Gunslinger Belt



Using: Sleeveless Jackets, Gunslinger Belt 2.
Result: Belt orbiting waist several inches away from body.
Comedy: Belt not only does this in editor, but out in the game world.



Originally Posted by Seschat View Post
Using: Sleeveless Jackets, Gunslinger Belt 2.
Result: Belt orbiting waist several inches away from body.
Comedy: Belt not only does this in editor, but out in the game world.

I don't think it's a bug. The male version is the exact same. It only looks "right" if you use an actual jacket as #2 goes on top of the jacket, and not on the body. For that outfit, #1 would look right.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Alot of belts have hideous clipping/floating issues with Sleeveless Jackets. And yet several belts that wouldn't clip aren't allowed. The decisions they make sometimes are pretty arbitrary.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.