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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
    "The special damage to Kheldians from Quantum Array Gun was originally untyped and irresistable, but has since been changed to Negative Energy damage."

    .... whyyy?

    Edit: Also: In that case they really bring nothing. Sorry PBs - can't think of anything else for you...
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
    Post invention system and Going Rogue there was no reason to roll a defender instead of a corruptor. The incarnate trials have changed that. The better Defender buffs are again useful (but only in that part of the game) and can be useful for the entire team and not simply for the squishy blasters.
    I agree that BUFFS are coming into play a lot more in the new content, but I disagree that the fact of a fender's DEBUFFS also being more effective than the corr counterparts wasn't enough reason to roll a fender over a corr in any case.
    It's really always been more of a question what the specific build design goals for the toon in question were if it should've been a fender or a corr.

    Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
    Blasters need a buff, plain and simple. The minor damage advantage blasters hold over corruptors and defenders is nothing compared to the buffs/debuffs corruptors and defenders have.
    If you look purely at the theoretical raw damage output of a blaster it will outdamage a corr, but if you take into account the debuffs most corrs carry along with them and then look at the effective damage the targets of their attacks actually take post-[all factors that impact this] the corr nearly always seems to outdamage the blaster.

    And what does the blaster get in return for this?



    *scratches head*



    Pretty much, I think the blaster's main use was for rolling something Corr-like (or should I say "CorrLite™"?) blueside pre-Going Rogue.
    One thing does need to be said though... pwning mobs like mad when held with new Defiance is awesome. Apart from that: Corr.
  3. Quote:
    Does a Kheldian bring anything to a team?
  4. I think I see two sorts of distinctly different duos mentioned in the replies to this thread and if anyone's planning on going with any suggestions or ideas they should be well aware of this.

    • There's the duos that just play common game content - designed to be playable with just about anything - together. This can possibly be done at any level and is just for the sake of playing with each other, a friend or whatever, for the fun of it - nothing more in terms of ambitions.
    • Then there's the duos that aim to play through content designed only for teams, which is also what the OP mentioned he was inquiring about.
    I will not go as far as saying for the latter category anything melee should be avoided, because I know it can work, but I do feel inclined to say I would think any duo with a melee AT in it would in most (not all, but most) cases be a suboptimal choice when it comes to this.

    You will want to combine as much damage / buff / debuff as you can.
    MMs work although henchmen do have some particular disadvantages here and there as well.
    Corrs, amongst others, are also generally speaking a nice choice for this due to the before-mentioned combination of good damage / buff / debuff they get, plus scourge. Scourge in itself is also really a great tool when it comes to facing tough foes with numbers below what those foes were designed for to be taken on with.

    To illustrate the point in the clearest way I can think of:
    Originally Posted by Deathstroke33 View Post
    My friend and I run a good duo. I'm a Shield/Fire tank, and he is an ElecM/Shield scrapper. The damage output of this team is pretty crazy. We've taken down several GM's. As the tank, I aggro everything, then its Lightning rod, 2 shield charges, and thunderstrike for good measure.
    I would like to see this take on Reichsman...*

    To duo end-game team-oriented content most conveniently you will want to combine damage with at least plenty of buffs or debuffs and ideally both.

    Rads, colds and sonics come to mind as a few most excellent choices to have as at least 1 person on the duo.
    As a rule of thumb most any duo that meets the following criteria should work in most (again - not all, but most) end-game content:
    • Both toons put out good damage.
    • At least one of them has a powerset capable of sufficiently effective debuffing such as - amongst others - the before-mentioned rad, cold or sonic, for instance.
    • The duo is able to cope with large spawns and ambushes of regular mobs either by one of them being able to sustain it all and having some form of taunting / crowd control or both toons being def softcapped either by themselves or with the buffs of their partner.
    It may look like an open door, but the point is I think that generally speaking - aside from all the more specific suggestions that have already been made - most any duo that meets the above 3 criteria will work.

    * Yes I know it's probably possible by means of dumping all sorts of temps (Warburg nukes, Shivs, etc... the usual suspects) on him, but aside from that.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nibb_Nibb View Post
    Well done!

