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  1. Still waitin' for Memphis Bill...


    "The One"
  2. AlienOne

    i16 Test 2

    Rules of this test were enemies at +4 lvls (54), bosses included, and no external temp powers (i.e. shivans, vanguard heavies, etc.) allowed. Just me and my pets. Rules of the first test were the same, except no bosses.

    "The One"
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rainbow Avenger View Post
    I could be persuaded but you can't laugh at my eccentric build.
    I don't laugh at anyone's build...

    ....That's Obsidian_Force2's job.

    "The One"
  4. So, it's just going to be FreckledAvenger and I now?

    C'mon, guys! Let's get pumped up about this! :P

    "The One"
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
    Looking over my schedule for this month, I realized that I had a pretty good idea of when i16 would be released:

    So, yeah, I'm pretty much screwed for i16 release fun.
    Interesting.... If I made a graph on the same thing, mine would match yours almost

    "The One"
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
    That tickled my funny bone.

    "The One"
  7. Waiting for Kheldians to be included in color-changing like everyone else....

    ...far after i16...

    Maybe someday.

    "The One"
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FreckledAvenger View Post
    Looks awesome -- where do I sign up?!

    Look forward to seeing you there!

    "The One"
  9. Hey, I was searching for the thread where people were posting they were interested in doing it, and I couldn't find it... And, after having someone post "where do I sign up?" in the Multimedia section (where I also posted the video), I figured it'd probably be a good think to start an "official" thread on it, so people can confirm whether or not they're coming, and also have a place they can come to check out what the date and time is going to be (once we figure that out).

    So, without further ado, who's coming to participate in the "All-Kheld iTF Test Server Event?"

    I'll be the first to sign up. I'll be bringing my fav Warshade "VestigeOne" to participate, and I'll be happy to answer any questions live that anyone might have at the time on Warshade human-only builds.

    Also, I might mention that in order to actually participate in the TF(s), you must have a Warshade or a Peacebringer that is at least lvl 35, and has done the Midnighter's story arc. You will also need to copy that toon to the Test Server.

    However, that said, EVERYONE (all ATs) are welcome to attend the event, hang out, ask Kheld-related questions, and generally "shoot the bull" with all of us when we're not running (or waiting to start).

    See 'ya out there!

    "The One"
  10. Actually, I had thought of that, and had *planned* on doing it, but then just got distracted by all the editing necessary to match cuts up with the music... I really should go back and go a quick scene in between all the text... It would make sense for keeping people's attention better...

    Thanks for the critique!

    "The One"
  11. Damn, Denizen... That is a lot of hours on one toon...

    ...though, I can't blame you for wanting to play on your WS that much... Now if I didn't have 44 other toons to play, I'd probably have the same amount of hours on my WS....heh!

    "The One"
  12. AlienOne

    Can it be done?

    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    If you set it to yourself as a goal to spend your time planning a build and getting the INF to actually craft and slot it, then get the missions for those specific EB's just so you can beat them singlehandedly, and that makes you feel awesome, wonderful. That works for you. It doesn't work for me because that's not what I'm interested in.
    That's what this game's all about. In fact, that's what *most* games made that are this in-depth are all about--allowing a large playerbase to decide for themselves what they like to do, without strictly enforcing some Nazi-like "everyone must be the same" gaming society. I think you've pretty much got the concept.

    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    there's definitely no need nor calling to prefer one set of goals over another.

    That's what it all boils down to for us all, really... One person may think that providing the most damage possible is what makes them think they're "the uberness," while another person may want to challenge themselves to see how long they survive or how effective they can continue to be by not picking a "mandatory" power (i.e. Stamina or Dwarf Form).... And, yet, still others may feel the most "uber" when they can smack down someone verbally in-game (or on the forums), regardless of how well they play the game.

    It's human nature. Everyone's different. No one's fingerprint/personality/like & dislikes/tastes/food preference/etc. is EVER going to be exactly the same. Therefore, as you say, "To each his own."

    And some people just can't seem to handle that, because, let's face it....

    ...that's just how they are. Which, in the end, just reinforces the truth of the aforementioned statement.

    "The One"

    I find these continuous cries from the guys who say "The Khelds never say things exactly like we would in the rest of the forums with mathematical equations and formulas and measurements and, and, and...." almost akin to having a mathematics class burst into a philosophy class while they're in session to just yell "YOU GUYS ARE WRONG! YOU'RE ALL WRONG!" when, in fact, you really need both kinds to make the "world go 'round."

    Think about it... It's humorous. Really.
  13. AlienOne

    i16 Test 2

    LoL, yeah... You can tell from 5:10 on, I was just running around trying to consider my options... And by that time, I had none... Now, if I had used that LT I "arrested" right before the boss to my advantage, I would have "Provoked" the boss to come to the LTs dead body, and I could have pulled off an Unchain Essence, and *possibly* turned things to my advantage... I did take one of the bosses down, but as you can see, one-on-one solo play is much harder to pull off than with a PB.

    "The One"
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Carnifax View Post
    game over man. Game over.
    Bill Paxton, Alien 2?

