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  1. If you've tried entering a zillion different keybinds over the past few years/months, and several of them aren't working, or you're worried that entering another keybind will make something else not work, you might want to go to your "options" and click on the "keymapping" tab, then click on "reset all keybinds" to put everything back to default before you try entering more binds.

  2. AlienOne

    Can't decide!

    Since you said you're tri-form, Inky Aspect isn't going to be much use to you, unless you're a big fan of re-toggling it every single time you go back to human-form, in which case, the drop down to human form + activation time for Inky Aspect will be wasting half the stun duration from Gravitic Emination you could be using to do damage to the enemy instead... Whereas, with a human-former, you could hit Gravitic Emination, and immediately speed or teleport to the middle of the group to instantly stack the stun from GE and Inky Aspect (assuming you already have it running).

    I say go Unchain Essence.

    Although, if you DO play a human-form scrapper/melee-style Warshade, I'll add that Inky Aspect is AWESOME.

    Just not that great for tri-formers.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    So, if I go to the kheldian bind thread and I copy/paste this:

    /bind lshift+lclick powexec_name shadow step

    Then edit it (because I don't want to lose my one functioning bind) to:

    /bind lshift+rclick powexec_name shadow step

    When I use it, I get the following pinkish-purple error message:

    unknown command: "powexec_name
    unknown command: "powexec_name

    It always appears twice.

    And I don't go anywhere, but the teleport reticle appears and I can then left click to teleport.
    I have no idea why someone would put "lshift+rclick" just to activate the reticle, when you could just bind "lshift" to do it, and then do the clicking yourself.

    Seems like a backwards way of thinking of things...

    If you wanted to use the left shift key, enter:

    /bind lshift "powexec_name Shadow Step"

    I also noticed you didn't include the quotation marks on the bind you posted. You need to include them (at least in my experience) in order for them to work without giving you some sort of error message.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    I think they are referring to the quote in Neutra's sig where BAB asked if he was seriously using "casual gamer" and "purpling out a warshade" in the same post.

    EDIT: I believe Leandro also has that in his sig.
    Yeah, that's actually the one I was referring to. I wanted to see who he was responding to in that thread (I can't remember), and I can't seem to find it by doing a skim-through of all BaBs posts via the search function either.



    All this proves is that all those "lrn2usetehsearchfunction" people need to take note and stop preaching it so hard. It's really only "partially" useful, if half the forums have been lost to purges or error deletions.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neutra View Post
    I would totally sport one, especially if I could get the quote I have in my sig on it.
    Why can I not find that post by BackAlleyBrawler using the "search" function, no matter what keywords I use?

    Is the search function broken?

  6. Good advice... Definitely go for a recharge build. This can be accomplished just as easily without using a single purple IO. Naturally, you won't has *as much* recharge, but you'll still have enough to where the 4 nova attacks recharge fast enough (especially if you've popped hasten before going to nova form) to have a complete attack chain.

    Here's what currently running on my tri-form shade. (recuires Mid's Hero Designer, located here.)

    I realize that's a lot of purples, but if you click the "slots/enhancements" button at the top of the program, go down and highlight "slots," then click on "flip all to alternate," youll find a MUCH cheaper setted out version of the same exact build. It's pretty much got the same slotting as what both you and Obsidian were talking about--only using Human when it's needed, and sticking with the other two forms as much as possible.

    Good luck, and let us know if you have any further questions!

  7. Cool! If we have more than 8 people sign up, we can have 2 runs going on at once, or we can schedule some people to show up one hour, and the rest show up in the next hour (or something like that)...

    Sounds good so far!

  8. I'd have no problem with that either.... I sooooo want to have a dark blood red and black nictus color for my WS!

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    Datamining showed that the Kneel emote was overpowered for Regen in PvP, so we removed it from everyone in PvE. Eventually, we'll remove it from PvP as well, but only on the villain side. Right now, it's nerfing accuracy for villains, so we kind of need it.
    That made me seriously LOL.

    If only I could have a few more lines for my sig, I'd add this.

    LOVIN' the sense of humor, BaBs.

    Throw some of this at the Khelds every once in a while. We'd enjoy it.

