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  1. AkuTenshiiZero

    Kheldian naming?

    Pretty much anything day/dawn/light/sun/star works pretty well. I got lucky and snagged "Day-Breaker", perfect for my vigilante, ex-criminal Peacebringer out to redeem himself (by punching things).
  2. Power Customization was basically a tactical nuke for my brain. One of my oldest characters, Emerald Dervish, is supposed to be made of sand. Since the best thing I had was Dark Armor to show this, I just said the sand was black, like volcanic sand. I've long since considered making it tan, but it's become such an integral part of his look I can't do it.

    Lesse...Costume change emotes, that made RPing transformations so much easier. I used to type out detailed "/e" descriptions of a transformation, now I just use /cce ccPureEnergy and call it a day. :P

    But the biggest, earth-shattering change I've seen in my career? Inherent Fitness. It still blows my mind that we get these things free now. It was like the floodgates opened, and millions of possible builds came pouring out. All that meticulous thought over which three powers you were going to sacrifice for Sprint, Health, and Stamina? Yeah, no more of that.
  3. I didn't know crotches were relocated to the kneecap region. Then again, the lady appears to be some sort of mutant green elf...
  4. INB4 Perma-Doms with Fury+Frenzy are the best gorram build in the game.
  5. AkuTenshiiZero

    Ancient Japan!

    I still stand by my previous statement: No Yamata no Orochi or Nobunaga Oda, no sale.

    Also, people will be butthurt over anime until Christ returns, on both sides. My philosophy is that I love anime/manga, cartoons/comics, and ponies, so F' you.
  6. First instinct: "Kirby as in the artist?"
    Second instinct: "Nah, nobody knows who Jack Kirby is anymore. This must be pink-puffball related."

    I stand corrected.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BYiro View Post
    ...Recluse has so many fingers in so many pies...
    Frankly, given how many appendages Recluse has at his disposal, he can simultaneously prod more pies than the average mere mortal.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grae Knight View Post
    I would just like to see heroes fighting villains again instead of teaming up all the time. It is like your hero (or villain) spends 50 levels fighting the good fight (or evil) just to join the side you have devoted your life to defeat.
    Now this I can agree on. It occurs to me that my uber-evil villain has been fighting for human extinction for 50 levels (everyone needs at least one genocidal maniac on their roster) and now it's time to start the incarnate content and final make some real progress towards his goals, right? Right?

    Oh, wait, we're saving another dimension now. Y'know, it's becoming increasingly difficult to write a story for this character when it's so damned hard to do genuinely evil things in this game. I really wish they'd hire some new writers for the villain content. I mean the current writers are okay at writing heroic stories, but there's really no sense of great evil being done by my characters. It's like someone said "Evil = Robbery" and that became the writer's bible for everything redside. I'm not asking to firebomb orphanages or anything equally un-PC, but a superweapon project every now and then never hurt anyone. Well, except your targets. They tend to hurt quite a bit.
  9. Did these things always pulsate from white to colored? I just recently tested what they would look like with my Bioluminescent parts, which meant turning my shaders up to Medium (the tiny bit of lag that causes is annoying). The result was glowy skin and pulsating gauntlets.

    IMO it looks horrible, compared to the single-color version I thought it was with lower shader settings.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Having an ego in City of Heroes is not a bad thing. It's what makes it special.
    This is a thin line.

    On one side, yes this game is designed to make you feel like a BAMF. As I've been known to say many a time: World of *CENSORED* makes you feel like a little guy in a big world, having no impact on anything. City of Heroes makes you feel like a Big Damn Hero, and yes YOU just socked THE Lord Recluse in the jaw, and he will always remember that. City of Heroes encourages you to build your own personal canon, where you are the center of the world and all of the events going on. And while RPing does tend to throw a wrench into the idea of everyone being the star of the show, at least you know that in your "comic book" you are still the title character.