    "The One"
  15. AlienOne

    i16 Test 2

    This is a continuation of the first i16 test... Same rules as last time (scaled to 8 players at +4 levels), but this time bosses are in the mob. Didn't fare as well as last time, due to the awesome damage strikes bosses have, but I managed to weed the mob down to 1 boss before I couldn't do anything else...


    Figured you might find this amusing, as I pretty much got my butt kicked there at the end...

    "The One"

    At the time of this posting, the video is not yet processed, so you might want to give it at least 20 minutes to allow YouTube to process it and put it in HD format.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
    Oh. Well, now I feel less depressed.

    At least I wasn't thinking it took you 900 hours to get to 50.
    Took about 300+ hours each for AlienOne and VestigeOne playing "casually" before the days of AE, and without farming... I "farmed" Worst Warshade up on regular mission content by letting him tag along on missions while VestigeOne did all the killing (Worst is on a 2nd account)... That took about 75-100 hours... Worst Kheldian I wasn't interested in lvling up the normal way, since I already had a 50 PB I'd sunk a lot of hours into... I primarily created her for "practicing" alternate playstyles with Khelds (without wasting respecs on AlienOne) to get different feels for what Khelds are capable of (since I'm already obviously familiar with knowing how to play a Kheld).

    "The One"
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
    You got to 32 in 4 hours? Eh, this is why these threads always depress me.

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    (WKE doesn't count, because I really haven't spent any time on her--She's my AE/build test baby).
    "The One"
  18. I'm certainly excited... I've already got missions set up for my WS to start testin' his 8-man mob capabilities.... Woohoo! Now, if he could only get included in the power customization, that'd be awesome....

    "The One"
  19. Hey, guys... I thought it'd be interesting to see how much time everyone has put into their Khelds (and how many Khelds they have)...

    Anyone can find this information by talking to any civilian in game with a name that starts with an "M" (for hours played on that toon) or an "N" (for amount of times you've logged on to that toon)...

    VestigeOne (50):
    938 hours
    534 times on patrol

    AlienOne (50):
    836 hours
    480 times on patrol

    Worst Warshade Ever (50):
    158 hours
    108 times on patrol

    Worst Kheldian Ever (32):
    4 hours
    9 times on patrol

    Looks like I'm getting close to the 2,000 mark on hours spent on my Khelds (WKE doesn't count, because I really haven't spent any time on her--She's my AE/build test baby). This doesn't include hours spent in Mid's creating builds, or time spent outside of the actual game THINKING about playing your Khelds (guilty as charged...yeah, I'm addicted and I know it).... Just playing time on toons, people!

    So, how much time have you spent on your Khelds?

    "The One"
  20. AlienOne

    Can it be done?

    I will most certainly be up for building something that will attempt it, but not at the sacrifice of my current human-only and tri-form builds I put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into putting together...

    According to the Devs at Comic-Con, implementing more builds in the future is an "easy" addition, should the playerbase ever request it... If we have the option for 3rd and 4th builds on a single character, then that is when I'll start putting together a build specifically for trying to solo AVs.

    Until then, I will only be able to speculate on it.

    "The One"
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
    I know, sorry. It's just I usually play only with my brother and some other RL friends but they're all higher level than me so I'm having to play catch up and it's really frustrating.
    Have no fear... Super-Side-kicking is near!

    "The One"
  22. I love how subjects jump around in threads... I click on "last page" of a thread with the subject line "Issue 16 Release Date", and read a bunch of posts about CoX and Cryptic's sound effects libraries...


    "The One"
  23. AlienOne

    Can it be done?

    Originally Posted by Pyro_Master_NA View Post
    It seems to me that nearly every AT has some sort of power set combination that can solo AVs, but is it possible for a WS to get the job done? With no consideration of price or time needed, can someone find a build that gets through the AoE advantages and ST defects of the WS to solo and AV? I am not looking to do it myself, at least anytime soon, I'm just curious as to whether or not it can be done.
    For a thread that discussed this exact topic, try this link. I don't think a WS could do it when the AV is at full "strength," but I did try taking down BM solo as an Elite Boss when the team size was scaled to 8-players, and successfully pulled it off. If the AV was scaled to "Elite Boss" status, maybe.... But, "AV status," I'm not so sure it could be done.. The fight would last much longer than whatever inspirations you had in your tray...

    "The One"

    Here's a link to a post in the Scrapper forums a while back asking if a Kheld was viable to solo an AV... Also worth the read.
  24. I've fought mobs of 54 bosses (and taken alpha strikes) in the AE missions which are set up with mobs like that before, but not on a regular basis, and I've had full team support from coalition mates at the time...

    That was the first time I had tried taking 54s mapped for 8 solo.

    "The One"
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    too hard to really see what is going on, and stories are too hard to believe
    That's why I film mine in HD. And, if you've got the video and 7 witnesses to prove it... I don't see how someone couldn't believe it happened. I mean, that's how cases are won in court, anyway... :P

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    The thing that I would really like to know (And this would be the same if I was new) is what attack chain did you use to destroy that spawn? Did it take you 4 AoE's to down all the minions, or did they drop in 3 and the 4th dropped all the LT's as well?

    This is the important stuff to know because not only does it prove you are not exagerating, but it IS something you can replicate as long as you know what the enemy was.
    All information which could have been gleaned from watching the video.

    But, to each his own, I guess...

    "The One"