  10. Ok, being as it's a Saturday, and (hopefully) most people are off work, let's say we made it for noon PST (3pm EST, approximately 8pm England time)....

    That'd make two of us!

  11. Hey, guys... I know there was talk a little while back about an all-Kheld iTF, and nothing every really came of it.

    If I scheduled a day (say tomorrow or next Saturday) for any of us who could make it to transfer their (updated) Kheld to the test server and do an iTF, how much interest would there be?

    Say it was next Saturday at 6pm PST (9pm EST, approximately 2 or 3am England time)... Anybody think they could make it?

    I'd really like to see what all the "heavy hitter" Khelds are like in-game, and how we could all work as a team...


  12. Hey, Gavin, thanks for posting your thoughts. It's good to get some in-depth insight into what frustrates people about Khelds.

    Let me see if I can address as many of the issues as I can:

    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    The short version is that 80% of the design is based on taking things away, not giving them to me.
    I think this is partially true. Many tri-formers don't think this, but I believe this to be part right. If you switch to another form, you're immediately limited on what you can do.

    The forms are (I think) attemps at "augmenting" the human form. They're sort of an "added bonus," so to speak. Those "young whippersnapper" gamers who can quickly pick up fluidly switching between all the forms (almost simultaneously it seems like with the really good players) seem to have no thought or care for the part of the playerbase who can't seem to pick that up very easily. It's an automatic "lrn2play" from their end.

    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    Supposeldy a team-based AT with a team-based inherent, but the devs define "team-based" in the inverted way that I do. This is a "Team-leaching AT" not a "team benefitting AT". Killed it for me right there.
    There's actually been much discussion lately about the inherents for Kheldians... The devs (I'm sure) are hovering around every once in a while and listening, but that won't ever guarantee that anything will be done.

    I can say, however, that quite a bit of the Kheld playerbase agrees with you. Personally, I love the fact that I get extra resists or that it means I have to hit fewer enemies with my Eclipse because I'm on a team, but I totally see where you're coming from.

    Personally (and I get slammed for even suggesting things like this), I wish the inherents that benefitted Khelds were for more "useful" things, like (for example) if you teamed with a scrapper, instead of getting more resists, you got a bit of mez protection. That would make both human-formers and tri-formers happier, because they would be able to stay in human or nova form longer during an attack chain (if teamed) without having to bring a tray full of break frees or get stuck in Dwarf form for the entirety of the chain-mezzing enemies you find at lvl 50 content.

    However, there's also been much talk about this lately as well, and it always comes down to "bring a tray full of break frees," "EVERYONE should take Dwarf form," or "lrn2play" (everyone's personal fav).

    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    VEAT's get supercharged leadership toggles to benefit themselves AND BENEFIT THE TEAM. I get to benefit from my companions while offering them nothing in return. Honestly, I think the Kheldian inherent power is the only one as close to *****'d as the defender's "reward you for doing your job poorly, & give you no inherent power at all 99.9% of the time" inherent. Shouldn't our inherent either buff the team, or both ourselves AND the team? Are we leaches or contributors? This is where I think the Devs first went wrong. At the very foundation of the AT. Their definition of team-based means I benefit from the team, not the team benefitting from me.
    Agreed. But, one problem I have with what you're saying is that you are comparing HEATs with VEATs.

    That's a no-no. VEATs, by design, are pretty much near-perfect. They have their own mez protection. They have control. They have "auto" team buffs. They have built-in stealth. They can deal "critical" hits, like scrappers.

    So, why compare? All you'll do, if you compare the two, is get miserable. I've got both, and I love them both for different reasons.

    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    Even Blappers are more survivable AND more damaging in both melee and range. So why have me around? Unless you're farming and just need someone to pad the team. I'm great for that. Not great for anything else. I'm sub-par for anything else and I really don't feel like the flexibility makes up for it. Instead of feeling like I have the tools to adapt to any situation, I feel like I have the tools to fail in any situation. Which gets directly into the next issue:
    Here, I have to interject that you're speaking from a low-level Kheld's perspective. They really do (both PB and WS) get MUCH more surviveable (and powerful on the WS end) in the upper-tier level of the game.