    On the other side, it depends on what you mean by "ego". Because while the thought of "My character is awesome and has done awesome stuff" is great, the thought of "I as a player am a freaking god" is not. I suppose the latter is less prevalent here than it is in a certain DOTA-based, free-to-play cesspool of a game which I will not mention by name, but it's something to avoid nevertheless.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    The great irony is that for all the flak Recluse took during the I6-I9 period, he's actually a pretty cool villain. He has a great look, he has a fairly stable evil organisation, his own island chain and a sexy dead lady. You can't ask for much more than that. The problem, for the most part, was people - specifically villains - were sick of always being painted as racing to serve Recluse over and over again. I, personally, became sick of Longbow standing in for heroes and Arachnos for villains. Not all heroes want to side with Longbow and not all villains want to side with Arachnos, hence why many of us wanted Recluse sidelined.
    I could see how this was and issue, but it's simply not the case anymore. We have more than enough options and paths to take now, and many masters to serve (if not simply serving ourselves). The fact is that in the end, Lord Recluse is the Archvillain of the game, the personal rival of the game's icon, Statesman. And with all the new paths we've been offered and all the other threats to the world we've had to stave off, the only thing I can think to say is "Recluse never did anything this big". I think his vacation needs to come to an end, and everyone needs to be reminded why Recluse is someone to be feared.
  12. Yeah...Whatever happened to him? He seemed like a real promising up-and-coming villain.
  13. AkuTenshiiZero

    Gunslinger Belt

    Alot of belts have hideous clipping/floating issues with Sleeveless Jackets. And yet several belts that wouldn't clip aren't allowed. The decisions they make sometimes are pretty arbitrary.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
    No offense, but as far as my list of Things I Wish The Devs Would Spend More Time On™, Buttcapes rank somewhere below adding a chest hair slider.
    You're clever, kid. Gonna stalk me now cuz I made you mad?
  15. Personally, I buy the sets for two reasons. First, its always cheaper to buy in bulk. Pieces cost 80PP each, sets run at 400PP. So if you're getting more than 5 costume parts, it's a good deal.

    Secondly, I always buy the whole set because I know in 2014 I'll find a use for those shoulder pads.
  16. I'd be happy if they did absolutely anything to bases except for further destroy them.
  17. No offense, but as far as my list of Things I Wish The Devs Would Spend More Time On™, new dances rank somewhere below adding a chest hair slider.
  18. My issue is that levels 1-50 hold your hand and basically give you levels. iTrials, by comparison, are sorta difficult. So after the game has finished carrying Little Timmy through 50 levels, he has learned that all he has to do is mash buttons until happy fanfare plays. Then he goes into an iTrial and mashes buttons. When the League leader tells Little Timmy to stop mashing buttons and click his temps of the War Walker, Little Timmy is puzzled and responds by mashing buttons. When the League leader spends 15 minutes explaining to Little Timmy that using his Ion Judgement while confused will, in fact, kill the raid, and all he need do is keep himself Break-Free'd the whole fight, Little Timmy responds by mashing buttons (and murdering the raid).

    Paragon, if you didn't baby-coddle your players for 50 levels, maybe I wouldn't have so many braindead toddlers on my Leagues. Either dumb-down the iTrials to be as EZ-Mode as the rest of the game, or implement some way to make it more exclusive to people who know how to do more than mash buttons. Let Little Timmy play in his sandbox instead of letting him wander aimlessly into the demolition derby.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heartbreaker View Post
    Negi Springfield, from Negima
    To be honest, Negi falls pretty squarely into the stereotypical shonen manga hero role. The magical aspect of his fighting ability is more just a supplement to his martial arts prowess (at the current point of the manga, at least). The most magical thing he does lately is his powered-up form "Thunder in Heaven, Great Vigor", which is more like a Super Saiyan than any sort of magical girl thing.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go sob in a corner because I just realized how much of a massive nerd I am.
  20. Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen!
  21. It's been borked for ages. It never auto-logs me into the forums, and I know that I'm not the only one having this issue.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    This has always been City of Anime.
    I thought it was City of Vampires/Demons/Dark Gods/Whatever-Teenagers-Are-Imprinting-Their-Silly-Angst-On-These-Days.