Scrae Does Pocket-D
I'm not sure what I just saw... D:
What has been seen, cannot be unseen! ^_^ Even if it isn't understood >_> Understandable, though, considering how late we stayed up playing with that, I'm sure we didn't need to use the whole song. But we become manic when we are tired, so we just kept going ; )
Thanks for watching it though ^_^
I can see forever 0.0
I especially giggled at the Eidolon. And the end.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
I especially giggled at the Eidolon. And the end.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hah! And my sister doubted the part with the Eidolon ^_^ Success! Glad you enjoyed ^_^
I can see forever 0.0
i like the end, looks like how my evenings usually end at Pocket D, lol
Lol, amazing
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
and btw.. thank you tank you thank you for using veoh instead of youtube
I can't get youtube at work
Meep! Well I am glad people are enjoying the video for the most part ; ) I'll just have to assume all the other people who watched it and didn't comment fell comatose 30 seconds in >_>
I can see forever 0.0
Well, my sister was over today, and that's about the only time we break out her demon character Scrae. He is what you might call...a creature of ambiguous orientation >_> Any way, we had way too much fun putting this video together, so let us know what you think...especially if you make it all the way through ^_^
Scrae Does Pocket-D
I can see forever 0.0