    For anyone who's got a Kheld, I always say "hang in there, it'll get better."

    It WILL get better. Post lvl 38, you'll suddenly feel like you hit "god mode" with Light Form for Peacebringers, and Eclipse for Warshades.

    Exemped down, yeah... I can see how they would feel like a very, very weak blaster--especially when you factor in the "special" enemies you have in missions.

    Upper levels, though... It's amazing what Khelds can do.

    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    I can't use forms. I understand their concept, and I know the value. The problem is that there is a difference between character ability and player ability that I am not sure the Dev's took into consideration. Consider the average First-Person Shooter. All the characters have the exact same abilities. But the players have different levels of agility, precision, timing, etc. Khelds appear to have been balanced around what top-end players can do. I, personally, have the reflexes and precision and timing of a jellyfish on a good day, and an eggplant most of the time. I've tried, really hard, but I can't do forms. The character has the power, it is slotted and enhanced as well as the recommended builds and guides say it should be. But I, the player, am not capable of using the character successfully. Part of this is the clunkiness factor mentioned in many other threads. Multi-second form shifting is an extremely bad idea. Making me start out in human form and not learn forms until after I think I know how to use my character, not a good idea. Making all my hotkeys stop working (I only use 1-6, nothing else because I can't get binds to work and I'm not agile enough to use any others on my keyboard without looking away from the screen) not a good idea. As soon as I form shift I can only fight with the mouse to click buttons until I shift back. Or I can click with the mouse in human form and use hotkeys in dwarf or nova. In the end, I just give up. I can't do it.
    This is something I mentioned a while back in a discussion about having several different builds for a Kheldian. I, of course, got slammed for that as well, but in the end, I can honestly say that Kheldians (in my humble opinion) are MEANT from the begiinning to be flexible.

    Meaning, if you want to avoid the forms, you can STILL make a good, viable human-form build, and it be good enough to where you know what you're missing out on (by not taking the forms), but you can live with it, because you're still "good enough."

    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    Forms are a take-away not a Give-New. When I go to Nova, I lose EVERYTHING else on my character. Everything. It is all just gone. In exchange for 10 to 20 powers, I have 4 that are almost identical to eachother. The WoW druid was brought up. The key difference between a kheld and a druid is that in forms (except for travel forms) Druids have the exact same number of powers as in their natural state. And those powers are nearly as potent as their counterparts from other characters. Unlike the kheld powers which are massively weaker. And taking away all the powers? Was it just because of animation issues? Hell, give me the power with just a sound effect and no animation if that's the issue. But the experience that I have as a player is that when I switch forms, I lose out. In WoW as a druid, I felt that I was gaining. As a Cat I could stealth. As a bear I could charge. In seal form I could breath underwater and travel really fast. In cheetah form I can run as fast as the horses. All of these are things I can't do at all in normal form. With a Kheld, in nova form I have the same ranged blasts as human, but only 4 of them, and they do more damage but I lost over a dozen other powers. Nothing new was given, but a lot was taken away for only a stat bonus. This FEELs like a loss. I know that strategically it isn't, but it feels like one. Between this and the difficulty to control them, it really feels like forms are a punishment not a power.
    Understandable. Some people like them, some people don't. It's the way the world works. Should the Devs completely change them around and revamp them, because you or I don't like the "clunkiness?"

    No. They've allowed human-form play to be good enough to where if people don't want the forms, they don't *HAVE* to take them. It's a choice. Choose what you want.

    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    I can't solo. Other people can and great for you. I have been driven to the debt cap on level 18 scanner missions set at heroic. After 15 to 20 hospital trips and only getting through about half the mission, I put the character on the shelf. 8 to 12 attacks to kill a minion coupled with stamina problems on par with a tanker = no fun. I've managed to stubbornly stick it out and get my warshade to 36 and peacebringer to 29 but right now they are logging in every three days, dropping a mission, and logging out again and will eventually via this method reach level 50. This is as close to playing them as I get right now because it is more fun than actually trying to use them.
    You're getting very close to the "awesome" level. Stick it out, and keep researching these forums for a good build that might match up with the playstyle you want.

