Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
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In more or less positive way. The repricing will allow me a greater range of items, and the chance to upgrade my very smal SG base plot. But the change in the rent system will make start to pay some rent. Stoppable? Not at all very easily manageable for us.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
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Probably yes. It will be needed.
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
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A couple of nights. But that ain't really an issue. I mean, the editor needs some SERIOUS work, and I hope some comes with I14, because it is too cluttered and hard to use. But since selling to get the prestige back is an option and not mandatory, I see no problem with it.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
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A small concern that the change to rent on the basic plot will affect some small SGs. IF possible, a nice thing would be to keep the basic plot rent-free until a certain limit (let's say 3 storage bins), after that you start to pay normal rent.
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
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Only in good ways. Basically better bases.
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
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As a small SG, juggling the balance between saving the salvage for items, or using on the base will need to be factored in. Not a big problem I think, and a good change to have to have to choose.
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
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None big positive effect. The repricing will have much more impact.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
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0. I think the new system is far easier than the older one. And easier to learn for the new player that already knows about IOs and inventions, but hadn't a contact with the base system. The old system was too cumbersome with too many recipes for each component.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
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There is a worry with the invention salvage price on the market. Although we saw a drop on prices due to the surge of Halloween acquired salvage, the new demand will probably see it go up again.
This concern is more exacerbated due to the salvage requirement on some items, which are quite expensive. As others pointed on the base builder forum, rare salvage for Tier 1 items are too much.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
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In small close-tied SG there won't be any. On big SGs though, salvage bins will be a big of a problem now. And security measures to avoid theft will need to be more throughly enacted.
Additional Notes:
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I understand why the salvage space was changed as it is, so people wouldn't gouge price in markets by buying every single one of a given salvage type, and hoarding it to sell at abuse prices later (as it is done right now, but on a MUCH bigger scale).
Specially on rare salvages this can pose a very problematic issue. With that in mind, what I would suggest (and other suggested some similar things).
<ul type="square">[*]Create 4 different Salvage Racks [*]First one will only take Common Salvage, and can hold up to 75 items.[*]Second one can take only Uncommon Salvage and can hold up to 50 items[*]Third one can take only Rare Salvage and can hold up to 25 items (or maybe even 20)[*]Last one can take 1000 as it is live. And only can be fueled with Special and Event salvage [*]You can't have more than 2 of each type on your base, maybe except the last one.[*]Change the costs based on the type. Maybe 5k, 7.5k and 10k.[*]More important, allow us to set the permission on the item and not on the storage type as a total.[/list]
About the limit on storage amount. For all purposes I see that would be more than enough for a huge SG to keep all the salvage they needed, without making too easy to the market gougers to pile on everything they find. Maybe even put less space on the common rack.
Another thing is revisit all the recipes. Making a new formula close to what we have for IO (example, tier 1 items cost 3 commons and 1 uncommon. tier 2 - 2 commons, 2 uncommons and 1 rare. tier 3 - 2 of each). That would spread the use of salvage and not been such a huge barrier on the entrance level.
Another thing, our friend, the Dataminer could get into scene, to check what time of salvages are less used for IOs and focus on THOSE for the base system (with nice overlaps on big items). That should alleviate any possible impact.
Overall I really like this change, because it should flex more the use of the markets and make people have to make some big choices. But I know I'm on the minority here.