    Also, how do you get that little window with your defensive, recharge, etc stats?
    "Powers" window on your tray --> Combat Attributes --> Right click stuff and hit "Monitor [Stat]".

    Originally Posted by Darej View Post
    Im impressed with the name Sky.
    I've always been jealous of that name...
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    EDIT: Just watched the video, and I do have something more to say. I adore scourge. It amazes me how quickly the last 25% of his health goes down. You can see the speed pick up right at 50%, but once 25% is reached, it's like he's already dead.
    Aside from that it amazed me myself how quick he went down in general tbh - start to finish.
    But as you probably have noticed Sky is a fire/cold so there was some pretty good debuffing going on as well.

    Let me put it this way though: when we started the first run I thought the AVs were going to be a little tedious and the rest should be easy enough.
    However it turned out all AV encounters were much smoother than I had expected and the two trickiest parts - especially after we decided to go for MO - were just the Phalanx and the whole of mission 2.
    The Phalanx is a bit annoying since it's largely a matter of hoping the dices don't roll entirely in your disfavor, but mission 2 was a lot of fun and pretty intense.
  7. A friend asked me what approach we used for Rommy. I said a pretty straight forward approach of running in and pushing buttons in the hope the AV's health would go down and ours wouldn't.
    Then I realized I could upload a recording of that on the first run. This was the run on which we were not going for MO, but to be honest the fight against Rommy went basically the same in all 3 runs.

    Since I've uploaded it now anyway, I figured I may as well post that here too:
    Video of the fight against Rommy
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire_Chief View Post
    Does this mean I can stop shielding (ice/cold Corr) the whole league too??? But seriously maybe the time table is diff for the shields as compared to the SB thang 'cause I always find enough time to do my *snap*crackle*pop* icy goodness 'specially my new judgement powah.
    Ice shields are two, but they last twice as long - 4 minutes.
    SB only last 2 minutes.
    It's the same amount of casts you have to do with the difference that a kin needs to target more.

    If you were to keep your whole league shielded you'd target 23 people once and cast 46 powers every 4 minutes.
    A kin targets 46 people and casts 46 people.
    Plus doing less more often than more less often in itself is already a lot more annoying.
    Personally on a league I keep my team SB'd at best. If I find it needed. If everything dies the second the league comes near it and everyone's stood in the pool of goodness of some cold's heat loss etc I don't even bother.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    No, he definitely had all four of the new slots (you can see Interface on his Buff bar, Judgement and Destiny are recharging on his power bar and he's got a pet window with the Lore pets on it). The other player also had at least Interface.

    But still very impressive.
    Yup, I was running tier 3 alpha, interface, lore and destiny and tier 4 judgement.
    Can't say I actually used them whenever they were available, but they were used a few times.

    Only (apart from alpha ofcourse) the Interface has been a huge help throughout the whole thing since I slotted the tier 3 one that has 100% chance to do -5% tohit and Ice Storm and Blizzard do 5 ticks per second making it cap in .8 second generally.
  10. ... or something.

    This morning I was thinking "What new challenge can I come up with for today with all these shiney i20 toys that will result in having some good fun for another day?".

    In the past I've done quite some soloing TFs, but it gets a bit boring and tedious at some point. The obvious answer to the question how I could make it more fun was by doing it with someone who IS fun - thus the duo run.
    Next issue; if we were to see what we could do as a team against romans (yes, yes, romans are always the ideal testcase to give something a whirl you haven't done before) we would need some sort of challenge.
    Killing romans is not a challenge. Killing romans on +4x8 is not a challenge either. Buff and debuff challenge options - another time maybe. Time was an option. We could see how quick we could do it.
    The idea was born.
    We went for it and the result was 50 minutes and 1 second of running right across romans like madmen.
    We did this on +0x8 as to still have regular size spawns.

    Video of the fight against Rommy at the end (viewing in 720p mode to make it look _somewhat_ decent recommended)

    What surprised us both was how smooth the whole thing went and thus I suggested going again for MO.
    The first attempt failed as I got bombarded by Phalanx robots which for obscure reasons ALL decided to roll numbers allowing them to hit me. Even with orange insps up and popping greens as it happened I died near instantly.
    The final result was 58:41 and 1 death:

    We decided that was bad luck and thus we would give it one more try for the day.
    The result: success.
    Two corrs getting MO ITF on +0x8 in JUST under an hour:

    All in all it was some GREAT fun. Especially things like the whole second mission, working through the generals on mission 3 and clearing towers on mission 4 became very interesting with the knowledge we were going for MO. There were some very intense moments, but it was a fun experience and that's really all I was after.

    Also, doing it with 1 person you know knows what he's doing can be a lot more fun than with many a full team.

    I suspect I'll be doing more along these lines in the near future.

    Edit: A while after this post the time has been brought further down...
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mystel View Post
    RV pillbox/PvP
    That's all?

    Looks pretty vague to me. What's the actual idea of this? As in what are we going to be doing exactly?
    Or do you mean standard PvP as RV with everything in it was designed for only called an "event" because hardly anyone on Defiant PvPs normally?
  12. Wintry

    I miss the days

    Agreed, lol. Trying after 111 minutes to no avail... guess I'll wait those 9 out... and still hope for the best.

    Edit: Able to login after 112, guess my timing wasn't that bad after all.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    You! (add your name to this thread and let's see how much you raise!)
    I can't add myself!

    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    Tri, I'd suggest deciding what you as the Auctionee is most comfortable with. I will be putting my (@Riff) up for auction and then fit in with whoever wins as far as I'm able, so it depends on how you feel. If it's a character then fine or if you want to give us a list equally good.
    Well... considering this...
    Originally Posted by SinergyX_NA View Post
    I dont mind to 'auction' someone who can run with me through missions, got toooo many alts that would like a few missions, but either cant handle much solo (squishy) or cant be killed but cant kill either (tanks :P).
    It's simply useless to people who approach it from this angle to have only a global name. A global name isn't gonna tell anyone if what they get can do what they want.

    So I'll mention a few that I like playing atm and would prefer to play for this too.
    Bear in mind that although for some I might add it specifically as they stand out for it all of these toons are fairly to very resiliant (as they're fairly to very good soloers, but that specifically doesn't matter as much here).
    • Ciara Delilah - MA/SR Stalker, excellent soloer in almost any content bar TFs.
    • Twilight Shield - Shield/Dark Tanker, not much to be said... It tanks, a lot.
    • Mizz Behavior - SS/Invul Brute, a step down in survivability on most content from the tanker, but this actually puts out damage too.
    • Sorceress Ultimecia - Ill/Storm Controller, makes chaos - good for laughs and still handles heaps (perma-Hasten, perma-PA).
    • Glimmerwing - Ill/Rad Controller, does what an ill/rad does... heals a bit, debuffs, hides behind pets (perma-Hasten, perma-AM, perma-IW, perma-PA).
    • Miss Melody - Sonic/Sonic Corruptor, it buffs, it debuffs and it hits.
    • Wintry Motion - Ice/Kin Corruptor, uhm... SB? It also spreads lot of destruction, though.
    If you want me to use a particular other toon I have... well, you better know its name already.

    Please note all characters are BLUE SIDE.
  14. Wintry

    issue20 tuesday?

    Originally Posted by Tylerst View Post
    Some think so due to this line from the initial announcement.

    Which could simply mean multiple NCSoft servers, but I don't think any dev/com rep has confirmed it one way or the other.
    If it were to use torrent like technology then a direction connection should be established between player A's PC and player B's PC. Regardless of who connects to who there will mostly be the same issues because near everyone here will be dealing with NAT.
    I don't know about others, but I don't do things like UPnP whilst on the other hand I do maintain strict firewall policies, so I don't even have to look at it to be able to tell you that - regardless of technology used or if my launcher is running or not - no one is downloading from here.

