "internet zone" security options in IE. The capabilities are there already to disable javascript in webpages in IE--NoScript just makes it a little more simple and easy-to-find.

    In addition, Maxthon has a built-in security function that allows you to choose what you want to block (pop-ups, web content, float ads, text, etc.)... No need to search for a plugin or spend hours tweaking your browser after installing it (like my friends have to do with FireFox), although you can do that if you want.

    No, I don't work for Maxthon... I just think it's a great program.

    "The One"
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    And I still can't get over Lacrymosa posting a video of AlienOne claming it to be them! Of all the people to pick don't pick a regular forum goer!
    LoL, yeah... I was like, "Oh, cool! A WS video! Lemme check it ou--wait.....That's ME!!!"

    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    That's why I dislike talking builds, numbers and efficiency. It tends to turn everything into a friggin' pissing contest at worst and at best, it nudges people towards FoTM's.

    That doesn't mean I don't play with Mids and share my ideas, but I just don't like the whole atmosphere around the number crunching scene.
    Completely agreed. Also reminds me of the people who frequent the market section of the forums... You can't go in there and post an opinion about current prices without them wanting to gut you like a!

    "The One"

  25. I run Windows Vista 64-Bit OS... Any suggestions for getting the program to work?

    "The One"