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  1. I don't use these so much but I will check in on occasion.

    Skype: wayne.chan
    Twitter: WRider38
    Steam: WRider

    In terms of other games, I am in CO, STO, TSW, GW2 (don't hate me! I got it before the shutdown notice!) and Diablo 3. Yes, I am a lifetime subscription junkie. CoH is the only game I was willing to pay a sub for. You guys can holler if you'd like to add me in any of those. Just let me know that you are you...if that makes any sense.

    Take care everyone! I have enjoyed our time together.
  2. Barring unforeseen circumstances, I will be there for my first (and possibly last) Hami raid!
  3. I've been having difficulty finding time to play but I'll stop by every once in awhile if something is going on.
  4. Most depressing news. And such terrible timing...I'm only 2 or 3 tokens from Tier 9!

    Protector was with me during some tough times in life. I've met some incredible people here and made some great friends.

    I'm going to miss you all.
  5. WRider

    RUSH the RIKTI!!

    The frequent occurrences of early GM pulling has gotten ridiculous frankly. I totally understand if someone is just being overzealous but the fact that this has happened every single week we do this leads me to believe that this is intentional.

    Like others have mentioned, hopefully this is just a one off with the GM going completely missing but if not, please for the love of God, someone stop the griefing. Drake gets absolutely nothing out of doing these runs other than a warm fuzzy feeling at helping fellow players get merits/badges/shards. We don't need something that used to work so well ruined because some individuals can't keep their egos in check and don't have respect for their fellow players.
  6. Best of luck to you and your loved ones, Kyo. I apparently have absolutely no pull with "the big guy" but perhaps others will have more luck. *hugs*
  7. That's an awesome idea, Hyper. Kyo can play Angry Charlie!...although I'm not sure what they'd be shooting at.

    Lookin' good, Charlie. Keep us posted.
  8. Sorry to hear about the news, Charlie. I wasn't able to make it last night as I couldn't get to a computer but I was hoping it was going to be some sort of happy announcement. Alas, I see I was wrong.

    Keep fighting the good fight as you already know that attitude is a huge part of any battle such as this. You have my support. Best of luck.
  9. Voted. Best of luck! Just a note, the most recent link didn't go to your profile and it was taking way too long to go through all the entries. The link from post #51 worked like a charm though.
  10. Blargh! I missed it. Maybe I will be in attendance next week hopefully.
  11. I hear ya OD. This has been a most awful year for me for various reasons and I'm glad to be back and seeing the chatter and teaming with both new and familiar names.

    However, unlike OD who promises to be here forever, I might leave on occasion but I'll always come back.
  12. I was not a part of the event but stopped by as a spectator. It really is unfortunate that the turnout was not great. I only play sparsely but even I caught some of the promotional announcements in game. Maybe we just don't really have a new player population? =(
  13. WRider

    Hey All

    Definitely will keep them in my thoughts, Kyo. Don't forget to take care of yourself too.
  14. Best wishes to your son for a speedy recovery. Glad someone or something was looking out for your family.
  15. Happy Birthday Mio...wishing you all the best.
  16. Thank you so much for all the prayers and well wishes. Rest assured that each one meant a lot to me even though I did not reply. I am a stranger to most of you and still you took time to write comforting words so thank you.

    It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that my girlfriend passed away yesterday early in the evening. I was with her at the end along with her mother and brother and her father arrived shortly after. Even though we did not get the ending we hoped, I still love her and miss her.

    We were long time friends but only started dating recently. She was perfect for me though...I could not have hoped for anyone better. If there is one thing that I learned during this is that you have to appreciate the people you love in your life. Let them know what they mean to you...don't wait.

    Take care all,
  17. Hello friends and strangers,

    As a forum lurker and more casual player, I usually keep my head down and myself unheard. However, I have been more scarce than usual due to a very good reason.

    Listeners to KJSR.net will know that I have not been on the air since late October and folks in game have not seen me for several weeks. This is because my girlfriend, who was diagnosed with lymphoma in August and is a childhood cancer survivor, has had progression of her disease and it now seems uncontrollable. We have perhaps one last chance, although hope is scarce.

    My reasons for posting this are perhaps a bit selfish. Protector is my home and I've noticed that it is a tight knit community and I need help. I have been in a dark place for a long time and with this last glimmer of hope fading, we need positive thoughts and prayers and I don't have many places left to turn to.

    While my subscription has not ended, I do not intend on making a return in game for some time. I want to thank everyone at KSJR.net for their support and any others that have offered support. For those that I've teamed with in the past, thank you for your camaraderie.

    I hope to one day return with happier news.

    Please take care all,
  18. D'oh! I won't be able to make it as I have a birthday dinner to attend.
  19. Tentatively signing up with WRider. He's already got the gender flipping down. =P
  20. While I don't personally know you two, I did recognize the names from the channel. Please accept my condolences.
  21. FYI - I'm a no go tonight. Good luck folks!
  22. Sadly, I will be out all Thursday. I'll run it tonight or tomorrow after my show if any teams form up.