    What does this matter? In itself not much. But it does illustrate why if there were such a thing as torrent like technology involved NCsoft/Paragon Studios had better tell us so we can actually do something to make it useful from our end.

    For this reason, I will assume there's no such thing in play.

    Edit: Also the launcher provides no port range options or anything such to allowing inbound connections on which technically isn't necessary for it to work (user interface elements are never necessary), but without that I wouldn't even make it work for others if it did turn out to be something like this.
    It's fairly safe to state even without monitoring network traffic this launcher does not use anything like an approach similar to torrents.

    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    What do you people do for a living?
    Network and application engineering / development.
  15. Wintry

    6 hours downtime

    Originally Posted by Elimist View Post
    Griefing all the WTF's by spawning zombies during their crey hunts is funny enough for an april fools I think.
    That kinda ticked me off. The first time it was funny, but that happened several times in a row to me every time starting just as we the team got to that hunt - it got well annoying by the third or so time to have to conclude it was happening again, park by a police drone and head off a while to sit it out.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    However you ask a very good question and one we'd not thought about. So maybe we should make it clear if you're bidding for the Character or the Player
    Should auctionees list characters to pick from then? Since people can't make it clear if they're bidding on a specific character if they don't know which characters they can bid on...
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr Scythe View Post
    I got my first purple recipe worth 500 million which is a hundred million more than the money I have earned in the three years I have played.
    In 3 years?
    In 3 years you would get way more than 400m in pure inf rewards from mob defeats alone...
    You're kidding, right?
  18. Wintry

    6 hours downtime

    Originally Posted by Drexyl View Post
    They probably just wanted a quiet day in Atlas Park without having to listen to "Lowbie LFF" or "54/8 farm lfm, 10 mil per run." lol
    .... what?
    Are US servers that tainted?
  19. Wintry

    6 hours downtime

    Originally Posted by Drexyl View Post
    Just tried to get on Freedom and it's still down. Not sure what servers you're referring to here.
    EU servers are up, but currently accepting NCsoft/Paragon personnel only.
  20. Wintry

    6 hours downtime

    Originally Posted by Elimist View Post
    I agree with Drexl. Give us sybil robes or statesman's cape
    An arm and a leg for this actually.
  21. Wintry

    6 hours downtime

    Hmm, EU side Union is online, Defiant not yet.
  22. Wintry

    6 hours downtime

    Originally Posted by Elimist View Post
    Everything in the game is a wuss!! Cuz the devs listen to the majority and make us feel awesome and powerful, that way a silly cat girl RPer can feel tough because she can beat up statesman.
    All true sadly.

    Originally Posted by Elimist View Post
    I'm talking Canon here. Statesman can and will beat you up, as will Recluse.
    But that isn't.
    Correction: States and Recluse will beat the before-mentioned silly cat girl RPer up. Others are above those two.
  23. Wintry

    6 hours downtime

    Originally Posted by Elimist View Post
    That and Statesman is American and can beat you up.
    Are you kidding?
    States is a wuss.

    Originally Posted by Bird View Post
    A couple og the North American servers are now showing as unknown. SO it shouldn't be too long (fingers crossed).
    45 more minutes according to the ETR...
  24. Wintry

    6 hours downtime

    Originally Posted by Drexyl View Post
    Doesn't it make sense though for a game created and operated in North America to schedule maintenance times appropriate for that time zone? I understand the frustrations of the EU players, but you did know when you bought the game that it was created and operated in NA, so you could safely assume that all maintenance times would favor that particular time zone, right?
    All considering, the ultimate and only reason for this is that a superhero / supervillain concept in general is much more popular in the US than in the EU.
    That's what it all boils down to.
    If europeans on average would be less like "Heh... meh... bit too flashy kiddy for my liking - I'll take Battlefield 3 or maybe Rift if I really must play an MMO." it wouldn't be this way, but alas, that is the case.
    Not all concept are equally popular in each part of the world.

    Take Lara Croft, doesn't reach the east at all because eastern cultures generally are literally put off by her appearance. It doesn't match the eastern beauty ideals.

    Each game its own place(s)...