My First Warshade
Recharge,recharge and more recharge. Get hasten. After that work on whatever set bonuses you prefer, as with Eclipse you can have capped ressists (perma) that carries over to both forms i have never seen def based builds as the best way to go but then again I don't worry about taking damage much.
Double miring using human and dwarf is no longer efficient as the dwarf mire no longer lasts long enough to get good effect.
Use the respec bug (feature) to skip slotting the initial human attacks and go right for the squid and dwarf powers would be my advice. I heavily advocate for skipping slotting any human powers that are weaker versions of the powers you get in the forms.
Powers I either skip taking or do not slot include:
The first 2 human blasts
Orbiting debt
Gravitic snare
the shields (yes all of them)
port foe
dark detonation
Powers I always take and slot heavily:
The attacks in the forms as well as 2-4 slots into the form powers themselves
Sunless Mire
Unchain Essence
Stygian Circle
Gravitic Emmination
Extract Essence
Gravity Well
If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.
Good advice... Definitely go for a recharge build. This can be accomplished just as easily without using a single purple IO. Naturally, you won't has *as much* recharge, but you'll still have enough to where the 4 nova attacks recharge fast enough (especially if you've popped hasten before going to nova form) to have a complete attack chain.
Here's what currently running on my tri-form shade. (recuires Mid's Hero Designer, located here.)
I realize that's a lot of purples, but if you click the "slots/enhancements" button at the top of the program, go down and highlight "slots," then click on "flip all to alternate," youll find a MUCH cheaper setted out version of the same exact build. It's pretty much got the same slotting as what both you and Obsidian were talking about--only using Human when it's needed, and sticking with the other two forms as much as possible.
Good luck, and let us know if you have any further questions!

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)
So, how far off are my first impressions? Any advice for the next 25 levels? |
I don't generally min/max or worry much about set bonuses, but I was playing around with mid's and it looked like I could soft-cap ranged defense with a bunch of Zephyr's and Mako's. Does that sound right? It seems like that would make the nova form sort of godlike. |

