869 -
Much love Sean.
You guys should get together and start a new studio. -
Far too many to count.
So many characters, so many concepts. Some already made, some existing merely as costumes, some just a glimmer in my eye. I wanted to realize them all.. I also have yet to do all of the content in this game. I was getting to it, but hey, I figured I had time. -
I never drink. For any reason. In this family, it's taboo.
*downs a shot of vodka*
Yeah it's one of those days. When I woke up this morning, my first words were "F u c k i n g. B u l l s h i t". No joke.
Anyone else having abnormal changes in behavior? -
OP.. you just missed out on the greatest MMO ever made, and definitely the most underrated.
I'm right there with you. I may play other games, but nothing will fill the void or be the solid ground I could always land on like CoH has been.
I have to many to mention, but for my main, Aisynia.. she will be returning to her homeworld of Auberean, and though a Viamontian, she will gladly take her place in the New Aluvian Kingdom led by Elysa Strathelar..
Quote:It would be a disastrous business decision to pull the license like that. Yeah, by pulling the license, they eliminate a competitor.. but they also eliminate any kind of confidence in their brand, which is more important. Other companies and development houses would see PWE as toxic if they did that. If PWE will do that to NC, what would stop them from doing it to anyone else? No, as ruthless as PWE is, they are too smart for that.If the rumor is true, wouldn't it mean Perfect World was unwilling to sell the license back to them or at least at a reasonable rate in order to drive NCSoft out of the superhero genre? In other words, meaning it's not NCSoft's fault, really?
NC on the other hand, has shut down at least seven games at varying levels of development and profitability. CoH may have been barely more than a blip on the radar next to NCs big games, but it was still healthy and profitable, especially by western standards.
I think this is NC. They took a huge loss over the last year because of that game that starts with "A", and they may have shut down Paragon in order to use it as a tax writeoff.
Also, many of you may not know this, but CoH was not the only game Paragon had in active development. They had another, unnamed project in development for at least a year, and I seriously doubt that was using the Cryptic engine. There would be no reason to also can that game if CoH was having licensing issues.
So licensing issues are unlikely, and CoH was profitable...
No, this has nothing to do with PWE, and everything to do with NC and its long history of culling games that aren't doing precisely as well as they want, even if they are profitable, and CoH was making around $10 million a year profit. -
Quote:Yeah I loved AC2 as well..This is way worse for me than when Asheron's Call 2 got shut down.
I might go resub to Asheron's Call, my first MMO, since it's still getting monthly updates 13 years after it was released...
And AC was also my first MMO, I still adore it, but haven't played it in forever. I know they redid a lot of the skill system recently (in a good way). -
*turns it up to 11*
For the non Spanish speakers:
I'm going through stories and moments of a love
I can cause hours to disappear in seconds
But today is the 6th day and it's useless
The day passes and it's useless
It's the dawn of another story
A new phase is beginning
It's been suffering since long ago
On a day like today
Life goes on while hitting our backs
We go around, carrying the cross within our souls
But I'm not here
Imagining the same things
That always destroy me
I heard a voice
It was shouting at me the same things
That I have known all along
I heard a voice...
Life goes on while hitting our backs
My life is sinking into tears of nothingness
(Chorus) -
Quote:Yeah. this is the game I thought I could always come back to. I play a bit, leave, play something else, and then come back.. and I always come back and spend money every couple months. I always have fun doing so. It filled a space in between everything else.. like nothing else. I knew that no matter what else happened, CoH would be there to fall back on because it's successful and making money and has a die hard fanbase.I'll likely be going to Champions. It's not even a SHADOW compared to City of Heroes, but honestly, for me, it's the next best thing. I love customizing characters to insane lengths and, with City of Heroes fading away, that basically leaves Champions.
Either that or World of Warcraft. I would say The Old Republic, but I honestly can't get into it.
A few of my CoH friends are going to the likes of DDO and LotrO, so I may give them another bash.
But none of them will ever fill the void ...
Joke's on me
This gem can't be replaced. -
Quote:It's a Funcom game, it will be fine. Anarchy Online is still alive and kicking, as is AoC, and they aren't exactly stellar successes.I'll be in The Secret World. I started playing inta month ago, and it's ok, the atmosphere and investigsation missions and themes etc are cool, but it's all ****** open world like bloody WoW so you have to queue up to wait your turn for quest mobs and ...ah damn it, why did they close CoH down?
Never giving any money to NCSoft ever again.
/facepalm and now ive got to pray TSW doesn't die? Jesus, it's like a terrible nightmare.
Anyway, I'll be in TSW. if that dies, no idea what the hell i'll do.
Yeah, I love CO's freeform, but its archetypes (free player preset classes) take all the fun out of it. The fun of that game for me is crafting a character and picking the powers I want to fit it. Playing free isn't worth it, terrible F2P model. STO hilariously has the opposite problem: It's not worth subscribing, and free players get almost everything. Subscribing amounts to a bit of convenience and nothing more. If I wasn't LTS, I would have unsubbed a long time ago.
Quote:CO may not be an amazing game, but at least it's an actual game. DCUO is half of a game. It's really really good for a day or two, then you hit max level and go "wtf?"Question: Where are you going?
Answer: South Korea
On a more serious note, I'll probably try DCUO. Don't really like DC, but CO is crap, Star Wars and Trek are too limited and World of Grindcraft...hmm, maybe I can get the name Snaptooth for a Goblin. But I doubt I could really enjoy it, not after playing CoH.
So much less customization, so many less powers to pick from. The world is beautiful, and the stories are interesting, but it's over in days. It could never hold my attention, but good luck, maybe you will like it more. -
Quote:Which is why I don't buy it. An intriguing theory, but without proof, it doesn't seem realistic. It would be a terrible long-term business decision on the part of PWI, and greatly sabotage any present or future partnerships they might have with other companies, severely eroding confidence in their brand.At present, that's speculation/guesswork.
And frankly, it's not one that rings true to me. Companies license engines to others, and for PW to do such a thing would mark them as an unreliable partner forever. Plus, this is the sort of date that everyone would have circled on their calendar for a long time, so it wouldn't go from "Hey see what we're gonna launch soon" to "shutting down bye"
Unlike NC, PWI doesn't seem to make a habit of bad business decisions, just ruthless ones. Would it be ruthless? Yes, but it crosses a confidence line I don't think they can afford, especially in Western markets, where they are focusing a lot of attention on developing.
I think what is actually most telling, as you mentioned, is how fast this was dropped in the laps of dev and fan alike. I think if this was a day people knew was coming, things would have been different around here. No this seems like another one of NC's many boneheaded decisions passed down from the boardroom. -
I will start.
I used to run an SG on Virtue a long time ago now. It's since faded into memory, but one of the people I met there ended up becoming my best friend. Eventually, we started talking on the phone. Then, we started playing other games together. Ultimately, I moved in with him when I had nowhere else to go. We no longer live together, but we spend every day, all day, chatting it up on mumble and playing games together.
He's the best friend I could ever hope to have, and without this game, I would never have met him. -
Quote:STO, but I mean, everything is a pale shadow next to CoH.I don't know. You guys know of any other MMO's that have friendly communities, active and personable devs like City of Heroes... did?
Playing a game full of Trek fans is geek heaven and there are very few bad apples. The devs are pretty awesome. they don't reach out as much as they used to, but that's a perfect world thing, and there's still a lot of communication compared to most MMOs. -
Sorry, too painful.