    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    Targetting corpses on my warshade is next to impossible. I know binds supposedly exist that help with this. I have exactly one bind that almost works. My warshade can teleport if I hold down shift and mouse click. I get three purple error messages about "unknown power name". No other bind or macro I've tried has ever worked. So I'm left trying to manually click something that is physically under or behind a living enemy. I have to move the character around, then angle the camera and try to get in a fast click. Meanwhile the enemy is kicking my but. This is not fun. It also often means teh body I need goes away before I can use it. So I use powers right when an enemy dies and I still have their corpse selected before I move to the next enemy. Which means I either use the power when it isn't particularly needed, or I don't use it at all. Again, this is not fun.
    If you you don't like using a hundred and one different binds for your Kheldian (I'm the same way), what I do to target a corpse is click my "Dark Extraction" power, which auto-targets the nearest corpse. Presto! You have a corpse targeted without having to click a bind, find a bind, enter a bind, or find a specific button on your keyboard. It's done. If you double-click the power, you'll automatically use that corpse to get an essence, but if you single-clicked it, you'll just target it, and you can then use that corpse for any other power that uses corpses to work, such as Unchain Essence. It's what I do, and it works very well, without the need for a single bind.

    Now, there is ONE bind that I use, and that is the teleportation bind, because it makes traveling with a Warshade a HECK of a lot easier.

    Try entering:

    /bind tab "powexec_name Shadow Step"

    into your chatbar, and every time you tap your "tab" key, your targeting reticle will appear, signalling you to click with your mouse anywhere you want to teleport. Tab, click. Tab, click. Once you get used to it, it's actually pretty easy.

    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    Being locked out of the travel powers doesn't make any sense. I really don't know what the thought process was, but as an ignorant player just wanting to make my character the way I envision them, it is really weird. Why can't my warshade fly? Why can't my peacebringer teleport? He can teleport in dwarf form so it's not a genetic limitation. The devs being unable to do the animation can't be the issue because other human-shaped beings can teleport. So why can't I? In reality, I the player don't care what the real reason is, the only thing I care about is that it feels like something was taken away from me.
    I've often wondered this myself. Both types of Khelds actually have the ability to fly and teleport, so why lock those particular pools away? Seems weird.

    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    Combined with the fact that I know exactly two people in-game, and I see them online one day a week for about 3 hours means that my two khelds don't get used much.
    Hey, if you're on Freedom, send me a message @AlienOne any day, and I'll get together with you and team. I'll be happy to tell you everything I know about Kheldians or offer build advice. I also have a Ventrilo server, so if that'd make it easier for you to talk live, that's cool too. Just let me know.

    I think you'll find that, even though the Kheldian community may have quite a few disagreements and viewpoints on how a Kheld should be played, we're also a pretty helpful part of the CoH community as well, and are more than willing to help you through the difficult mess that is learning Kheldian gameplay.

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
    I don't think I'd mind if it worked that way to minimize the UI impact, though.
    Me either... Just being able to choose a primary/secondary color for a form would be enough for me (as well as choosing a primary/secondary for the human form), and having those colors apply to the powers that are in the forms would be fine, if that would make it easier for the devs to pull off...

  14. I think both will happen at the same time, because both involve the same issue, which is a completely different form change when toggling the power.

    If they figure out Granite form tech, then they're well on their way (if not all the way) to being able to have the same implementation for form switching.

  15. WHY does it have to be swiss draw? My Khelds can't participate! :/


  16. It'd be nice to have something like that (Kheld power customization) accompanying the Going Rogue expansion...

    Wishful thinking, I know... But, I'm still hoping it's possible...

  17. AlienOne

    Ninja Run

    Oops.... I meant Super Speed at 14, not sprint.... Sprint's an inherent power, and something you don't pick. lol, sorry about that!

  18. Just came across this post by BaBs pretty recently, and if you're like me and you don't explore the entirety of the forums all the time, you may have missed it.