Looking to the future, I'd like to make dwarf form as sturdy as possible, so I can survive my emergency tanking duties. |
Like Obsidian said, double miring is not really efficient anymore since the Dwarf mire is so much lower duration, but it does have its occasional use. You're also losing some of its duration while activating nova as well. In the situation you mentioned, do your double mire then teleport into the next spawn and activate your nuke (when you get it). Generally though, a single human form mire is the best way to go.
Get Dark extraction at 32, eclipse at 38, and slot them up. Other than that, yes slot your forms; many human form powers are, in my opinion, throw aways or set mules.
The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]
I like unchain essence on my human form warshade a lot. Usually some minion goes down in the early fight which you can follow up with the heavy damage of unchained essence, then pop into nova form to clean up. Of course, stygian circle makes you a god.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
As the others have said, it's all about recharge. Recharge smooths out your attack chains and gets the incredibly powerful, slow recharging powers up sooner.
Level 25, while hardly gimped, is a mere shadow of a Warshade's potential in the higher levels.
Once you have Eclipse slotted and up at least most of the time you will have few survivability problems. I have a ton of recharge (perma-hasten, 197.5% global recharge) and my dwarf puts out serious damage, especially backed by 3 pets firing blasts. I can continuously chain my 2 melee attacks and fire my slotted-for-damage dwarf mire every 5 seconds. It's a sight to behold.
Your plan to use human as a "utility" form is spot-on. If you take all three forms you just don't have enough slots to make human's damage output worth the effort. Min-max your nova and dwarf, you will not be disappointed. Ever since finishing my purple build I find it hard to play anything else.
Warshades... So. Effing. Awesome.
EDIT: Added for reference:
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1569;762;1524;HEX;| |78DA9D94594F135114C7EFB43314BA5246F6A5652D6DA14B5C010D418809CA16017| |D51715A0699A40EA42D44A251A2C61805A24F2AC64FE1128D1F4AA38F2EF52C97D2| |E89B4D7A7ED3FFFD9F73CFEDBD77A66F4D7885D81E158A7F3C67140A4B978D7C61D| |558365DF359CBB4B3A6672C6FD8B6119ED9C8E55C4288D08161697665C5B40BD6A6| |9958BC99C91BB9A5B350A0D8511E9F30FF1A1FDBC81BC1497BD5CC9B763171F0E09| |E5B5BCB25E6D74D7339488F93F6A655B03256CE2A6E794999328D75CBBEC13FCE59| |45DB2C144413341385EF7DE89F3F2521DA0169B1819222A52605E54DAF544052620| |ABA1E80E4949273D181D243903429699D54AB0B16EDE25A8A2B4E521BE311986BA4| |B92646D263903C8A1B25D5F3834A36FD64FC26B49418BF085B60F7C93E7DF5D4543| |74C179052803B7802AE20CFA3064D928E64B8916542479661106E835D67BB431F60| |3B23CCEBBE03867AFA334A6AFD0E35D2B0CB784E483F63EC117CD051A35C662337F| |9142A34CB8E9A2F90AB738AD03DCD9861CC12FC50A1555668E50A3B5EDE2B90B4F6| |A3E4EA3849E839C638CE3841887EA405EC4256486685BED348789CA7FFC61825F47| |D617C25EC4156176739BB7853FA783722BC0DE93C55DF065FAF5245BEDE34B51909| |012222D24B88C6490CC072FAE572FA79397721352E772D9EA26AF7404AF0BF2C123| |D243540624ABA529CD8A6561CDE127CC454A5E2A4FEE6D48AB3CBA5C2E4C2FB582A| |9DAFCCF052C682FACFD1F4ABE5A3AD6A2F04AEC7F19250FD8AE0DE27D4BD26F82AE| |D0354D49126542708EE24A12E45A83DB46BDA5B9A507D47A87A4FF07EE02E78236B| |B71C784803FF9555AD960FB8AA5FA791413EFA49BE1649BE0F49BE2B5595F63EEA7| |620C2881206638C3841433B5F614D1FE6D33744888D304E33CE700D3E3BEAE1248A| |2EB788E13A1C117AAB132567A5C4BBF3A9FCC6AAB988732F609883A05CC2A72B18A| |EE2CF6BF864E0530643961AFD5C7E05064EE16118C2308C6104C30E9A5C1E081E0C| |5E0C3E0C7E0C010CB518740C0D185A30BCC150FA031106CFA4| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| CoH racing to 50 is like trying to race to the end of your vacation. -Arcanaville
Debt barely slows down levelling these days. It's just a little bar that measures how much Awesome you've generated recently. (If you're not getting debt, you're just not trying to generate Awesome hard enough.) -Kelenar
My warshade is slow going since i hate that i have to take a form to fly. He is just now at 30 and was stuck at 28 for over a year. I took both forms just to see how it is since my PB was all human and im not really using the forms except to fly in nova and lobster for last minute oh crap im dying kind of thing. It is getting more fun though the higher i get.
Playing a low level Warshade teamed is a lot different from trying to play it solo. It is so depressingly weak solo.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
It gets FAR less depressing at 38+.
Scratch that. At 38+ it's a blast.
If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.
Playing a low level Warshade teamed is a lot different from trying to play it solo. It is so depressingly weak solo.
Get Nova form, get some large groups of weak mobs and go to town. Solo v default spawns of 1-3 mobs is slow and boring, but get the balance right (IE: Be right on the limit of what you can handle) and it is much better.
Also Nova form is better than any blaster at low levels.
Human form on the other hand is very slow at low level, but thats why you get Nova at level 6

British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
That sounds like a toy.
Anyhow, I finally got around to rolling up a Warshade. I'm having a great time, but I thought I'd compare notes to you veterans and maybe get a little advice.
I'm closing in on level 25. I've been running the Kheldian story arcs, with a team of friends. We out-leveled one arc before I could start it, but otherwise that's working well.
I find myself spending most of my time in Nova form. The attacks recharge a little too slowly for me to make a smooth attack chain, but the damage is still impressive. I should experiment more with the order I fire attacks in; that might help.
When things get bad, like if the tank goes down or I get separated from the team, I'll drop into Dwarf form and just try to survive as much aggro as I can grab. Damage output in that form feels really weak to me.
I haven't gotten the hang of the double mire thing yet. Sometimes I'll follow the tank in while I'm in human form, hit the mire, switch to dwarf, hit the mire, switch to Nova and... nothing is left standing. I missed the whole fight.
I've been thinking of Human form as a Swiss army knife. Recall friend. Teleport foe. Mob stuck in a wall and we can't target it? I have a pbaoe toggle. Need to stack a hold? I can do that. Stacking disorients? I can help with that too.
Looking to the future, I'd like to make dwarf form as sturdy as possible, so I can survive my emergency tanking duties. I'd like to make Nova output as much damage as possible, because that's my primary contribution to the team. I'm not seeing a lot of use for Human form in my future, except for the occasional jack-of-all-trades bit.
I don't generally min/max or worry much about set bonuses, but I was playing around with mid's and it looked like I could soft-cap ranged defense with a bunch of Zephyr's and Mako's. Does that sound right? It seems like that would make the nova form sort of godlike.
So, how far off are my first impressions? Any advice for the next 25 levels?
Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie