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  1. Is it just me, or have deviantART notes been disabled? I can't find anywhere to send one to a certain someone
  2. _BAS_


    [ QUOTE ]
    Get a Canon one!


    Because my dad works for them, that's why!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Only if you pirate your Photoshop CS for me! >_> *scampers*
  3. _BAS_

    Costume help

    You could try a 'Suped-Up' version...

    Spikey hair, glowing eyes, a long cape, with an over-shoulder-mantle. Add some accent colors, like a gold.. Give him a more complex costume, with more detailed patterns or pieces.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Color me jaded but when a message board is filled with this 14 year-old attention starved trite, it makes me remember why I normally stick to the Dev Digest and stay far away to most other parts of this forum.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Okay, pal, there are a lot less mature adults out there than some kids... Now I know that you probably know that, but could we please not stick to stereotypes?
  5. LOL, *pew pew* Hahaha *hides in the corner* LOLOLOL!!!!1111eleventy.

    (( Congrats, Juggy Can't wait to see what this looks like, Alpha! ^__^ ))
  6. Aaron123 asked me if I could post a progression of how I work. So, I decided to do that with my latest piece of Tundara. I show you in 4 steps how I get a finished product. Enjoy, and I would love to hear your critiques

    Tundara Progression

    View the finished version here: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showf...=1#Post9699779
  7. The Queue
    -Updated 11.26.07-

    1. Aqauian Dracomun [color=#FF9900]*~*Finished*~*

    2. Algon

    3. Mr. Chisoku

    4. Teldon

    5. LadyLiberty

    6. Plasmastream
    <ul type="square">[*] b.[*] c.[*] d.[/list]7. Jala
    <ul type="square">[*] b.[*] c.[*] d. [/list]8. Tundara [color=#FF9900]*~*Finished*~*

    9. Sungryphon Group Pic + CBRXX Blackbird
    <ul type="square">[*] Group Pic – Work In Progress[/list]10. Felis

    11. Tashalia – Biography

    12. Frosty Femme

    13. Plasma Warrior

    14. Green Mongoose – Biography

    15. Fallen Skye
    <ul type="square">[*]b.[/list]16. Kyuui Jisan [color=#FF9900]*~*Finished*~*

    17. FallenDarkness <ul type="square">[*]b.
    [*]c.[/list]18. War Patriot

    19. Igniitus

    20. Mouse Police

    21. IceEmBaby

    22. @Moggy

    23. Blade of Canada

    24. Thor's Assassin

    [color=#48A4FF]Please note: The queue will always be open for more requests. There is no stopping point, so keep on requesting. One request/person/month, please.

    Also note: Words in yellow are links. You can click on them to view WIPs or Works In Progress
  8. _BAS_


    Thanks guys! I'm thinking of getting this one, after looking at the Canon LIDE 90 Color Scanner... Its small, yet looks high-quality
  9. _BAS_


    With the holidays fast approaching, I was thinking of buying a new scanner.. Mine is pretty bad. What do you guys use and what do you recommend (or not recommend, for that matter)

  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Not sure if I like the hair color, but I wanted to try something different

    Hope you like MISTER MAJESTY

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow BAS! Pretty nice design! Thanks for doing it!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I'm glad you like it You will want to change the height and stuff, as I did this on my faerie-controller, who is a shorty ;P
  11. Not sure if I like the hair color, but I wanted to try something different

    Hope you like MISTER MAJESTY
  12. Hey Mr. Majesty, I'll think something up It should be here by the end of the day.. I have a lot of things going on today
  13. Sometimes, Photobucket takes FOREVER for me, and the way I'm set up, if a page takes too long, it just times out and stops trying ot load it
  14. <ul type="square">[*]Use ze sliders!!![/list]
  15. _BAS_


    I dunno, I've seen way way way more offtopic threads than this. Such as that wierd dancing video that got imported from the PWNZ forum.

    If I can get henchmen customization, my Blue Beret guy will have classier soldiers, not the modern looking ones we have now.

    Lol, amazing
  17. The Queue
    -Updated 10.6.07-

    1. Aqauian Dracomun [color=#FF9900]*~*Finished*~*

    2. Algon

    3. Mr. Chisoku

    4. Teldon

    5. LadyLiberty

    6. Plasmastream
    <ul type="square">[*] b.[*] c.[*] d.[/list]7. Jala
    <ul type="square">[*] b.[*] c.[*] d. [/list]8. Tundara

    9. Sungryphon Group Pic + CBRXX Blackbird
    <ul type="square">[*] Group Pic – Work In Progress[/list]10. Felis

    11. Tashalia – Biography

    12. Frosty Femme

    13. Plasma Warrior

    14. Green Mongoose – Biography

    15. Fallen Skye
    <ul type="square">[*]b.[/list]16. Kyuui Jisan [color=#FF9900]*~*Finished*~*

    17. FallenDarkness <ul type="square">[*]b.
    [*]c.[/list]18. War Patriot

    19. Igniitus

    20. Mouse Police

    21. IceEmBaby

    22. @Moggy

    23. Blade of Canada

    24. Thor's Assassin

    [color=#48A4FF]Please note: The queue will always be open for more requests. There is no stopping point, so keep on requesting. One request/person/month, please.

    Also note: Words in yellow are links. You can click on them to view WIPs or Works In Progress

    [/ QUOTE ]
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    I think that if you commission MMOArt Studio, you get whoever Gill has on deck for your piece, depending on the style you've requested.

    But if you commission MMOArt... you get Gill.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ah, ok, so since I ordered the commission from MMOArt, even before Studio was made, I may get it slower cuz there's only 1 artist, but I get it from Jamaro.. Ok, thanks Soul!
  19. _BAS_

    CSS Help

    [ QUOTE ]
    BAS is yo man...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh, thanks LJ ^^'

    If your still looking for help, just PM me with any questions and I'll try to figure it out.
  20. Thought I'd post this here, since someone else may have the same question, or someone besides Jamaro knows the answer so I don't have to bother him or his wife..

    So with these new artists that Gill has hired for MMOArt Studio, is it up to them who does your piece? Or can we still request that Jamaro does the piece?
  21. Yeah, this is one of the new artists Jamaro hired

    Great piece, grats Muad!
  22. And with dual pistols, some of them have laser sights on them that you can change the color of ^^