    Here's the reasons why Khelds don't have power customization (yet):

    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    Our reasons:
    1. Time - We set out to do primary/secondary powersets. Rather than delay power customization even longer, we opted to release what we felt we could get done. (95% of powers = half done)
    2. Me too! - We knew we couldn't do Kheldian customization without also doing Arachnos customization. The epic ATs equate to about 4 powersets each, so it's not an insignificant amount of work. ( In for a penny, in for a pound.)
    3. Tech - The tech was set up to do customization of Primary and Secondary powersets. Some issues come up with Epic powersets because of the forms, builds, paths, etc.
    4. UI redesign - UI would need to be reconfigured to deal with the additional powers, and powers within forms. Tech would probably be needed to show the avatar in the correct forms in the preview window. (Requires tech and art, so not up to me)
    5. Form Shifting - We don't yet have the ability to do customization of costume swaps, used by Kheldian Dwarf and Nova forms. We'd rather wait to do customization for Kheldians when and if that becomes something we can do. (Requires tech, so not up to me)
    6. Popularity - At the time, Kheldian and Arachnos characters represented a very small section of the playerbase, which means it get's prioritized lower than things like Pool Powers, or Anciallary/Patron powers. (logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few)
    7. Fictional - Epic archetypes are heavily tied to specific fiction in game lore. This point is debatable and no concrete decisions were ever made one way or the other about's just something that came up when talking about the scope of power customization. In conjunction with all of the other reasons listed above, it's just one more tick in the column of reasons we didn't.

    The way it's worded (don't you hate your words getting all analyzed and junk, BaBs?), it looks as if there's "hope" that it *may* be on the table in the future... But, that has yet to be seen... Right now, it seems pretty low on the priority list.

  19. AlienOne

    Ninja Run

    You could just do what I do and pick sprint at lvl 14, so when you exemp down, you're still faster than pretty much everyone else on the team...


  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    Third: For your guide AlienOne I would put a procs section in the introduction section where you can talk about how on average over a long period of time the damage procs in your builds work out better than a straight damage IO, but that it is up to the readers discretion if they want to, and include a line saying how the effects may be less noticable to those who only play for short periods of time. That way you can make your guide include procs (Where you think they are better) and don't have to worry too much about how people feel about them.
    Excellent suggestion. I think this topic has shown that procs are indeed valuable, but not necessary, and therefore putting it in the intro section would make the most sense.

    I'd also like to include several more builds in there than what I already have (which include procs), as well as detailed explanations as to what that build would be good at, or what it's shortcomings would be in certain situations.

    On top of that, it occurred to me just recently that I haven't included a section on "monitoring combat attributes" which has proved to be invaluable to my Kheldian gameplay (that focuses on a "perma-capped-resist-timer"). Although monitoring your combat attributes isn't *absolutely necessary*, having exactly what your current resists are in every category on screen can be a huge help in knowing what decision to make/power to hit mid-battle.

  21. AlienOne

    Ninja Run

    %$$@@!!! Why'd you have to go and put that out there! In the Kheld forum, no less!

    The Dev's next morning meeting will go as follows (in the spirit of the last one of these I posted):

    "Morning, everyone."

    *bunch of tired 'mornings' around the room*

    "It's come to my attention that a Warshade using Nebulous form with Ninja jump has better jump speed than Unslotted Super Jump."

    *concerned mumblings*

    "...But, sir--"

    "I know, it's a Kheld. We'll definitely have to do something about it."

    *sigh of relief*

    "So, what do you propose?"

    "I have a couple ideas, but I'd like to get some suggestions from you guys first."

    "....What if we make it to where Nebulous Form, when activated, makes you as small as Baby New Year, and therefore you couldn't necessarily jump as high as you could before?"


    "Babs, why don't you go pick up some donuts for us, k? That'd be great."

    *quietly shuffles out*

    "Anyone else?"

    "Uhm...How about we make these two powers exclusive to eachother, even though it's not technically a travel power? We already did that with Combat Jumping..."

    "That's a pretty good idea. But, you've got to remember, this is KHELDS we're talking about here."

    "Oh, right.... Just take away Ninja Jump from Khelds?"


    *door opens*

    "Who wants donuts?"

    "Fantastic. Let's take a quick break before the next order of business."

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    While I "get" what your saying I personaly try to leave out likes/dislikes from questions of performance.
    Well, when referring to recommending a build to someone, I always like to know what they're building for. Are they building for resistance? For DPS? For the least amount of form-changing possible (staying in one form most of the time)? Do they like to attack from range? Melee? Are they hard-core "I'm going to spend what I got to purple this thing out" guys? A casual player?

    All of these different playstyles (obviously) require different builds with different power setups and set IOs. Whether you like to admit to it or not, a guide that's trying to include a "global" audience would be rather "gimped" if it wasn't completely well-rounded.

    Thus, these issues arise... We've established that a proc is beneficial (when slotted correctly), but is it beneficial for everyone? No matter the build? No matter the amount of time played?

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    As an aside I use the same purple set in Gravity well and left out the end/dam one to keep the damage "capped" in addition to having the proc. I might try running the numbers on that to see how that looks to you.
    This is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. While this would be a fantastic suggestion for any tri-former, it's not really for a human-former. My build has no less than 8 toggles running at any given time while I'm fighting. Although I've built for high endurance recovery because of this, powers like Gravity Well (especially considering how fast it recharges) still takes a pretty large chunk of endurance to use (about 18.5 per use).

    When you're running 8 toggles, you'll visibly see that chunk disappear from your endurance bar while you're fighting a horde of enemies. This chunk would naturally be larger if I didn't have the end/dam IO in there to bring it down 4.1 endurance points per use. Over time, that can add up to a "shield dropper" in a full attack chain if I didn't have that IO, which should also be factored into "performance" (and usually isn't).

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    The main point I have noticed is the appearance that people who play less frequently or for shorter periods of time appear to be the ones who view procs as less valuable.

    This is not a hard and fast rule obviously as both LX and AlienOne (currently) see the advantages of procs and I believe both do not conform to what i'm talking about, but whenever we begin talking about the advantages of procs in a build I have noticed the ones who are not happy using procs appear to be the sort who will run a few missions then do something else, switch toons or call it a night.

    It's simply a pattern I have noticed on the forums, and I have no doubt if you played a character with setted out procs for just a few missions and did not come back to that toon for a day or three it could very well seem they are not going off very often.
    Because I've been out of work for almost 8 months now, I probably spend more time playing this game in a week than the majority of "average" players play in a month, so I definitely don't fall in that category.

    However, as I stated before, I've "never been the gambling type," so because of the fact that I *usually* never put trust in "chance," I never gave it much thought. I went with the "sure thing," as it were.

    It wasn't a by-product of "playing less frequently" or for "short periods of time." In fact, the thing I like to do most in the game (I may have stated this before--not sure) is Task Forces. With one or two exceptions, a Task Force isn't a "short period of time" experience.

    That said:

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
    This is just a pattern I "think" I am seeing and would love to see a more skilled mathamatician figure out the why's of.

    Could it be that over very short periods of play the straight enhancer comes out ahead of the proc? And if so, why?
    That's exactly what I've been wondering, specifically for guide-writing reasons. When writing a guide, one has to be cognizant of every personality-type, every playstyle, and every possible like/dislike people may have. So, although I'm writing a guide to "build the best human-former possible," this very subject is of particular importance to me, because it determines whether or not I should make a recommendation to "go proc" in a build, if the person using the guide happens to be a "casual player."

  24. Excellent post.

    I would have to say that after further experience with all the procs just today, I'm not sure how I thought before they couldn't benefit me...

    The whole approach to mathematical equasions in this game is something I've wondered about for some time now... When a game puts together a "random chance" system, how does it work? I mean, each system may work differently in any game that uses "chance" for drops (say, the Diablo II game, for instance)... So, how does this one work?

    Is it as "reliable" as a "constant and reliable damage increase?" I'm sure that over a longer period of time (as Obsidian points out), the numbers are a little more accurate, but exactly how random is it?

    If one looks at the Law of large numbers, you'll see the proof that the numbers become a little more reliable and predictable in the long run, but are those numbers from constant, continuous gameplay? If so, then how does that match up to any player in game? Or, better yet, should a "casual player" slot procs, because their gameplay may not be enough to warrant the "possible" extra damage over time?
